2020年广东省广州大学附属 九年级中考一模英语试题.pdf

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1、2020年广东广州越秀区广州大学附属中学初三一模英语试卷A卷(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. A. stopB. stopsC. stoppedD. to stop2. A. whoB. whichC. whatD. whom3. A. inB. onC. atD. to4. A. soB. andC. butD. or5. A. whereB. whyC. whenD. what6. A. theB. /C. aD. an7. A. putB. will putC. putsD. to puttingIt seems that every time I have car tro

2、uble on the road, no one ever 1 to see if Imokay. I end up spending hours on the side of the road.But one time, someone did stop to help me. And the words of the man 2 helped mehave had a big effect 3 my life.One of my tires went flat. I had a spare tire, 4 no jack to lift up the car. I was about to

3、give up 5 a van pulled up behind my car and someone jumped out. It was 6 olderMexican man, driving with his family.He didnt speak much English, but his daughter helped to translate between us. It was hardwork, but he managed to help me 7 the new tire on. I tried to give him some money forhis help, b

4、ut he kept shaking his head no and 8 my money. I 9 gave it to his wifeinstead.After chatting for 10 minutes, we went our separate ways. But when I got back in mycar, I saw my money sitting in the passenger seat.I drove back to the man, insisting on giving 11 the money, He refused one last time,and 1

5、2 to me: Today you, tomorrow me.I have been 13 by these simple words 14 others when I canbecause younever know when youre going to be the one who 15 help.1一、语法选择8. A. refuseB. refusedC. refusesD. refusing9. A. secretsB. secretiveC. secretD. secretly10. A.fewB. a fewC. a littleD. little11. A.heB. his

6、C. himD. himself12. A.sayB. saidC. sayingD. says13. A.encouragedB. encouragingC. to encourageD. encourage14. A.helpB. helpedC. helpsD. to help15. A.needB. neededC. to needD. needs(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)1. A. promiseB. decisionC. livingD. progress2. A. fromB. inC. toD. for3. A. kickedB. tiedC. brokeD

7、. lost4. A. hopeB. abilityC. dreamD. powerWe may have many difficulties in life, and sometimes its even unfair for someone, but itdepends on how you face them. Sally is a student from a university, she made a 1 lastAugust. She decided to take her grandmother 2 their hometown and live with her in are

8、nted room(出租房) near her school.Sallys family have met a lot in the past few years. Her grandmother 3 her legs andshe could walk only with a stick. Her father died because of illness. Sallys mother plagued(受折磨)by these events, she lost the 4 to take care of others. This was the only choice.No one els

9、e could care for my grandma, Sally explained. Her grandmother has also hada 5 life. The old womans three sons have all died, and Sally couldnt leave her alonewhere nobody could look after her. A room with two beds, a desk and a table is their new home.The room 6 her several hundred yuan every month.

10、 In order to make money, Sally worksin a supermarket after class and spends the money 7 the family. I was brought up by mygrandma, and now its my turn to take care of her, said Sally. When she was young, hergrandmother magically prepared every meal 8 for her every day, even though she couldnot read

11、a clock.In the eyes of Sallys teacher, the girl is an excellent student. Though taking care of hergrandmother takes her lots of 9 . Sally has tried to stay on top of all her courses. She iseven preparing for an English singing contest, Her teacher said. Sally even 10 help fromothers. Its kind of lik

12、e only getting without giving, she explained. At present, the girl is able tosupport the home with her weak shoulder.2二、完形填空5. A. homelessB. boringC. hardD. meaningless6. A. paysB. takesC. costsD. spends7. A. supportingB. buildingC. findingD. making8. A. in timeB. on timeC. at timesD. out of time9.

13、A. moneyB. spiritC. courageD. energy10. A.acceptedB. askedC. gotD. refused(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)Science-fiction author Hao Jingfang became the first Chinese woman to win a Hugo Award,beating best-selling horror and fantasy writer Stephen King in the best novelette category.The 32-year-old from Tianji

14、n received the prize for Folding Beijing, in which she depicts theChinese capital as a city divided by social class.My story suggests a possibility for the future and also proposes a solution. I hope the realfuture will be brighter than my story, Hao said when accepting her award at the Kansas CityC

15、onvention Center Grand Ballroom.She said she was not confident about winning and joked that she had been planning toattend the Hugo losers party. Sci-fi writers always consider all possibilities, she added.Her win comes a year after Liu Cixin won a Hugo for his novel The Three-Body Problem.Liu was t

16、he first Chinese author to win the prize.In Folding Beijing, the city is separated into three areas, and the residents of First Spacesee the extra soil as a part of their privilege. Hao said of her story, which was translated by KenLiu and published last year by Uncanny magazine.2015 Hugo winner Liu

