Unit 1 Grammar and usage — Assessment单词用法讲解ppt课件 -(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 1 Grammar and usage — Assessment单词用法讲解ppt课件 -(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 1 Grammar and usage — Assessment单词用法讲解ppt课件 -(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 1 Grammar and usage — Assessment单词用法讲解ppt课件 -(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 1 Grammar and usage — Assessment单词用法讲解ppt课件 -(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 1 Grammar and usage — Assessment单词用法讲解ppt课件 -(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx_第5页
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1、单词课堂版本:新译林版本:新译林 单元:必修三单元:必修三 Unit 1(Grammar and usage Assessment)本单元词汇梳理1.global:globe(n 球体)+-al;派生词:globally 词块:global warming2.greenhouse:green+house;词块:greenhouse effect/gases3.gas:美式英语,英式是petrol4.application:apply(应用)+-ic+-ation(名词后缀)词块:a job application,fill in/out an application(form)词族:apply

2、,applicant,application(App)5.brochure:词源义是“缝合在一起的小书”册子6.organization:来自organize 词块:form/set up an international organization7.absolutely:absolute(adj 绝对的)+-ly;同义词 completely/entirely8.belt:隐喻:具体的“带子”抽象的“带”词块:the seat/safety belts,the Belt and Road9.medal:词块:receive a(gold/silver/bronze)medal10.image

3、:隐喻:映在镜面、水面等中的“影像”投射到人头脑中的“映像”,即“形象”11.shark:音译词“鲨鱼”12.spring to mind:spring这里是动词13.deer:单复数同形,类似的词:species,means14.track:词源义/基本义:足迹;轨迹 意为“足迹”常用复数 词块:track and field events,keep track of 名词动词化:“追踪”(track down)15.nowhere:近义词:not anywhere;词块:nowhere near enough,nowhere to be found/seen16.resident:词块:r

4、ural/urban residents17.chief:来自词根cap(头),词源同captain 词块:an editor-in-chief/a chief mittee:com-(together 共同)+mit(send 送、派)+-ee(名词词缀,动作的接受者)共同送、派 共同委托 委员会19.entirely:entire(adj 完全的)+-ly;近义词completely20.smog:拼缀法 smoke+fog,原指伦敦曾经被浓烟笼罩的情形21.protest:pro-(forth,before 在面前)+test(testify 验证)在面前验证,即为表示“抗议;反对”;词

5、块:protest against22.profit:pro-(forward 向前)+-fit(make,do 做)做事的收益 利润、报酬 词块:make a profit,profit by/from 派生词:profitable,non-profit23.defence:de-(from/away 去掉;离开)+-fenc-(hit/strike 打击)+-e 击挡开 防御;保卫 词块:in sbs defence/in defence of sb24.various:词族:vary,variety,various,varied,variously 表示不同种类的:various/dif

6、ferent kinds of,a wide variety/range of25.process:词块:in the process(of)/in the processs 名词动词化:加工;处理26.economic:词族:economy,economic,economical,economically,economics,economist27.branch:基本义“分支”隐喻:具体的“树枝”到抽象的“分支”28.recycle:re-(再)+cycle(循环)再循环 再利用 词族:cycle,cycling,recycle,recycling29.subway:美式英语,英式是unde

7、rground 词块:take the subway,by subway30.former:词块:the former the latter31.official:office official;词块:official languages32.poverty:poor poverty33.poison:名词动词化;派生词:poisoning,poisonous34.chemical:同源词:chemistry,chemist35.consequence:比result正式 con-(together 共同)+seq(to follow 跟随)+-ence(名词词缀)按顺序递进的结果 词块:as

8、 a consequence/in consequence(of)36.further:词性 adj,adv&v;far的比较级;further,farther的区别 形容词动词化application搭配义搭配义spring一词多义一词多义strategy英语释义英语释义搭配义搭配义consequence重难点词精讲track一词多义一词多义economy&economic英语释义英语释义词族词族defence一词多义一词多义further一词多义一词多义application 随着智能手机和平板电脑的普及,人们的日常生活、学习和工作已经离不开App了:吃饭可以用App随时团购优惠券、或叫外

