2021年广州七 九年级英语中考一模英语试题.pdf

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1、2020-2021 学年七中第二学期初三阶段(一)测试英语试题一、语法选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)If you were ninety years old,what would you plan to do?1people want to have new challenges(挑战)2that age. However,an old man3Jing Kui did something4surprised a lot of people.As a man of. 93, he met a challenge. One day,5film director came

2、to him and asked6he wanted to actin his movie. “What can I do in the movie?” asked the old man.“You7barber(理发师) in the past 50 years. I believe youre the right man for my movie The Barber.”The old man read the script(剧本) before accepting the invitation.8he knew the story well,he still needed tokeep

3、all the words in mind9how big the challenge was! He finally made it and took home a silver cup for a specialacting prize. The movie also11both national and international prizes.Jing became a barber when he was young. He loved the job, so he worked hard11a better one. In his eighties,he was still doi

4、ng the same job. That was why he12by the film director.While the film was being made, the director had his worries because he didnt know whether Mr. Jing13keepit going. At last, when the filming was done, the director was really pleased. Jing14solved all his problems! NowJing set a world record as b

5、eing a15actor star who had never acted before.1.A. FewB. LittleC.FewD.Alittle2.A.inB. fromC .atD. of3.A. was namedB. nameC. was namingD.named4.A.thatB./C. whichD.what5.A.theB. anC. aD./6.A.howB.whyC. ifD.what7.A. had beenB. areC. wereD. have been8.A.UnlessB.ThoughC. BecauseD.Until9.A. soB. becauseC.

6、butD.yet10.A. will winB. winsC. wonD.win11.A. to beB.beC.beingD.been12.A. inviteB. was invitedC.invitingD.was inviting13.A. mustB. shouldC. couldD. may14.A. successB. successfullyC. succeededD. successful15.A.93-year-oldB. 93 years oldC.93 years-oldD.93-years-old二、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)Scient

7、ists discovered that animals who live in groups such as elephants,foxes and wolves are especially likely tofollow rules. If they dont and each does its own thing, the group might be16. Group members would then beforced to live alone and theyd have a17time hunting and raising their young. In a way we

8、 could say animals haveselfish reasons to18, that is, its in their own19to do so. But sometimes these same animals go out of theirway to do whats right even though there is nothing in it for them.Take Sniff, the African chimpanzee, as an example. When this young and20animal, who always avoidedpeople

9、, saw a hungry local villager trying to knock some fruit from a tree with a stick to get a meal, Sniff took a(n)21. He picked up an armload of fruits, swung22down from the tree-tops and handed them to the amazedvillager.And then there is the story of Tobie the generous cat who would always23her dinn

10、er with the hungry dogthat lived next door.Scientist Mark Benson says, Nobody is sure why some24act this way. It might simply feel good to be just asit does for humans.16.A. broken downB. torn apartC. took awayD. sent away17.A.shorterB.freeC. harderD. great18.A. freeB. leaveC.connectD. unite19.A. in

11、terestB. advantageC. reasonD. assistance20.A. friendlyB. wildC.shyD. powerful21.A. riskB. orderC.restD.chance22.A. generouslyB. hungrilyC. usuallyD. Quickly23.A.helpB.shareC.laughD.give24.A. villagersB. scientistsC. chimpanzeesD. animals25.A. selfishB.kindC.calmD.honest三、阅读(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节阅读理解(共 15

12、小题:每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)(A)Everyone knows that there are people who can keep secrets and people who cant. There are people who can keepthings to themselves until the day they die and people whose mouth often open like a door.I have a granddaughter who, try as she could, just cant keep secret. Take my rec

13、ent birthday, for example.I know it is going to be your birthday soon,she said with a naughty smile. How old are you going to be?How old do you think I am going to be?“22. Thats pretty old.”Youre close. I am actually going to be 23.“Whoa,”she said drawing the out to make bigger impact(影响).My mum sai

14、d she would take me shopping because I wanted to buy you a present myself and I did.And with that,it began. I knew it was just a matter a time before she ruined the surprise.ten, nine, eight. it seemedlike she was about to explode(爆发).Mum took me to Stein Mart! Seven, six, five. she jumped out of he

