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1、Unit One:IntroductionObjectives Students are expected to (1)realize the importance of learning to write in English (2)become aware of the differences between English writing and Chinese Writing (3)build up confidence and form the habit of writing in English(4)avoid thinking and writing in Chinglish

2、Warm-up Activities Activity 1:Getting to know your teacher What image will be formed in your brain when we talk about teacher?Serious with glasses?Fashionable?Cool?Professional?Kind?Warm-up Activities Lets get to know your teacher:1.You will hear your teacher introduce himself/herself.Write down the

3、 basic information as required in the form.2.Rearrange the information you get and write a brief introduction of your teacher.Warm-up Activities Getting to know your teacher:Name:Snowy Chan The meaning of name:As pure as snow Birthplace:Guangzhou Hobbies:Traveling Experience:Translator in a foreign

4、invested company;English teacher Hopes for future:To become a professor in 5 years;To travel in western part of China Expectations for students:Enjoy their colorful college life;Make good plans and work hard to achieve their goals;Dont dawdle away their time Other information:Activity 2:Discuss the

5、following questions with your peers and then write down your answers.1:Do you usually write?Why or why not?2:Do you think writing is useful in your daily life?Why or why not?3:Have you ever done any writing in English?If so,what did you write about?4:Is writing in English the same as writing in Chin

6、ese?5:What problems do you have when you write in English?What is the biggest problem?Warm-up ActivitiesBasic Information about Writing How important is writing?Writing in general is one of the most important forms of communication For English learners,writing is crucial to academic success and secu

7、ring a job.Can your tell the importance of writing?Put your ideas down in the written form.Basic Information about WritingWhat are the functions of three stages in writing process?1.Prewriting:Generating and gathering ideas2.Drafting:Putting down ideas into form3.Revising and editing:Polishing the d

8、raft Writing PracticeThink of the following questions and share your opinions within the group:1.Are the Chinese letter and its English version written for the same purpose?2.In what way is the layout(the way in which the different parts of a letter are arranged)of the two letters different?3.Does t

9、he writer say much the same things in the two letters?Is the focus of the letters the same?Writing PracticeChinese letterEnglish letterLayoutContentStyleNo address in letter;Date in lower right cornerWith both the senders and the recipients addresses in letter;Date in upper right cornerindirectgener

10、al direct specific Formal;RespectfulFormal;PoliteAbout formal English lettersLayoutsenders address and the date in the right-hand corner.name of the addressee(=receiver)in the left-hand corner,giving the correct title,such as“Dear Mr.Johnson”.Double line space when you start a new paragraph.At the e

11、nd of the letter,after“Sincerely yours”(AmE)or(“Yours sincerely”(BrE),write your name on another line.About formal English lettersContent straightforward,saying your purpose straightforward in the first paragraph to the point and around the topic throughoutStyle brief and concise Writing Practice Wh

12、at can you get from the writing practice?1.Becoming aware of the differences between English writing and Chinese writing.2.Becoming aware of different ways people from different nations express themselves.3.Becoming aware of the different values people of different cultures hold.Writing Task:Persona

13、-poem Activity:Guess who is being described Each group reads one persona-poem about one group member aloud,but dont tell classmates who is being described.Ask other groups to guess.Reference words and phrases Hard-workingdiligent Creativeimaginative Self-confidentwith good manners rich in experience

14、responsible Punctualorganized Capablecooperative A team playerWriting Task:Persona-poem Example _(name)Who is lean,handsome,with big,round eyes Who is a bit afraid of speaking English on the stage Who is not confident of his/her English abilities Who seldom takes notes in class Who loves American cu

15、lture Who wants to further his study abroad Who has a romantic Chinese name ShiyuWriting Task:Persona-poem Let your classmates know more about you.Share your own poem with your peers.The EndThank you!Unit 2:Paragraph&Paragraph StructureObjectives Students are expected to (1)know the definition and t

16、he structure of an English paragraph (2)know what a good paragraph should be like (3)form sound habit of writing united and coherent paragraphs in English.Are you extrovert,or introvert?Warm-up Activity:Getting to know each other1.extrovert:outgoing;confident;often laughintrovert:shy;reticent;easily

17、 feel sad Activities:Warm-up Activity:Getting to know each other 1.Find 5 of your schoolmates and interview them about the items written in the form.2.Figure out the most important features of each schoolmate.Try to use one or two words to describe the features.3.Describe one of your schoolmates ora

