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1、 第4章工期管理(一)本章介绍有关工期管理的来往信函,内容包括开工通知、进度计划、邀请函以及工程的进展等方面,并对各范例信函进行了内容和语言方面的讲解。第1节 工程的开工 (Commencement of Works)能够按期完成工程是项目成功的标志之一。对于一个国际工程项目来说,工程的前期往往是工程最容易耽搁工期的阶段。英文中有一谚语,“A good beginning is half the battle”(好的开端即是成功的一半。),对于我们做国际工程来说尤其如此。一、开工通知 承包商在中标之后何时开工,还需要得到业主方签发的开工通知。在收到开工通知之后,承包商要给出书面回执,并说明在合

2、理的时间内尽快开工。请看下面的范例信函41和4-2:范例信函41 From the EmployerEngineer to the Contractor Date:Dear Sirs,、Sub:Commencement of Works In accordance with Clause 8 of the Conditions of Contract and on behalf of the Employerwe hereby give you notice to commence the Works as soon as is reasonably possible.For the purp

3、oses of the ContractThe Commencement Date will be _.You are required to proceed with the Works with due expedition and without delay Kindly acknowledge receipt of this notice.Yours faithfully,Engineer (一)内容讲解 这是一个比较有代表性的开工通知,由工程师代表业主签发。第一段说明,工程师根据合同条件的规定,并代表业主向承包商签发开工通知。第二段规定了合同的开工日期。第三段要求承包商尽快开工,不得

4、耽搁。第四段要求承包商给出回执。(二)语言点讲解 1commencement开始,开工 这个为名词,动词为commence。例如:commence the work(开工);。commencement date(开工日期)。2Conditions of Contract合同条件 3as soon as is reasonably possible尽可能快地 请注意这一合同语言的表达法。4for the purposes of the Contract为本合同之目的,就本合同而言 5commencement date开工日期 6with due expedition以应有的速度,快速 7with

5、out delay不得耽搁,尽快 范例信函4-2From the Contractor to the EmployerEngineer Date:Dear Sirs。Sub:Acknowledgement of Notice to Commence We acknowledge with thanks your notice to commence the Works issued pursuant to Clause 8 of the Conditions of Contract,requesting us to commence as soon as is reasonably possi

6、ble We confirm that the Commencement Date for the Works is_.We have begun to mobilize some equipment and personnel to the site of the Works and anticipate commencing the Works no later than_.Yours faithfully,Contractor (一)内容讲解 这是承包商收到开工通知后给业主方的回函。第一段说明收到了开工通知,并致以谢意。第二段确认工程的开工日期,这是承包商的一种谨慎做法。第三段通知业主方

7、,承包商已经开始往工程现场调遣设备和人员,并预计最迟开始在现场工作的日期。(二)语言点讲解 1acknowledge.with thanks 说明收到 了致以谢意 2pursuant to 依据,按照 Pursuant-还有追赶的、追求的之意;3clause条款 英文中另一个表示“条款”的词为article。4mobilize动员,启动,调遣 5anticipate预期,预计二、进度计划 在国际工程中,通常要求承包商在收到中标函后规定的时间内提交一份执行工程的进度计划(施工排队的工期),该计划须得到业主方的审查和批准。请看下面的范例信函43和4-4:范例信函4-3 From the Contr

8、actor to the Employer Date:_ Dear Sirs,Sub:Submission of Program As required under Clause 14 of the Conditions of Contract,we have pleasure in enclosing our program for the Works,which is in such form and detail as you suggested in the meeting held at your office onYou will note we have presented th

9、is program in both bar chart and network form As recently requested by you,we also enclose a general description of the arrangements and methods which we propose to adopt for the carrying out of the Works Yours faithfully,Contractor(一)内容讲解 这是承包商向业主方提交进度计划的一封前附函(cover letter)。第一段说明,承包商随信附上合同要求的进度计划,其

10、格式和详细程度均按照业主方在 会议中的建议而定。第二段说明,根据对方最近的提出的要求,随信还提交了执行工程的总体安排和方法的 说明书。(二)语言点讲解 1as required按要求 2We have pleasure in我们高兴地 3in such form and detail as you suggested 按你方建议的格式和详细程度 4present呈交,提交 5bar chart 甘特图,横道图 6network form网络计划形式 7general description总体说明书 8carry out执行,实施 (implement)范例信函44(一)内容讲解 这是业主工程

