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1、高考专题训练不定代词1Doctors suggestions for dosage: _ tablet each day for two weeks.()AeachBeveryConeDany2Mary asked me for some tools,but I had_.()AnoBno anyCnoneDneither3My brother rather than my parents is fond of new energy vehicles._of us have a positive attitude to this trend.()ABothBAllCNot allDNot an

2、y4Mom promised to buy me a nice gift for my next birthday,_ beyond my imagination()AwhichBthatCsomethingDthe one5Cook was a strict but good captain,_ who,usually,took care of the sailors on his ship.()Athe oneBoneCthatDthis6Its one thing to say we have a goal; its quite_ to actually act on it.()Aano

3、therBothersCthe otherDother7Alice,what kind of food would you like for lunch,beef noodles or fried rice? _ is OK.I dont mind.()AEitherBBothCNeitherDAll8The frozen yogurt tastes like ice cream but has _ of the fat.It suits me fine. Im on a diet.()AnoneBneitherCanyDsome9There are various theme parks,s

4、o you may choose _you like.()AwhicheverBwhateverCno matter whichDno matter what10Tony and Sam are quite strict with themselves and I seldom find of them late for class.()AeitherBneitherCanyDall11Alice hopes to have a pet cat,but her mother doesnt want to buy _ for her.()AoneBthisCitDthat12The office

5、 was so quiet because _ talked to others.()AeverybodyBnobodyCsomebodyDanybody13When travelling in Southeast Asia,we should pay attention to using hands to pass things to someone else.()AallBeachCbothDeither14How many girls are there in our classroom?_.The students are having PE lessons.There is_in t

6、he classroom.()ANo one;nobodyBNone;nobodyCNone;noneDNobody;none15The company can choose the right product to produce,_ expected to be most popular with consumers()Aone thatBwhichCitDthe one16Shall I take this road or that one?You can take_if you are not in a hurry()AeitherBneitherCeachDboth17Applica

7、nts are not required to take IELTS or TOEFL test but it will be appreciated if someone has taken _()AnoneBeitherCneitherDall18It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _ of the parents spoke the language()AnoneBneitherCbothDeach19The Captain is definitely a touching movie, _adapted

8、from a true storyExactlyCaptain Liu puts the safety of passengers in the first place()Aone thatBwhichCthe oneDone20Mr Li is a good man who always thinks more of others than himself, _ we should follow the example of()AitBhimConeDthat21Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?Im afraid _ day is possible()An

9、eitherBeitherCsomeDany22The police searched his bedroom and found his phone_wed been messaging.()AsomethingBoneCthe oneDsomeone23_ is reported that the scientists in our country are exploring all possible ways to control the new disease.()AOneBThisCItDThat24 Do you think the movie is wonderful? Yes

10、Its quite ()AnothingBsomethingCanythingDeverything25All hope was not lost means _.()AAll of the hope was lost.BNo hope was lost.CNone of the hope was lost.DSome hope was lost,some not.26Most of the top leaders expressed a common desire at the UN conference, _ that different cultures _ coexist with t

11、olerance()Athe one; mustBthe one; shouldCone; mustDone; should27You had better come here instead of every day()Aevery two dayBevery second daysCevery other dayDevery few day28Though he has made a big fortune,he is a happy man()Anothing butBanything butCmore thanDother than29Helen left her last job a

12、nd has yet to find ()AelseBotherCanotherDextra30How do you find your new classmates?Most of them are kind,but_is so good to me as Bruce()AnoneBno oneCevery oneDsome one31The building of an ecological civilization has entered a critical period, _that requires more quality products to meet peoples dem

13、and()AitBthatConeDthe one32I dont want to be _ else I just want to be _()Aanybody; myselfBsomebody; myselfCeverybody; meDanybody; me33Its an eitheror situationyou can take online classes at home or have classes in the school,but you cant do_()AothersBbothCanotherDeither34Do you have anything in mind

14、 _ youd like for supper?Well,_ but Korean food. I hate it.()Athat; anythingBwhich; everythingCwhat; nothingDwhether; something35What do you think of Steven Hawking?Well, despite his disabled body, he was a man of scientific nature, worthy of admiration()AoneBwhoCthatDthis36I havent read _ of his boo

15、ks,but judging from the one I have read,I think he is a very promising writer()AanyBnoneCbothDeither375G smart phones are believed to work 9 and 20 times faster than previous ()AonesBthoseCthemDthat38Sometimes a few words of comfort from his teacher to _ who has just failed in the experiment may enc

16、ourage him to stand up.()AanyBitConeDthe one39Because they hadnt booked a room in advance,there were_left when they arrived at the hotel()AnoneBno oneCnobodyDnothing40All the information available has been checked on, but _ is directly relevant to the case()AnothingBitCno oneDnone41Many people are b

17、etween jobs because of COVID19 So its _ to have a job at all these days()AsomethingBanythingCallDeverything42The Yangtze River is much longer than _ in China. ()Aany riverBany other riverCany other riversDall other river43Yesterday I bought a robot,which could help me to clean the floor.Really?Thats

18、 great.Ill buy _.()AoneBitCthisDthat44Though reasons for learning Chinese vary, a common was enthusiasm for the countrys rich culture()AoneBitCthatDthis45Theres a funny plot twist in every persons life story, _ that happens to them when they think theyre the last person it can happen to()Aeverything

19、BnothingCanythingDsomething46He studies harder than _ in his class.()Aany other studentsBany the other studentsCany other studentDall students47No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to_()Athe otherBany otherCanotherDother48 Ive sold my first painting! This is real

20、ly_! Someone actually thinks your painting fantastic()AeverythingBanythingCnothingDsomething49See things in a negative light and you will find faults everywhere and problems where there are really _()AnoneBno oneCsomethingDnothing50After work I went to the box office to buy the tickets for My People, My Country, only to be told there was left()AnothingBnoneCno oneDneither


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