18、lly.Warm-up Activity:Getting to know each other Example:My classmate,Rose,is a nice and happy girl.It is easy for her to laugh.Sometimes,she laughs for no reason.And she seldom gets angry or cries.You can often see the smile on her face.Thus,all the students enjoy staying with her.Basic Information

19、about a paragraph What is a paragraph?A group of sentences that develops one central idea.Each sentence of a paragraph should be joined logically and structurally to the one before it.There are usually three parts in a paragraph:the beginning part,the developing part and concluding part.Beginning pa

20、rt a topic sentence that states the main idea of a paragraph Developing part the supporting part of a paragraph Concluding part the closing part of a paragraph Paragraph unity and paragraph coherence Questions to ask about to determine a well-written paragraph:1.Do I have a discussable and single po

21、int in my topic sentence?2.Are all the sentences in my paragraph around this point?3.Do I arrange the sentences in my paragraph in a clear order?4.Do I use proper pronouns in my paragraph?5.Do I use proper linking words and expressions in my paragraph?Writing Practice Do practice 1 and discuss your

22、answers with group mates.Practice 2.Analyze the structure of the paragraphs,and answer the questions below:a.Is there an introductory sentence in the paragraph?Which one is it?b.Which one is the topic sentence?c.Which sentences are the developing details?d.Is there a concluding part?Finish practice

23、3 and share answers with classmates.Writing Practice 2 Paragraph A:1.No introductory sentence 2.Eating in the Student Center Cafeteria is a quite pleasant experience.(1)3.Details(2-11):a.Foodexcellent;well-prepared&delicious;many choices;quick b.Environmentnice;calm atmosphere;study c.Peoplefriendly

24、;share tables;talking in English 4.Have concluding part(12)Writing Practice 2 Paragraph B:1.Have introductory sentence(1)2.It is a good rule(2)3.Details(3-5):a.Cannot get self-reliance b.No substitute c.Others cannot solve our personal problems 4.No concluding part Paragraph C:1.No introductory sent

25、ence 2.Contents of application letter(5)3.Details(1-4):a.Secretary skillstype&dictation b.Work experience in similar jobs c.Evaluation in previous jobs 4.Have concluding part(5)Writing Practice 2 Paragraph D:1.No introductory sentence 2.No topic sentence.Can you summarize a topic sentence?3.Details(

26、1-4):a.Answer question while driving in heavy traffic;b.Answer same question without angry;c.Repeat asking passages to move backwards d.Cover route on schedule despite different delays 4.No concluding part-Driving a bus is hard work.Writing Practice 3Reference AnswersParagraph A:1.For example 2.not

27、only3.but(also)4.in fact5.In addition 6.also7.FurthermoreParagraph B:in the world.First,Canada has ana reasonable price.Second,Canada has a at university.Finally,Canadas cities areParagraph C:Tenses used in this paragraph are in a mess.Past tense should mainly be used within this paragraph.Writing T

28、ask:My First Day at College Guidelines:Step 1.Brainstorming:Work in a pair,and discuss the topic together.Write down the topic sentence and discuss your topic sentence with your partner.Step 2.Decide on the details you would like to include in your writing according to the revised topic sentence.Ste

29、p 3.Write your first draft.Step 4.Peer Correcting.Step 5.Revise your first draft and hand in your assignment.The EndThank you!ObjectivesnStudents are expected to be able to n(1)Understand the functions and the basic elements of a topic sentence for a paragraphn(2)Write an appropriate topic sentence

30、for a paragraphn The classmates I interviewed had enjoyed their summer holiday very much with different activities.Some of them paid a visit to the 2010 Shanghai Expo to broaden their vision,while some classmates preferred to stay at home reading novels,watching movies or surfing the net to relax th

31、emselves.On the other hand,some classmates went to do some part-time job to earn some pocket money and working experience.On the whole,my classmates took different activities to make good use of their happy summer holiday.How to identify a topic sentence or the place of the topic sentenceBasic Infor

32、mation:Topic sentence of a paragraphThree characteristics of a topic sentence:1.It includes a subject and a controlling idea(key ideas on the subject).2.It is limited enough to be developed in one paragraph.3.It lends itself to development(there is more to say on the topic).nAnalysis of Sentence 1:n

33、Analysis of Sentence 2:nAnalysis of Sentence 3:Unit 4:Paragraph Development Listing&ExemplificationObjectives Students are expected to (1)Understand the functions of listing and exemplification(2)Give appropriate examples as supporting details (3)Master the usages of listing and exemplification as s

