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1、七年级上册Unit 1 1. grammar n. 语法【衍生】阅读reading 听力listening 口语speaking/spoken English 写作writing 【考察项目】常规阅读和完形填空 英语学习类文章出现【经典例句】牛津高阶字典I find German grammar very difficult. 我发现德语语法很难学。牛津高阶字典His pronunciation is good, but his grammar is terrible. 他的发音不错,但他的语法极差。2. sound n. 声音 v. 听起来【衍生】感官动词总结:feel感觉 look看起来

2、smell闻起来 taste尝起来 listen to = sound【考察项目】辨析词:sound 自然声音 voice:人声 noise:噪音 感官动词+adj. sound+adj. 【经典例句】课文原句Learn to say the /i:/,/i/,/e/,/p/ and /b/ sounds. 学习去读 /i:/,/i/,/e/,/p/ 和 /b/这些音。2015年沈阳It sounds similar. 这听起来很相似。3. complete v. 完成 adj. 完全的,完整的【衍生】 adv. completely 完全地 complete=finish 完成【经典例句】课

3、文原句Complete an email to a new friend. 完成一个给新朋友的电子邮件。牛津高阶字典You cant leave until you complete the work. 你们完成工作后才可以离开。4. hobby n. 爱好(hobbies)【衍生】 对比:habit 习惯 学科:subject 运动:sport 【考察项目】 写作题目:Having a good hobby is _./ My favourite hobby is _.【经典例句】课文原句Friends often write to each other about their hobbie

4、s. 朋友们经常就他们的爱好写信给对方。牛津高阶字典Her hobby is listening to music. 她的爱好是听音乐。5. country n. 国家;乡村【衍生】 =countryside 乡村 in ones country pl. countries 【考察项目】变复数 和 阅读语句【经典例句】牛津高阶字典China is still a developing country. 中国仍是一个发展中国家。 牛津高阶字典Would you rather live in a city, or in the country? 你愿意住在城市还是乡下?6. age n. 年龄【衍

5、生】 aged = older 年长的 of the same age 同岁;同龄 at the age of 在.岁的时候【考察项目】同义句改写:at the age of four = when I was four years old 【经典例句】牛津高阶字典He was about the same as you. 他大约和你的年龄一样。牛津高阶字典A person of 40 has reached middle age.人到40岁已经步入中年。7. dream n. 梦想v. 做梦【衍生】 dreamt dreamt achieve ones dream 完成梦想 =realize

6、 ones dream 实现梦想 =dream comes true 梦想实现 I dream that + 句子 写作题目:My dream is _. 【考察项目】以上短语同义句替换【经典例句】课文原句My dream is to be an engineer. 我的梦想是成为一名工程师。2014广州Many boys dream of becoming pilots. 许多男孩梦想成为飞行员。(2014广州)8. everyone pron. 人人;所有人【衍生】 不定代词总结:人someone somebody anybody everyone anyone everybody nob

7、ody none 事:something everything nothing anything【考察项目】不定代词+adj.(后置定语) something else somewhere interesting any 疑问和否定句中 some 肯定句中 (除Would you like something to eat/drink?句型) none 单选高频答案:强调人和物 数量上的没有【经典例句】课文原句Hello, everyone. Welcome to my blog. 大家好,欢迎来到我的博客。 2016沈阳Everyone should be responsible for h

8、is work. 每个人都应该对自己的工作负责。9. mountain n. 山;山脉【衍生】hill 小山 mountains of 如山般的【经典例句】课文原句I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. 我和家人住在离一些山很近的房子里。2014深圳The tops of the mountain are covered with snow. 山顶上覆盖着雪。10. elder adj. 年长的【衍生】older 旧的 老的 (通用) oldest my elder sister/brother (elder 我的亲姐

9、姐和哥哥) eldest【经典例句】课文原句I have an elder sister and an elder brother. 我有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。牛津高阶字典My elder sister lives in Canada. 我姐姐住在加拿大。11. friendly adj. 友好的;友爱的【衍生】-ly 形容词积累:friendly ugly lovely lively likely daily be friendly to sb. 与某人友好相处 (注意介词to)friendship 友情【经典例句】课文原句I like my school because the teache

