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1、高一英语试卷 第 1页 共 10 页机密启用前试卷类型: A珠海市珠海市 2022021 1-202-2022 2 学年度第学年度第二二学期期末普通高中学期期末普通高中学生学生学业质量监测学业质量监测高一英语本试卷共 10 页,66 小题,满分 120 分,考试用时 120 分钟。注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。用 2B 铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选

2、涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分第一部分 单项选择单项选择 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)根据句意,在每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并把答题卡上的相应位置涂黑。1. Students should _ their own interests, as well as do their school work.A

3、. updateB. pursueC. reflectD. ignore2. True friends are people who _ face extreme hardship to save each other.A. are about toB. are blind toC. are willing toD. are likely to3. Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair _ to most facilities.A. functionB. tensionC. reactionD. access4. Win

4、ners of the writing competition were chosen _ language, content and hand-writing.A. in addition toB. in memory ofC. in the hope ofD. on the basis of5. The four countries use the same flag, _as the Union Jack, and share the same currency.A. knowingB. to knowC. knownD. was known6. Festivals are becomi

5、ng more and more commercial, with business _ advantage of thecelebrations.A. takingB. to takeC. takesD. taken7. The number of people _part in this tomato fight can reach up to 20,000.A. takenB. takingC. takesD. are taking高一英语试卷 第 2页 共 10 页8. The singer fell in love with Mozarts music when he sang fo

6、r the college choir.从句从句中主语主语是:A. The singerB. Mozarts musicC. heD. the college choir9. Robin, a rocket scientist, agrees and thinks starting with Mars makes the most sense.句子中非谓语动词非谓语动词是:A. agreesB. thinksC. startingD. makes10. 下列句子中,有从句有从句 的是:A. Instead, we should feed the worlds poor and find imm

7、ediate solutions to other problems,such as pollution and fatal diseases.B. Henry Norman Bethune was a Canadian doctor with a very creative mind and adetermination to help people.C. Most of Chinatown was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake, but the city and residentsrebuilt it, taking care to include lo

8、ts of Chinese architecture.D. Naadam is represented by three events: horse racing, wresting, and archery, which are allso exciting to watch!第二部分第二部分 阅读理解阅读理解第一节(共第一节(共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 2.5 分,满分分,满分 37.5 分)分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhether you are looking for an hour-long hike or a multi

9、-day journey, these old tracks (小路) will satisfy any level of adventure.Routeburn TrackEasily accessible from Queenstown, New Zealands “Adventure Capital,” the Routeburnhas the scenery New Zealand is famous for: shining lakes, wide valleys, and mountain peaks.*Length: 20 miles one way*Duration: 2-4

10、days*Open: Late October through earlyMayMilford TrackThe Milford Track is one of the most popular Great Walks, with forested mountainsclimbing steeply out of glacier-carved valleys. This is one of the wettest places on the planet,with an annual average rainfall of 22 feet. The result is amazing wate

11、rfalls, including the1,903-foot Sutherland Falls.*Length: 33 miles one way*Duration: 4 days*Open: Late October through early May高一英语试卷 第 3页 共 10 页Rakiura TrackThis is one of the most remote Great Walks. Its located on Stewart Island, which lies offthe southern tip of the South Island. Stewart Island

12、 is known for deserted, sandy beaches,native forest, and its population of kiwis. (The flightless birds are easy to spot here, often onthe beaches.)*Length: 10 miles one way*Duration: 3 days*Open: All yearHeaphy TrackThe Heaphy is another wild and remote track, located in the northwest corner of the

13、 SouthIsland. This track is the longest Great Walk, winding through grass and palm forests to the wildwest coast.*Length: 49 miles one way*Duration: 4-6 days*Open: All year11. Which track best suits people who look for a hike with waterfalls?A. Routeburn TrackB. Milford TrackC. Rakiura TrackD. Heaph

14、y Track12. What does Rakiura Track and Heaphy Track have in common?A. They are of the same length.B. They both have kiwis.C. They both have deserted beaches.D. They are both on an island.13. Which part of a magazine is this text most likely from?A. HealthB. TravelC. ScienceD.Environment protectionBS

15、leigh Ride is a cute, blue-gray pitbull dog, and shed been hanging around RichmondAnimal Care and Controls shelter for quite a while. But a letter from a second-grader-writtenon the dogs behalf-may have been the ticket home.“Do you want to adopt (收养) me?” the letter read. “You can play with me! I pr

16、omise thatI will be a good dog. You can even sleep with me if you want!” “Within about 10 days ofposting the letter alongside the shelter, someone adopted Sleigh Ride,” said Mr. Peters, directorof Richmond Animal Care and Control.The letter came from a student in Ms. Jones writing class. It was part