11、师致承包商关于施工进度计划的一封回函,从信的内容可以看出,承包商按业主方的要求对施工进度计划反复修改了若干次,最后一次得到业主的认可。第一段说明,业主工程师已经审查施工进度计划并提出了意见,这些意见被承包商纳入到进度计划的最后的版本,因而,进度计划的最终版本得到业主的认可。第二段业主工程师对承包商在编制和修订进度计划方面给予业主方的合作表示感谢。(二)语言点讲解 1.construction program 施工进度计划;ment 评论,意见;3.incorporate 纳入;4.submittal 提交,提交的文件;5.finalize 最终确定下来,定稿;三、邀请函工程开工后,承包商需要业

12、主签发邀请函,以便为自己前往工程所在国的工程人员办理签证。请看下列范例信函:看范例信函4-5(一)内容讲解 这是一封承包商致业主的信,在信中承包商要求业主为其人员发邀请函。第一段说明,按照项目的进度计划,承包商的一批工程技术人员很快要到项目上工作。为了申请签证,需要业主签发邀请函。承包商在信中列出了有关人员的姓名、护照号、出生日期和出生地。第二段是客套话,对业主方的帮助和合作预致谢意。(二)语言点讲解 I1etter of invitation邀请函 2project schedule 项目计划 3in total 总共,总计 4entry visa 入境签证 5Embassy 大使馆 6pe

13、rtinent information 主要资料 7date of birth 出生日期 8place of birth 出生地 9in advance 预先,提前第2节工程的进展(Project Progress)在工程整个施工过程中,会出现各种各样的问题影响工程的进度。合同双方应根据合同来 处理此类问题,从而保护自己一方的权益。一、就影响进度的事件发出的通知 如果在施工过程中发生了耽搁工作的事件,承包商就应按照合同的规定向业主工程师 发出通知,以便及时处理该问题。请看下面的范例信函4-6和4 7:范例信函4-6From the Contractor to the EmployerEngin

14、eer Date:Dear Sirs,Sub:Data Found Incorrect for Setting Out the Works With reference to your Site Plan showing dimensions for setting out the Works,we have to inform you that after our OWII site survey,we have found the following errors and omissions on your drawing:Will you please issue a revised d

15、rawing showing correct dimensions so that we may proceed with the settingout of the Works?Since setting out is scheduled to commence on Monday next(May 20 th,1995),it is essential that we receive your revised drawing no later than this coming Friday Yours faithfully,Contractor(一)内容讲解 这是承包商致业主工程师关于工程

16、放线数据有错误的一封信函。第一段说明,承包商在现场勘察之后,发现业主工程师签发的图纸上关于工程放线的尺寸有问题,并列出了有关错误和疏漏。第二段请业主工程师重新签发修正后的图纸,并给出了业主工程师签发图纸的截止日期。此类通知在国际工程中很常见,也十分重要。因为,从一般的合同规定来看,如果业主工程师提供的放线数据有误,并影响了工期和费用,承包商是有权提出索赔要求的,但承包商有义务及时通知业主工程师。(二)语言点讲解 1setting out the Works工程放线(layout)2site plan现场平面图 3be scheduled to计划(做)例如:The plane is sched

17、uled to take off at 5 sharp(飞机计划5时整起飞。)4Monday next下周一,等于next Monday 5this coming Friday本周五范例信函47From the Contractor to the EmployerEngineer Date:Dear Sirs,Sub:Breakdown in Tower CraneWe regret to inform you that the progress of the Works is currently being,and is likely to continue to be,delayed by

18、 a breakdown in the Tower CraneSince this is of Japanese manufacture and the local agents are unable to effect the repairs,technicians are being flown in from Japan and it will be several days at least before it is again usable.Needless to say,we are making every effort to overcomed this problem in

19、the meantime and we shall he taking steps to ensure that completion ofThe Works is not delayedWe shall inform you as soon as the problem is overcomed andin themeanwhile,please accept this as the formal notice required by Clause 25of the Conditions of the Contract.Yours faithfully,Contractor(一)内容讲解 这