10、rs are all very friendly to me. 我喜欢我的学校因为老师们对我都非常友好。2017上海We should be friendly to every classmate in our class. 我们应该对班上的每一位同学友好。12. engineer n. 工程师【衍生】 engine 发动机 引擎 -er 变成人:工程师【经典例句】课文原句My dream is to be an engineer. 我的梦想是成为一名工程师。牛津高阶字典His ambition is to be an engineer. 他的志向是成为一名工程师。13. world n. 世

11、界【衍生】 all over the world 全世界=around the world=across the world =throughout the world in the world 在世界上 区别:word 话,单词【考察项目】以上短语 同义句改写【经典例句】课文原句I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! 我想要和来自全世界的年轻人成为朋友。2013年合肥There is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有一张世界地图。14. Japan n. 日本【衍

12、生】Japanese 日本的、日本人 in Japan 在日本 【经典例句】课文原句I come from Japan. 我来自日本。2013北京How long does it take to fly from here to Japan? 从这里飞到日本需要多长时间?15. flat n. 公寓【衍生】= apartment 公寓 adj. 平坦的 【经典例句】课文原句I live in a flat in Tokyo. 我住在东京的公寓里。牛津高阶字典She is buying a flat close to her office. 她在她办公室附近买一套公寓。16. yourself

13、pron. 你自己【衍生】yourselves pl. 你们自己 反身代词短语:enjoy oneself 玩的愉快 help oneself 自助 teach oneself = learnby oneself 自学 treat oneself 款待自己 by oneself = on ones own 独自其他反身总结:myself(ourselves) himself herself itself (themselves)【考察项目】以上短语填空 【经典例句】课文原句Talk about yourself. 谈谈关于你自己(的事儿)。2015广州Help yourself to this

14、 apple pie. 请随便吃苹果派。17. close to(在时间、空间上)接近【衍生】=near、 beside、 next to 附近 (near 属最远) close v. 关闭 (open 开) closed adj. 关闭的 (open 开着的)close adj. 亲密的 my close friend closely adv. 紧密地 look at him closely 【考察项目】以上短语同义句 be near/close to = be not far from close to doing (to介词) 比较级:closer to 【经典例句】课文原句Do you

15、 live close to or far away from your school? 你居住的地方是离学校近还是远呢?牛津高阶字典Her house is close to the sea.她的房子离海很近。18. (be) good at=do well in 擅长【衍生】be good for = do good to 对有好处 be bad for = do harm to = be harmful to 对有坏处【考察项目】介词后+doing 【经典例句】课文原句Are you good at any sports? 你擅长一些运动吗?2011深圳He is good at wri

16、ting compositions. 他擅长写作。19. make friends with sb. 与.交朋友【衍生】with短语总结:make friends with 和交朋友 communicate with 和交流 talk with 和某人谈话 takewith 随身携带 agree with 同意某人 catch up with 赶上某人 keep in touch with 与某人保持联系 come up with 提出想法 get along/on with 和相处 With the help of / helpwith 帮助某人做某事 make短语总结: make a pr

17、omise 做承诺 make an apology 做道歉 make a decision 做决定 make progress /make an effort取得进步 make an agreement 达成协议 make an appointment 做约定 make a difference / make sense 有意义【考察项目】以上短语填空【经典例句】课文原句I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! 我想要和来自全世界的年轻人成为朋友。2015广州We would like to make f

18、riends with some British students. 我们想和一些英国学生交朋友。20. all over 遍及【衍生】全世界总结:all over the world=around the world=across the world=throughout the world 【经典例句】课文原句I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! 我想要和来自全世界的年轻人成为朋友。牛津高阶字典He left his books all over the place. 他的书到处都是。 21. d

19、 like to=would like to 愿意【衍生】=want to do 想要做某事【考察项目】would do 过去将来时结构 Would you like .? 委婉语气 If., would do/have done 引导虚拟语气 【经典例句】课文原句Id like to be your e-friend. 我想要成为你的笔友。牛津高阶字典I would like to have a word with you. 我想和你说句话。 通关测试通关测试 I. 单项选择1. There are dark clouds, and the wind is blowing strongly.

