
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3140397 上传时间:2022-07-21 格式:PPT 页数:62 大小:1.26MB
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1、翻译的定义:typical conceptsw Translation is the act or process of rendering what is expressed in one language or set of symbols by means of another language or set of symbols.w 翻译是使用不同语言的人们互相沟通的纽带和桥梁,是把一种语言(可以称之为“原语”)所表达的信息用另一种语言(可以称之为“译语”)传达出来的过程。英汉语词汇的根本特征(从词汇缺项角度看)w 汉语缺冠词:汉语缺冠词:w 狗跑得快。A dog runs quick

2、ly.Dogs run quickly.He is a pianist and singer.他是钢琴师兼歌手。This is the life for me.这正是我最想要的生活。w 英语缺语气助词:英语缺语气助词:w Are you coming or not?w 你来不来?w 你来不来呢?w 你来呢,还是不来?w 汉语中的常用语气助汉语中的常用语气助词有以下六个:词有以下六个:w 的;了;么;呢;吧;啊汉语冠词缺项及汉英翻译w 一门亲事 一场噩梦w 可充当量词的可数名词可充当量词的可数名词w 一群鱼w 一群美女w 一群观众w 一群旁观者w 一群影迷w 一群示威者w 一群劫匪w 一群鸭w

3、一群蜜蜂w 一群羊w 一群狼w 一群海岛w a marriage a bad dreamw a shoal of herringw a galaxy of beautiesw a crowd of spectatorsw a group of onlookersw a throng of film fansw a troop of demonstratorsw a gang of robbersw a flock of ducksw a swarm of beesw a herd of sheepw a pack of wolvesw a cluster of islands英汉语词汇的根本特

4、征(从个体角度看)w 汉语:字与词汉语:字与词w 音形义兼备音形义兼备w 音:多音字;四声变化;平仄;双声与叠韵w 形:汉字的沿革体变w 义:众多的形声字英汉语词汇的根本特征(从个体角度看)w 英语语音的丰富变英语语音的丰富变化化w 按照音的本质分析:语调;重音;音域;语速;连读w unchained melody:Lyrics.doc英汉语词汇的根本特征(从个体角度看)w 按照音的功能分析:如:修辞功能拟声onomatopoeiaonomatopoeiaw 公鸡w 母鸡w 小鸡w 火鸡w 公牛w 母牛w 小牛w 鸭w 猪w 兔w croww cackle;cluck;chuckw cheep

5、w gobblew belloww moww bleatw quackw gruntw mumbleonomatopoeiaw 狮w 狼w 狗w 猪w 驴w 鼠w 鸽w 夜莺w 海鸥w 青蛙w 蜜蜂w 小鸟w 蛇w roarw howlw bark;yap;yelp;growl;bow-boww gruntw hew-haww squeak;cheep;peepw coow warble;jugw meww croakw buzz;hum;dronew chirp;twitterw hissonomatopoeiaw the roll of the thunderw the roar of t

6、he stormw the shrieking of the sirenw the babbling of the springw the jingling of the bellsw the pattering of the drizzlew the whisper of the breezew the rat-a-tat at the doorw the zooming of the jetw 雷声隆隆w 暴风雨咆哮w 汽笛尖叫w 泉水汩汩w 铃声叮当w 细雨淅沥w 微风瑟瑟w 哒哒的敲门声w 飞机“嗖”一声掠过文学文体(诗歌)w I slip,I slide,I gloom,I glan

7、ce,w Among my skimming swallows;w I make the netted sunbeam dancew Against my sandy shallows.w Tennyson:The Brook英汉语词汇的根本特征(从对应角度看)w A:一对一关系w uranium;Marxism;CPUw B:一对多关系w 笑:w laugh;smile;giggle;chuckle;beaming;jeer;guffaw;smirk;grinw wife w wife 和I 的同义词.docw C:不对应关系w“品”;目不识丁;雨后春笋;teenager文化与翻译:从一个例

