四川省成都石室联合 2021-2022下学期七年级英语Unit1-Unit3阶段测试.docx

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1、第二部分基础知识运用(共 40 小题 ,计 45 分)六、选择填空(共20小题,每小题1分;计20分)A) 从各题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分) 31. “_ 8-year-old boy, Mike, takes _ old man to back to his family.” - Teens Pioneer March 2022.AA; the BAn; a CAn; an 32. Sally has a busy _, so she has much _ to do every day.Awork; jobBjob; work Cjob;

2、job33. - Do you often go to the sports club, Grace? - No, _. I dont like sports at all.Anever Busually Csometimes 34. - I want to be a musician like my mother. - You work so hard. I am sure your dream will _ one day.Acome on Bcome true Ccome out 35. It usually takes _ two hours _ the English story.A

3、I; read Bme; read Cme; to read36. - Judy, _ does it take you to walk to Guangzhou? - Sorry, I am not sure. But it is a long time.AhowBhow long Chow far37. You can _ the road only when the traffic light(交通灯)is green.Ago Bwalk Ccross 38. My school finishes at a quarter _ six. So I can usually get home

4、 at six.Ato Bpast Cat 39. Ice-cream _ good, so children like to eat it very much.Atastes Bmakes Ceats 40. - Come on, Tom! You are _ for the math class! - Dont worry, mom. We have forty minutes.Agood Bearly Clate B) 补全对话。根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。并将选项的编号字母依次填在答题卡的相应位置。(共5小题,每小题2分;计10分) A: Excuse me. C

5、an you tell me how to get to Tianfu Square?B: Yes. _41_A: Take the No. 60 bus? OK. _42_B: It takes about 50 minutes. It is a little far from here. _43_A: Its a good idea. _44_B: Its about 2 kilometers. A: Thank you very much.B: _45_A. You are welcome.B. How long does it take to get there?C. You can

6、take the No. 60 bus.D. How far is it from here to the subway station?E. You can get there by subway, too.七、完形填空。通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。(共20小题;计20分) ALi Hong is 13 years old. He _46_ in a village in Sichuan. The school in his village is not far _47_ his home, so he often goes to

7、school on foot. Li Hong usually gets up at about 7:00 in the morning. It is not _48_, so he has a quick breakfast. He leaves for school at about 7:50. it takes him about 10 minutes to _49_ to school. He gets to school at about eight oclock.Li Hong has a dream. He hopes to go to a big city like Beiji

8、ng some day, so he can take the subway. “I _50_ take the subway before. It must be a lot fun.” he says.46. A. lives B. works C. teaches47. A. toB. fromC. in48. A. late B. early C. bad49. A. take B. rideC. walk50. A. sometimesB. alwaysC. neverBDo you know that some students go to school by _51_? Sall

9、y is one of them.Sally is a student in Beijing, but her home is in Hebei. Its a long trip. Thats _52_ she needs to do that every morning. She has to leave home at _53_ oclock and walks about twenty minutes to the station. Its not easy, but she always says she _54_ the trip.First, she can _55_ her be

10、st friend Mia. They take the same train together and have a lot to say along the way. Second, she can _56_ on the train. Sally listens to their stories and knows many interesting things. Third, taking a train is really _57_. She can see the beautiful scenery(风景)from outside the window. The trip take

11、s about 40 minutes. When Sally and Mia get off, they usually go to the _58_ store to buy something to eat. Sometimes they must be _59_ or they will be late for the first class at 9:00 am. Sally loves her school because she can play with her classmates and teachers. They _60_ her family.51. A. trainB

12、. busC. subway52. A. howB. whyC. where53. A. nineB. eightC. ten54. A. likesB. needsC. dislikes55. A. write toB. talk toC. think of56. A. read booksB. listen to music C. meet new friends57. A. relaxingB. boringC. difficult58. A. bookB. sportsC. food59. A. happyB. quickC. tidy60. A. likeB. are likeC.

