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1、高考冲刺卷(一)第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.The boy finally realized that lack of willpower was the of his poor academic performance.A.symptom B.resultC.reflection D.source答案D解析句意为:那个男孩最终意识到缺乏意志力是他学习成绩不好的根源。source根源,原因,符合语境。symptom症状;result结

2、果;reflection反映。22.Due to the pressure from the public,the police decided to conduct a thorough and review of the case.A.comprehensive B.complicatedC.conscious D.constructive答案A解析句意为:由于公众的压力,警方决定对这起案件进行一次彻底、全面的审查。comprehensive详尽的,全面的,符合语境。complicated复杂的;conscious有意识的;constructive建设性的。23.A shared-use

3、path for cycling and walking along the Yangtze River opened to the public on Dec.9, 2018,attracting hundreds of cyclists and walkers winter cold.A.in case of B.in defense of C.in spite of D.in view of答案C解析句意为:长江沿岸的骑行和散步共用道路于2018年12月9日向公众开放,尽管冬天天气寒冷,仍吸引了数百名骑自行车的人和步行者。in spite of尽管,不管,符合语境。in case of如

4、果,假使;in defense of保卫,防御;in view of鉴于,由于。24.When the telephone rang,I hesitated for a moment, whether to answer it.A.determining B.concluding C.questioning D.debating答案D解析句意为:当电话响的时候,我迟疑片刻,考虑是否接听。debate仔细考虑,思考,符合语境。determine决定;conclude推断出;question质询。25.According to the present law,under no circumstan

5、ces shall those breaking the traffic regulations be lightly.A.set off B.let offC.turned off D.paid off答案B解析 句意为:根据目前的法律,违反交通规则的那些人决不会被轻易放过。let off宽恕,不惩罚,从轻处罚,符合语境。set sb. off激起某人的某种情感;turn sb. off使某人失去兴趣;pay sb. off付清工资解雇某人。26.It has been two years since Wilson worked in our company.Word has it that

6、 he an enterprise in his hometown.A.had run B.is running C.was running D.will have run答案B解析句意为:Wilson 离开我们公司已经两年了。据说他在他的家乡经营着一家公司。根据句中的“It has been two years since Wilson worked in our company”可知Wilson现在已经不在我们公司工作了,故此处用现在进行时表示他目前的状态。27.Jane,the newcomer of our school,is quite honest with others.That

7、 is I like about her.A.why B.howC.what D.because答案C解析句意为:我们学校新来的简待人非常真诚。这是我喜欢她的地方。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导表语从句,且在从句中充当like 的宾语,故用what。28.Things were getting along smoothly in the beginning,but after a time,sales a sharp downturn,he spent a lot of sleepless nights.A.taking B.to takeC.taken D.to be taken答案A解析

8、句意为:事情刚开始进展得很顺利,但一段时间以后销售量急剧下降,(因此)他度过了许多不眠之夜。分析句子结构和句意可知,此处为“名词分词(短语)”构成独立主格结构,在句中作原因状语;take 与其逻辑主语sales 之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词taking。29.He Gang,chief editor of HBRC,said the forum offers people the chance to discuss business management,the concert acts as a way for them to communicate in spirit.A.since B.

9、whileC.if D.until答案B解析句意为:哈佛商业评论中文版的总编辑何刚表示,虽然论坛为人们提供了讨论商业管理的机会,但音乐会才是他们精神交流的一种方式。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然,尽管”,应用while。30.An AI-powered in-car monitoring system in trucks in Shenzhen next year to solve the problem of accidents caused by careless drivers.A.will be installed B.will installC.is inst

10、alled D.installed答案A解析句意为:明年,深圳市将在卡车上安装人工智能车载监控系统,以解决司机因粗心大意而造成事故的问题。根据句中的时间状语“next year”可知,此处应用一般将来时;system与install之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态。故选A。31.No matter how small or unimportant what we are doing may seem,if we do it well,it may soon become the very step will lead us to better things.A.that B.whichC.what

11、 D.where答案A解析句意为:不管我们现在所做的事看起来多么微不足道或不重要,如果我们将它做好,它可能很快就会成为通往更美好的事物的踏石阶。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导定语从句,且先行词有the very 修饰,关系词应用that。故选A。32.If we hadnt got everything ready by now,we a terrible time tomorrow when the other people arrive.A.had had B.were to haveC.should be having D.might have had答案C解析句意为:如果我们现在没把一