8、子开始w It is a way,he says,of paying tribute to the rocknroll era that had a huge impact on him as a child.So why did the idea come off the backburner and on to paper and then celluloid?Celebrity burn-out is the answer.Hollywoods man with the golden touch had had a string of box-office success,from Sl

9、eepless in Seattle to Toy Story and Apollo 13,and had won Oscars two years in succession,for Philadelphia and then Forrest Gump.Art of Cookingw 煮boiled 炖stewed 烧braised 煎pan-fired 烤broil 滷cooked in light brine 炒stir-fried 爆quick-fried 炸deep-fired扒fried and simmered 煨simmered 煸sauteed 蒸steamed 烘baked

10、 涮instant boiled 酿stuffed 熏smoked 酱marinated 白煮scalded 清蒸steamed in clear soup How to translate dish names?w 以原料命名者可以直译:w 清炖牛尾w steamed oxtail in clear soup以形状为特色的可以使用in the shape of 或-shaped结构表达:熊掌豆腐bear paw-shaped beancurdHow to translate dish names?w 以人名地名命名的,可以直接使用人名地名的拼音:w 北京烤鸭w Beijing roast d

11、uckw 东坡肘子w Dongpo braised elbow具有特色的或中外不同的,现在常使用音译法(transliteration)饺子jiaozi(wenton)How to translate dish names?w 对于典故性菜名,一般先介绍原料,然后直译菜名作补充w 佛跳墙w assorted meat and vegetables soaked in wine jug,literally called the Buddha jumped over the wall成语习语俗语翻译的文化体现w 历史与传说:to cross the Rubicon and burn ones bo

12、ats to cut the Gordian knotw 生活:carry coal to New Castle love me,love my dogw 文学:Whats been done cannot be undone.between the devil and the blue sea 成语习语俗语翻译的文化体现w 运动:w 棒球 to get to the first base运动:拳击 to hit below the belt运动:桥牌 to call a spade a spade文化翻译中常见错误分析(1)w 原则:译出语导向(source-language oriente

13、d principle)w 表现:惟恐失真,过分直译(word for word)w 示例:Every dog has its day.每只狗都有它的日子。文化翻译中常见错误分析(2)w 原则:译入语导向(target-language oriented principle)w 表现:一味以译文读者的口味为准绳(free without any bound)w 示例:Spring,the sweet spring,is the years pleasant king.春,甘美之春,一年之中的尧舜。成语的翻译w seek a hare in a hens nest w talk horse w

14、kill the goose that lays the golden eggs w One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy.w Never offer to teach fish to swim.w 缘木求鱼 w 吹牛 w 杀鸡取卵 w 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。w 不要教鱼儿游泳.文化的常规处理手段w 异化(foreignizing)w 归化(domesticating)w to kill two birds with one stonew 谋事在人,成事在天。英汉语词汇的根本特征(从应用角度看)w

15、 汉语:概括模糊w 汉字约五万,常用汉字三千多个(汉语大字典)w 把杯子递给我。w 英语:具体精确w 1976,大英百科全书认为英语词汇已经超过五十万;学者们的新统计认为,英语单词多达百万以上模糊与精确汉语的概括词general-utility wordsw 图书馆w 水族馆w 博物馆w 旅馆w 饭馆w 体育馆w 展览馆w 照相馆w 大使馆w libraryw aquariumw museumw hotelw restaurantw gymnasiumw exhibition hallw photo studiow embassy模糊与精确(动宾搭配)w 恢复健康w 恢复疲劳w 恢复谈判w 恢

16、复秩序w 恢复正常w 恢复知觉w 恢复镇静w regain healthw relieve fatiguew resume talkw restore orderw return to normalw recover consciousnessw regain composure模糊与精确(偏正搭配C-E)w 老战士w 老师傅w 老领导w 老黄牛w 老芹菜w 老黄历w 老生常谈w a veteranw a master craftsmanw a senior leaderw a willing oxw overgrown celeryw last years calendarw commonp

17、lace模糊与精确(偏正搭配C-E)w 副总统w 副经理w 副教授w 副司令w 副食品w 副作用w 副标题w vice presidentw deputy managerw associate professorw assistant commanding officerw non-staple foodw side effectw subheading模糊与精确(偏正搭配E-C)w heavy1 1 of a certain weight,esp.of a weight that makes carrying,moving,or lifting difficult 2 of unusual