17、 told China Daily that he thinks Haos stories convey warmth and aunique color like golden sunlight.3A. confident about winningB. 23 years oldC. a science-fiction authorD. from BeijingHao Jingfang is .(1)A. Liu CixinB. Hao JingfangC. Ken LiuD. Liu YukunAccording to the passage, who was the first Chin

18、ese author to win Hugo Award?(2)A. pushesB. putsC. passesD. suggestsThe underlined word proposes in paragraph 3 means .(3)A.Which of the following may be TRUE?Folding Beijing was the first Chinese novel that won Hugo.(4)三、阅读理解B.C.D.The Three-Body Problem suggests a possibility for the future and als

19、o proposes asolution.Lius stories convey warmth and a unique color like golden sunlight.Hao wasnt sure that she could win the Award.A. Liu Cixins The Three-Body ProblemB. Hao Jingfang won a Hugo AwardC. Fantasy writer Stephen KingD. Hugo AwardWhat is the passage mainly about?(5)What would we ever do

20、 without our phones? Some might say they would die withouttheirs. It sounds weird, but your phone may save you from danger. Stay safe with these possiblylife-saving apps.American Red Cross First AidThe American Red Cross has stepped up with a free app that downloads emergency (紧急情况)preparedness info

21、rmation straight to your phone, letting you access this knowledgewhether or not youre connected to the Internet. This isnt the only app the American Red Crossoffers, either, with apps developed from hurricane safety to pet health.Google Trusted ContactIf you ever get into trouble, your phone can act

22、 as a lifeline to the outside world, even if youarent using it. Googles recentlyreleased Trusted Contact app is a good example. Afterinstalling the app, you allow it to give friends and families access to your location data in case ofemergency. It works even if you lose mobile service.SafeTrekSafeTr

23、ek is an app thats designed for those potentially unsafe situations where yourefeeling on guard, yet not in enough danger to call emergency services. When you feel that youmight soon be in danger, you can pull up the app, which centers around a big button you holddown until the danger has passed. If

24、 your thumb comes off the button, the phone will make youenter a PIN within 10 seconds, and if the code isnt entered, it will call for help.Apple Health Medical IDIf theres ever a time you need to get medical treatment, youll want to provides muchinformation as possible. But, if youre in a state whe

25、re you cant, you can depend on youriPhone to provide medical workers with all your necessary information. Built into Apples Healthapp, Medical ID is a center for all your medical information, from emergency contacts to bloodtype. Its easy to reach straight from your phones lock screen, meaning that

26、health workers canpull it up without having to unlock your phone. Unfortunately, this feature isnt yet built intoAndroid.4The first paragraph is used to say ?(1)A. we should keep your phones safe.B. life is weird without phones.C. phones themselves can save your life.D. phones are really important.A

27、. American Red Cross First AidB. Google Trusted ContactC. SafeTrekD. Apple Health Medical IDWhich app can provide your location to your families?(2)A.B.C.D.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?American Red Cross has developed many apps like hurricane safety.Trusted Contact ca

28、n work even though you have no mobile service.SafeTrek is an app to prepare for unsafe situations.Apples Health app has already been built into Android.(3)A. Hurricane safetyB. American Red Cross First AidC. Apple Health Medical IDD. Trusted ContactHealth workers can get your detailed medical inform

29、ation through .(4)A. Four apps that could save lifeB. The importance of phonesC. How to use the four appsD. Life with the four appsWhich is the best title of the passage?(5)In Northern Ireland, learning a second language is not a must of the primary schoolcurriculum. In England and Scotland, by cont

30、rast, primary school pupils are expected to learn aforeign language. The review of primary languages in Northern Ireland has been carried out byresearchers from Stranmillis University College. The authors surveyed language learning atover 100 schools. They found that Spanish and French were most pop

31、ular in schools wherelanguages were taught. Some pupils also learned German or Mandarin.However, not all primary schools taught an extra language. This led the authors to believethat it was a bit unequal for children across the country. They also found little consistency(一贯性)in how often languages w

32、ere taught to pupils, and when they began to learn a language.Some primary headteachers also expressed concerns about the amount of support andresources available to their teachers and pupils.However, the majority of headteachers and teachers who joined in the study agreed thatlearning an additional

33、 language was important and valuable. But they also said teachingforeign languages was not important for schools as it was not measured.The reports authors said that the development of language skills was very important foreconomic success, social relations and the acceptance of different cultural i

34、dentities. It ishoped that the findings of this study may encourage policy makers, business and educationalproviders to support the revision and improvement of current curriculum provision in additionallanguage learning, the report said. It also said that language learning was conducive to5economic