15、r chair with excitement.I dont want to know what you bought. I said.Oh, yes you do! My granddaughter is like a mind reader, but I cant tell her that.“ You like turquoise(绿松石). I know you do.She was hopping(跳) from foot to foot,spinning in circles,her voicerising higher. Four,three,two.You dont want

16、to know if I got you a necklace.”No!OK, I wont tell you.She sat down and began to draw. She drew semicircle(半圆) with the turquoise shapes bordering it on one side andthen smiling from ear to ear,held the drawing up to her chest.I think I am going to like it,” I said.When her mom picked her up, she i

17、mmediately admitted to telling the secret. She said that her stomach had hurtbecause the secret needed to come out. Isnt that how it always happens? Its not your fault It is the secrets fault.On my birthday,unwrapped(拆开包装) the colour paper inside the gift bag and pulled out a lovely turquoisenecklac

18、e. It was very similar to the drawing Id seen the day before.The kid may never have career in espionage(间谍行为),but she surely has a future in art.26. What can we know about the authors granddaughter?A. She wanted to ruin the authors birthday.B. She was very worried that the author wouldnt like the gi

19、ft.C. She wanted to tell the author about the gift because she was proud of it.D. She was advised by her mother to buy a necklace for the author.27. What does the underlined word it in paragraph 9 refer to?A. How the shopping trip went.B. The granddaughter giving away the secret.C. The author trying

20、 to find out about the gift.D. The granddaughter explaining how she chose the gift.28. What was the authors purpose by counting down?A. To describe how naughty her granddaughter was.B. To show how much she wanted to know what the gift was.C. To describe how impatient she was with her grandmother.D.

21、To show her granddaughter told the secret as quickly as she expected29. When she received the gift, the author.A. found that her granddaughter had drawn it very well.B. was disappointed about learning about the gift too early.C. was annoyed at her granddaughter for letting out the secret.D. found he

22、r granddaughter was sorry for telling her the secret.(B)Before he sailed round the world alone, Francis Chichester had already surprised his friends several times. He hadtried to fly round the world but failed. That was in1931.The years passed. He gave up flying and began sailing. He enjoyed it grea

23、tly. Chichester was already 58 years oldwhen he won the first solo transatlantic sailing race. His old dream of going round the world came back, but this time hewould sail. His friends and doctors did not think he could do it, as he had lung cancer.But Chichester was determined tocarry out his plan.

24、 In August 1966, at the age of nearly 65, an age when many men retire he began the greatest voyage ofhis life.Chichester covered14100 miles before stopping in Sydney, stralia. This was more than twice the distance anyonehad previously sailed alone. He arrived in Australia on 12 December, just 107 da

25、ys out from England. He received awarm welcome from the Australians and from his family who had flown there to meet him. On shore, Chichester couldnot walk without help. Everybody said the same thing: he had done enough; he must not go any further. But he did notlisten.After resting in Sydney for a

26、few weeks,Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends attempts to dissuade(劝阻)him. The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part,during which he sailed round the treacherousCape Hom succeeding in sailing round Cape Horn,Chichester sent the following radio message to Londo

27、n: I feel as if Ihad wakened from a nightmare. Wild horses could not drag me down to Cape Horn and that sinister Southern Oceanagain.Just before 9 oclock on Sunday evening 28 May 1967,he arrived back in England,where a quarter of a millionpeople were waiting to welcome him. Queen Elizabeth II knight

28、ed(授以爵位) him with the very sword that QueenElizabeth had used almost 400 years earlier to knight Sir Francis Drake after he had sailed round the world for the firsttime. The whole voyage from England and back had covered 28,500 miles. It had taken him nine months,of which thesailing time was 226 day

29、s. He had done what he wanted to accomplish.30. What can we learn about Chichester?A. He faiied the solo transatlantic sailing race in 1959.B. He was a brave and determined man.C. The second half of his voyage was not as dangerous as the first half.D. The radio message expressed his concern about th

30、e sailing.31. What did Queen Elizabeth II do after Chichester arrived back in England?A. She called on the English to learn from him.B. She was waiting to congratulate on his success in sailing.C. She thought poorly of his achievements.D. She knighted him for praising him.32. We can infer from the t

31、ext that.A.anyone who had sailed alone traveled less than 7050 miles before 1966.B. Chichester sailed round the Atlantic in 1931.C. most of the English retire at the age of 65.D. Chichester died of lung cancer in 1967 after he went back to England.(C)When it comes to making healthy lifestyle changes

