2022届湖南省长沙市长郡 高三下学期一模考试 英语试题.docx

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1、长郡中学2022届模拟试卷(一)英 语注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段

2、对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A 19.15B 9.18C 9.15答案是C。1What will Jacks father do?AAsk for a day offBJoin the family tripCLook after kids at home2What are the speakers mainly talking about?AThe foodBThe sportCThe lifestyle3Why was Mike so happy?AHe won in an English sp

3、eech contestBHe was called to the principals officeCHe was arranged sitting beside me4When will Parker get up tomorrow?AAt 7:30 amBAt 7:00 amCAt 6:30 am5Where are the speakers?AIn a supermarketBIn a libraryCIn the street第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或

4、独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What will the boy buy?ATrousersBT-shirtsCShoes7What is the probable relationship between the speakers?AShop assistant and customerBClassmatesCNeighbors听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8What is the major benefit of cooking according to Kevin?AIts he

5、althyBIts relaxingCIts economical9What do we know about the woman?AShes not good at cookingBShe doesnt like plain foodCShe will wash all the ingredients10What will the speakers have tonight?ABritish foodBChinese foodCIndian food听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11What kind of camera does the woman want?AA film camer

6、aBA video cameraCA security camera12Why doesnt the woman choose the first camera?AIts outdatedBIts too expensiveCIts not functional13What quality does the second video camera have?AUnderwater filmingBBig memoryCQuick focus听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14What did Carols mother study at college?AFinanceBEngineerin

7、gCLiterature15Who will pay for Carols mothers education in Stanford University?ACarols grandparentsBThe universityCCarols father16What does Carol suggest the boy do?AHelp their motherBFind a part-time jobCWork hard17What does the boy offer to do for Carol?AMail a letterBClean her bedroomCBorrow a bo

8、ok听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18Who was the pig named after?AAn animal rights activistBA famous artistCA lawyer19When was the first exhibition of the pigs work held?AIn 2018BIn 2017CIn 201620What does Lefson mean in the end?AArt is pricelessBPigs all have artistic talentCAnimals should be protected第二部分 阅读(共两节

9、,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。How cool can libraries be in an era(时代)of iPods and Kindles?More than you thinkOnly if you know where to goCentral Library:Seattle,Washington,United StatesThe Central Library in Seattle is sleek,modern and sophisticated and has tourist

10、s from around the worldThe library was voted onto the American Institute of Architects 150 favorite structures in the United StatesThe library holds various art exhibitions,book signings and other events throughout the year,while visitors can stop by the Chocolati cart for a coffee and browse throug

11、h the gift shop anytimeTrinity College Library:Dublin,IrelandThe Trinity College Library in Dublin is the oldest library in Ireland,founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth INot only is the exterior(外观)impressive,it boasts the largest single chamber library in the world,also known as the Long Room,which c

12、ontains more than 200,000 of the librarys oldest booksThe Long Room houses one of the oldest harps in IrelandDating to the 15th century,the oak harp is the model for the emblem of IrelandTU Delft Library:The NetherlandsThe library at the Delft University of Technology was constructed in 1997 and has

13、 more than 862,000 books,16,000 magazine subscriptions and its own museumThe building itself exists beneath the ground,so you cant really see the actual libraryThe roof is a grassy hillA huge cone pierces(穿过)the grass roof,which symbolizes technologyThe roof covers 5,500 square metersIt has become o

14、ne of the most striking and greenest structures in the areaBibliotheca Alexandrina:Alexandria,EgyptThe Bibliotheca Alexandrina is the revival of the ancient Royal Library of Alexandria,the largest and most influential library in the Greek worldThe new library was reborn in 2002 on the shore of the M

15、editerranean Sea after 10 years of designing,planning and constructionIn this library,there are four museums covering antiquities,manuscripts and science,and also 15 permanent exhibitions,including “Impressions of Alexandria”,“Arabic Calligraphy” and “The History of Printing”21What can visitors do i