13、likes第三部分阅读理解(共 15 小题,计 30 分) 八、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的涂“A”错误的涂“B”。(共5题, 每小题2分;计10分) The A380 is the biggest plane in the world. It is made by Frances Airbus SAS(空中客车公司). Airbus SAS is the worlds biggest plane maker.How big?The A380 is really big. It has a wing(机翼)of 79.8 meters. Its 73 meters long

14、. It has two floors. It can take 853 people.How does it fly to the sky?The A380 has four strong engines(发动机). They are on its two wings.The big plane must have its long wings. But if the wings are too long, it will be very hard for the plane to fly up to the sky. How to make it? The plane makers hav

15、e ideas from the steppe eagle, a very large bird. It can curl(卷起)the wings up at the end of them and make them vertical(垂直的). So the makers study this to make bigger planes.Do you know?A plane usually has two “drivers”. when they are on the same plane, they dont have the same meal so they can not bo

16、th get food poisoning(食物中毒).61. A380 is a big plane and it has four big engines.62. Long wings can make it easy for a plane to fly to the sky.63. Steppe eagles long wings help the plane makers get the idea of making A380.64. The four strong engines of A380 are on its two wings.65. From the passage,

17、we know big planes usually need more drivers.九、阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题2分;计20分)ADear Clark,How are you? Im very happy to get your e-mail and know your daily life. Now lete me tell you something about my daily life. From Monday to Friday, my day begins at 6:30. then I get dressed and brush my

18、 teeth. After that I do some exercise for thirty minutes. At 7:30, I have some bread and milk for breakfast. Then I take the school bus to go to school. My class starts at 8:20 and finishes at 5:30. And I like having classes and my favorite subject is math. Most students think it difficult to learn

19、it well, but I dont think so. And its interesting for me. At 5:45, I go back home and then I play tennis with my friends for about one hour. At 7:00, I have dinner with my parents. After dinner, I watch some music shows on TV.On weekends, my life is a little different from that on weekdays, because

20、I dont go to school. In the morning, I get up at 8:00 and I have breakfast at 8:30. Then I can go shopping or go to the park with my friends or my parents. Sometimes I am at home and clean my room. I love my life.Yours, Laura66. What time does Laura get up on weekdays?AAt 6:00BAt 6:30CAt 7:0067. Wha

21、t does Laura think of math?AInteresting but difficult.BEasy but boring.CEasy and interesting.68. What does Laura do after school with friends on school day?AHas dinner.BPlays tennis.CWatches music shows on TV69. Laura does all of the following on weekends except(除了)_.Agoing shoppingBcleaning the roo

22、mCplaying computer games70. The passage is mainly about _.ALauras school lifeBLauras daily lifeCLauras weekendBHow do you go to school every day, by bus, by bike or on foot? In the USA, lots of students take the yellow school bus to school. So they meet their school drivers on school days.45-year-ol

23、d Trudy Serres is a school bus driver from Wisconsin, USA. Every morning, she drivers the school bus with twenty boys and fourteen girls to a school. Trudy is kind and she cares for(关心)these students. The students are happy to meet Trudy on her bus. In their eyes, she is not only a good driver, but

24、also their second mother.Trudy likes crocheting(钩针编织)hats and clothes when she doesnt drive. The hats and clothes are nice and the students like them. Once, one boy asks her if she can crochet him a car. She uses two days to make it. After that, she gets more “orders” from others students. At last,

25、she crochets cars, planes, dolls as gifts for her young passengers.“Many parents tell me their children will not go to be if they dont have these toys,” Trudy says. “I am happy that the children like playing with them.”71. How many people are usually there in Trudys bus.A26B34C3572. What does Trudy

26、like to do in her free time?ACares for students.BCrochets hats and clothes.CLearns to crochet different things.73. What does the word “order” men?A订单B礼物C奖励74. What can we learn from the passage?ATrudy wants to teach the students to crochet. BTrudys young passengers like her.CAll students on her bus

27、get Trudys toys.75. Which of the following can be the best title?ATrudys Daily Life BGifts from a School Bus DriverCA Driver- Trudy SerresB卷(共50分)一、首字母填空。根据首字母提示补全下列单词。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)1. The fat boy Scott s_ exercises. We think he can do it more.2. On March 21, all people on the plane lost their l_.

28、 We are very sorry to know that.3. Its easy for my friends to talk to me in class, because I sit b_ them.4. The little girl loves Miss Wang very much, because Miss Wang is l_ her aunt.5. Bai Yansong, a host, usually w_ at night, because he doesnt have much enough time to finish all in the day.二、完成对话

29、。在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)A: Do you know Chengdu 2021 World University Games will be held(被举办)in our city?B: Sure. But I dont know much about it.A: Well. It will be open on June 26th, about a _1_ days from now.B: Wow! I cant wait. Where will it be held?A: In many sports centers

30、of our city, but the opening of the games will be in Dongan Lake Sports Park. B: I really want to watch the opening show. How can I get there? Can I _2_ there?A: Im _3_ you cant. I guess there are many people that day. Its not a good idea to go by car.B: OK. I can take the subway there. Do you want

