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1、高考英语完形填空专项练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 (工作与职业话题)(一)(2021全国高考真题)Over the past 38 years, Mr.Wang has pretended to be someone else many times,and has even learned to _1_ different dialects(方言),leading to him being described as an “Oscar-winning actor.The 60-year-old is not an actor, but a _2_ However,he is more devot

2、ed to his “_3_ than any real actor.In the 1990s, a group of thieves often sold stolen goods with the help of some beggars.To look into the _4_,Wang disguised(伪装)himself and _5_ the beggars.Dirty shorts and old shoes gave him the _6_ of a real beggar and his convincing dialect soon won him the _7_ of

3、 the beggars.“I often _8_ them to drink alcohol.Once they were _9_,they began to talk a lot,Wang saiD.“Id then _10_ myself to use the toilet, _11_ what the beggars said, and send the _12_ to my teammates.”Wang,who is often in _13_ situations, is also a judo (柔道) master. “As long as I get close enoug

4、h, no criminal can _14_ from me, he saiD.Wangs _15_ won him several honors, including a National May Day Labor Medal and 11 Citations of Merit.Paris.191.A.teachB.compareC.assessD.speak2.A.lawyerB.doctorC.policemanD.businessman3.A.role B.studyC.familyD.audience4.A.minor B.case C.future D.question5.A.

5、interviewed B.joined C.arrestedD.assisted6.A.challengeB.experienceC.appearanceD.freedom7.A.vote B.sympathy C.permissionD.trust8.A.invited B.forced C.helpedD.expected9.A.drunk B.deserted C.boredD.lost10.A.guide B.persuadeC.excuse D.allow11.A.refer to B.note down C.ask about D.miss out12.A.plan B.agre

6、ement C.direction D.information13.A.awkward B.dangerous C.unfortunateD.strange14.A.separateB.recover C.escape D.hear15.A.courageB.honestyC.kindness D.optimism(二)(2022青海海东一模)Zeng Xi, a member of post-90, pursues dreams of flower art making after graduation.She has succeeded in turning her _16_ into a

7、 career in Chengdu for many years of hard struggle.Majoring in mathematics, Zeng was _17_ to work in the financial sector by her parents but she decided to _18_ another kind of life by following her _19_.“Ones life is just that _20_.Why should we live a life by _21_ too much about what others think

8、and say?” said Zeng, who found flower art making a way to _22_ pressure as a freshman in a university.in Toronto CanadA.At the same time, after finding _23_ potential of flower art making in market, Zeng _24_ a studio in Hong Kong in 2018.After _25_ enough experience, Zeng decided to return to her h

9、ome in Chengdu to _26_ flower art design, decoration projects and teach more people floriculture (花卉园艺学).Bringing her _27_ from Toronto to Hong Kong and then Chengdu, Zeng, the 25-year-old girl, arranged her _28_ “Blooming Flowers” at an exhibition area in Chengdu and communicated _29_ of a flower e

10、xhibition at the exhibition areA.Her efforts _30_ and she makes 250,000 yuan(838, 609.46)a month when her business goes _31_.Currently, Zeng is trying to _32_ her business into landscape art design, attempting to break time and space _33_.“What I dream to do is to _34_ nature and to contribute to Ch

11、inese culture and _35_ creativity industry with flowers as a medium,” she saiD.16.A.intention B.hobbyC.goalD.experience17.A.devotedB.hoped C.expected D.admitted18.A.refuse B.provideC.pick D.choose19.A.shoulder B.foot C.heart D.hand20.A.long B.tough C.difficult D.easy21.A.caringB.hearing C.provingD.r

12、eceiving22.A.increaseB.releaseC.acceptD.decrease23.A.unique B.formalC.fresh D.great24.A.establishedB.occupiedC.builtD.decorated25.A.collectingB.accumulatingC.pilingD.gathering26.A.developB.shorten C.acquireD.conquer27.A.emotionB.approachC.dream D.treasure28.A.exhibition B.flower C.studio D.artwork29

13、.A.lights B.detailsC.photosD.positions30.A.paid for B.paid inC.paid back D.paid off31.A.wild B.mild C.fastD.well32.A.increaseB.expand C.decrease D.extend33.A.explanation B.expressionC.limitation D.translation34.A.protect B.createC.coverD.beautify35.A.politicalB.medicalC.financial D.cultural(三)(2022天

14、津市西青区杨柳青第一中学模拟预测)Returning to your home town to work could give you some _36_, such as having more time to be with your family members and being back in familiar surroundings But Jiang Zhihui thinks that kind of convenience wont necessarily _37_ you success in your career.The 28-year-old Jiang said

15、that, “Eventually, its your own hard work that _38_ most.Everyone, in fact, needs to develop _39_ resources and a network, instead of just _40_ the past.”She returned to Suzhou after getting a masters degree at a university in Macao.She _41_ among competitors while applying for a_ _42_ with Suzhou I