18、force or amount 3 a serious,esp.if uninteresting b(esp.of periods of time)full of hard work 4 sad 5 a feeling or showing difficulty or slowness in moving b difficult to do or move in 6(of food)rather solid and bad for the stomach 7(of weather)a still,without wind,dark,etc.b(at sea)stormy,with big wa

19、ves 8(on)infml.a severe(towards)b using in large quantities 9 sl.esp.AmE troublesome or threatening 10 find it heavy going to find it very difficult 11 make heavy weather of something to make something more difficult than it really is 12 play the heavy father to scold someone in a very serious way o

20、pposite light -ily adv -iness n u w Note:the usage cited here is adopted from LONGMAN DICTIONARY(P.525),with its adverbial use(heavy2)and noun use(heavy3)omitted模糊与精确(偏正搭配E-C)w heavy weatherw heavy cropsw heavy fogw heavy trafficw heavy artilleryw heavy soilw heavy skyw heavy bombardmentw 恶劣的天气w 大丰收

21、w 浓雾w 拥挤的交通w 重炮w 难耕的土地w 阴沉的天空w 密集的轰炸w heavy stormw heavy icew heavy roadw heavy firew heavy heartw heavy foodw heavy seaw heavy handw 大风暴w 厚冰w 泥滑难行的路w 猛烈的炮火w 沉重的心情w 难消化的食物w 汹涌的大海w 严厉的手段w heavy chargew heavy applausew heavy lookw heavy tonguew heavy undertakingw heavy snoww heavy rainw heavy moneyw 装

22、满的火药w 热烈的鼓掌w 忧愁的面容w 笨嘴笨舌w 艰难的任务w 鹅毛大雪w 暴雨w 大笔的钱w heavy scenew heavy drinkingw heavy fightingw heavy marketw heavy soundw heavy mortarw heavy breadw heavy newsw 尴尬的场面w 狂饮w 恶战w 萧条的市场w 低沉的声音w 稠灰浆w 发酵不好的面包w 令人忧愁的消息选词用字练习w IBM has a quite handsome increase of productivity this year.w Information technolo

23、gy will be at the heart of global economic competition in the 21st century.w The expansion of educational opportunities promoted the American idea of equal opportunity for all.w Traditional consumer attitudes are a major obstacle for cybermerchants.w Parents and family friends attend school games to

24、 support the children.w After hundreds of years of slow growth,the cities are suddenly racing off in every direction.w Great knowledge,experience and wisdom will help a man in a top position to achieve his ambition.选词用字练习(2)w The increase in DINK families has shattered the traditional idea of Chines

25、e family.w Nixons foreign policy accomplishments and all other aspects of his administration were soon overshadowed by the scandals known as Watergate.w As broadband marches on,some in the movie industry worry that viewing a film via the Internet will become popular.w Consumer electronics are the bi

26、ggest sellers online.w Despite the regulatory headaches,Internet firms continue to expand and multiply.w Owing to the uncertainty of the weather,outdoor cafes are not a feature of English life.w Despite the white-hot demand,the color TV suppliers are expected to reap only thin profits due to harsh c

27、ost-cutting effort to drive its retail price.句法形合与意合(hypotaxis¶taxis)w 英语句法的基本结构w 葡萄与项链英语句法的基本结构分析w It is a curious fact,of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation,that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those Euro

28、pean countries which have the worst climate and where the search for the picturesque involves the greatest discomfort.Aldous Huxley:The Country形合与意合(hypotaxis¶taxis)w 汉语典型句法:流水与竹节汉语典型句法示例w 从这里出门散步去,上山或是下山,在一个晴好的五月的向晚,正像是去赴一个美的宴会,比如去一个果子园,那边每株树上都是挂满着诗情最秀逸的果实,假如你单是站着看还是不满意时,只要你一伸手就可以采取,可以恣尝鲜味,足够你心

