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1、任务型阅读苏州市第五部分:任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面的短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的 单词。注意:请将答案写在答题卷上相应题号的横线上,每个空格只填一个单词。When times are tough, how should governments in poor countries ensure their citizens remain fed? In the past, most of them used subsidies (现金补助)to keep food prices low for all their citizen

2、s. But these policies have become ineffective: the cost of maintaining Egypts food subsidies, for instance, nearly doubled between 2009 and 2013. And much of the money goes to the wrong people. In Egypt and the Philippines less than 20% of spending on food subsidies goes to poor households. In the M

3、iddle East and North Africa only 35% of subsidies reach 40% of the poorest, the IMF notes.Motivated by a desire to control growing budget deficits (赤字),many countries are replacing broad subsidies with policies aimed more directly at the needy. But what form should the targeted aid take? Earlier thi

4、s month Iran introduced free handouts of food to replace its subsidy method. Other countries, such as Indonesia and Malaysia, have chosen instead to provide extra cash benefits to the poor. So far, food vouchers (代金券)have been the least popular option. Proposals to introduce food vouchers in such co

5、untries as Malaysia have been rejected on the basis that they were too American and un-Asian.However, the researchers at the International Food Policy Research Institute ((IFPRI)) thought that might have been a mistake and analyzed the results of an experiment conducted by the World Food Programme i

6、n Ecuador, a South American country, in 2011, which compared handouts of food, cash and vouchers in the experiment. The study found that direct handouts Irans new policy一were the least effective option. They cost three times as much as vouchers to promote calorie intake by 15%, and were four times a

7、s costly as a way of increasing dietary diversity and quality. Distribution costs were high, and wastage was also a problem. Only 63% of the food given away was actually eaten, while 83% of the cash was spent on food and 99% of the vouchers were exchanged as intended. Food handouts have also been th

8、e costliest option in similar projects in some African countries, according to John Hoddinott at IFPRI.In Ecuador there was little difference in cost between handing out cash and food vouchers, the other two options. But food vouchers were better at encouraging people to buy healthier foods because

9、of restrictions on what items could be exchanged for them. It was 25% cheaper to promote the quality of household nutrition using food vouchers than it was by handing out cash.A switch from universal subsidies to vouchers could be the most efficient way of promoting health as well as relieving pover

10、ty. This is very necessary in many developing countries, according to Lynn Brown, a consultant for the World Bank.TopicFeeding expectations: Why food vouchers are a policy71considerationin developing countries?Aim of universal subsidiesTo72for the citizens in poor countries.Analyses of three policie

11、sCashIt keeps food prices low for all citizens.It is not73in the long term:*The cost keeps increasing.*Much of the money doesnt reach those really in74.Handouts of foodThe food can reach the needy75.They cost twice more than vouchers to promote calorie intake.A lot of the food handed out is wasted,

12、thus76a matter of wastage.Food vouchersThey work better when it77to encouraging people to buy healthierfoods.78with handing out cash, using food vouchers costs much less.They are too American and un-Asian.ConclusionIts a79to use vouchers in many developing countries because it notonly helps to80pove

13、rty but also promotes health most efficiently.第五部分 任务型阅读 71. worth/deserving 72. provide 73. effective74. need 75. directly 76. es78. Compared79. Necessity/must80. relieve本篇任务型难度不大,大部分题目都能在文中找到原词,只有少部分题目需要进行总结。第71题 本题最后一道做,是标题题。看完全文的内容后我们知道,food vouchers是最合理最划算的政策,因此它值得发展中国家去考虑,所以答案填写worth/deserving

14、。第72题 文中第一段“how should governments in poor countries ensure their citizens remain fed”所以universal subsidies的目的是“ensure their citizens remain fed”所以这里同义替换成“provide for the citizen in poor countries”这里主要受到for的限制,所以答案选择provide。第73题 文中原文 But these policies have become ineffective 因此此处把ineffective替换成not

15、effective,答案填effective。第74题 文中原文And much of the money goes to the wrong people. 和下文的另一个提示aimed more directly at the needy。Needy与此处in need 形成同义替换,因此答案填need。第75题 原词重现,many countries are replacing broad subsidies with policies aimed more directly at the needy. 此处填写directly第76题 第76题在第三段中出现“Distribution