17、 of a persuasivewriting task that asked students to write letters in the voice of one of 24 animals-23 dogs andone cat-at the shelter. In each letter, the young writers persuaded readers to adopt a pet, fromthe point of view of the animal.So far, the students work has been effective. After posting t

18、he letters outside the shelter,only four dogs remain: Pebble, Yosemite, Kotey and Tumble. “It was just a magical marketingtool to help people find those pets and fall in love with them with the stories that the kids wrote,高一英语试卷 第 4页 共 10 页and then take that pet home with them,” Peters said. The stu

19、dents have been enthusiasticthroughout the process. It probably helps that Peters brought in Snow, a white pitbull, for avisit with the students. The kids were “so excited and happy and jumping out of their skin”when they met the well-mannered little dog, Peters said.Though the writing took place in

20、 early February, students still ask about the animals theywrote about. “Has Tumble been adopted?” Jones recalls one student asking before the dayslesson had even started. Jones says shes watched her students develop an eagerness to write,even beyond this project.14. What do we know about the dog Sle

21、igh Ride?A. She ran from her home to the animal shelter.B. She returned to her old home thanks to the letter.C. She never liked sleeping with young children.D. She waited for some time before being adopted.15. Whats the aim of the studentswriting task?A. Persuading readers to take the pet home.B. Ma

22、king readers fall in love with the pet.C. Helping the pets express their feelings.D. Letting more people know the petsconditions.16. Which of the following best describe Joness students?A. Creative and grateful.B. Determined and generous.C. Proud and self-important.D. Kind and enthusiastic.17. What

23、is the main idea of the text?A. Helping animals makes primary students brave.B. Marketing tools are helpful for shelter animals.C. Students write letters to help shelter animals find a home.D. An animal shelter encourages people to adopt animals.CMost people are aware that our climate is changing an

24、d recognize that global warming isan obvious truth. Scientists around the world are now largely in agreement that we need tochange our ways quickly if were to avoid an incoming climate disaster and cut down thedamage weve done to our planet.Human activity has caused the greatest increase in temperat

25、ure. While global temperaturewaves in the past have often been caused by natural events, since 1950 humans have been toblame for a warming world. Through burning fossil fuels, increasing farming and agriculture高一英语试卷 第 5页 共 10 页and destroying forests, we have increased emissions (排放). Our thirst for

26、 power and resourcesseems unending and we will only slow down the damaging changes weve made if we takeaction quickly.We all have a part to play in reducing consumption (消耗). Even seemingly small acts likeauditing your companys tap water use and wastage (损耗) could, when taken as a whole,make a huge

27、difference to the pressures we are all putting on our planet.Temperatures have risen by around a degree over the last 100 years: a one-degree increasein temperature might not sound like a lot but, in climatic terms, its a huge milestone. Inthe Paris Agreement of 2015, 196 nations around the world co

28、mmitted to controlling globaltemperature increases to below two degrees-and closer to 1.5 degrees. Mass extinction isanother unwanted challenge facing us through a changing climate. More sadly, scientists nowwarn that if the situation doesnt improve, we may well lose between 30% and 50% of the total

29、species currently on Earth.Climate change is a real and present danger facing the world. If we stand together andmake small differences to our lifestyles and habits, we still have time to repair the damageweve done to our planet.18. What do we know about global warming?A. Global warming is hardly ad

30、mitted by most people.B. Some scientists agreed global warming could be avoided.C. All global warming is not mainly caused by natural events.D. Global warming in the 1890s was caused by human activities.19. What does the underlined word “auditing” in paragraph 3 refer to?A. Checking.B. Saving.C. Rec

31、ycling.D. Removing.20. Whats the purpose of listing figures in paragraph 4?A. To analyze the temperature data in climatic terms.B. To make readers feel sorry for species extinction.C. To reduce scientistsanxiety caused by global warming.D. To stress the serious impacts of climate situation.21. What

32、can be a suitable title for the text?A. Global Warming and Its Effects.B. Climate Change Calls forActions.C.ClimateChangeCausesSpeciesExtinction.D.HumanActivitiesandGlobalWarming.DImagine you have a jigsaw puzzle (拼图) with 10,000 pieces but no picture on a box. Infact, you dont even have the box-it

33、was destroyed nearly 2,000 years ago. These puzzle pieces高一英语试卷 第 6页 共 10 页are parts of wall paintings in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. How would you solve thispuzzle?Scientists in Italy have a plan: send in the robot. Their project-RePAIR (Reconstructingthe Past: Artificial Intelligence and Ro