32、, which should come first changing your diet or becoming morephysically active?Previous studies suggested that providing people with too much information about nutrition and physical activity atonce tends to be discouraging. That has led to the popularity of advising people to make changes gradually

33、, and setsmaller goals.So the scientists divided 200 inactive participants who were aged 45 or older into four groups. One group wasinstructed about making diet and fitness changes at the same time, the second group was taught about diet changes first,then fitness changes four months later, the thir

34、d group changed their exercise habits first and made changes in their eatinghabits four months later, and the final, control group was not instructed about either diet or fitness changes but about howto manage their stress.The researchers tracked(跟踪) the groups for full year. Compared to the control

35、 group, the three interventiongroups made healthy changes in their diet. Those who changed their fitness habits first significantly increased the amountof exercise they received daily compared to the other groups after four months. However, at the end of the year, thegroup that changed both diet and

36、 exercise at the same time was the only one that met the nationally recommended targetsfor both exercise and nutrition levels, while those who worked on improving their nutrition first were unable to meet therecommended levels of fitness after a year. The researchers suspect that changes to diet are

37、 easier to make than changes tophysical activity.The findings show, however, that pairing diet and exercise changes may help to overcome some of the barrierspeople face in adding more physical activity into their lives. If people change diet and exercise orderly, the scientists say,they may end up p

38、lacing more importance on the first set of behavior changes and feel less pressured to address thesecond set.33. The advice mentioned in the second paragraph seemed.A. popularB. dangerous C. scientific D. unsatisfactory34. Which group made progress earlier than other groups in increasing the amount

39、of daily exercise?A. The first group.B. The second group.C. The third group.D. The control group.35. The reason why those improving their nutrition first failed to meet the levels of fitness after a year might be that.A. they might be very crazy.B. they wouldnt like to change their behaviour.C. it i

40、s much harder to change physical activity.D. they might put on weight before changing their physical activity.36. Which of the following does the author probably approve of?A.Pairing diet and exercise changes.B. Becoming more physically active first.C. Changing diet and exercise following a fixed or

41、der.D.Changing diet first and placing more importance on it.(D)The digital media(数字媒体) summer camp is great chance for students aged 7to 18 to have STEM courses.Students can learn to build an app,program robot,or explore (探索) the world of music production. STEM courses willalso help students create,

42、 learn teamwork and solve problems.Students will learn from our teachers who have been employed for both their teaching experience and richknowledge in their fields. Besides making new friends, students will leave with amazing final projects and lastingmemories.Time: August 1st-August 31stDaily Sche

43、dule:8:30a.m.10:00a.m.Hands on STEM Instruction10:30a.m.12:00p.m.Continued Instruction Creation12:00p.m.1:30p.m.Lunch Break1:30p.m.3:00p.m.Robots Programming3:30p.m.4:30p.m.Music Appreciation(鉴赏)Saturday Open House:At 3: 30 p. m. every Saturday, parents are invited to our Open House. Students can sh

44、ow the projects they have beenworking on. Their parents can meet the teachers and explore more chances for their children to continue learning andcreating.If you are interested in it, please contact us at 020-83831234.37. The digital media summer camp can help students.A. keep healthyB. learn a fore

45、ign languageC. improve their writing abilityD. develop STEM knowledge38. Which word can best describe the teachers of the summer camp?A. Experienced.B. Humorous.C. Young.D. Strict.39. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Parents can be invited to see their kids projects.B. Students will

46、leave the camp with amazing final projects.C Students lunch break lasts for two hours.D. Students can learn to program a robot in the summer camp.40. We can see that this passage is.A. a travel planB. a piece of adviceC. a sports reportD. an advertisement第二节阅读填空(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)阅读短文及文后选项,选出可以填

47、入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡 41-45 的题号上将该项涂黑。Are you truly happy? Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness?41.The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your mood will be

48、better if you are going aftersomething you value.Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people whothink that way.42When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self-pity. Truly happy peopledont al

49、low setbacks to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstancesback to their favour.43These few minutes will give you the chance to focus on the positive things in your life and will leadyou to continuous happiness.44Whether you treat yourself to lunch

50、take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes onyour appearance,you will be subconsciously(下意识地) putting yourself in better mood.Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. Find a way to make light of a situation that wouldotherwise make you happy.Keeping healthy is


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