34、upporting details As freshmen,you and your friends should have lots of things to do.Whats your goal for the first year of your college life?Pass CET4,Improve English skills,Get scholarship,Join some student organizations,like student association,volunteers association,etc.Warm-up Activity:Setting yo

35、ur goals 1.List what you will do to achieve your goal.2.Interview one of your friends about his/her goal and the actions they will take.3:Summarize your own goal and action plan as well as your friends and present them in class.Warm-up Activity:Setting your goals Warm-up Activity 2:Qualities for exc

36、ellent worker Self-confident Polite to everyone Responsible Punctual Dependable Loyal Hardworking Follow instruction Organized Cooperative Innovative Imaginative Wise Experienced Dont gossipWarm-up Activity 2:Work Skills Learned in School Arriving at school and attending class on time each day-follo

37、w schedule in future work Taking part in sports or school activities-learn how to cooperate with others(Working with a team is one of the important skills for future work.)Organizing group activities for the class-develop leadership Warm-up Activity 2:Work Skills Learned in School Being a monitor or

38、 taking up some responsibilities in class learn to be a good leader develop interpersonal skills,etc.After all,school provides a good place for you to learn to work well with people from a variety of social backgrounds.Basic information about listing and exemplification What is listing?Listing is a

39、method of supporting a statement,a viewpoint or an attitude with a series of details.Attention should be paid to the sequence of the things listed,from the most important to the least important,or vise verse.Basic information about listing and exemplificationWhat is exemplification?Exemplification i

40、s a method of supporting a thesis statement with a series of specific examples or,sometimes,with a single extended examples.It is one of the most common and most useful means of developing a paragraph or an essay.How to organize an exemplification essayPattern 1Beginning part Supporting details:Exam

41、ple 1Example 2Example 3Concluding partPattern 2Beginning part Supporting details:One extended exampleConcluding partTransitions for listing and exemplificationfirst,second,third,etcto begin with,next/then,finally/last,etc.for example for instancefor one thing as an illustration to illustrate as an e

42、xampletakefor example considerfor exampleas follows in other wordslet me cite as proofaccording to statistics(statistical evidence)Reference Reading 1listing:from the least serious to the most serious 2listing:by process(plan-assign-encourage by rewarding)3listing+examples:from the least important t

43、o the most important 4listing+examples:from the most important to the least importantReference Reading 5examples:red;green;blue 6listing+examples:clothes;language;familiar faces in TV program 7examples:An Introduction to European Culture;American Society and Culture 8listing+examples:least important

44、 to most importantWriting Practice 1No.Examples usedGeneral statement1234Forget to turn off a pot of beans and thermostatMy husband is forgetful.Intensive reading class was cancelled;I couldnt find sound-lab;I hadnt lunch.My first day of school was frustrating.Wash and reuse aluminum foil;Wrap gifts

45、 in newspaper;Wear same Sunday suit for 20yearsMy grandfather is a thrifty man.I broke sunglasses;I tore a hole on the bathing suit;Friends thought I would dive when I just wanted to see view by climbing to the diving tower.Everything seemed to go wrong with me at the swimming pool.Writing Practice

46、2Where would you like to live,city or country village?And why?1.Discuss with your classmates and list the advantages and disadvantages of living in village and city in logical order.2.Give some appropriate examples to support your ideas.Writing Practice 2Where would you like to live?AdvantagesDisadv

47、antagesCityCountry villageconvenient;better facilities;various entertainments and cultural activitiesovercrowded population;traffic problem;housing problem;industrial pollutionpure;natural;quiet;healthy fewer and worse public facilities;boring ordinary lifeCan you give some more supporting examples?

48、Writing Task Write a paragraph of 60-80 words on any of the following topics,using either a single extended example or two or three short ones to develop your thesis statement.1.Learning English is a rewarding experience.2.How higher education has affected my life.3.Making mistakes is a good way to

49、learn.4.There is a lot to learn outside the classroom.The EndThank you!Unit 5:Paragraph DevelopmentComparison&ContrastObjectives Students are expected to 1.be able to note down important information from oral communications in well-formed English(sentence-level writing)2.have some basic knowledge ab

50、out paragraph development by comparison and contrast 3.be able to write comparison and contrast paragraphsWarm-up Activity:Different school lives You have been studying in college for a few weeks.What differences do you find between college and high school life?What about your classmates?1.List the


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