20、It _ that a typhoon is coming .(2015年沈阳)A. feelsB. soundsC. seemsD. looks2. That piece of music _ great!A. soundsB. feelsC. seemsD. looks3. A crown made _ of gold displaces less water than a crown made of gold and another metal. A. completelyB. certainlyC. especiallyD. simply4. The situation is comp

21、letely different _ me. (2018年沈阳)A. fromB. forC. asD. of5. _ you pass me a pen? Id like to write down the telephone number. (2012年广州)A. NeedB. CouldC. MustD. Should6. What are you going to do when you grow up?My_ is to become an astronaut. (2014年襄阳)A. hobbyB. dreamC. jobD. advice7. The fence in our g

22、arden, _ my father built many years age, has lasted for a lone time. (2017年深圳)A. thatB. whichC. whatD. where8. Bob has got good exam results. His parents are proud of his_. (2015年沈阳)A. successB. chanceC. ideaD. dream9. What are you going to do when you grow up?My _ is to become an astronaut. (2014年襄

23、阳)A. hobbyB. dream C. jobD. advice10. Everyone has a beautiful memory_ school that is hard to forget. (2018年沈阳)A. aboutB. toC. fromD. in11. The exam was very easy, isnt it ?Yes, but I dont think _ could pass it . (育才分流)A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobodyD. everybody12. She didnt go to school yesterday, _

24、 he had hurt her legs while climbing the mountain. (2015年沈阳)A. butB. howeverC. orD. for13. There is a big lake _ the foot _ the mountain. (2012年)A. on; onB. of; ofC. to; withD. at; of14. Does Anna have an _ sister?Yes. She is 2 years _ than Anna. (2016年深圳)A. old; older B. old; elderC. elder; olderD.

25、 elder; elder15. If you want to have a lot of friends, be a _ person first! (2014年北京)A. shyB. friendlyC. coldD. beautiful16. Thelastparagraph(seemstotellusthatpeopleintheDominicanRepublicare_.(2014年沈阳)A. colourfulB. friendlyC. busyD. brave17. The engineer _ my brother works is about 65 years old. (2

26、014年沈阳)A. to whomB. on whomC. with whichD. with whom18. TheGreatWallofChinais_wallintheworld.(2014年沈阳)A. longB. longerC. longestD. thelongest19. Shanghai is larger than _ in Japan. (2012年沈阳)A. any other cityB. other citiesC. the other cityD. any city20. The police found that the flat _ and a lot of

27、things had disappeared. (2016年沈阳)A. has been broken intoB. has broken intoC. had broken intoD. had been broken into21. You should take off your shoes before you _ the new flat. (2011年沈阳)A. leaveB. findC. chooseD. enter22. You can do the cleaning all _ yourself. (2017年沈阳)A. byB. toC. forD. with23. He

28、lp _ to some fish, Jenny. (2016年广州)A. yourselvesB. yourselfC. himselfD. herself24. Who is the boy_ Jenny?He is my friend _ John. (2012年广州)A. close; callB. close; calledC. close to; callsD. close to; called25. Are you good _ sports? I think running is good _ you. (2013年长春)A. at; atB. for; toC. for; a

29、tD. at; for26. I want to make friends_ everyone in my class. (2013年襄阳)A. withB. onC. aboutD. of【参考答案】1-5 CAAAB 6-10 BBABA 11-15 DDDCD 16-20 BDDCD 21-25 DABDD 26 A七年级上册Unit 2 1. daily adj. 每日的;日常的【衍生】in my daily life 在我的日常生活 -ly 形容词总结:friendly ugly lovely lively likely daily 【经典例句】课文原句You will learn

30、about his daily life. 你将了解他的日常生活。牛津高阶字典Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 日常练习是学习外语的诀窍。 2. article n. 文章【衍生】=passage 文章 paragraph 段落 theory 理论 topic 话题 【考察项目】常规阅读题目: What is the main idea of this article/passage?【经典例句】课文原句Read a students article about his daily life. 读这篇关于他日

31、常生活的文章。牛津高阶字典Today well discuss the use of the article. 今天我们将讨论这篇文章的用法。 3. never adv. 从不【衍生】否定词总结:seldom hardly rarely/scarcely few/little none no neither nor not【考察项目】反意疑问句:前否,后肯原则 否定词前置:半倒装原则 句型:neithernor 既不也不 (就近原则)not onlybut also 不但而且 (就近原则)hardly/scarcelywhen/before 一就no sooner than 一就【经典例句】课

32、文原句Which of these things do you never do? 这些事儿里哪些是你从不会做的?牛津高阶字典He has never heard of the before. 他以前从没听说过。 4. table tennis n. 乒乓球【衍生】play tennis 打网球 play volleyball打排球 play basketball 打篮球 play chess 下棋 play football 踢足球 play badminton 打羽毛球 play the violin 拉小提琴 play the guitar 弹吉他 play the piano 弹钢琴【