16、costs were high, and wastage was also a problem.” 因此一大部分食物被浪费导致了巨大的浪费问题。因此需要一个链接前后句的承接词,由题意我们选择causing。第77题 文中原文”But food vouchers were better at encouraging people to buy healthier foods because of restrictions on what items could be exchanged for them” 因此当鼓励人们去买健康食物的时候food vouchers效果很好。所以答案此处填写com

17、es。When it comes to表示当xxx的时候。第78题 原文It was 25% cheaper to promote the quality of household nutrition using food vouchers than it was by handing out cash. 所以handing out cash和food voucher相比更加贵。因为这里涉及百分比所以是一个比较。所以答案填写Compared。第79题 could be the most efficient way of promoting heath as well as relieving

18、poverty. This very necessary in many developing countries. 这句话给出了79和80两题的答案。所以79是填写necessity。第80题填写 relieve。都是原词重现第80题 relieve 分析见上题。南京市六校联合体第四部分 任务型阅读(共10题,每题1分,共10分)Going broke in your golden years is commonplace, lasts a long time and is a scarier nightmare than any Halloween horror film. But by

19、changing habits and doing some smart planning, you can avoid that terror.Here are my suggestions:Cheaper housingCutting big, unnecessary expenses is a better place to start.For many, the best savings trick is leaving a big city. Housing, restaurants, groceries and basic services typically get cheape

20、r the farther you get from a metropolitan center.In Seattle, for example, a three-bedroom home can cost $1 million or more, according to Zillow. In nearby Duvall, Washington, you get that house plus a nice yard for half a million or less. Renting a three-bedroom Seattle pad typically costs $3,500 a

21、month or more. In the suburbs? Try $2,200. Thats over $15,000 in annual savings.Look up housing costs in any major city and its suburbs. Youll see similar trends. In California, you get more for your buck in San Ramon than in San Francisco. Santa Clarita is hugely more affordable than Los Angeles.Ro

22、und Rock, Texas, beats Austin. Garden City, New York, beats Manhattan. Move farther out, to true rural America, and you can cut housing costs by half again, easy.Cant give up urban living? Consider moving to a cheaper metro area.According to SmartAssets analysis, a $1 million retirement fund lasts j

23、ust 10.5 years in Manhattan. San Francisco is nearly as bad, just 12.7 years.But in some big cities, your buck stretches further. In Denver, your $1 million savings could last 21 years. West Coasters might also try Phoenix, where $1 million lasts over 25 years.Cut entertainment spendingIf you dont w

24、ant to leave family, friends or community, there is another big, easy way to save: Slash entertainment spending. Few folks fully understand what they waste unconsciously. Its estimated that people aged 65 to 74 spend $5,832 annually on play. For a couple, thats around $11,000. One reason it gets out

25、 of hand? In retirement, you jump from one or two leisure days a week to seven.But there is a lot of free and cheap fun. Consider your local Shakespeare in the Park instead of spending hundreds for “Hamilton” tickets. Have picnics or experiment your way through a new cookbook instead of eating out r

26、egularly. While watching TV, make sure you actually use services you subscribe to. Many subscribe to things (streaming, gyms, wholesale retailers, etc.) they rarely use.Rethink your old budgetCentral to all this: Plan to change your habits, which can become our real Halloween goblins. Humans are hab

27、itual creatures, and our routines keep us spending the way we did before.Just as important as avoiding old routines is setting a budget. Then stick to it. Keep records of your spending. Hold yourself accountable. Dont forget to plan for the unexpected! Many folks forget to factor in wiggle room for

28、car or home maintenance.Budgeting and penny-pinching may not sound fun. But it beats the terrifying misery of going broke in old age. A little planning goes a long way later.Title: Three tips to avoid terror of _76_ out of money in retirementTip1:Reduce housing expensesHousing expenses differ greatl

29、y because of different _77_ of the houses.The farther you are away from a metropolitan center, the smaller your expenses are.Housing costs are higher in any major city than housing costs in its suburbs. For example, youll spend _78_ if you choose to live in Manhattan rather than in Garden City, New

30、York.A $1 million retirement fund can _79_ out twice longer in Denver than in Manhattan.Tip2: Spend less on entertainmentFree and cheap fun helps.One reason why retired folks cant _80_ the amount of money on entertainment is that they have 7 days free time every week while they had only one or two l

31、eisure days when they were _81_. That means they have more opportunities to spend their money.Avoid _82_ to the TV services that you seldom use.Tip3: Think _83_ about your old budgetAvoiding old routines and setting a budget are of the same importance.Its important to make _84_ to your old routines.

