外研版(一年级起点)六年级下册M5U1 He is playing the suonabut the telephone rings. 课件.ppt

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外研版(一年级起点)六年级下册M5U1 He is playing the suonabut the telephone rings. 课件.ppt_第1页
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外研版(一年级起点)六年级下册M5U1 He is playing the suonabut the telephone rings. 课件.ppt_第2页
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外研版(一年级起点)六年级下册M5U1 He is playing the suonabut the telephone rings. 课件.ppt_第3页
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外研版(一年级起点)六年级下册M5U1 He is playing the suonabut the telephone rings. 课件.ppt_第4页
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外研版(一年级起点)六年级下册M5U1 He is playing the suonabut the telephone rings. 课件.ppt_第5页
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1、What is Tom doing?Tom is crying.What is the dog doing?The dog is barking.Watch and answer.Tom is crying.The dog is barking.artarmcarcarddarkfarfarmgardenguitarhardparkpartpartyWatch and answer.英音/a:/美音/ar/Watch and answer.bellselltell ellThe bell is _.ringingTask-presentation.TaskTask: Do you have t

2、he same experience? When you are doing something, but another thing happens. How to describe this situation at that time in English? ( (我们都有正在做一件事,突然被另外一件事打断的经历。今我们都有正在做一件事,突然被另外一件事打断的经历。今天,我们就来学习如何用英语来描述当时的场景。天,我们就来学习如何用英语来描述当时的场景。) ) Lets learn M5U1 He is playing the suona, but the telephone rings

3、. Then we will talk about our similar experiences.Look and answer.1.What are people doing?They are having a birthday party.2. Whose birthday party is it?3.What is Daming doing?Damings.He is playing the suona.Traditional instrument(乐器)乐器) in China.Watch and answer.How many times(次数次数) does Daming sto

4、p playing the suona?Listen and answer.1. What happens when(当(当时候)时候) Daming is playing the suona?2.What is Daming and everyone doing when the bell rings?3.Why does everyone say Simons dog is very clever?He is_, but the telephone_.playing the suonarings1. What happens when(当(当时候)时候) Daming is playing

5、 the suona?He is _his favourite song and everyone is _and_.More friends arrive.The bell rings.playinglisteningclapping2.What is Daming and everyone doing when the bell rings?The dog _and _with the suona.is barking dancing3.Why does everyone say Simons dog is very clever?If(假如)假如) you are Daming. You

6、 are playing the suona. But you stop again and again. How do you feel? Why?angryunhappyWhat an optimistic boy! 积极乐观的积极乐观的 When something bad happens, learn to accept it with your smile. You will be happier! 当不如意的事情发生的时候,学会笑着接纳它,你会更加幸福、快乐! 朗读课文评价标准朗读课文评价标准发音清楚,读音准确,发音清楚,读音准确,语调达意。语调达意。 Good发音清楚,读音准确,

7、发音清楚,读音准确,语调达意,声音洪亮。语调达意,声音洪亮。Very good发音清楚,读音准确,发音清楚,读音准确,语调达意,声音洪亮,语调达意,声音洪亮,句子流畅,语调优美。句子流畅,语调优美。FantasticPractice reading.复述课文评价标准复述课文评价标准发音清楚,语调达意,发音清楚,语调达意,描述准确。描述准确。 Good发音清楚,语调达意,发音清楚,语调达意,描述准确,声音洪亮。描述准确,声音洪亮。Very good发音清楚,语调达意,发音清楚,语调达意,描述准确,声音洪亮,描述准确,声音洪亮,句子流畅,语调优美。句子流畅,语调优美。FantasticTry to

8、 retell.the telephone rings.Daming is playing the suona,but现在进行时态现在进行时态一般现在时一般现在时当某人正在做某事当某人正在做某事的时候,的时候,另一件事情突然发生另一件事情突然发生Try to summarize(总结总结). 当一件事情正在发生,另一件事情突然发当一件事情正在发生,另一件事情突然发生,打断了前面做的事情,像这种情况,句生,打断了前面做的事情,像这种情况,句子表述的前半部分用子表述的前半部分用现在进行时现在进行时,后半部分,后半部分一般现在时(动词原形或动词单三形式)一般现在时(动词原形或动词单三形式)。Look

9、 and say.Daming _the suona, but the telephone_. is playingringsDaming _his favourite song and everyone_, but the bell_. is playingis listening and clappingringsShes doing her homework,but_.he plays his fluteRead and answer. A messy class Its an English class. Im reading, the students are listening t

10、o me, but a bird flies into the classroom. I stop and we help the bird flies away. Then I go on my reading. The students are listening to me again, but the headmaster(校长)comes in with a new student. He is from Dalian. The students are clapping for his coming, but the bell rings. The class is over. What a messy class! ingingfliesingcomesingringsWriting. We will have a foreign teacher(外教外教) next term. She wants to know something about our New Years day party. Lets send an email to her. Now lets come back to our New Years day party.the bell ringssinging a song


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