31、to watch the opening show with me?A: Great, I do! And be sure to leave home _4_ in the morning. There are many people on the subway, too.B: How long does it take on the subway?A: Well. From your home, there are about ten _5_ on the line(线路)of subway. And Dongan Lake Sports Park is the last one. The

32、subway _6_ takes about 30 minutes.B: Not very far right?A: There are another four kilometers from the subway station to the sports park!B: Thats not a big deal! _7_ riding a bike or walking there is fine. You know I am a sports lover.A: Thats good _8_. And the sports park is a good place for it. The

33、re are many greenways for running around the park.B: Great! We can do sports on weekends there after the 2021 World University Games.A: OK. One mor thing, remember to be _9_ in red on June 26th. Red is hope and good luck, and _10_ Chinese player needs to wear red clothes in the opening.B: Good idea.

34、 I just have a red shirt. I really hope they can have great achievement in 2021 World University Games.三、短文填空。从下面方框中选择适当地单词并用其正确地形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)boring come quick happy leave like lookminute one run is sound Lolly have six classes every Friday. At 3:00 pm, my last clas

35、s finishes. I walk out of the school quickly and go to the bus stop _1_ what I do every day. Ill take No. 70 bus. All the things _2_ the same. The bus _3_ at 3:10 pm. I get on the bus and pay(付费)with my card. There are not so many people on the bus. I _4_ find a seat(座位). People on the bus all play

36、with their phones. So I always think its _5_ to take the bus. I can only sit there and look at the cars. After four _6_, a woman and a boy get on the bus. At first, I dont know who gets on but soon, the bus is noisy because of them. “Are they mother and son?” I think.“I tell you dont _7_ your card a

37、t home. What can you do now? How can you pay for the bus ride?” the woman only asks her son questions but doesnt want to help him. The boy says, “I see. I know I dont take my card. But now the _8_ thing is to pay for the bus ride.” Then the bus driver is _9_ and asks them to pay for it soon. “I dont

38、 have change(零钱). So I ask you to take your card” the woman says the same things again(再一次).“Ill pay for you,” I stop their talk and walk to the boy. “Its OK.”Taking the bus _10_ always the same. I get lots of thanks today.四、阅读表达。(共10小题,计10分)A. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文(有一多余选项)。(共5小题,每小题1分;计

39、5分)New York is a very big city with many people. _1_ In New York they can go around(到处)the city by subway, bus, taxi or car._2_ It goes all parts(所有部分)of the city. Going somewhere by subway is very quick.The second way(方式)to go around the city is by bus. _3_ That is because the bus goes on the busy

40、road.They can also go around the city by taxi. The taxi can take people to every place they want to go to. Sometimes, the taxi cant run quickly. _4_ This is the time when most of the people going to and from work.New Yorkers can also go around by car. But its not easy for them to drive at the “rush

41、hour”, either. _5_ This is the time after the morning “rush hour” and before the evening “rush hour”. The road will be not so busy because most people are at school or at work.A. Its not so quick as the subway.B. The subway runs under the city.C. People usually go to work by bus.D. How do these peop

42、le go to work or people every day.E. The best time to go around the city is from 9 am to 4 pm.F. Because there is a “rush hour” in the morning and afternoon.B阅读下面短文,补全表格中所缺的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)Riding bikes to school is healthy and fun. But here are usually many cars on the busy streets(街). It is not

43、safe(安全的). In Barcelona, students have a new way to school on Friday. Five or six students are dressed in the same color and they ride to school together(一起). Its like a “bike bus”. They think its safe because people can see them easily.Now there are about 1,000 students in Barcelona “taking” the “b

44、ike bus” every week. The “bike bus” leaves the first stop at 8:25 every Friday morning. Its like a school bus. There are three “stops”. The ride takes 25 minutes from the first stop to the school. Some parents also join them. They ride bikes to go to work on Fridays. Its like a big party.Many famili

45、es in Barcelona love the “bike bus”. The parents are happy about that because they know their children are safe. And riding bikes is good for the childrens health. The students also like riding bikes with their friends. They think the bike ride is a good time to have fun. And they can get to school

46、early when there is a traffic jam(堵车)The “bike bus”Where is it?In Barcelona_1_ does it work?l Students ride their bikes in groups of five or six.l The bike ride has three stops.l On Fridays, it leaves the first stop at 8:25 and _1_ school at 8:50What do people _1_?l Parents: its safe and _1_.l Students:1) Its safe - people can see them easily.2) Its interesting - they like riding bikes with friends.3) Its _1_ - they cant be late for school when they meet a t


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