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1、高考英语词类辨析练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 81.Achieving a high degree of proficiency in English as a foreign language is not a mysterious _without scientific basis.A.processB.practiceC.procedureD.program82.I must go now._, if you want that book Ill bring it next time.A.IncidentallyB.AccidentallyC.OccasionallyD.Subsequen

2、tly83.A completely new situation is likely to _ when the school leaving age is raised to 16.A.arouseB.riseC.ariseD.abide84.The illness from which Mary is suffering has now been _ as hepatitis (肝炎).A.diagnosedB.determinedC.deducedD.discovered85.These continual _ in temperature make it impossible to d

3、ecide what to wear.A.alterationsB.vibrationsC.wavesD.fluctuations86.All foreign visitors are requested to _ with the regulations in this area.A.agreeB.complyC.consentD.conform87.Thomas Edison considered genius to be _ one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.A.composed ofB.const

4、ituted inC.consisted ofD.comprised in88.Although Lucy was slimming, she found cream cakes quite _.A.irregularB.inevitableC.incredibleD.irresistible89.In order to _ the rising production costs, the subscription rates have been increased.A.add up toB.look up toC.cut shortD.keep up with90.Your essay is

5、 quite good: just _ it _ with a few illustrations and quotations.A.put .upB.touch .upC.cut .outD.write .off91.I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _ when judging my examination.A.regardB.accountC.thoughtD.observation92.There are three basic ways of _ language to writing, and all known

6、graphic systems use one or a combination of these.A.committingB.attachingC.comparingD.relating93.Roses are quite _ flowers in English gardens.A.ordinaryB.commonC.usualD.general94.American women were _ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.A.ignoredB.refusedC.neglectedD.denie

7、d95.On turning the corner, we saw the road _ steeply.A.departingB.decreasingC.descendingD.depressing附:参考答案81.答案A.process.注释process(=connected series of actions, or series of operations)过程:By what process is cloth made form wool?经过什么过程羊毛织成呢料?practice (=the doing of something of, performance or repeat

8、ed exercise, etc.)实习,练习;开业: She is doing her practice at the piano.她在练习弹钢琴。procedure (=the regular order of doing things)程序:the usual procedure at a meeting开会的通常程序program (=plan of what is to be done or list of items or events)课程,计划,大纲:What is the program for tomorrow?明天上什么课?82.答案 A.Incidentally.注释

9、incidentally(=by the way)附带地,顺便:Fred said, incidentally, that he had no dinner.顺便提一下,福来德那时说,他还没吃晚饭。accidentally(=by chance)偶然地:I met with an old friend of mine accidentally last week.上星期我偶然碰到一位老朋友。occasionally (=from time to time, not regularly)不时地,偶尔:We get visitors here occasionally.我们偶尔在此接游客。subs

10、equently (=afterwards, later)At first we thought we would go; but subsequently we learned we were needed at home.起初,我们想离开;但随后我们得知家里需要我们。83.答案C.arise.注释arise =come into being, appear, happen产生,发生:Difficulties will arise as we do the work.我们做这项工作时将会发生困难。arouse唤起,激起,唤醒;rise上升;abide (by)遵守。本题译文:当中学毕业年龄上

11、升到16岁时,很可能产生完全新的情况。84.答案 A.diagnosed.注释 diagnose.as把.诊断为.。本题译文:玛丽的病现已诊断为肝炎。85.答案 D.fluctuations.注释fluctuations波动;waves波浪;alterations(部分)改变,变更;vibrations(物理学上)振动。86.答案 B.comply.注释 comply with(=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule, etc.)遵守:People who refuse to comply with the law will be punis

12、hed.拒绝遵守法律者将受到惩罚。conform(to)使一致,符合;conform to rules符合规则;conform to the customs of society(遵从社会习俗);consent to同意,赞同;consent to a plan(赞同计划)。87.答案A.composed of.注释be composed of由.组成。Consist of由.组成,是不及物动词,不能用被动语态,故不合题意。88.答案 D.irresistible注释irresistible不可抵抗的,诱人的,I had an irresistible desire to run away.I

13、 cant refuse this offer; it is irresistible.irregular不规律的,不合规则的:The trains from here are irregular.这里发的火车是不规律的。These procedures are highly irregular.这些程序是非常不合规矩的。incredible不可避免的,不可信的:Old superstitions are incredible to educated people.旧的迷信对受过教育的人来说是不可信的。His story of rescuing six drowning men is incr

14、edible.他说他救了6个溺水者,这是难以置信的。inevitable不可避免的:Traffic delays are inevitable at a holiday weekend.假日周末交通耽搁是难免的。Pain is inevitable when one breaks a bone.骨折是疼痛是难避免的。本题译文:虽然露西正在减轻体重,但她觉得奶油蛋糕是诱人的。89.答案D.keep up with.注释 keep up with跟上。look up to (=admire, respect)赞美,尊敬:We look up to the old workers as our te

15、acher.我们把这位老工人尊为我们的老师。本题中rates意为“价格,费用”。本题译文:为了跟上生产成本的上升,预定费已提高。90.答案B.touch up.注释 touch up(=improve or perfect by small additional strokes or alterations)润色,修饰:The last part of the article needs to be touched up.这篇文章的最后一部分需要润色。He touched up the picture by strengthening and shadows.他把画修饰了一下,使光明部分和阴暗

16、部分的对比度更鲜明。put up留宿;cut out删掉;write off报销,勾消。本题译文:你的文章很好;只要用些例证和引语修饰一下。91.答案B.account.注释 take sth.into account(=consider)考虑到:We must take local conditions into account.92.答案A.committing.注释 commit.to托付,交付:He was committed to the care of his aunt.他被托付给他的姨妈照管。I have already committed the rules to memory

17、.我早已记住这些规则了。commit sth.to writing把.写下来93.答案B.common.注释common(=usual and ordinary; happening of found often and in many places)普通的;常见的;常常发生的;到处可见的:a common experience普通的经历a common tree常见的树木This bird is common throughout Europe.这种鸟在欧洲很常见。They can treat most of the common diseases.他们能治疗大多数常见病。usual(=do

18、ne, found, used or existing most of the time)经常的,通常的,惯例的,习以为常的;强调时间习惯方面,例如:This is the usual state of the house.这房子里平常就是这种样子。ordinary正常的,普通的,正常的;an ordinary day平凡的一天ordinary people普通人a piece of ordinary dance music一首普通的舞曲general普通的。它与common比较,语气稍强,含有很少例外的意外。可见本题中用common是最佳的选择。94.答案D.denied.注释 deny否认

19、:A.He didnt deny the facts.B.They couldnt deny that it was a serious blow to them.C.He denied having ever there.他否认曾到过那里。2)(=say no to a request; refuse to give sth.asked for or needed)不给予;Lots of people were denied the right to vote.许多人被剥夺了选举权。He denies his wife nothing.他对他的妻子有求必应。95.答案C.descending.注释 descend(=come or go down)走下来;传下来:He descended from the top of the mountain.Are men descended from apes?人是不是猿的后代?depress压抑,使沮丧。depart出发,起程。5


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