Unit 1 Reading for writing -ppt课件-(2022)新人教版(2019新版)高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、Reading for WritingReadingNew Words1.infer 2.numerous3.relativity4.formula5.doctorate6.extraordinary7.photoelectric8.peculiarityv.推断;推定Adj.众多的;许多的n.相对论;相对性n.公式;方程式;配方n.博士学位Adj.不一般的;非凡的;意想不到的Adj.光电的n.个性;特点;怪异的性质ReadingImportant Phrases1.make numerous contributions to2.due to3.quit the e to power5.as

2、a consequence6.take up a position7.make great achievements in8.be seen as9.on end10.be mistaken for11.pass away12.sum up 为做出了许多贡献 由于,因为 辞职(开始)掌权;上台 因此 担任;任职 在取得巨大成就 被认为是 竖起来 被误认为是 去世 总结;概括What do you know about Albert Einstein?Whats his job?Whats his main achievements?What kind of prize was he award

3、ed?1.According to the title and the picture,can you guess the type of writing?2.How does the writer develop the text?Scan the passage on page 8 and answer the following questions.A.News ReporterB.Scientific PaperC.BiographyD.Argumentative EssayA.In space orderB.In time order C.In logic order3.Whats

4、the main idea of the text?A.The daily life of Einstein.B.A brief introduction to Einstein.C.Why Einstein fled Germany.D.Einstein made great achievements in physics and mathematics.chronological1.Read and then complete the timeline.1895Failed to enter universityEntered universityGraduated from univer

5、sity1902Took a job in the Swiss patent officeEarned a doctorate in physics1909Quit his job and enter research full-time at a universityAwarded the Nobel Prizehad to flee GermanyDied in the United StatesRead the whole passage and answer the questions.3.Find the descriptions that tell us what Einstein

6、 looked like and what kind of person he was.kinddiligentodd-lookingforgetfulgiftedcourageousstrong-willedfunnyhumoroushelpfulpopular一、一、organisationpart 1introduce the topic Introduce the basic information about the characters,suh as appearance,agepart 2 detailed descriptions Introduce the character

7、 and eventspart 3 conclusion Evaluate the person二、二、content1.age,sex,birth-place,background(概况概况)2.appearance,character(外表、性格外表、性格)3.Education(教育背景教育背景)4.big events in his or her life(in order of time)(经历、生平经历、生平)5.evaluation(评价评价)1.Appearance/look相貌英俊的 good-looking外表可笑的 funning-looking丑陋的 ugly-look

8、ing 外貌平平的 ordinary-looking 白头发的 white-haired近/远视的 near/far-sighted 有魅力的 charming时尚的 fashionable苗条的 slim 胖的 fat可爱的 lovely Preparation for writing 2.Character好心的 kind-hearted热心的 warm-hearted心不在焉的 absent-minded 坏脾气的 bad-tempered 很强的意志力 a strong will淘气的 naughty 聪明的 smart/bright 睿智的 wise勤奋的 hard-working/

9、diligent 幽默的 humorous 3.Birthday and birth place 1)出生于年月地方 4.Family background 2)在他父母的帮助下 3)当他是一个小孩子的时候 4)在他的童年时代 5)过着幸福/艰难的生活 6)在岁的时候1)was/were born onin 2)with the help of his parents 3)when he was a small boy 4)during his childhood 5)live a happy/hard life 6)at the age of5.Education1)从大学毕业 2)当他在大

10、学的时候,他主修3)在方面有天赋 4)获得博士学位1)graduate fromdepartment of university,2)When at college,he majored in,3)have a gift for4)gain a doctors degree7.Evaluation1)one of the best(most important)2)被每个人尊重3)his hard work brought him great success.4)be regarded as 5)set a good example to us 6)对.评价高7)把专用于/奉献给1)最好的.之

11、一 2)be respected by everyone.3)他的努力工作带给了他巨大的成功。4)被看做5)给我们树立了良好的榜样6)speak highly of7)devote.to.Next,lets move to practice!根据以下信息用英语写一篇短文介绍袁隆平教授。基本信息1.1937年9月7日出生于重庆的一个贫困的家庭。自幼刻苦学习,酷爱农业科学;2.自从1953 年大学毕业以后,他已经研究水稻近半个世纪,一直在为世界农业默默耕耘。主要成绩3由于他的研究,我国水稻产量快速增长,为很多国家解决了粮食不足的问题;4.他被誉为“杂交水稻之父”“Father of Hybrid

12、Rice”;5.虽然他很出名,但是他过着简朴的生活,不计名利;Born in a poor family in Chongqing on September 7,1937,Yuan Longping studied hard,showing great interest in agriculture.As a matter of fact,since his graduation from university in 1953,Yuan has done research on rice for over half a century,devoting all his time and ene

13、rgy to the study of agriculture.Because of his research,Chinas rice production is increasing rapidly,solving the problem of the lack of food for many countries.As a result,he is honored as“Father of Hybrid Rice”and was rewarded with many prizes for his great contributions to the world.Though he is famous,he lives a simple life and cares little about money and fame.Thanks!


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