16、ndustrial Park Administrative Committee.“Im more realistic and want to be close to my parents and friends.And I want to enjoy a slower pace of life.She was also able to see the amazing economic growth potential in her home town, _43_ since her job was to attract investment to the industrial _44_.At

17、the same time, she found that her network of people and her knowledge of her home town didnt mean much at work.“Every day, I get to meet business people from all over the world, and be in touch with the _45_ technology,” she saiD.“So, I have to _46_ from the very beginning just like anyone else.I sp

18、end most of my time learning to adapt better to my joB.”And now, her hard work has paid off.Many of the projects her team negotiated for are in the construction process or are actually up and running.She felt proud of this “Honestly, in my opinion, sometimes its more crucial to _47_ a promising job

19、or profession than to choose a _48_” Jiang saiD.She may not be in a major city, but she never felt that her personal ability would be _49_ In fact, her job handling high-tech investment bids has given her plenty of _50_ to visit those exciting places and _51_ a different life on business trips.“If y

20、ou keep your mind open, youll always be at the cutting edge, regardless of where you are.”Jiang is quite satisfied with the _52_ in Suzhou.“I often hear classmates living in bigger cities _53_ about the pressure, the cost of housing, longer work hours and traffic jams,” she saiD.“Life in a _54_ city

21、 is relatively comfortable, even if I _55_ less.”36.A.presentsB.advantagesC.talentsD.promises37.A.celebrate B.repeat C.measureD.guarantee38.A.countsB.fails C.succeeds D.cheats39.A.professional B.abundantC.new D.broad40.A.searching forB.thinking ofC.reaching outD.relying on41.A.ran out B.took out C.s

22、tood out D.gave out42.A.job B.scholarship C.permit D.license43.A.eventually B.especially C.extremelyD.fortunately44.A.revolution B.era C.parkD.time45.A.clearest B.best C.latestD.fastest46.A.debateB.start C.examineD.discuss47.A.create B.recommend C.quitD.take48.A.country B.provinceC.regionD.city49.A.

23、recognizedB.limited C.improved D.ensured50.A.chances B.ways C.ambitions D.promotions51.A.experience B.extendC.change D.challenge52.A.educationB.customs C.life D.people53.A.careB.worry C.bringD.complain54.A.smaller B.better C.largerD.richer55.A.workB.earn C.contributeD.devote(四)(2022江苏省如皋中学模拟预测)For Y

24、ao Pengpeng, this is the first time that he has missed his once-a-year chance to visit his family.The 25-year-old man, who left home for the big city filled with opportunities seven years ago, is one of the 12_56_workers serving inhabitants in this rural-urban fringe in southeastern Beijing.He has b

25、een working_57_for days.Every day, he arrives at the work station at 7:30 in the morning and begins _58_, sorting, checking addresses and loading goods onto his three-wheeled motorcycle.After that, he begins his_59_of roughly 10 hours.“I deliver goods to around 80 households each day during the coro

26、navirus outbreak, about 20 percent_60_than average because a large portion of migrant workers are still_61_in their hometowns.”_62_having fewer customers, Yao is busier than usual since it takes longer to take body temperatures, disinfect the packages and_63_with customers about designated (指定的) del

27、ivery times and locations.“All the residential communities in this neighborhood are in partial lockdown,_64_entrances to deliverymen and leaving only one gate open for residents to come out to_65_their orders with the no-touch delivery measure.” Yao saiD.That measure, however,_66_ eases the concerns

28、 of delivery riders such as Yao.After all, they have to come into contact with_67_goods headed for dozens of communities every day.“Im not fearless, especially since my running around puts my three-year-old kid at risk of_68_the virus.” Yao saiD.“But I cannot leave my customers hanging._69_those liv

29、ing in real villages, they dont have cropland of their own, so they would have difficulty getting food and other_70_as restaurants and many supermarkets stay closeD.”56.A.deliveryB.sales C.mentalD.unemployed57.A.economicallyB.partly C.straightD.altogether58.A.disturbing B.complainingC.readingD.unloa

30、ding59.A.account B.shift C.exploration D.investigation60.A.higherB.more C.less D.fewer61.A.hiredB.monitored C.observed D.stuck62.A.Despite B.BeyondC.Plus D.Except63.A.bet B.consult C.bargain D.replace64.A.blocking B.permitting C.supplying D.narrowing65.A.buy up B.tie upC.pick up D.weigh up66.A.actua

31、llyB.barely C.seemlyD.precisely67.A.additionalB.conventionalC.numerous D.extra68.A.spreadingB.keepingC.preventingD.catching69.A.Besides B.With C.ConsideringD.Unlike70.A.clothes B.essentials C.desserts D.vegetables(五)(2022山西现代双语学校南校三模)Like a good cheese, wine, or pair of well-worm blue jeans, some th