29、灵的迷醉。徐志摩翡冷翠山居闲话英汉语句法的互转w 翻译与回译:I know a girl whose mother is a pianist.构句中的词汇优势w 英语的介词与名词优势w Carlisle Street runs westward,across a great black bridge,down a hill and up again,by little shops and meat-markets,past single-storied homes,until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn.w Inadequate tr

30、aining for farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own countries.w 汉语的动词优势w 华大妈在枕头底掬了半天,掏出一包洋钱,交给老栓,老栓接了抖抖的装入了衣袋,又在外面按了两下,便点上灯笼,吹熄灯盏,走向屋里去了。w 鲁迅药构句中的词汇优势汉语的动词优势与翻译处理w 他带学生到工厂去参观。w 给我充分时间,我也能做好。w 他拿了本字典,开始准备功课。w 孩子们跑

31、着来迎接我们。w 谢谢你给我们这么多帮助。w 一个人不向别人学习,是不能指望有多少成就的。w He took his students to the factory for a visit.w Given enough time,I can do it too.w Taking a dictionary,he began to prepare his lessons.w The children came running to greet us.w Thank you for giving us so much help.w A man who doesnt learn from others

32、 cant hope to achieve much.少用动词,做地道的汉英翻译化动词为分词定语w 他猛然倒在一把椅子上,椅子被压得吱吱响。w 在我们学校里这一点表现为:教鞭消失了,心理老师出现了。w 大学生不应该把他们辛苦挣来的钱都用来上馆子和约会。w 允许美国战俘接受红十字会的食品包裹,允许他们写信,但信要经过检查。w He crashed down on a protesting chair.w In our school this is reflected by the vanishing stick and the emerging psychiatrist.w College st

33、udents should not spend their hard-earned money on dining out or dating.w American prisoners are permitted to receive Red Cross food parcels and write censored letters.少用动词,做地道的汉英翻译化表语形容词为定语形容词w 由于形势混乱,引起了政府的严重关注。w 讲座提供了很多信息,给我们留下了深刻的印象。w 路面结冰,加上能见度很低,因而导致了这场交通事故。w 我们现在的文化似乎追求的是工作时间要少,工资要高,生活要过得好。w

34、The chaotic situation caused serious concern.w The informative lecture impressed all of us.w Icy road and poor visibility led to the accident.w The aims of our present-day cultures seem to be shorter hours,higher salary and a better life.少用动词,做地道的汉英翻译使用评注性副词w 瘾君子对“禁止吸烟”的牌子视若无睹,真是不可救药。w 他在讨论会上沉默不语,这不

35、是他的个性。w 关于该问题的警告引起了公众的广泛关注,这是可以理解的。w 农民要求政府采取行动禁止白条,是完全合理的。w Tobacco addicts remain hopelessly blind to signs that say NO SMOKING.w He was uncharacteristically quiet at the discussion.w Alarms about this problem have understandably caused wide public concern.w Peasants justifiably urge the governmen

36、t to take action to ban IOUs.少用动词,做地道的汉英翻译其他手段w 他有才能,人品好,办事效率高,肯定会升职的。w 如果有官员违法,肯定会被立即解职。w 很重要的是善于听取别人的意见。w 许多家长担心,如果没有电视,他们的孩子会要他们和他们一起玩。w His aptitude,personality and efficiency guarantee his promotion.w Any violation of the law by any official will be cause for immediate dismissal.w It is very im

37、portant to be a good listener.w Many parents are worried that without TV,their children would like them to be their entertainers.句子主语的充当汉语w 零主语零主语:定义与渊源(天人合一的哲学观以及封建思想的禁锢)w 举例与对比:w 袭人道:“一百年还记着呢!比不得你,拿着我的话当耳边风,夜里说了,早起就忘了。”w“Ill remember if I live to be a hundred!”said Aroma.“Im not like you,letting w

38、hat I say go in at one ear and out at the other forgetting whats said at night by the next morning.w 主题结构主题结构:Theme+Rhemew 谁都知道朝鲜战场是艰苦的。w Everybody knows that life on the Korean battlefield was rather hard.w 在过去三年内,浦东新区完成了10项重大基础设施建设。w In the past three years,10 major infrastructure projects have be

