江苏译林版五年级英语上册第五单元Story time教案.doc

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1、英语(五年级上册)Unit 5 What do they do?Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:知识目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词teacher, teach, write, work, doctor, help, worker2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词writer, at home, sick, people, factory 3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写关于职业的第三人称句型的问与答What does he/she do? Hes/Shes a .4. 能掌握动词teach,write,work,hel

2、p,make的第三人称单数形式,并能初步运用句型What does . do? Hes/Shes a . He/She. 来讨论Story time中涉及的职业并进行相关描述。能力目标:1. 学生能够使用重点句型来讨论职业名称和工作内容。2. 学生能阅读并理解故事。情感目标:培养学生对职业的认识以及对各种职业的尊敬。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点和难点:教学重点:1. 在故事情景中阅读和理解句型What does he/she do? 及其回答Hes/Shes a teacher/ writer/ factory

3、/ worker/ 2. 能整体到局部再到整体的理解故事内容。3. 能用正确的语音语调朗读故事。4. 能尝试运用句型What does Mikes/Su Hais father/mother do? Hes/Shes a .来讨论Story time的故事。教学难点:1. 单词sick, factory, writer, people单词的读音2. 在故事情景中正确朗读和理解What does he/she do? 及其回答Hes/Shes a teacher/ writer/ factory/ worker/3. 通过教学活动初步了解主语是第三人称单数动词的变化形式。Teaching pro

4、cedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting & warm up1. A song: My father is a doctor2. Show the learning aimsa. I can read Story time very well.b. I can ask and answer “What doesdo?”Step 2 Introduction1. Show the picture in Story timeT: Who are they?S: They are Mikes father and mother. They are Su Hais father and

5、mother.T: I can also say, they are Mikes parents and they are Su Hais parents.(Teach: father+mother=parents)2. Look and guessT: Please look at this picture. What are Su Hai and Mike talking about? A or B? (PPT呈现选项)S1: I think theyre talking about their parents jobs.T: Yes, youre right. So, if you wa

6、nt to know their parents jobs, you can ask “What do they do”. Today well learn Unit 5 What do they do?Step2 New teaching1. Watch and findT: How to ask questions about their parents jobs? Please watch the flash and underline the questions in Story time. (播放卡通)S: What does your father do? What does yo

7、ur mother do? What about your mother?2. Listen and matchT: Listen to the tape and do the match.3. Learn to say T: What does Mikes father do?Hes a teacher. (新授 teacher)T:What does Mikes mother do?Shes a writer. (新授 writer)T: What does Su Hais father do? Hes a doctor. (新授doctor)T: What does Su Hais mo

8、ther do? Shes a factory worker. (新授worker)4. Read and find Read the dialogue and find the description of their jobs.a. T: What does Mikes father do?S: Mikes father is a teacher. He teaches English. He has a lot of students. (教teach- teaches, teach-teacher)b. T: What does Mikes mother do?S: Shes a wr

9、iter. She writes stories. She works at home.(教right-write-writes, write-writer, work-works, work-worker)c. T: What does Su Hais father do?S: Hes a doctor. He helps sick people. (教six-duck-sick, people, help-helps)d. T: What does Su Hais mother do? S: Shes a factory worker. She makes sweets.(教 make-m

10、akes)5. Reading timea. Read after the computer.b. Read by themselves.c. read in pairs. (Choose one of the three reading methods) d. Read together. Step3 Consolidation 1. Read and judgeT: Now, can you tell whether these sentences are true or false?S: Yes, we can.2. Ask and answer.T: Yang Ling is aski

11、ng Liu Tao about Mikes and Su Hais parents jobs. Please act them and make a short dialogue in pairs.3. Fill in the blankets.a. Fill and say.b. Think and write. (Page 50)4. Retell the storyRetell the text with the key words.Step 4 Homework 1. Copy the new words2. Read and recite the story.3. Try to i

12、ntroduce your family.Teaching aids教学准备:教学准备:PPT,板书板书设计:Unit 5 What do they do? Mikes father teacher teaches English Mikes mother writer writes storiesSu Hais father doctor helps sick people Su Hais mother factory worker makes sweets 说课本节课为Unit 5的第一课时,教学内容是Story time。歌曲的铺垫以及利用课文图片对本课主题的猜测,为教学的自然导入作了充

13、分而必要的准备,为本课教学明确了教学目标和重点,通过揭题初步感知本课的教学主题。新授部分的教学环节层次清晰,从Mike和Su Hai父母的jobs引申到相关问答及具体描述,先通过观看动画明确对职业提问的问句,然后通过听课文录音进行人物与职业的匹配,同时也完成单词的新授和重点句型的问答,再到默读课文找出对各个职业的具体描述,教学始终是字不离句、句不离篇,将重难点逐个击破。并且本课教学始终立足于文本,通过看动画、听录音和读课文,培养学生获取信息和分析信息的能力,有意识引导学生在前两个单元基础上自主归纳动词的第三人称单数形式的规则和用法,并渗透动词与名词之间建立联系的方法指导。在读课文的环节,教师在跟读、自读之后,将自主权还给学生,由学生选择喜欢的朗读方式进行同桌互动,调动了学生读的兴趣和积极性,扎实有效地完成了文本教学。巩固阶段,在充分理解和掌握课文的基础上设计了有层次性的练习,判断和填空使学生更好地理解课文,提高了复述的准确性,帮助学生当堂反馈和消化,同时体现听、说、读、写四技并举的原则,扎实有效地巩固了本课所学的内容,并为下一节课做好了充分的准备。


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