34、botics meet Cultural Heritage)-combines robotics, AI(Artificial Intelligence) and archaeology in an attempt to reconstruct architectural features ofPompeii, because theyre either too difficult or would require impossible amounts of humanlabor and time.Over the next several months, the Italian resear

35、chers and their helpers will build, train, testand manage a robot to piece together ruined wall paintings in two buildings. If the projectsucceeds, the technology can be used to rebuild a variety of destroyed cultural artifacts whoserebuilding has remained “out of humans reach”.RePAIRs robot must ha

36、ve a combination of brains, strength and a sensitive touch. Thebrains will come from a mix of high-tech computer vision to scan the puzzle pieces of wallpaintings, machine-learning algorithms (算法) to solve the puzzles and human expertise toguide the AI. “We think that using an AI-based system will n

37、ot be enough,” says Pelillo, whosegroup is developing the puzzle-solving AI together with another team at a university.The researchers are in the process of digitizing (数码化) every piece of wall paintings inthe two test sites to create a digital database for the RePAIR robot. Once the whole system is

38、fully operational, “well have the robot doing the scanning process itself, and humans are freeto handle more difficult tasks. The idea is to work towards automating (使.自动化) as muchas possible this quite time-consuming and also boring activity of digitizing cultural heritage.”22. Why does the author

39、mention the jigsaw puzzle in paragraph 1?A. To express his doubts.B. To state his argument.C. To give an example.D. To introduce the topic.23. What did the Italian researchers do to reconstruct the wall paintings?A. Make a difficult jigsaw puzzle.B. Work with leading archaeologists.C. Make use of ad

40、vanced technology.D. Devote much human labor and time.24. What can be inferred from the last 2 paragraph?A. The robot can scan ruined puzzle pieces by itself.B. The digital database has been fully operational.C.A team develops the AI robot independently.D. The robot aims to combine AI and digital-ba

41、sed systems.25. Which word can best describe the authors attitude toward RePAIR?A. Doubtful.B. Supportive.C. Indifferent.D. Uncertain.高一英语试卷 第 7页 共 10 页第二节第二节 (共共 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分分,满分 12.5 分分)根据短文内容,选出最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The following are three simple language-learning exercises you can add to y

42、our daily plan.26Learning a language doesnt happen overnight. So even short, simple exercises are animportant step to help you explore a language more deeply.Choose a word of the day. The idea of a word of the day as a language-learning exerciseis a little out of date. It brings to mind the kind of

43、person who would use a word in a sentencemany times a day.27Collect and explore synonyms (近义词近义词) . When youre learning a new language, itsimportant to pay attention to those words having a similar meaning but used in different ways.28A good dictionary will give you some tips about the synonyms, but

44、 the best way to learnhow to use similar words is to listen to other speakers and take note.29This exercise can work in either direction. If you see or hear something in thelanguage youre learning, make sure to try to bring it into the language youre using.30Actually write out these translations so

45、as to check them against another translation.A. Translate what you see and hear around you.B. Find the reasons behind patterns you observe.C. Theres another benefit that makes it important.D. You can adapt them in any way that works best for you.E. But focusing on just one word a day can really be v

46、ery useful.F. And surely any text you see in your native language can be translated.G. For example, “big” and “vast” are synonyms, but you wouldnt talk about a “vastdog.”第三部分第三部分 英语知识运用英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)第一节第一节 完形填空完形填空(共共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分分)阅读短文,从所给的四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Wh

47、en Wendy McDowell was 8 years old, she found herself all alone in one of the busiestinternational airports in the country.It was 1979, and McDowell needed to31from Bismarck to Burlington. No one inher family could go with her, so her parents decided it would be32for a 19-year-oldfamily friend to go

48、with her.When they arrived for their layover (转机停留) at the international airport, they realizedtheir connecting33was canceled.高一英语试卷 第 8页 共 10 页What the family friend did next still34McDowell to this day. She bought herself a35back home and left McDowell all by herself. And she felt all alone, until

49、 a womanwalked over to her.“I remember she was wearing36, and she came and sat beside me. And I justremember37feeling a sense of safety because someone was with me.”The woman could38something was not39, and she got40fromMcDowell to help her and persuaded her mother McDowell would be safe with her.Th

50、e woman in white was flying to Pittsburgh, but she made a detour (绕道) to Burlingtonto41McDowell.The kindness of the42has left a lifelong impact on McDowell. She has used that43to teach her son about kindness. “People can44to be beautiful and45andprovide security to strangers and people like this are


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