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1、中考英语主谓一致练习题班级 考号 姓名 总分 1.Not onlyyoubut alsoI_ interested in the cartoon calledPeppa Pig.A.amB.isC.are2.Whats in the picture on the wall?There_a teacherand some students playing soccer on the playgrounD.A.hasB.areC.isD.have3.Not onlyJackbut alsoI_crazy about the football match.A.amB.isC.areD.be4.The

2、 number of thevolunteers志愿者_ 100 now.And a number of them _alreadygone to the workplace.A.is;haveB.are;haveC.is;areD.is;has5._students took part in planting trees onMarch .12 this year.Yes.It is said that _ the students is 300.A.The number of ; a number ofB.A number of; the number ofC.The number of;

3、 the number ofD.A number of; a number of6.Annwithher classmates _ the plan over there.A.discussedB.are finding outC.is discussingD.talked7.I think _ofthematerialsI listened to at the beginning of the exam _easy.A.two thirds; isB.second three; areC.two thirds; areD.two third; are8.Jimwithhis friends_

4、many places in China.A.visitedB.have visitedC.has visitedD.are visited9.-Id like you to tell me something about Shenongjia.-Im sorry, butneitherJacknorI_there.A.have beenB.had beenC.have goneD.has gone10.Eitheryour friendoryou_sixteen years olD.A.isB.areC.amD./11.NeitherJimnorhis classmates_ to scho

5、ol on Sundays.A.goesB.wantC.goD.to go12.Alargenumber ofpeople_going to the concert tonight.I think there will be two_young people there.A.is, thousandB.are, thousandC.are, thousandsD.is, thousands13.Tomwithhis classmates _ an English lesson now.A.hasB.haveC.are havingD.is having14.In our class _ofth

6、estudents_ girls.A.third fifths,isB.third fifth,areC.three fifth,isD.three fifths,are15.About_ofthestudentsin our school _girls.A.two-third, isB.two-thirds, isC.two-third, areD.two-thirds, are16.She has spent half of her pocket money.The rest(money)_ for future use.A.is savedB.are savedC.savesD.save

7、d17.Herphysics_ better than any other student.A.isB.are C.do D.does18.-A number ofstudents _ on the playgrounD.-The number ofstudents _ about 200.A.is;isB.is;areC.are;areD.are; is19.Not onlymy brotherbut alsomy sister_ interested in English when they were young.A.wasB.wereC.isD.are20.Neithermy fathe

8、rnorI_ going to the baseball game.A.beB.amC.isD.are21.In this area, _of the land_ covered with trees and flowers.A.two fifths; areB.two fifth; isC.two fifths, isD.two fifth; are22.Abouttwo-ninths of the engineersin my company _ to be in their _.A.seems; fourtiesB.seem; fortiesC.seem; fortiethD.seems

9、; fourtieth23.Twenty dollars_enough for the coat.A.isB.areC.hasD.have24.Everyone_ in the classroom.Lets_ our meetingA.is;beginB.is;to beginC.are;to startD.are;start25.How time flies!Ten years_ passeD.A.haveB.hasC.isD.are26.Tomwithhis family _ in a small town now.A.liveB.livesC.livingD.lived27.Everyo

10、ne _having a good time.A.amB.isC.areD.were28._arehaving dinner at home.A.GreenB.The GreenC.The GreensD.Greens29._bedroomis smaller than their parents9, but it is nicer.A.Toms and TimsB.Toms and TimC.Tom and TimsD.Tom and Tim30.E-mail,as well astelephones, _an important part in daily communication.A.

11、is playingB.have playedC.are playingD.play31.The number ofpeople invited _ fifty,but _ them were absent for different reasons.A.was; the number ofB.was; a number ofC.were; the number ofD.were; a number of32.The basketball coach,as well ashis team,_ interviewed shortly after the match for their outst

12、anding performance.A.wereB.wasC.isD.are33.There _ in this room.A.are too much furnitureB.is too many furnituresC.are too much furnituresD.is too much furniture34.Not onlyIbut alsoDavid and Iris_ fond of playing basketball.A.amB.isC.areD.was35.Three hours_ enough for us to finish the task.A.areB.hasC

13、.isD.were附:参考答案和解析1. A.am就近原则2. C.is 就近原则3. A.am 就近原则4. A.is;haveplace n.地方,地点place v.放,放置,把放在take place发生take the place of代替,而不是the number of“的数量”做主语时,谓语动词用单数a number of“许多”做主语时,谓语动词用复数5.B.A number of; the number of6.C.is discussing就远原则7.C.two thirds; are “分数百分数of +名词”做主语时,谓语动词取决与名词分数表示法:分子基数词,分母序数

14、词,分子大于一,分母要加s1/2 two secondtwo-second2/5 two fifthstwo-fifths3/4 three fourthsthree-fourths8.C.has visited就远原则9.A.have been 就近原则10. B.are就近原则11. C.go就近原则12. B.are, thousand13. D.is having就远原则14. D.three fifths,are15. D.two-thirds, are16. A.is savedrest adj.剩余的,其余的rest n.休息have a rest休息17. A.is18. D.

15、are; is19. A.was20. B.am21.C.two fifths, island n.陆地land v.降落,着陆Our flight will be landed at Beijing International Airport in twenty minutes.22. B.seem; fortiesin ones twenties在某人二十岁的时候in ones thirties在某人三十岁的时候20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90in his fifties23. A.is24. A.is;begin25. B.has26. B.lives27. B.is28. C.The Greens29.C.Tom and Tims30. A.is playing31.B.was; a number of32. B.wasC.isD.are33.D.is too much furniturefurniture n.家具不可数名词room n.房间可数名词room n.空间不可数名词make the room for为让出地方,为腾出空间34. C.are35. C.is5


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