辽宁省丹东十七2021-2022 学年下学期期末线上教学质量监测八年级英语试卷.docx

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1、丹东十七中 2021-2022 学年度下学期期末线上教学质量监测八年级英语试卷考试时间:90分钟满分:100分第一卷选择题.听录音,按要求完成任务。(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)(A) 听对话,选择与所听内容相符的图片(每段对话读两遍)(5 分)1.A.B.C.B.C.2.A.3.A.B.C.4.A. B.C. 5.A.B.C.(B) 听对话,选择正确答案(每段对话读两遍, 5 分)6. What did Jimmys mother buy for him?A. Atoybear.B. Atoy tiger.C. A toyhorse.7. Where did Steve go yester

2、daymorning?A. To the historymuseum.B. To thePalace museum.C. To the BirdsNest.8. When did Emmas cousin ride her bikeaway?A.At8:00a.m.B. At9:00a.m.C. At 10:00a.m.9. Which lesson does Tim want totake?A. Thepianolesson.B. Thedancinglesson.C. The guitar lesson. 10.How did Billy hurt hishead?A. He fell o

3、ffabike.B. He walked intoatree.C. He fell over astone.(C) 听对话,选择正确答案(对话读两遍)(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。11. Why does Wendy lookworried?A. Because she has troublefallingasleep.B. Because shes getting heavier andheavier.C. Because she has too much homework to do. 12.What will Wendy do?A. Join acyclingclub.B.

4、 Listen to lightclub.C. Do her homework quickly.听第二段对话,回答第 1315小题。13. Why is Larry going toSydney?A. To takeaholiday.B. To visitafriend.C. To learn English.14. Who worked in Sydney five yearsago?A.Larrys mother.B.Larrysuncle.C. Larrysfather.15. How will Larry go to Sydney?A. Bybus.B. Byplane.C. On f

5、oot. 单项选择(20 分)16. Alicehasalarmandalarm goes off at 7:30 everymorning.Athe;theBan;anCthe;anDan;the 17.Mary hasnt calledMr.Brownshe said shewould.AifBwheneverCuntilDeventhough18. Shehada, so she went to see thedentist.A.headacheB.stomachacheC.toothacheD. fever19. My fatherusedtoto work, but now he i

6、sused tohisbike.Adriving;ridingBdriving;ride Cdrive;ridingDdrive;ride20. Do you like pop music or country music?. I like Beijingopera.AEitherBNoneCBothDNeither21. the population of the smalltown?AWhatisBWhatareCHow many is DHow many are 22.Therearetrees in thepark.A.thousands ofB. twothousandsofC. t

7、wothousandsD. thousand of 23.the food of arestaurant is,the restaurant willget.AMoredelicious;morepopularBMost delicious;most popular CThe more delicious;the more popular DThe most delicious;the mostpopular24. Bob, what did the weather report say just now?Sorry, Dad. I didnt hear,becauseIon the phon

8、e. AamtalkingBwouldtalkCtalkDwastalking25. Sofar,Imy pet dog. Im verysad.A. didntfindB.have foundC.havent foundD.found26. Dont forget to take your bagwhen youthe bus. AgetoffBcutoffCturn offDput off27. In order to stay healthy, youshouldnteatjunk food. AmuchtooBtoomuchCtoomanyDsomany28. Jack, if you

9、haveproblemsthe job, you can ask me forhelp.AfinishBfinishingCtofinishDfinished29. Where is your father, Jenny? I cant findhim.Heto Shanghai on business. He will come back in aweek.A.hasgoneB.hasbeenC.wentD. willgo30. The oldmanlives, but heneverfeelsbecause so many volunteers often visit him onweek

10、ends.Aalone;aloneBalone;lonelyClonely;lonelyDlonely;alone 31.You dont need to go to the guitar lesson tomorrow.Theteacher.AputoffitBput itoffCfixedup itDfixed it up 32.Canyouyour bike to me thisSunday?Sorry. My brother will use it on the weekend. AborrowBdriveClendDsave33. Therean English party this

11、evening.A. is goingtohaveB.wasC.will beD. will have 34.Lisa got upveryearlycatch the firstbus.AsothatBinorderCin ordertoDin order that 35.Mary will make a plan as soonassheherhomework.AfinishesBfinishCwillfinishDfinished.完形填空(10 分)Cameron Beck first started volunteering at the age of 12. He used to