12、切准备好的话,明天其他人到的时候情况就糟糕了。分析句子结构可知,此处考查的是混合虚拟语气的用法,if 从句是对现在事实的一种假设,而主句是对将来事实的假设,故主句谓语应用should be having。33.No statement was issued after yesterdays talk,but it is thought that the two parties an agreement.A.should have reachedB.must have reachedC.would have reachedD.could have reached答案D解析句意为:昨天会谈之后(双

13、方)并未发表任何声明,但人们认为双方本可以达成共识。could have done 表示“过去有能力做而未做”,符合语境,故选D。should have done本应该做某事而实际未做;must have done一定做过某事。34.Generally you did a good job in the test.But your grammar remains to be improved.I know.The problem is that I have been working very hard on it,but its still .A.as clear as mud B.as h

14、ard as nailsC.as mad as a hatter D.as plain as day答案A解析句意为:总的来说,你在这次的考试中考得不错。但是你的语法还有待提升。我知道。问题是我一直在很努力学习语法,但是它真的难懂。as clear as mud一点不清楚,难懂,符合语境。as hard as nails铁石心肠,冷酷无情;as mad as a hatter完全疯狂的;as plain as day显而易见。35.Going to watch the 2018 FINA World Swimming Championships(25m) on Saturday? It is

15、a rare chance.Will you go with me?A.Who knows? B.You bet!C.How come? D.Youve got me!答案B解析句意为:星期六去看2018国际泳联世界游泳锦标赛(25米)吗?当然!机会难得。要和我一起去吗?you bet的确,当然,符合语境。who knows谁知道呢;how come怎么会;youve got me你难住我了。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。There was a businessman who was deep

16、in debt and could see no way out.He sat on the park bench,head in hands, 36 if anything could save his company from bankruptcy(破产).Suddenly an old man appeared before him.“I can see that something is 37 you,” he said.After listening to the businessmans troubles,the old man said,“I believe I can help

17、 you.”He asked the man his name,wrote out a 38 ,and pushed it into his hand,saying,“Take this money.Meet me here exactly one year from today,and you can pay me back at that time.”Then he turned and disappeared as 39 as he had come.The businessman saw in his hand a check for $500,000, 40 by John D.Ro

18、ckefeller,then one of the richest men in the world! “I can 41 my money worries in an instant!”he realized.But 42 ,he decided to put the uncashed check in his safe.Just knowing it was there might give him the 43 to work out a way to save his business,he thought.With renewed 44 ,he negotiated better d

19、eals.Within a few months,he was out of debt and making money once again.Exactly one year later,he returned to the 45 with the uncashed check.At the 46 time,the old man appeared.But just as the businessman was about to 47 the check and share his success story,a 48 came running up and grabbed the old

20、man.“Im so delighted I 49 him!”she cried.“I hope he hasnt been bothering you.Hes 50 escaping from the rest home and telling people hes John D.Rockefeller.”And she led the old man away 51 the arm.The businessman just stood there, 52 .All year long hed been buying and selling, 53 he had half a million

21、 dollars behind him.Suddenly,he realized that it wasnt the money,real or 54 ,that had turned his life around.It was his 55 self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.语篇解读文章讲述了一个商人东山再起的故事。一个商人欠下许多债务,他无助地坐在公园里。有一个老人给了他一张50万的支票,让他一年后来还。商人把支票放起来,作为一种精神支持的力量。后来他再次获得了成功,来找那个

22、老人却发现那位老人并非约翰洛克菲勒,支票也是假的。原来,并非金钱,而是信心使商人获得了成功。36.A.wondering B.suspectingC.estimating D.hesitating答案A解析句意为:商人在想是否有什么可以拯救他的公司。wonder想知道; suspect怀疑;estimate估计;hesitate犹豫。所以选A。37.A.attacking B.disturbingC.interrupting D.amusing答案B解析句意为:我知道有一些事正在困扰你。attack攻击;disturb困扰;interrupt打断;amuse娱乐。所以选B。38.A.numbe

