牛津译林版九年级下册英语 完形填空 专项练习题12组(含答案).docx

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牛津译林版九年级下册英语 完形填空 专项练习题12组(含答案).docx_第1页
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牛津译林版九年级下册英语 完形填空 专项练习题12组(含答案).docx_第2页
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1、牛津译林版九年级下册英语 完形填空 专项练习题12组(一)If you have ever driven in the mountains on a cool autumn morning, then you know what fog is. Today I just drove right into a 1 of fog. I quickly slowed down and 2 my headlights. Seeing the road ahead was a challenge. I felt as if I had been transported into a dark world

2、. 3 I looked was only dark grayness. Even the trees lining the road had become frightening, 4 me of some frightening stories. I drove on and on through the waves of dark and wondered 5 it would end.After a while, 6 , the sun broke through the fog and the world was changed. The golden sunshine bathed

3、(使沐浴) the landscape. The red and yellow leaves shone on the 7 . The river along the road shone in the sunshine. Everything seemed full of 8 and joy again. I smiled and drove, singing a song in my heart. I thanked God for both the sunshine and the 9 , because he reminded me again of just how 10 this

4、world can be.In our lives the fog can roll in sometimes too. Things can go 11 . Problems can appear. Difficulties, pains and troubles can seem to 12 us and block out(遮住) all the light in our life.When this happens and the world seems 13 in gray, we need to remember that we can break through the fog.

5、 We can drive the shadows away with love. We can change the world with our joy. We also can light a way through the dark for others to 14 . God is willing to 15 our souls (灵魂) with his love and light. All he asks is that we share their shine. May all of your foggy days be short then. May your soul s

6、hine brightly. And may you forever struggle to live in Gods light.( )1. A. photo B. sea C. picture D. drop( ) 2. A. turned on B. put on C. turned off D. put off( )3. A. Nowhere B. Somewhere C. Anywhere D. Everywhere( ) 4. A. warning B. telling C. thinking D. reminding( ) 5. A. why B. what C. whether

7、 D. that( ) 6. A. otherwise B. however C. besides D. therefore( ) 7. A. mountains B. roads C. headlights D. trees( ) 8. A. light B. smile C. heat D. smoke( ) 9. A. weather B. air C. fog D. dark( ) 10. A. peaceful B. beautiful C. small D. quiet( ) 11. A. smooth B. mad C. well D. wrong( ) 12. A. visit

8、 B. cheer C. leave D. shape( )13. A. moved B. covered C. touched D. attracted( ) 14. A. catch B. hold C. follow D. cross( ) 15. A. replace B. prevent C. match D. fill参考答案: BADDC BDACB DABCD(二)Grandmacalledmeinfromtheyard.“Wouldyoupleasegotothestoreforme?Imreadytomake cakes,andthereisntenoughyeast(酵母

9、).Takeaquarterfrommylittlechange 1 .” Ifound Grandmaswalletandputthequarterinmypocket.Iwassooninthelittlegeneralstorethat 2 ourfarmingcommunity.“Mr.Jenkins,”Isaid, “Grandmaneedssomeyeast.”Mr.Jenkinssetthreecakesofyeastonthecounter.Hiseyesshone,andhe 3 atme.“Andwhatelsedoyouneed?”Iknewwhathemeant.Iwa

10、salwaysallowedtopickapennycandywhenIcametothestorewithGrandma.“Howmuch 4 doIhavefromaquarter?”Iasked.“Sevencents.”Mr.Jenkinsreplied.Ithought 5 thatquickly.Iwouldhaveanickelandtwopenniesback.IwassureGrandmawouldnt 6 ifIspentonepenny.andifshewerehere,shemightevensayIcouldhavethemboth.The 7 Ilookedatth

11、ecandydisplay,themorecertainIbecamethatIneededtwopenniesworthasarewardforcomingtothestorealone.AndIdidso.“Thankyou,”GrandmasaidwhenI 8 theyeastonthetable.“Didyouputthechangebackinmywallet?”“Yes,Grandma.”Ireplied,hurryingouttotheyard.“IhadntreallyliedtoGrandma,”Iarguedwithmyself.“Idid 9 allthechangeI

12、had.”ButIhad 10 twopennieswithoutGrandmaspermission(允许).Thesecondpieceofcandyinmypocketdidntsoundlikeagoodideaanymore.IknewIhadliedtoGrandma,andIwas 11 aboutit.GrandmalovedmesomuchthatIcouldntbeartokeepanythingfromher.12 Grandmatookthehotcakesfromtheoven,Itoldheraboutthecandy.She 13 whenIfinishedmys