12、help togive36 foodtothosepoorpeopleinneedwithhisfamily.Tohisfamily,volunteeringisthereasonthatmakes them get closer. Because of these experiences, Cameronfoundthe37ofvolunteering.And he keeps on volunteering until now.He38every Saturday volunteering at Project Open HandinSanFrancisco, California. It

13、sanonprofitorganization(非营利组织). Itgives39meals to neighbors and some old people that are seriously ill. ProjectOpenHand402, 500meals and other things for those people every day. And there are more than125_41taking part inthevolunteer programeveryday.Italso hasagrocerystore(杂货店)wherepeople42come in a

14、nd shop. Cameron first learned about ProjectOpenHand43he was working onPolkStreet.Whenpassingitsstorefront(店面) onhiswaytoandfromworkeachday, Cameron took agreat_44in it. Then he knew that it was such a wonderful organization that hedecidedto join it.Volunteering45Camerons work and life a lot. He cal

15、ls up everyone to joininvolunteering and enjoy themselves.36AinBupCbackDout37AsignBjoyCsadnessDdifficulty38AplaysBusesCspendsDimagines39AfreeBterribleCcheapDexpensive40AnoticesBopensCpreparesDcontrols41AvolunteersBguestsCtravelersDcooks42AmustBshouldCneedDcan43AbeforeBwhenCuntilDif44AsatisfactionBre

16、solutionCpartDinterest45.AdecidedBchangedChitDmeant.阅读理解(10 分)Passage1Mr. Smith works in an office. Hes very busy and has no time to have a good rest. Every evening, when he comes back from his office, hes always tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife often has a lot of interesting things

17、to tell him after supper. She doesnt stop talking until she falls asleep.One day the man felt terrible and couldnt go to work. He decided to go to see a doctor. And Mrs Smith went to the hospital with him. Before her husband said what was the matter with him, the woman had told the doctor all and th

18、e man understand why. He wrote out a prescription ( 处方 ) . And when Mr Smith brought the medicine to the resulting room, the doctor said to her, “ Thebottleofmedicineisforyour husbandand thepills ( 药片 ) areforyou.”“For me?” the woman said in surprise “Im fine. I dont need any medicine!”“ I dont thin

19、k so, madam”, said the doctor. “They are sleeping pills. Your husband will soon be all right if you take them.”46. MrSmithworks.A. ina stationB. inanofficeC. atacinemaD. in a factory 47.Mr Smithis A. too busy to have agoodrestB. too busy not to have arestC. free enough to have agoodrestD. busy enoug

20、h to have a good rest 48.The sentence “His wife doesnt stop talking until she falls asleep”means A. she doesnt stop talking when she falls asleepB. she doesnt stop talking after she fallsasleepC. she keeps talking until she fallsasleepD. she likes talking as she fallsasleep49. Why does Mr Smith have

21、 to get up when his wife is asleep in themorning?A. Because he cantfallasleepB. Because he has to go toworkC. Because he doesnt wanttosleepD. Because his wife asks him to getup50. Why couldnt Mr Smith go to work one day?A. Because he didnt wanttoworkB. Because his wife didnt let himgoC. Because hewa

22、sillD. Because he was too tired to go to work Passage2Boys and girls,This term is over, here are some words for you. Please take your note home and let your parents know how great you are. Remember to bring it back with your parents words nextterm.Wang Hai: You are a clever boy. You won the math com

23、petition this term in our school. Next term, please pay attention to your weight and keep doing sports to keep fit.Han Yan: I believe you are the most popular girl in our class, you are so outgoing that everyone wants to be your friend. Do better in your English, then youll be muchbetter.Hu Fang: Yo

24、ur voice is so beautiful, we all like to listen to your singing. Dont be shy, try to sing in front of us. Also, work hard on your math, maybe Wang Hai can help you.Sun Hua: PE.is your favorite, youre always a star at the sports meet. But I think Chinese is also important. The more you read, the more

25、 you will learn.51. won the math competition this term atschool.A.Sun HuaB.HanYanC.HuFangD. Wang Hai 52.Han Yan is notgoodat.A.ChineseB.mathC.EnglishD. physics 53.Hu Fang feelsalittleto sing in front of herclassmates.A.outgoingB. shyC.popularD. weak 54.SunHuacanto improve hisChinese.A.domore reading

26、B.do more homework C.do more writing D.do more sports 55.Who do you think wrote thesenotes?A.The parent.B.Theteacher.C.Thedoctor.D. Thepolice. 情景反应(每题 1 分,共计 5 分)D. Because Ineedtobuy somesnacks(零食).E. Could I borrow some money from you,Mom?F. Could you clean yourroom?G. That soundsfun.B. I hate to