32、Put _85_ some money for unexpected things, such as the expenses to maintain your car and home.第四部分 任务型阅读(共10题,每题1分,共10分)76. running 77. locations 78. more 79. hold/last 80. control 81. working/employed 82. subscribing 83. again/twice 84. changes/adjustments 85. Aside第五部分 短文填空(共10题,每题0.5分,共5分)As a sa

33、ying goes, time flies so quickly. We are in the last year of high school, which is a time for hard work and also a time to reflect. Whether we choose to study at home or aboard and what our future jobs will both deserve to be considered carefully.In the first place, looking through (86) n_ brochures

34、 and college can be helpful to deciding which university to apply to and which course to study. Meanwhile, it is important to learn to live independently when we leave our nest and even doing the laundry on our own and learning how to avoid(87) s_ clothes are a must. Moreover, in order to make full

35、preparations for our future jobs, we should also meet more challenges in university to adapt to new surroundings well. For example, we should attend more optional classes to (88) s_ our various skills so that we are more likely to be (89)_(打不垮的)in the competitive society. In addition, we are suppose

36、d to have a lot of (90)_(尊严)and no matter what jobs we do, we must do them well. Last but not least, as for our potential career, there are different (91) o_ available to us. If you are investigative, you can make a chemist, a physicist or a dentist. Some glamorous jobs, like (92)_ (律师), can be very

37、 important but hose ordinary jobs, such as cleaners, are also quite essential.In short, those (93)_ (适合的)to us are just the best. Keep in mind that since being good in such a competitive society is tough, (94) r_ from a job without careful consideration is extremely(95) _(荒唐的)in our future career.第五

38、部分 短文填空(共10题,每题0.5分,共5分)86. numerous 87. shrinking 88. sharpen 89. unbeatable 90. dignity 91. options 92. lawyers 93. suited 94. resigning/resignation 95. ridiculous/absurd江宁区第四部分:任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面的短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词,请将答案写在答题卷上相应题号的横线上。Computer security is a

39、 contradiction in terms. The arrival of the “ Internet of Things” will see computers baked into everything from road signs and MRI scanners to artificial body parts and insulin(胰岛素) pumps. There is little evidence that such equipment will be any more trustworthy than desktop computers. Hackers have

40、already proved that they can take remote control of connected cars and pacemakers.However, this is not necessarily in despair. The risk from cheats,car accidents and the weather can never be avoided completely either. But societies have developed ways of managing such risk- from government regulatio

41、n to the use of legal liability(责任) and insurance to create more safer behaviors.Start with regulation. Governments first priority is to control from making the situation worse. Terrorist attacks often bring calls for codes to be weakened so that the security services can better monitor what individ

42、uals are up to. But it is impossible to weaken codes for terrorists alone. The same protection that guards messaging programs like WhatsApp also guards bank business and online identities. Computer security is best served by encoding that is strong for everyone.The next priority is setting basic pro

43、duct regulations. A lack of professional knowledge will always block the ability of computer users to protect themselves. So governments should promote “public health” for computing. They could insist that internet-connected contents be updated with fixes when faults are found. They could force user

44、s to change default(默认)usernames and passwords. Reporting laws, already in force in some American states, can require companies to report when they or their products are hacked,which encourages them to fix a problem instead of burying it.Most importantly, the software industry has for decades denied

45、 liability for the harm when its products go wrong. Such an approach has its benefits. Silicon Valleys fruitful “ go fast and break things” style of innovation is possible only if firms relatively have freedom to put out new products while they still need perfecting. But this point will soon be ille

46、gal. As computers spread to products covered by established liability arrangements, such as cars or domestic goods, the industrys deniers will increasingly be against existing laws.One reason computer security is so bad today is that few people were taking it seriously yesterday. When the internet w

47、as new, that was forgivable. Now that the consequences are known, and the risks posed by bugs and hacking are large and growing, there is no excuse for repeating the mistake. But changing attitudes and behavior will require economic tools, not just technical ones.Computer SecurityExisting (71)_ With

48、 the development of the “Internet of things”, there comes much Internet-connected equipment, but no evidence proves it better (72)_trusting .Hackers claim that they can control connected cars and pacemakers in the (73)_ .(74)_to manage the riskGovernmentregulationTwo (75)_preventing the situation ge


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