13、tory.“Iknowjust 14 youfeel,”shesaid.“Weallfeellikethatwhenwevedone15 deceitful(欺骗的).Imgladyoutoldmeaboutthepennies,andofcourseIllforgiveyou.”Grandmahuggedmetight,andsuddenlyIfeltasthoughabigstonewasgonefrommystomach.1AhandbagBcoatCwalletDpocket2Agave BservedCofferedDbought3AlaughedBshoutedCsmiledDpo

14、inted4AdollarsBpoundCcentsDchange5AasBtoCoutDabout6AcareBuseCthinkDlike7AbiggerBlongerClessDshorter8AliedBlaidClay Dlain9AputbackBputinCputoutDputup10AfoundBcostCspentDtook11AgladBunhappyCrelaxedDsurprised12ASinceBWhenCIfDThough13AshookBrefusedCagreedDnodded14AwhereBwhyChowDwhen15AsomethingBnothingC

15、anybodyDeverybody参考答案: CBCDD ABBAC BBDCA(三)One day, a hunter went hunting with his dog. He saw a rabbit running out of a bush not far in front and 1 raised his gun to shoot. The rabbit was hurt. It ran away 2 . The hunter waved to the dog to 3 it. The well-trained dog rushed out at once, running ver

16、y fast and full of 4 .The rabbit ran fast and it_ 5 that it didnt hurt itself at all. However, the dog was surprisingly left behind. Gradually(逐渐地), the dog was losing sight of(看不见) the rabbit. At last when the dog 6 empty-handed, the hunter was angry and blamed(责备)it, How_7 !Unable to catch an inju

17、red(受伤的) rabbit! No supper for you.” Feeling sad, the dog tried to explain for 8 ,Though I didnt catch it, I had tried my best.”When the rabbit got home, all the other rabbits were surprised at its 9 . They asked, “How did you 10 to run away when the dog almost caught you? its unbelievable.” “The do

18、g would only be blamed for not catching me at most, 11 all it did was to do its best. The situation is completely different 12 me. I would surely lose my life 13 I was caught .I had to try my best!”We can learn a lesson for our daily life from the story. Have we ever examined ourselves and asked 14

19、we did our best or went all out when we looked for a(n) 15 for our failure?( )1. A. slowly B. quickly C. easily D. strangely( )2. A. in order B. in fear C. in needD. in surprise( )3. A. bark at B. look at C. look after D. run after( )4. A. kindness B. knowledge C. confidence D. humor( )5. A. seemed

20、B. became C. tasted D. sounded( )6. A. followed B. left C. waited D. returned( )7. A. useless B. careless C. homeless D. harmless( )8. A. it B. itself C. himself D. him( )9. A. sadness B. worry C. luck D. patience( )10. A. succeed B. fail C. manage D. suggest( )11. A. so B. or C. yet D. but ( )12. A

21、. from B. for C. as D. of( )13. A. though B. unless C. if D. until( )14. A. whether B. that C. what D. where( )15. A. hope B. excuse(借口) C. respect D. influence参考答案: BBDCA DABCC ABCAB(四)Antonio was a successful businessman. However, he felt poor _1_he had no family or relatives. As he grew old, he b

22、ecame very eager (渴望的) to _2 _his family,but all he knew was that he came from Italy.Antonio decided to send for some people to _ 3 _ his past. He told them not to let anyone know that he was _4_ , for people might pretend (假装) to be his relatives to get his money.One day, he received a call _5_ Ita

23、ly. The researchers had found the place where he was from. Soon after, Antonio went to northern Italy to find the small_6_ in the mountains by himself.When he came to a bridge, he _7_ the beauty of the area and the river far below. Suddenly, his bag fell into the river and was washed away. As a resu

24、lt, Antonio had_8_ no money, no food and no phone. He_ 9_ the village looking like a very poor man_10_ the villagers were wary(警惕的) of him. But that evening, they fed him and gave him clothes. Everyone there was celebrating and Antonio had _11_had such a good time in his life.The next day, a _12_ ca

25、me to Antonio. He felt like he was looking in the mirror. Everyone watched ac the_13_stood next to each other.Later, Antonio_14_ that he had found not only his twin brother, but also a whole village of relatives.The next year, Antonio_15_ a school in the poor village. Antonio, the man who had everyt

26、hing in the world, finally found true happiness.1. A. because B. if C. though D. until2. A. wait for B. look after C. learn about D. depend on3. A. record B. praise C. protect D. research4. A. rich B. helpful C. wise D. honest5. A. like B. from C. to D. with6. A. village B. town C. city D. country7.