35、growth and that can enhance the lives and future employ ability of children and youngpeople.Across the European Union(EU)more than 80% of primary pupils learn an additionallanguage. The research was given by the Northern Ireland Languages Council. It is a bodyestablished by the Department of Educati

36、on, and over 20 organizations are represented on thecouncil, from business education and the community sector.A. Spanish and GermanB. French and MandarinC. German and MandarinD. Spanish and FrenchIn Northern Ireland, which languages were most popular?(1)A. unequalB. differentC. difficultD. strangeTh

37、e authors believe that it was a little for kids because not all primary schoolshad a foreign language.(2)A. acceptableB. extraC. internationalD. idealThe underlined word additional in paragraph three means .(3)A. be helpful to economic growth.B. improve social relations.C. make your life successful.

38、D. easily accept foreign cultures.According to the authors, which effect of the developing language skills is NOT true?(4)A.B.C.D.The purpose of the passage is .to introduce the Northern Ireland Languages Councilto prove learning a foreign language is necessary in primary schoolsto compare second la

39、nguage teaching in different countriesto describe the problems with a second language(5)The Kennedy Center is a performing arts center located on the Potomac River. The Center,which opened September 8, 1971, is a multi-dimensional facility. As memorial to John F.Kennedy, the Center offers multi-medi

40、a performances for adults and children.Shear MadnessWednesday, March 1, 2017-Sunday, October 1, 2017The comedy is Washingtons funny story. After more than 13, 000performances, the show has stayed in great shape.Price: 54 Venue: Theater Lab Run Time: 2 hoursThe Sound of MusicTuesday, June 13, 2017-Su

41、nday, July 16, 2017The Kennedy Center is alive with The Sound of Music! Thespirited,romantic, and beloved musical will thrill once again with its Tony,Grammy, and Oscar-winning score in this brand new production,directed6by three-time Tony winner Jack OBrien.Price: 49-169 Venue: Opera House Run Time

42、: about 2-3/4 hoursCabaretTuesday, July 11, 2017-Sunday, August 6, 2017Step into the Imperial Theatre and leave your troubles outside. Aspart of its 50th anniversary, the renowned Roundabout TheatreCompany presents Cabaret, the interesting Tony winner aboutfollowing your heart while the world loses

43、its way.Price:59-149 Venue: Eisenhower Theater Run Time:about 2-12 hoursHedwig and the AngryInchTuesday, June 13, 2017-Sunday, July 2, 2017Innovative, heartbreaking, and wickedly funny, Hedwig and theAngry Inch is the most exciting rock score written for the theatersince, oh, ever! (Time). This four

44、-time Tony-winning, genre-bending sensation promises to take DC by storm!Price:59-159 Venue: Eisenhower Theater Run Time: 2hoursRodgers &Hammersteins theKing and ITuesday, July 18, 2017-Sunday, August 20, 2017Two worlds collide in Lincoln Center Theaters The King and I,winner of four 2015 Tony Award

45、s, including Best Revival of aMusical. The timeless story of Anna Leonowens and the king ofSiam is too beautiful to miss (New York Magazine)!Price:49-159 Venue: Opera House Run Time: about 3hoursA. CabaretB. Shear MadnessC. Hedwig and the Angry InchD. The Sound of MusicThe Kennedy Center is alive wi

46、th .(1)A. Hedwig and the Angry InchB. CabaretC. Shear MadnessD. The Sound of MusicWhich performance lasts for several months?(2)A.B.C.D.According to the performances, which has the longest run time?Shear MadnessThe Sound of MusicRodgers & Hammersteins the King and IHedwig and the Angry Inch(3)To cel

47、ebrate the 50th anniversary, the Roundabout Theatre Company presents ?(4)A.B.C.D.CabaretShear MadnessRodgers & Harmmersteins the King and IThe Sound of MusicA. Opera HouseB. Eisenhower TheaterC. Theater LabD. Lincoln Center TheaterIf you want to enjoy the rock score on July 1, you can go to the .(5)

48、(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)A.B.C.D.E.Shyness can be a characteristic of people who have low self-esteem. It gets in the way ofsuccess, but it doesnt have to hold you back. Here are some tips that may help you overcomeit. 1 The excitement of being lost at something that you love can help you forget yournervo

49、usness while showing off in public.Next, why not get more chances to speak in public? For me, when I got to high school, Itook speech classes. 2 Then, dont think about what will happen. Its possible that youmight be laughed at when speaking. However, others may not even notice yourmistake. 3 Finally

50、, remember past successes. Whether it is making a successful speech, rememberingpast successes can help inspire you to get future success. 4 If you succeeded in the past,then you can succeed again!Its actually natural to be a little bit nervous about meeting new people, making cold calls,or give a s


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