
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3210082 上传时间:2022-08-05 格式:PPT 页数:31 大小:1.89MB
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1、2022-8-4牛津英语译林版牛津英语译林版9AUNIT5复习课件复习课件1.1.令人愉快的事情令人愉快的事情2.2.不同的艺术形式不同的艺术形式3.3.戏剧和摄影戏剧和摄影4.4.电影和绘画电影和绘画 5.5.我更喜欢流行音乐。我更喜欢流行音乐。6.6.音乐才能音乐才能7.7.无国界音乐无国界音乐8.8.每次奖牌被颁发给冠军每次奖牌被颁发给冠军9.9.北京北京20082008奥运会奥运会something pleasantdifferent art formsdrama and photographyfilm and paintingI prefer pop music.musical ta

2、lentmusic without boundariesEach time a medal was presented to a winner.at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games10.10.播放颁奖音乐播放颁奖音乐11.11.这个音乐是谭盾写的这个音乐是谭盾写的12.12.一个世界著名的作曲家一个世界著名的作曲家13.13.在中国中部在中国中部14.14.对音乐感兴趣对音乐感兴趣15.15.淙淙的流水声和飒飒风声淙淙的流水声和飒飒风声16.16.来自的大自然来自的大自然17.17.用像石头和纸一样的普通物品制作音乐用像石头和纸一样的普通物品制作音乐The mus

3、ic was written by Tan Dun.a world-famous composerin central Chinashow an interest in musicthe sounds of the rushing water and the blowing windplay the award musiccome from naturemake music with common objects like stones and paper19.19.继续去美国学习继续去美国学习20.20.逐渐认识一些音乐家逐渐认识一些音乐家21.21.因获得奥斯卡奖而出名因获得奥斯卡奖而出名

4、22.22.乐器乐器23.23.通过控制水流的速度通过控制水流的速度24.24.最好快点最好快点25.25.建立一座连接东西方的桥梁建立一座连接东西方的桥梁go on to study in the USAget to know some musiciansbe known/famous for winning an Oscarmusical instrumentsby controlling the speed of water flowhad better be quickbuild a bridge between the East and the West26.20分钟内(后)分钟内(

5、后)in 20 minutes用将来时态用将来时态27.以传统的方式以传统的方式in the traditional style 28.以一种西方的形式以一种西方的形式29.我的音乐是梦想无国界我的音乐是梦想无国界in a Western styleMy music is to dream without boundaries30.在他的作品中在他的作品中31.中国的过去和现在中国的过去和现在32.一个分界线一个分界线33.高度赞扬高度赞扬in his worksChinas past and presenta dividing linethink highly of40.向我们跑来向我们跑来

6、34.擅长拉小提琴擅长拉小提琴be good at playing the violin35.对所有的学生开放对所有的学生开放be open to all students36.一张免费歌剧票一张免费歌剧票a free ticket to an opera37.计划乘地铁计划乘地铁plan to take the underground38.出现在门旁出现在门旁39.过了一会儿过了一会儿41.交通太拥挤交通太拥挤.appear at the doorafter a while(n.)run towards usThere was too much traffic.42.气喘吁吁气喘吁吁43.匆

7、忙进入剧院匆忙进入剧院out of breathhurry into the theatre46.有一个持久的价值有一个持久的价值have a lasting value47.非洲裔的美国人非洲裔的美国人African Americans48.玩耍时编曲玩耍时编曲make up the music while playing49.有强烈的地域色彩有强烈的地域色彩have strong local colour50.去听音乐会去听音乐会51.我今晚到我今晚到.52.出席一个会议出席一个会议53.将要有将要有go to the concertI will arrive tonight.attend

8、 a meetingthere will bethere is/are going to be45.这个牛仔在弹吉他这个牛仔在弹吉他44.感到无聊感到无聊feel boredThe cowboy is playing the guitar.54.设计海报设计海报design a poster55.一场艺术节一场艺术节an art festival56.持续一个半小时持续一个半小时last for one and a half hours57.沿着街道走沿着街道走walk along the street58.你认为你认为 怎么样怎么样59.赞扬我的设计赞扬我的设计60.有绘画天分有绘画天分Wh

9、at do you think of How do you like praise my designhave a gift for painting61.向各个方向跑向各个方向跑run in all directions62.鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth63.乡村音乐乡村音乐country music64.有持久的价值有持久的价值have a lasting value65.民间音乐会民间音乐会66.在不同的脑海里产生不同的画面在不同的脑海里产生不同的画面67.成功地将中西方音乐融合在一起成功地将中西方音乐融合在一起folk music conce