32、ings get better with time.For me, Anne Lamotts book named Shitty First Drafts can also be grouped into this_71_.I can still hear the laughter when our high school English teacher_72_it over two decades ago.At first, her nod to this classic essay was_73_in favor of the fact that the elegant, not-quit

33、e elderly_74_of our learning had just_75_a bad word into her classroom lecture like it was no big deal.As she went on to explain, I_76_her point about the writing process, but the sticking point for me was the catch-phrase shed borrowed and used to_77_our attention.Years later, a college professor a

34、dvised me to give Lamotts Bird by Bird a_78_.I came cross that famous first-draft phrase again.This time around, I encountered a how-to on writing that left behind only insightful,_79_and humorous bits of wisdom.How_80_it is to finally hear from a professional writer that like others, she also exper

35、iences the same sorts of_81_as a college student working at an essay assignment!As a full-time writer, now I rely on_82_to pay bills and put food on the table.When those words come less_83_and I struggle to find my daily rhythm, I make a point of reminding myself where all_84_writing begins.The ones

36、 who make it look easy are often those whove_85_some interest, ability or natural talent with a lot of_86_, efforts, and struggles.And_87_drafts.If the best of the best need to write several versions of any given piece to shape_88_material into a product worth a look, then the rest of us need to_89_

37、the writing process to work for us, too.Begin with the “uncooked” material, and I remind myself again.Shape it, mold it, put in the work.Believe in the process_90_you will get there.71.A.relationship B.impressionC.conditionD.category72.A.made up B.referred to C.heard aboutD.laughed at73.A.admitted B

38、.collectedC.ignoredD.reviewed74.A.leaderB.reader C.writer D.neighbor75.A.avoidedB.slipped C.abandoned D.discovered76.A.declined B.preserved C.simplified D.absorbed77.A.turnB.loseC.catchD.distract78.A.try B.hand C.stage D.cage79.A.obviousB.engagingC.astonishingD.complicated80.A.awkward B.courageous C

39、.refreshingD.disappointing81.A.marks B.strugglesC.diseasesD.achievements82.A.wordsB.reputation C.standardsD.teaching83.A.rarely B.accidentally C.unexpectedlyD.easily84.A.realistic B.excellentC.automatic D.informal85.A.confused B.continued C.compared D.combined86.A.practice B.kindnessC.literatureD.re

40、creation87.A.perfect B.uniqueC.multipleD.academic88.A.raw B.limited C.ordinaryD.additional89.A.urge B.warn C.allowD.force90.A.orB.so C.butD.and附:参考答案和解析(一)1.D2.C3.A4.B5.B6.C7.D8.A9.A10.C11.B12.D13.B14.C15.A【解析】本文是记叙文。讲述了警察王先生在过去的38年里,多次假扮别人,甚至学会了说不同的方言,不顾危险混入犯罪团伙,成功破案的故事。1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在过去的38年里,王先生多次

41、假扮别人,甚至学会了说不同的方言,这让他被称为“奥斯卡获奖演员”。A.teach 教授;B.compare 比较;C.assess评估;D.speak讲话 。根据“Mr.Wang has pretended to be someone else many times”可知,能扮成别人,还会讲不同的方言。故填D。2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位60岁的老人不是演员,而是警察 。A.lawyer 律师;B.doctor医生;C.policeman 警察;D.businessman 商人。根据“To look into the,Wang disguised(伪装)himself”以及“includi

42、ng a National May Day Labor Medal and 11 Citations of Merit.Paris.”可知,王先生是一名警察。故填C。3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,他比任何真正的演员都更专注于他的“角色”。A.role 角色;B.study学习;C.family 家庭;D.audience观众 。根据“than any real actor.”可知,王投身于演员的角色中。故填A。4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了调查这个案子,王伪装自己并加入了乞丐中。A.minor 未成年人,辅修;B.case 情况,案件;C.future 未来;D.question问题 。

43、根据“In the 1990s, a group of thieves often sold stolen goods with the help of some beggars.”可知,这是一起犯罪案件。故填B。5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了调查这个案子,王伪装自己并加入了乞丐中。A.interviewed采访;B.joined 加入;C.arrested 逮捕;D.assisted协助。根据“To look into the”可知,他混入乞丐中。故填B。6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:肮脏的短裤和旧鞋子使他看起来像一个真正的乞丐,他那令人信服的方言很快赢得了乞丐们的信任。A.challenge 挑战;B.experience 经历;C.appearance出现,外表;D.freedom自由 。根据“ Dirty shorts and old shoes”可知,这是描述外表。故填C。7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:肮脏的短裤和旧鞋子使他看起来像一个真正的乞丐,他那令人信服的方言很快赢得了乞丐们的信任。A.vote 投票;B.sympathy 同情;C.permission 批准;D.trust 信任。根据“ his convincing dialect soon won him the”可知,他的方言讲得好,赢得乞丐们信任。故填D。8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我经常邀请


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