9、卖;出行可以用App约车、导航、购票;聊QQ、发微信、购物、看视频甚至学习等都可以使用App。App的读音应该是/p/,它是application的缩写。application词源解读词源解读application的词源义已经消失了。随着时代的发展和社会的进步,逐渐衍生出其他的释义,特别是“申请(书)”和“应用程序”这两个释义,是到近现代才产生的。申请;申请书;申请表:申请;申请书;申请表:a job application fill in/out an application(form)accept/reject/turn down sbs application application n

10、 C&U在高考中出现频率较高,需掌握常见搭配并会熟练运用看图猜词spring春天弹簧泉水释义间有联系吗?跳;跃:跳;跃:Suddenly,he sprang to his feet(=stood up suddenly)and cried,“I have a great idea!”2020 山东改 涌出;涌上:涌出;涌上:Water sprang out of this spot.(植物等)迅速增长;发生;出现:(植物等)迅速增长;发生;出现:The buds are springing.弹回;反弹弹回;反弹spring (sprang/sprung,sprung)vispring to o

11、nes mind 突然记起突然记起/想到:想到:Integrity(正直)and honesty are words that spring to mind when talking of the man.基本义基本义spring n C 跳;跃 C 泉:a hot/mineral spring C&U 春天;春季:If winter comes,can spring be far behind?C 弹簧;U 弹性spring 语义网络语义网络图图泉水突然向上“跳”人或动物突然“跳”起植物的枝芽突然向上“跳”物体等来回“跳”跳;跃(突然)跳(突然)跳spring(基本义)(基本义)vn 涌出;

12、涌上(植物等)迅速增长弹回;反弹 跳;跃 泉 春天;春季弹簧 n C 常用复数常用复数 足迹;轨迹;车辙:足迹;轨迹;车辙:follow sbs tracks We saw wild animals tracks near the cave.小路;小径:小路;小径:It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a muddy track.tracktrack的词源义及基本义为“足迹;轨迹(footprint,mark left by anything)”。(铁路铁路)轨道;滑轨:)轨道;滑轨:railway tracks 跑道;径赛

13、运动:跑道;径赛运动:They ran five times round the track.track and field events 田径项目田径项目keep track of 与与保持联系;了解保持联系;了解的的动态动态:They read the newspapers every day to keep track of current events.lose track of 失去失去的线索;与的线索;与失失去联系;忘记:去联系;忘记:The police have lost track of the criminals.I had so much fun that I lost

14、track of time.vt 跟踪;追踪:跟踪;追踪:Zac tracks down the medals rightful owners,and returns them.2019 浙江改名词动词化名词动词化track语义网络图语义网络图足迹;痕迹足迹;痕迹基本义基本义人、动物、车人、动物、车辆等经过后辆等经过后留留下的下的痕迹痕迹足迹;轨迹;足迹;轨迹;车辙车辙被踩出的被踩出的痕迹痕迹运动员运动的运动员运动的痕迹痕迹径赛运动径赛运动小路;小径小路;小径跑道跑道和跑道有关的和跑道有关的体育运动体育运动跟踪;追踪跟踪;追踪v U 防御;保卫;防护:防御;保卫;防护:She stepped

15、back appearing surprised and put up her hands,as if in defence.C&U 防务;防御物;防御能力:防务;防御物;防御能力:The body has natural defence mechanisms to protect it from disease.U&C 辩护;辩解:辩护;辩解:I have to say in her defence that she knew nothing about it beforehand.C(体育运动中的体育运动中的)后卫;防守队员后卫;防守队员defence/defense n词源解读:词源解读