10、rtcreate different pictures in different mindsbring Chinese and Western music together successfully 68.有持久的价值有持久的价值 69.最初由美国黑人创造最初由美国黑人创造 70.在演奏时创作音乐在演奏时创作音乐 71.有强烈的地方特色有强烈的地方特色 72.邀请某人参加音乐会邀请某人参加音乐会 73.的确有绘画的天赋的确有绘画的天赋 74.把颜料与水混在一起把颜料与水混在一起 have a lasting value be first created by African Americans

11、 make up music while playing have strong local colour invite sb.to the concert have a real gift for mix the paint with water1.My patents think I have a real _(天赋天赋)for music.2.She looked at the _(污点污点)on her sons face and laughed happily.3.The more children are _(鼓励鼓励),the more progress they will ma

12、ke.4.My parents _(赞扬赞扬)my designs for the fashion show.5.Yancheng is in _(中心的中心的)Jiangsu.6.Can you play the _(吉他吉他)?7.Most young people arent interested in the _(经典的经典的)culture of China.8._(牛仔牛仔)in western America are brave.Word exercisesWord exercises根据中文写单词根据中文写单词giftmark/marksencouragedpraisedcen

13、tralguitarclassicalCowboys1.We didnt get _(boring)at all because the drama was really interesting.2.No one knows the _(value)of health until he loses it.3.Nothing can break the _(last)friendship between us.4.Are there any _(different)between them?5.My parents think rock is too _(noise).6.I enjoyed _

14、(me)in the world of colors every time I paint.7.The waitress takes several _(toothbrush)to the room.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空boredvaluelastingdifferencesnoisymyselftoothbrushes8.He is too _(care)to pass the final exam.9.Our PE teacher praised our team spirit _(high)at the sports meeting.10.At last we _

15、(success)climbed up to the top of Mount Tai.11.I want to mix them all together _(make)a new type of music.12.John failed the test again,because he didnt study hard and always forgot _ (do)his homework.13.The project they had devoted up to two years to (choose)as the best one at the conference.14.I s

16、at on the green grass,_(watch)the white clouds sailing across the sky.carelesshighlysuccessfullyto maketo dowas chosenwatching 1.The weather report says the heavy rain _(last)another two days.2.-Why do you want to be a doctor?-_(help)more people.3.Soon we saw Mary _(run)towards us.4.The film _(start

17、)in five minutes.Lets hurry.5.My father suggests _(leave)for the airport in his car at once.6.Rub this oil and your headache will soon _(appear)!7.Youd better _(not smoke)here.用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空will lastTo helprunningwill startleavingdisappearnot smoke8.Jazz _(create)by African Americans long

18、ago.9.Parents ask me _(not listen)to music while _(do)homework.10.The folk music concert _(start)at 7 p.m.every Saturday.11.She kept _(tell)herself,“Dont be afraid.”12.Betty is often seen _(help)the old man with his housework.13.All the students are encouraged _(to study)hard.14.How much difficulty

19、did you have _(solve)this problem?15.When we got to school,the lesson _(begin).16.-Whats wrong with him?He looks sad.he _(fail)in the exam.选择题选择题()1.Zhu Zhiwen was _ usual farmer several years ago.But now he is _ famous singer.He can play _ piano.A.an,a,the B.a,a,the C.an,a,D.a,a,()2.Dont be crazy a

20、bout computer games,_ your parents will be worried.A.and B.or C.but D.so()3.Our English teacher encourages us _ part in all kinds of afterclass activities.A.to take B.take C.taking D.to takingBBA()4.Tony never spends money buying books _ he doesnt like reading.A.but B.because C.though D.until()5.Mo

21、Yans books have been sold out in many bookshops _ his winning of the Nobel Literature Prize.A.because B.since C.as D.because of()6.Ill help you with your study _ you dont do well in it.A.so B.until C.since D.thoughBDC()7.-is the street crowed with so many people?-Because they are waiting to watch th

22、e boat races.A.Why B.Where C.How D.Who()8.-Could you tell me yesterday?-Because my bike was broken on my way here.A.why you came late B.why do you come late C.why you come late D.why did you come late()9.After running a 1,000meter race,he was .A.out of breath B.dying out C.take a deep breath D.arriv

23、e firstAAA()10.Tony never spends money buying books _he doesnt like reading.A.but B.because C.though D.until()11.China is very _ the Great Wall and pandas.A.famous as B.famous for C.ready to D.ready for()12.We lost the soccer game,_ everyone of us played very well.A.because B.though C.or D.soBBB 1.P