20、是承包商致业主工程师关于因大型施工设备发生故障而停工的一封信函。第一段说明,由于施工的塔吊发生故障,工作被迫停下来。因为该塔吊为日本产品,当地代理无法修复,日本方面已经派技术人员飞往现场,但预计几天后塔吊才能重新投入使用。第二段说明承包商与此同时也在努力克服这一问题,并正在采取必要措施,保证工程按期完工。第三段说明承包商在塔吊修复后将立即通知业主工程师,并说明这一通知是按照合同条款的要求发出的。(二)语言点讲解 1Breakdown in tower crane塔吊故障 2We regret to inform you that 我们遗憾地通知你方 这一表达法用于信的开头,后面的内容往往为消极

21、内容。3currently现在,此时 4be likely to 很可能(发生或做)5be of Japanese manufacture是日本产的 6local agent当地代理商 7effect the repairs进行修复 8Technicians are being flown in from Japan从日本派技术人员正飞往这里 fly in表示“从远方飞到此地”的含义。9Needless to say不必说,不用说 10make every effort竭尽全力 1 1overcome this problem解决这一问题 12In the meantime(=in the m

22、eanwhile)同时 13take steps to采取措施(做)二、承包商实际进度拖期 国际工程合同中通常规定,如果业主工程师认为承包商的施工进度太慢,而且承包商没有索赔工期的理由时,他有权要求承包商加快工程的实施进度,以保证工程按时竣工。在此情况下,承包商可以申请加班。一般情况下,业主工程师允许承包商在节假日、周末或夜晚加班。但有时,承包商认为自己有权获得延期,就会在加速施工方面提出自己的要求。请看下面的范例信函4-8、4-9和4-10:范例信函48From the EmployerEngineer to the Contractor Date Dear Sirs,Sub:Rate of

23、 Progress We refer to your Monthly Progress Report Noand Site Meeting Minutes N0which set out in detail the current progress of the Works.Having considered this situation,I give you notice that,for reasons which do not entitle you to an extension of time,the rate of the progress is in my opinion too

24、 slow to comply with the Time for completion You are therefore instructed t。take such steps as are necessary,subject to my consent,to expedite progress so as to complete the whole Works on time Meanwhile,I request you to submit a revised program,in accordance with Subclause 142,showing the modificat

25、ions to your existing program for such expedition Yours faithfully,Engineer(一)内容讲解 这是业主的工程师致承包商的一封信。第一段说明,业主的工程师参照承包商月进度报告和现场会议纪要发出的这封信。第二段说明,业主的工程师在考虑了具体情况后,认为承包商的施工进度太慢,不能保证按期完成工程,而且,按照合同的规定,承包商也没有权利获得延期。第三段指示承包商采取必要的步骤来加快工程的进度,以保证工程按时竣工。第四段要求承包商为配合赶工提交一份修改的进度计划。(二)语言点讲解 1rate of progress进展速度 2mon

26、thly progress report每月进度报告,月进度报告 3site meeting minutes现场会议纪要 4current当今的,现在的 5entitle you to an extension of time使你方有权获得延期 entitle sbto sth 意思是“使某人有权获得什么”。6Subject to my consent在我的同意之下 7expedite加快 这个词为动词,其名词为expedition。8existing program现有的进度计划 4-9和4-10自学。三、业主要求承包商指派关键职员 工期控制需要有专门的人员来负责,虽然业主一般不干预承包商职

27、员的任命,但对于某些关键职员,业主方是有权发表意见的。请看下面的范例信函4-11:范例信函4一11 From the EmployerOwner to the contractor Date:Dear Sirs。Sub:Project ControlsPlanner Further to our discussions related to schedule achievement and project controls,I recommend and request from you the assignment of an experienced project planner.This

28、 senior person should be a highly experienced scheduler and possess the ability to create,maintain and status the proieets schedule Further,this person shall,in a professional manner at each of the Monthly Progress Review Meetings,deliver a presentation of Construction Schedule as to the status and

29、to the recovery plan where slippage has occurred The Owners manager of ControlsPlanning will be resident on site as of_ (date),and will be extensively involved daily in matters related to the project scheduleI strongly urge that a meaningful relationship be established between these two individuals

30、as soon as possible Yours faithfully,Owners Representative(一)内容讲解 这是业主代表致承包商的一封信,要求承包商指派一位合格工程师负责项目进度控制和计划的安排。第一段说明,之前双方讨论过关于项目工期控制的问题,在此,业主代表建议并要求承包商指派一位有经验的计划工程师。第二段要求,该计划工程师必须是一位十分有经验的进度计划编制员。这位工程师必须具备编制、维护和解释项目进度计划的能力。第三段说明,此工程师还应负责在每月的进度计划会议上作关于实际进度情况的汇报,以及在拖期的情况下如何制定赶工计划。第四段说明,业主负责控制计划的经理将从某日起