16、n the Central Library?AHolding exhibitionsBExchanging booksCSampling local cuisineDBuying souvenirs22In which library can you find an ancient musical instrument?ACentral LibraryBTrinity College LibraryCTU Delft LibraryDBibliotheca Alexandrina23What do the two libraries,TU Delft Library and Bibliothe

17、ca Alexandrina,have in common?AThey house their own museumBThey are buried undergroundCThey belong to famous universitiesDThey are based on their ancient versionsBWhen Amanda Lemay heard the story about a baker and her husband who were traveling around the United States in a van(厢式货车),learning from

18、expert bakers,she wanted to do something similarSo she got rid of most of her possessions and made an old ambulance with her dad into a lovely home on wheelsLemays ambulance is actually a former emergency response vehicle for the US Navy,built on a 2006 Ford E350 CutawayRenovations(改装)were mainly do

19、ne by her and her dadNow the dark blue vehicle has a lot of built-in cabinets on all sides,offering a lot of storage space,while the rooftop has 400-watt of solar power panels and a small roof deck where Lemay practices YogaThe inside is tastefully done to suit Lemays work and hobbiesAs Lemay mentio

20、ns,not only did her father help,but also the rest of her familyLemays mother helped sew the decorations on the removable cushions,and her sister crafted the leather pullsHer current nomadic(流浪式的)lifestyle fits well with her work doing audiobooks,voiceovers,and publishing workIn the end,this unexpect

21、ed path has Lemay rethinking what it means to be truly sustainable,now that van life has gotten her to become minutely aware of the water,electricity,and other daily resources that she usesBut all these day-to-day trouble is balanced with a greater sense of freedom“Its almost mind-blowing,it feels l

22、ike a completely different life because Im doing the work online,and I can do things on my own scheduleMost of my days are mineso by living in the van,I can be where I want to be,and do the things I want to do,and spend time outside”24What inspired Amanda to make a change?AA couples travelling exper

23、ienceBSome expert bakers suggestionsCHer own awful living conditionsDHer parents continuous persuasion25What is the second paragraph mainly about?AThe history of the vanBThe talents of Amandas parentsCThe renovations of the vanDThe attitudes of Amandas parents26Which of the following may best descri

24、be Amanda?ASelfless and kind-heartedBIndependent and determinedCDecisive and adventurousDPlayful and romantic27What can we infer from the passage?AAmanda is completely free from any worriesBAmanda fully values her sense of freedomCAmanda will return to her previous life soonDAmanda will invite her f

25、amily members to join herCWhen romantic partners argue over things like finances,jealousy,or other interpersonal issues,they tend to employ their current feelings as fuel for a heated argumentBut thinking about the future helps overcome relationship conflicts,according to a University of Waterloo st

26、udy just published online in Social Psychological and Personality ScienceAlex Huynh,a doctoral candidate in psychology is the lead author of the study,which he published with Igor Grossmann from the University of Waterloo,and Daniel Yang from Yale UniversityPrevious research has shown that third-per

27、spective reasoning can be a positive strategy for reconciliation(调解)of interpersonal strugglesHuynh and his collaborators investigated whether similar benefit can be induced by simply thinking about the futureStudy participants were instructed to reflect on a recent conflict with a romantic partner

28、or a close friendOne group of participants were then asked to describe how they would feel about the conflict one year in the future,while another group was asked to describe how they feel in the presentThe team examined participants written responses through a text-analysis program for their use of

29、 pronounssuch as I,me,she,heThese choices of pronouns were used to capture participants focus on the feelings and behaviour of those involved in the conflictWritten responses were also examined for forgiveness and reinterpreting the conflict more positively,both of which implied the participants use

30、 of reasoning strategiesThe researchers found that envisioning future relationship affected both participants focus on their feelings,and their reasoning strategiesAs a result,participants reported more positivity about their relationship altogether,especially when study participants extended their

31、thinking about the relationship a year into the future“Our study demonstrates that adopting a future-oriented perspective in the context of a relationship conflictreflecting on how one might feel a year from now-may be a valuable coping tool for ones psychological happiness and relationship well-bei