39、en completed in the Pudong New Area.w 一个人学习上全得优也没什么了不起。w That one gets all As in his academic studies doesnt count much.句子主语的充当英语:对客观的崇尚w 不同的人对退休持不同的态度。w 我永远不会忘记这个教训。w 突然他想到了一个好主意。w 他因感情冲动而误入歧途。w 人们对那次历史盛会记忆犹新。w 她因病在医院住了四个星期。w Attitudes toward retirement vary from person to person.w The lesson will

40、be rooted in my memory forever.w A good idea suddenly struck him.w Her passion led him astray.w Memories of that historic occasion still linger.w Her illness kept her in hospital four weeks.句子的逻辑:显形与隐性w 你不去,我也不去。w 他一有空就来看我。w 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧。w 人各不相同,有的喜欢安静,有的喜欢活动。w I wont go if you are not going.w Whenev

41、er he is free,he will come to see me.w As long as the green mountains are there,one should not worry about firewood.w People are quite different.Some like being quiet while others like being active.句子的逻辑:显形与隐性指出以下各句中and的功能(1)w It was time to go and he hurried away.w Come early and you will see him.w

42、 Come and tell me all about it.w I cannot make him work hard,and I have repeatedly counseled him to do so.w He will go on a journey and his brother will stay at home.w The grinding machine you operate must be oiled,and that at once.w and so on/through and through/half and halfw We have come to the l

43、ast and most important step of the experiment.w 因果w 条件w 目的w 让步w 对比w and that加强语气/替代上文内容w 固定短语运用w 同位句子的逻辑:显形与隐性指出以下各句中and的功能(2)w We have ships,and men,and money.w He is a statesman and writer.w bread and butter/one hundred and fivew Move,and you are a dead man.w The wound grew angrier and angrier.w T

44、he patient trembled and trembled and trembled.w There are books and books.w He speaks French,and very well too.w I wished to learn the truth,and yet I dare not pursue my questioning.w 强调w 并列/兼语w 同性一体w 命令w 递增w 反复w 性质相异相对w andtoo而且w and yet 然而分词短语的翻译w Being a major concern now,the problem of cyber sec

45、urity calls for government measures for improvement.w Swallowing small companies,the big media corporations will be able to control what Americans read and watch.w Having brought about a lifestyle revolution,Internet use is threatened by hackers repeated attacks of the computer systems of important

46、organizations.w The Japanese economy starts to show signs of life,reviving optimism in the country.分词短语的翻译(2)w Taking off all across Asia,E-commerce is creating a new world of consumer choice and distinctly Asian versions of online giants.w Long dominated by the Japanese,Asias auto market now lies i

47、n the sights of ambitious US and European car manufactures.w Launched on 1 January,1999,the euro becomes the official currency in the 11 European Union nations.w American writers have produced novels,short stories,and poems,reflecting both the life of the nation and the diverse local and ethnic cult

48、ures within it.同位语的翻译w Intel,the worlds largest microprocessor maker,experienced a surge of success in a tough labor market.w Taking off all across Asia,E-commerce is creating a new world of consumer choice and distinctly Asian versions of online giants.w Credit cards,an idea conceived 50 years ago,

49、provide convenience to todays consumers.w The colonization of the West was given a tremendous impetus by the building of the transcontinental railroad,one of the great engineering feats of all time.定语状语的处理w 中国是有着五千多年历史的文明古国。w 中国实行的是中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度。w 我们要紧密团结在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央周围,高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜。w 要进一步在全社

50、会形成尊重知识,尊重人才,促进优秀人才脱颖而出的良好风气。w 20世纪八十年代,在改革开放政策的推动下,中国农村绝大多数地区凭借自身的发展优势,经济得到快速增长。长句的翻译w As the West sleepwalks into a decade in which moral confidence and steadfastness will be increasingly needed and decreasingly found,and as a cry for“leadership”issues from millions who would not recognize it if t


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