24、eople think _(高度地高度地)of Tans works because he brings the sounds of nature and musical instruments together successfully.2.I think your works is very _(令人愉快的令人愉快的)because you created it in a different way.3.When he went to study in the Central Conservatory of Music,he got to know a number of great _(

25、音乐家音乐家).4.As the art festival is open to all the students and parents,everybody is _(welcome).5.Folk was first created in a _(传统的传统的)style,and has strong local color.6.The traffic lights are _(控制控制)by a central computer.7.In my spare time,I often go to the theater to watch _(戏剧戏剧).8.Guitar is a kind

26、 of popular _(乐器乐器)among young people.9.After hundreds of experiments,Edison_(成功成功)invented the light bulb.10.It is good for your health to _(breath)deeply.11.The heavy rain _ _(持续持续)for two days last week.12.This book is quite good.A lot of (value)advice can be found in it.13.As one of the excellen

27、t _(作曲家作曲家),Tan Dun has written many good pieces of music.14.There were five (win)names on the medal.15.T iger Watch won a great award for its amazing _(摄影术摄影术).16.Michael Jackson is a man of many (天赋天赋).17._(中心的中心的)park is far away from here.Youd better take a bus there.18.All the students have a g

28、reat (兴趣兴趣)in pop music.19._(尽管尽管)he has read the book three times,he hopes to read it.1.Withe the reform(改革改革)of the entrance examination system,now more and more senior high school graduates in Western China will go on _(study)in the college.2.Look!The boy is crying hard over there.Yes,he _(lose)h

29、is new toy.3.Each winner _(present)with a gold medal at tomorrows game.4.After a while,we saw Amy _(run)towards us,and she said,“Im late because there was too much traffic on the road”.5.They are really great because they can sing songs while _(perform)on the stage.6._(make)a new typemusic with boun

30、daries,Tan Dun mixed traditional Chinese music and modern Western music together in this works.7.Tommy promised (not be)late for class next time.8.He went on _(sing)after dinner 9.The music at the party _(write)by my father 10.Driving safety can be realized by _(control)the speed of the car 11.He ha

31、d his computer _(fix)shortly after it broke down.12-Do you know the places of interest in Suzhou?-Yes,its the third time I _(visit)this beautiful city.13.The city _(know)for its places of interest.Many tourists visit it every every.14.They_(present)with medals because of their excellent performances

32、.15.Mr Simith told me that his family_(go)for a holiday the next week.1.People think _(高度地高度地)of Tans works because he brings the sounds of nature and musical instruments together successfully.2.I think your works is very _(令人愉快的令人愉快的)because you created it in a different way.3.When he went to study

33、 in the Central Conservatory of Music,he got to know a number of great _(音乐家音乐家).4.As the art festival is open to all the students and parents,everybody is _(welcome).5.Folk was first created in a _(传统的传统的)style,and has strong local color.6.The traffic lights are _(控制控制)by a central computer.7.In my

34、 spare time,I often go to the theater to watch _(戏剧戏剧).8.Guitar is a kind of popular _(乐器乐器)among young people.9.After hundreds of experiments,Edison_(成功成功)invented the light bulb.10.It is good for your health to _(breath)deeply.11.The heavy rain _ _(持续持续)for two days last week.12.This book is quite

35、 good.A lot of (value)advice can be found in it.13.As one of the excellent _(作曲家作曲家),Tan Dun has written many good pieces of music.14.There were five (win)names on the medal.15.T iger Watch won a great award for its amazing _(摄影术摄影术).16.Michael Jackson is a man of many (天赋天赋).17._(中心的中心的)park is far

36、 away from here.Youd better take a bus there.18.All the students have a great (兴趣兴趣)in pop music.19._(尽管尽管)he has read the book three times,he hopes to read it.1.Withe the reform(改革改革)of the entrance examination system,now more and more senior high school graduates in Western China will go on _(stud

37、y)in the college.2.Look!The boy is crying hard over there.Yes,he _(lose)his new toy.3.Each winner _(present)with a gold medal at tomorrows game.4.After a while,we saw Amy _(run)towards us,and she said,“Im late because there was too much traffic on the road”.5.They are really great because they can s

38、ing songs while _(perform)on the stage.6._(make)a new typemusic with boundaries,Tan Dun mixed traditional Chinese music and modern Western music together in this works.7.Tommy promised (not be)late for class next time.8.He went on _(sing)after dinner 9.The music at the party _(write)by my father 10.Driving safety can be realized by _(control)the speed of the car


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