32、ng,” said Huynh28What do romantic partners do in face of most disagreements?AThey lose faith in their futureBThey focus on their present feelingsCThey look forward to a fierce conflictDThey care more about financial problems29What does the underlined word induced in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?AC

33、ausedBExplainedCReducedDImproved30What do we know about the study?AAll the study participants described how they felt both in the present and in the futureBStudy participants described their recent relationship with their romance partners or friendsCA text-analysis program was employed to examine pa

34、rticipants use of negative wordsDThe reasoning strategies in participants written responses were well worthy of note31What can be the best title of the text?AYou have a year to solve your interpersonal problems!BThinking about future is essential for relationship maintenance!CYour current feelings a

35、re the real cause of your heated arguments!DBeneficial reasoning is a positive strategy for reconciliation!DA long time ago in a galaxy far far away,there was a large and magnificently brilliant star that shone across the young expanding universeThe light from that blue star travelled through space

36、for billions of years,and then one day a few thin beams crashed into a polished mirror-the light bucket of the Hubble Space TelescopeIn a report published Wednesday in the journal Nature,a team of astronomers asserts that this is the most distant individual star ever seenThey describe it as 50 to 10

37、0 times more massive than our sun,and roughly 1 million times brighter,with its starlight having travelled 12.9 billion years to reach the telescopeThe lead author on the report,Brian Welch,gave the star a name:Earendel,meaning “morning stars”“Earendel was found in a young galaxy known as the Sunris

38、e Arc,and morning starsseemed appropriate, Welch said“This is one of the major discoveries of the Hubble Space Telescope in its 32 years of observation,” said Rogier Windhorst,a co-author of the reportIn recent decades,astronomers have seen galaxies at that distance,and even farther away,but galaxie

39、s are collections of billions of stars and the very distant ones have typically been nothing more than smudges of lightDespite its mass and brilliance,Earendels discovery would not have been possible were it not for the cosmic alignmentBetween Hubble and the star lies a galaxy cluster,WHL0137-08,whi

40、ch is so huge that its mass wraps the fabric of space,creating a power of natural magnifying(放大)glass that magnifies the light form objects behind it,a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing(引力透镜效应)Earendel sits on or close to that space ripple,causing it to “pop out from the general glow of its

41、galaxy because the phenomenon magnified its brightness at least a thousand foldIn interviews this week,several scientists who are not part of the Earendel team praised the discovery,noting that further observations could firm up the claim and potentially provide insights into the early evolution of

42、stars32How does the first paragraph develop?ABy listing several figuresBBy making comparisonsCBy describing the processDBy analyzing cause and effect33What can we learn from the passage?AThe star Earendel is quite different from the SunBBrian Welch made the discovery of the Earendel aloneCBoth Earen

43、del and the galaxy Sunrise Arc are very oldDAstronomers have never discovered galaxies that far34According to Paragraph 5,why the star could be discovered?ABecause the star is incredibly huge in its massBBecause the star shines brightly enough to be detectedCBecause the brightness of the star is enh

44、anced enormouslyDBecause the Hubble space telescope is properly placed in space35What is the attitude of other scientists toward the discovery?ACriticalBIndifferentCDoubtfulDAppreciative第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。As the Internet is closely linked to almost eve

45、ry aspect of modern life,its difficult to avoid having some kind of presence online_36_ It is like the evidence you might leave behind after going camping,such as remains of a campfire,your dinner scraps(碎屑),and the path you carved in the woods while hiking_37_ This footprint tends to fall into two

46、categories,depending on whether youre leaving an active digital footprint or a passive oneAn active digital footprint is data you leave on the Internet because you intended to do so,such as emails and text messages,comments youve left on articles or videos,and social media posts_38_ Unintentional da

47、ta can be cookies and tracking data created by web browsing activity,geolocation data generated when using maps,your IP address and so onIn some cases,theres a legal use of your digital footprintSome website owners and advertisers collect information about your online habits and purchasing preferences


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