23、r B.noteC.letter D.check答案D解析句意为:老人问了他的名字,开了一张支票。number数字;note笔记;letter信;check支票。下文a check for $500,000也是提示。所以选D。39.A.calmly B.quietlyC.quickly D.proudly答案C解析句意为:然后他转身消失了,就像他来的时候那么迅速。calmly平静地;quietly安静地;quickly迅速地;proudly骄傲地。所以选C。40.A.signed B.handedC.drawn D.deposited答案A解析句意为:商人看到手里有一张由约翰洛克菲勒签字的50

24、万的支票。sign签字;hand递送;draw画;deposit放置,存储。所以选A。41.A.lose B.removeC.face D.ignore答案B解析句意为:我可以立即消除我的金钱危机。lose失去;remove去除;face面对;ignore忽视。所以选B。42.A.instead B.thereforeC.rather D.meanwhile答案A解析句意为:但是取而代之的是,他决定把支票放起来。instead取而代之;therefore因此;rather宁愿;meanwhile同时。所以选A。43.A.weakness B.beliefC.urge D.strength答案D

25、解析句意为:只要知道支票在那里,就可能会给他力量,来找到方法拯救公司。weakness弱点;belief相信;urge催促;strength力量。所以选D。44.A.creativity B.permissionC.optimism D.curiosity答案C解析句意为:随着重拾的乐观,他洽谈了更好的生意。creativity创造力;permission允许;optimism乐观;curiosity好奇。所以选C。45.A.hospital B.companyC.street D.park答案D解析根据首段中“He sat on the park bench,head in hands.”可

26、知一年后,那个商人如约来到那个公园。hospital医院;company公司;street街道;park公园。所以选D。46.A.advanced B.appointedC.announced D.delayed答案B解析句意为:在约定好的时间,那个老人出现了。advanced先进的;appointed约定的;announced宣布的;delayed延迟的。所以选B。47.A.hand back B.give outC.put out D.turn over答案A解析句意为:正当商人要归还支票时。hand back归还;give out分发;put out熄灭;turn over翻过来。所以选

27、A。48.A.policeman B.bankerC.nurse D.guard答案C解析根据下文“Hes escaping from the rest home and telling people hes John D.Rockefeller.”可知这里意思是一个护士跑过来。policeman警察;banker银行家;nurse护士;guard守卫。所以选C。49.A.beat B.cheatedC.pushed D.caught答案D解析根据上下文语境可知,老人经常跑出来,所以此处表示护士很高兴抓住了他。beat打;cheat欺骗;push推;catch抓住。所以选D。50.A.neve

28、r B.seldomC.always D.occasionally答案C解析句意为:他总是从疗养院跑出来,告诉别人说他是约翰洛克菲勒。never从不;seldom很少;always总是;occasionally偶尔。所以选C。51.A.on B.in C.by D.at答案C解析句意为:抓着胳膊,她把老人带走了。by表示“抓住,握住”,所以选C。52.A.exhausted B.astonishedC.disappointed D.excited答案B解析句意为:商人站在那里,惊呆了。exhausted疲惫的;astonished吃惊的;disappointed失望的;excited激动的。所

29、以选B。53.A.convinced B.informedC.reminded D.warned答案A解析句意为:确信自己有五十万。convince确信;inform通知;remind提醒;warn警告。所以选A。54.A.created B.imaginedC.discovered D.donated答案B解析句意为:突然,他意识到并不是金钱,不管是真实的或是想象的,改变了他的生活。create创造;imagine想象;discover发现;donate捐赠。所以选B。55.A.long-lost B.non-existentC.ever-lasting D.newly-found答案D解析

30、句意为:而是他新找到的自信给了他实现目标的力量。newly-found新找到的,所以选D。第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhile smartphones stand accused of a variety of crimes,these pocket computers can certainly be a force for good.Your phone is always with you,making it the perfect device to push you into

31、a more beneficial way of living.Here are some of the best apps that can help.HabiticaHabitica turns the goal of forming good habits into a game,with its own characters and scoring.Its a lot of fun,and the app also lets you build habits with friends and family.In addition to regular repeating habits,

32、you can add a more general to-do list,and the rewards you get can be customized tooyou could treat yourself to a meal out or an extra hour of games.Smoke FreeIf youve got a specific habit in mind,then youll usually find specific apps to help,like Smoke Free.If youre determined to give up smoking,the

33、n this is one of the most comprehensive apps for giving you that extra push you need to make a permanent change.The app offers a host of useful features for people wanting to go smoke-free:The ability to see your progress over time,charts showing how your health is improving,day-by-day encouragement