31、进驻现场,并具体负责进度方面的日常管理,业主敦促双方的这两位工程进度的负责人建立一种能促进工程进度的良好关系。(二)语言点讲解1project controlsplanner项目控制/计划员(计划工程师)2schedule achievement 进度计划的实现,达到进度计划 3assignment指派,委派,转让 4scheduler进度计划员 5status状态,情况 这个词一般用作名词,也偶尔用作动词,意思是“说明的状态情况”。6in a professional manner以专业方式 7monthly progress review meeting月进度审查会议 8deliver a

32、 presentation of 对进行介绍,对加以系统叙述 9recovery plan赶工计划 10slippage工期落后,拖期 11Be involved in 从事于 12,urge敦促四、更新进度计划当实际进度与原进度计划不一致时,业主工程师就有权要求承包商对原进度计划进行调整。进度计划的更新方式需要得到业主方的认可。请看下面的范例信函412:范例信函4一12From the Employer to the Contractor Date:Dear Sirs,Sub:Updating of project Schedule We have requested that you pr

33、oduce an updated schedule showing the actual condition of the project The schedule that has been submitted by you shows only highlighted areas for the current month and depicts all the work items as“in progress”Therefore,this updated schedule is not acceptable to the Owner The properly updated sched

34、ule will show,for each activity,actual versus scheduled start date,any actual versus scheduled completion dates and actual percent complete compared to planned progressYou should then use such data to forecast the probable completion dates of the behindschedule activities.The data will allow the Own

35、er to compare its analysis of the project with your analysis and to thereby assist in planning future project events Yours faithfully,Owners representative(一)内容讲解 这是业主代表致承包商的一封信,要求承包商按业主的要求提供更新的进度计划。第一段说明业主已经要求承包商提交一份更新的进度计划,表明项目的实际状态。第二段说明,承包商已经提交的更新的进度计划仅仅反映了一些关键工作区的工作情况,而且,对有关工作项仅描述为“正在进行中”。因而,业主

36、不认可这一更新的进度计划。第三段说明,恰当更新的进度计划应标明每一工作项的实际开始日期与计划开始日期的对比,实际完成日期与计划完成日期的对比,以及实际进度相对于计划进度完成的百分 比。业主并要求承包商利用这些数据来预测那些落后于计划的工作可能完成的日期。第四段说明,业主将利用更新的进度计划中的数据进行自己的分析,然后与承包商的分析进行对比,并以此为依据,帮助承包商来计划将来的工作。(二)语言点讲解 1Up date更新,修订 2highlighted area 主要的区域 3current month 当月 4Dipict 描述,说明 5in progress在进行中 6actual vers

37、us scheduled 实际与计划对比的 7planned progress计划进度 8forecast预测 9Behind-Schedule activities 落后于进度的工作练习练习1根据范例信函4-5承包商的来信,请以业主的名义,起草一份邀请函。2根据范例信函411业主的来信,请以承包商的名义,起草一份信函,内容包括:(1)承包商指派其计划工程师王林先生作为本项目进度计划和控制负责人;(2)其职责为:编制和修订进度计划;进度计划的检查和管理;在进度审查会议上负责项目进度的汇报;在现场负责与业主方的项目控制经理的联系和协调;(3)为了工程按时竣工,希望得到业主的全力合作。3阅读下面业

38、主的来信,并予以答复,答复的内容包括:(1)现场的确发生设备闲置的情况原因是设备操作工大部分是当地人,有时不能保证按时出勤;(2)当地的操作工总体上技术水平不太高,导致某些设备频繁被损坏,希望业主能允许承包商从国内派一些有经验的操作工来项目工作;(3)由于急需在围堰区(diversion dam)清出一块工作面,如果一次性将杂物清离围堰区,花费的时间太长,时间安排不允许,只好先将杂物倾倒到附近,过一段时间再二次搬运(doublehandle),但在今后的工作安排中尽量避免二次搬运。第5章工期管理(二)本章继续介绍有关工期管理的来往信函,内容包括施工进度报告、进度审议会和会议纪要、申请和签发移交