27、 A. forgot B. accepted C. admired D. solved8. A. everything B. nothing C. everybody D. nobody9. A. entered B. discovered C. polluted D. chose10. A. In fact B. In some ways C.At first D. For example 11. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. never12. A. boy B. man C. girl D. woman13. A. two B. three C. f

28、our D. five14. A. disagreed B. replied C. realized D. imagined15. A. looked for B.set up C.put up D.shut off参考答案:ACDAB ACBAC DBACB(五)Peking Opera(京剧) is being taught in primary and middle schools. The government tries to 1_ the traditional art to the younger people, which Beijing _2_ reports on Tues

29、day.The countrys first set of textbooks about Peking Opera was _3_by the Peoples Education Press in 2015. The textbooks for optional(可选择的) courses have been _4_use in junior middle schools in Fengtai, Beijing ._5_will also be used in middle schools across the city. Students in primary schools can al

30、so take the _6_.Since 2008, Beijing has promoted(推出) a _7_to provide opera training at many primary schools. Schools can ask for money from the citys education department to hire actors and actresses to_8_ students, who are as _9_ as 6 or 7.Peking Opera _10_during the rule of Emperor Qianlong in the

31、 Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). It was famous in China for many years and as its fame spread, it_11_ many lovers in other countries, including the United States and Japan. In many peoples minds ,it became the _12_ of China.Yet over the years, its popularity_13_. A great number of people listened to radio

32、 productions of Peking Opera before the 1980s, _14_people born after that pursued(追求) pop culture rather than the _15_ arts.1. A. introduce B. say C. give D. offer2.A.Message B. Paper C. Information D. News3. A. told B. taught C. given D. published4.A. in B. on C. at D. under5.A. It B. They C. This

33、D. That6.A. course B. songs C. singing D. dancing7.A. lesson B. book C. program D. thought8.A. stay B. play C. teach D. work9.A. little B. big C. young D. much10.A. formed B. opened C. played D. sang11.A. caught B. drew C. attracted D. enjoyed12.A. lights B. symbol C. pioneer D. face13.A. reduced B.

34、 increased C. lost D. improved14.A. when B. while C. as D. after15.A. fashionable B. modern C. traditional D. old参考答案:ADDAB ACCCA CBABC(六)There was magic in the secret garden that spring and summer. At first everything turned 1 . Then the green changed to coloursblue, purple and red. There were flow

35、ers everywhere. The air was filled with their 2 smell.Colin saw it all. He watched the 3 as they happened. He spent all day there. He learnt a lot of things about the animals in the wood.One morning the children were in the secret garden 4 . When Ben Weatherstaff arrived, Colin said: “All of you lis

36、ten to me please. Im going to tell you something very 5 .”“Im going to do a scientific experiment.” he said 6 , “when I grow up, Im going to make scientific discoveries about magic and Im going to start with this experiment. Do you 7 ?”Ben nodded, 8 he didnt really understand.“I believe that there i

37、s magic in 9 ,” continued Colin, “There is magic in the garden too. Im going to try and put some in me. I want to be well and strong. I am going to say: “Magic is in me! And you must all say it too. That is my 10 . Are you going to help, Ben?”“Yes, sir!”They sat down in a 11 , side by side.“Now lets

38、 begin,” said Colin, and they all started chanting(吟唱). “Magic is in me! Magic is in me! Magic is in all of us!”Then Colin stood up and 12 round the garden. He went in front with Dickon and Mary 13 him, Ben behind.Colin walked a bit then rested. Then he walked again and rested again. At first he hel

39、d Dickons arm then he walked a few steps 14 .“I can walk! The magic 15 !” he cried. How amazing! They sang and jumped happily.1. A. red B. purple C. green D. blue2. A. sweet B. terrible C. pleased D. sad3. A. change B. chance C. charm D. choice4.A. than beforeB. as well C. than usual D. as usual5. A. common B. important C. usual D. funny6. A. proudly B. nervously C. shyly D. politely7. A. know B. get C. understand D. learn8. A. if B. though C. because D. so9. A.nothing B. everything C. nobody D. everybody10. A. science B. magic C. d


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