34、,and some advice on techniques for giving up smoking.MyFitnessPalYou can find a ton of health and fitness apps for your phone,but MyFitnessPal stands out not just because it is easy to use,but because it makes practical suggestions for you.It can take in a host of data,from the calories(卡路里) youre t

35、aking in to the number of swims youre doing per week,and offer reports on calorie consumption and macronutrient(大量营养素) breakdown.语篇解读这是一篇应用文。文中介绍了三款手机应用:Habitica可以帮助你养成好的习惯;Smoke Free可以帮助你戒烟;MyFitnessPal可以为你提供健康和健身的建议。56.What can Habitica help you to do?A.Win a tough game.B.Start a lasting friendshi

36、p.C.Find a fancy restaurant.D.Develop a pleasant habit.答案D解析细节理解题。根据Habitica部分中的“Habitica turns the goal of forming good habits into a game,with its own characters and scoring.”可知,Habitica能够帮助你养成好的习惯。故选D。57.What can we learn about the three apps mentioned in the text?A.Theyre cheap.B.Theyre practica

37、l.C.Theyre free.D.Theyre interesting.答案B解析推理判断题。文中提到的三款应用:Habitica可以帮助你养成好的习惯;Smoke Free可以帮助你戒烟;MyFitnessPal可以为你提供健康和健身的建议。由此可知,这三款应用都很实用。故选B。BTiny Countries You Never Knew ExistedSao Tome and PrincipeSao Tome and Principe off Africas west coast is only 372 square miles,but it has impressive,undamag

38、ed nature,rich in biodiverse species.The amazing needle-like volcanic peak Pico Cao Grande rises 1,000 feet into the air.The islands are home to only around 200,000 people today.San MarinoOnly 23 square miles with a population of just 34,000,the little-known country of San Marino,surrounded by Italy

39、,is the worlds fifth smallest country.With the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mount Titano,the country is said to be the oldest republic in the world.DominicaDominica covers only 290 square miles,with some of the best diving in the Caribbean,including the UNESCO World Heritage Site of volcanic Morme

40、Trois Pitons National Park.In Dominica,youll see rainforests,waterfalls,and coastal views.The island is also home to the only remaining population of the Kalinago,who are part of the islands 74,900 inhabitants.KiribatiThis Pacific island country of 33 coral islands is 313 square miles,but its the on

41、ly country in the world to fall into all four hemispheres(半球).The countrys 109,000 residents live in only 21 of the islands.See this tropical paradise before it is no longer thererising seas are threatening to swallow the country whole.语篇解读这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了四个小国家。58.Which country has the smallest populat

42、ion?A.Sao Tome and Principe. B.San Marino.C.Dominica. D.Kiribati.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The islands are home to only around 200,000 people today”,第二段中的“Only 23 square miles with a population of just 34,000”,第三段中的“who are part of the islands 74,900 inhabitants”和第四段中的“The countrys 109,000 residents”可知,圣马力

43、诺的人口最少。故B选项正确。59.What can one see in both San Marino and Dominica?A.Volcanoes. B.World heritage sites.C.Views of the Caribbean. D.Waterfalls.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“With the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mount Titano,the country is said to be the oldest republic in the world.”和第三段中的“including the UNESC

44、O World Heritage Site of volcanic Morme Trois Pitons National Park”可知,在这两个国家都有世界文化遗址。故B选项正确。60.Which is TRUE of Kiribati?A.It is rich in biodiverse species.B.It is surrounded by Italy.C.It is home to the Kalinago.D.It is disappearing.答案D解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“rising seas are threatening to swallow the cou

45、ntry whole”可知,上升的海平面正在威胁着整个国家。由此可以推知,这个国家快要消失了。故D选项正确。CThe average wage earned in America has been stagnating(停滞) for four decades, according to the Pew Research Center.Its a shocking finding.Thankfully,there are two reasons to be less frightened by it than an initial glance would suggest.The first

46、reason why this news should be less disturbing than it appears is that compensation includes benefits,not just wages,and the proportion of benefits to wages has been going up.Average compensation must therefore have risen faster than average wages have.Drew DeSilvers write-up of the finding from Pew mentions this issue prominently,and is linked to a Bureau of Labor Statistics compendium that shows how much difference non-wage compensation can make.From 2001 through 2018,the average civilian wage grew by 5.3 percent;average


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