33、考察项目】球和棋:零冠词 (吃早中晚饭同) 西洋乐器:+the 【经典例句】课文原句I play table tennis everyday. 我每天都打乒乓球。牛津高阶字典More and more people like playing table tennis. 越来越多的人喜欢打乒乓球。 5. ride v. 驾驶【衍生】rode-ridden ride a bike/bicycle 骑自行车【经典例句】课文原句I ride a bicycle once or twice a week. 我一周骑一次或两次自行车。牛津高阶字典I can ride a bicycle, but I ca

34、nt ride a horse. 我会骑自行车,但我不会骑马。 6. usually adv. 通常地【衍生】usual adj. 通常的 unusual /unusually 不通常地 频率副词:always usual often-sometimes seldom hardly ever never once /twice /three times every Sundays 【考察项目】一般现在时:How often?多久一次 (频率回答)【经典例句】课文原句In the morning, we usually study Chinese, Maths and English. 在早上,

35、我们通常学习语文、数学和英语。牛津高阶字典I usually wake up early. 我通常很早就起床。 7. so conj. 因此;所以【衍生】=therefore,hence,thus, because 因为(原因状语从句) 并列连词总结:and 和,but 但是,or 否则,so 所以,otherwise 要不然【考察项目】有so,就没有because(连词用法) 同义句改写 完形填空选项词和填空题【经典例句】课文原句My school is close to my home. so I always go to school on foot. 我的学校离我家很近,所以我总是步行

36、去学校。牛津高阶字典I got up late, so I was late for school. 我起得晚,所以上学迟到了。 8. seldom adv. 不常;很少【衍生】否定词总结:seldom hardly rarely/scarcely few/little none no neither nor not【考察项目】反意疑问句:前否,后肯原则 否定词前置:半倒装原则 句型:neithernor 既不也不 (就近原则)not onlybut also 不但而且 (就近原则)hardly/scarcelywhen/before 一就no sooner than 一就【经典例句】课文原句

37、Classes start at 8 a.m., and I seldom late. 课程从八点开始,我几乎不迟到。牛津高阶字典John seldom gets together with his friends. 约翰很少与朋友聚在一起。 9. Geography n. 地理【衍生】学科总结:Maths 数学 Art美术 Science 科学 sport体育 history 历史 英语English 语文 Chinese 生物 biology 化学 Chemistry 物理 Physics 【考察项目】回答问题和写作题目 What is your favourite subject? 【经

38、典例句】课文原句My favourite subject is Geography. 我最喜欢的科目是地理。2012年广州Do you have Geography today? 你今天有地理课吗?10. break n. 休息 v. 打断【衍生】breakbrokebroken 破坏 broken adj. 坏了的break 短语总结:break down 机器坏掉 break out 战争爆发 break in (into) 闯入 break up 解散,分手 break off 打断 have/take a break/rest 休息一下 【考察项目】以上动词短语填空【经典例句】课文原句

39、We have our morning break at 9:50 a.m. 我们在9:50 有早间休息。牛津高阶字典He sat under the tree to take a break. 他坐在树下休息。 11. bell n. 钟;铃【衍生】ring v. 按铃【经典例句】课文原句When the bell rings, I run to the playground with my best friends Tom and Jack. 当铃声响起时,我和我最好的朋友汤姆和杰克就跑到操场去。牛津高阶字典No one may leave the classroom until the

40、bell goes. 在铃声响之前,任何人都不能离开教室。 12. ring v. 发出钟声,响起铃声【衍生】ring=call=phone have a ring/ ring a call 打电话 rangrungrung 按铃【经典例句】课文原句When the bell rings, I run to the playground with my best friends Tom and Jack. 当铃声响起时,我和我最好的朋友汤姆和杰克就跑到操场去。牛津高阶字典I will give you a ring when I come back. 我回来后会给你打电话的。 13. end

41、v. 结束;终止【衍生】in the end 最终;终于= at last = finally at the end of 在.的尽头 end=finish 结束 endless adj. 无止境的 【考察项目】完形填空、选项词填空【经典例句】课文原句Break ends at 10:10 a.m. 休息在10:10结束。牛津高阶字典They ended the party with a song. 他们以一首歌结束了晚会。 牛津高阶字典At the end of the party, they sang a song. 晚会结束时,他们唱了一首歌。 2012年合肥In the end, they arri


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