27、do the dishes.A. I cleaned it yesterday.C. But I need to do my homework first.从方框内所给句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面对话。有两项多余。A: Could I invite my friends to my birthday party on Saturday,Mom? B: Certainly, dear.56.A:57.B: Why do you need money? A:58.B: Well, Im going shopping tomorrow. I can buy them for you. A: That

28、s great. Thank you, Mom.B: Could you please clean the living room? A:59.B: You need to clean it again for your party. A: OK.60.B: Thats right. After you finish your homework, lets clean the room.第二卷非选择题VI.短文填空 (每空 1 分,满分 10 分)(根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文内容完整。并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。)cleanwasteuntilbecom

29、e make stress throw great providesweepSome children dream of61.adults so that they wont have to do homework or take exams. That is to say, they wont have 62.from school any more. But are things really like what theythink?Wang Juns mother isa63. She is busy cleaning the park every day. In order to 64

30、.a clean environment for everyone, she has to get up at 5 a.m.to65.the streets and collect rubbish in the park. The minute she finishes her work, she goes hometo66.breakfast. Then she does some chores at home. After that, she goes to the park to work again, because somepeople67.rubbish everywhere. S

31、he doesnt come backhome68.3 p.m. Its not easy for Wang Juns mother to make money. His mother never 69.money. Being an adult is notas70.as youthink. 补全对话(在下面对话的空白处填上适当的话语,使对话完整。话语可能是句子、短语或词。每小题 1 分,共 5 分)A: Hi, Peter, what did you do last night? B: I read a book last night.A:71.?B: Its about pandas.A

32、:72.?B: Wonderful! But it made me sad. A: Did you learn a lot from it?B:73. Pandas are in danger now. I think we should protect them. A: I agree withyou.74.?B: Hum, I think we should give them a warm home and dont hurt them. A: Lets join the Love Animal Club first.B:75. The club must befun. 任务型阅读(将答

33、案写在答题卡的相应位置上,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 根据短文内容回答问题Passage3This year, we saw three Chinese astronauts(宇航员)go to space. They had spacewalks(太空行走). Spacewalks can be dangerous. There is harmful(有害的)radiation(辐射)and there is no air at the space station. Thanks to Feitian spacesuitLets get to know about Feitian spac

34、esuit. It has six layers( 层 ). Layer 1 is the closest to astronauts bodies. It collects astronauts urine(尿液). Layer 2 to 5 help to control temperature and pressure(压力) inside the suit. Layer 6 protects astronauts from radiation.Feitian spacesuit weighs more than 120 kilos. It fits astronauts from 16

35、0 to 180 centimeterstall.Astronautscan put it on within(在之内)5 minutes.Itcan suppor(t as long as 8hours.支持)spacewalksThere is a camera in the suit. Astronauts can take pictures before they jump in the icy water on that day during spacewalk. There are headphones and speakers in it. Astronauts can talk

36、 to the space station.76. Did the three Chinese astronauts havespacewalks?77. Why is it dangerous to do spacewalks in space? 78How many layers are there in Feitian spacesuit? 79What is the weight of Feitianspacesuit?80. How long does it take to put on Feitianspacesuit?.翻译句子(将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上局部翻译每小题1分,整

37、句翻译每小题2分,共 10 分)81. 根据钟伟所说的,一些东西将不会改变的。Zhong Wei , some things will neverchange.82. 他们总能想出好办法去解决问题。Theycan alwaysgood ways to solveproblems.83. 他去年结婚了。Helast year.84. 珠穆朗玛峰比世界上的任何一座山都要高.Qomolangma ishigher thanmountain in theworld.85. 如果你想去露营,你必须学习怎样搭帐篷.If you want to go camping, you must learnhowtoatent.86. 使我惊讶的是,他又迟到了。, he was lateagain.87. 他已经借这本书五天了。88. 昨晚 8 点钟时你在干什么? .书面表达(10分)89. 丹东是我们可爱的家乡,她有迷人的景色:如鸭绿江,锦江山,凤凰山等。每年有大量的游客来我们丹东游玩。丹东有美味的食物:海鲜和草莓在全国都很有名。丹东气候宜人, 冬天不冷夏天不热,她真的是一个旅游和居住的好地方。请同学们写一篇介绍我们家乡丹东的短文吧。字数:70 词左右。


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