39、证书等方面,并对各范例信函进行了内容和语言方面的讲解。第1节进度报告和进度审议会 (Progress Report and Review Meeting)业主对工程进度的监控手段之一就是要求承包商提交进度报告,一般每月提交一次,有的则要求每周一次,甚至每天都要提交;另外,作为国际工程一种习惯做法,一般每月召开一次进度审议会,来审查前一个月进度,并对下一个月的施工做出具体安排。一、进度报告 对承包商提交的进度报告,业主对其格式以及包括的内容都有一定的要求,承包商应按要求来提交每月或每周的进度报告。请看下列的范例信函5-1和5-2 范例信函5-1 From the EmployerEngineer

40、 to the Contractor Date:Dear Sirs,Sub:Format of Monthly Progress Report In an effort to finalize the development of the format and ingredients of your Monthly progress report identified in the Contract,please find be low an outline of the contents required on a monthly basisThe monthly progress repo

41、rt shall be submitted to the Owner on or before the 10 th of each month.1A narrative description of the progress of the work for the preceding month Engineering ReportConstruction Report 2Status of the Materials and supplies necessary to support the scheduled ongoing activities Material List Equipme

42、nt List3Status or actions related to approvals of licenses,certificates or permits identified in the Contract Conditions that are required to support the work4A presentation of work achieved towards the approved construction schedule Statued and updated MilestoneConstruction Schedule Schedule recove

43、ry plans5Nonconformance ReportProject Master Iist of nonconformancesldentify deficiencies related to work in place for the previous month Submit corrective planProject Master List of nonconformancesIdentify deficiencies related to work in place for the previous monthSubmit corrective plan6Manpower R

44、eport Chinese staff and workers Local workers7Subcontractors Report Manpower List of construction equipment8Problems and Concerns9Application for payment submittalAll the above sub-parts should be incorporated into one document known as the“Monthly Progress Report”Special attention should be given t

45、o this document for clarity,accuracy and completeness We believe that this document will be most vital to both parties in assuring the success of this projectYours faithfully,Engineer(一)内容讲解 这是业主的工程师致承包商的一封信,是关于进度报告格式的。第一段说明,为了将进度报告的格式和内容最终确定下来,业主32程师在下面列出了进度报告内容的纲要。业主32程师要求该报告必须于每月10日前提交。第二段是工程师提出的

46、报告纲要,包括:上月的设计和施工进度说明;材料设备供应的情况;实施工程所需的各类证明和许可证的批准情况;相对于批准的进度计划工作完成的情况;不符合事项报告;劳动力报告;分包商报告;存在的问题;付款申请。第三段要求上面各个部分必须包括在每月的进度报告中,并且进度报告应清楚、准确和完整。第四段强调了这份文件的重要性。(二)语言点讲解 1format版式,格式 2monthly progress report月进度报告 3ingredient组成部分,成分,内容 4identify验明,列明 5Please find below 811 outline of的纲要如下 请注意这一句型的表达方法。例如

47、:Please find in Clause 12 the provisions about insurance(关于保险的规定请查阅第12条。)6on a monthly basis以每月为基础,按月计 7narrative说明性的 8preceding month前一个月 9engineering report设计(工程)报告 10on-going activities正在持续进行的作业项 1 1milestone schedule里程碑计划 指列有主要关键工程区段或部分开始和完成13期的计划,此类日期也称为milestone dates(里程碑日期)。12nonconformance r

48、eport不符合事项报告,违规报告一般在国际工程中,对于在施工中发现的质量不符合要求的情况,承包商要上报业主工程师,说明补救的措施。这种报告在一个项目中一般有固定的格式。13work in place完成的工作 14manpower人力,劳动力15application for payment submittal申请付款提交的文件 注意,在这个词组中,application for payment作定语,修饰submittal。Submittal意思是“提交(物)”,在此引申为“提交的文件”。16be vital to 对至关重要 范例信函5-2 From the Contractor to

49、the EmployerEngineer Date:Dear Sirs,Sub:Monthly Progress Report Attached hereto is the Monthly Progress Report of July 1996 for the execution of MM Project,which is 36 pages in total Your review and comments will be highly appreciated Yours faith fully,ContractorATTACHMENT:MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT MO

50、NTHLY PROGRESS REPORT OF JULY l996 MM ELECTRIC POWER PROJECT Section I Engineering Report Section II Construction Report Section III Status of Equipment and Materials Section Approval of Licenses and CertificationSection V Presentation of Work Achieved toward the Approved Schedule Section VI Noncomp


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