16、:de-(from/away 去掉;离开去掉;离开)+-fenc-(hit/strike 打击打击)+-e 击挡开击挡开 防御;保卫防御;保卫defence/defense 语义网络图语义网络图 防御;保卫;防御;保卫;防护防护基本义基本义具体的具体的防御防御物物 防务;防御物;防务;防御物;防御能力防御能力 辩护;辩解辩护;辩解 后卫;防守队员后卫;防守队员语言的语言的防御比赛中的比赛中的防御 C 经济经济(情况情况);经济制度;经济制度the system by which a countrys money and goods are produced and used,or a coun

17、try considered in this way:the age of“information economy”2011 上海a low-carbon economy 2010 江苏The fast-growing economy has caused environmentalproblems.C&U 节约;经济实惠节约;经济实惠 the careful use of things so that nothing is wasted and less money is spent:Walking to work instead of driving ones car is an econ

18、omy.Do you want to fly first or economy class?economy n 只用于名词前经济只用于名词前经济(学学)的;经济上的的;经济上的 connected with trade,industry and the management of money:an economic crisis economic theory 有利可图的;合算的有利可图的;合算的 producing a profit(profitable):The mine was closed because it was not economic.economic adj同族词:econ

19、omy,economic,economical,economically,economics,economisteconomics n U 经济学经济学economical adj 经济的;实惠的;节约的经济的;实惠的;节约的 using money,time,goods,etc.carefully and without wasting any:an economical car economically adv 在经济上;节约地:在经济上;节约地:Although the country has had political independence for over a century,e

20、conomically it needs the support of its neighbors.词汇拓展词汇拓展strategyStrategically we should despise all our enemies,while tactically we should take them all seriously.我们在战略上要藐视一切敌人,在战术上要重视一切敌人。毛泽东strategy n U&C 战略;战略部署战略;战略部署 the skill of planning the movements of armies in a war or an example of doin

21、g this:military strategy defence strategies概念类词汇需要借助英语释义学习 C 策略;计策策略;计策 a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose:learning/economic strategies to develop a strategy for dealing with unemployment U 策划;规划策划;规划 the process of planning sth or putting a plan into operation:marketing strateg

22、y 词汇拓展词汇拓展 strategic adj 战略(上)的战略(上)的 strategically adv 战略上 The failure of the company was a direct _(结果)(结果)of bad management.result正式用语正式用语根据所给汉语,在空白处填入根据所给汉语,在空白处填入1个适当的单词。个适当的单词。consequence/consequenceconsequence n C 结果;后果结果;后果 a result of sth that has happened:face/take the consequencesThe cons

23、equence of a rising sea level would be widespread flooding.U 正式用语正式用语 重要(性);重大重要(性);重大 importance:Dont worry.Its of little consequence.con-(together 共同)+seq(to follow 跟随)+-ence(名词词缀)按顺序递进的结果【词块词块】as a consequence/in consequence 正式用语正式用语 结果;因此结果;因此 as a result:She was over the age limit and,as a/in c

24、onsequence,her application was rejected.as a consequence of/in consequence of 正式用语正式用语 由于由于的缘故的缘故 as a result of sth:My father coughs frequently as a consequence of/in consequence of smoking.比as a result 正式比as a result of 正式furtherGo further!进无止境进无止境福特公司的品牌口号:进无止境(Go Further)。广告中展示了生活总是难免会遇到一些囧事,比如风

25、筝飞太高挂树上了;爬上房修屋顶梯子突然倒了;投个篮吧没中也就罢了,还卡篮筐上了虽说都是小事,却足够使你抓狂一阵,但我们决不能故步自封。Today and tomorrow,were going further,so you can.adj 只用于名词前只用于名词前(距离、时间、程度上)更远的;进一步(距离、时间、程度上)更远的;进一步的;更多的:的;更多的:at the further end of the roomWe have decided to take no further action.My cousin left home to Australia for his further

26、 study last year.2010 山东书面表达改Visit our website for further details/information.furtherfar的比较级的比较级adv(距离、时间、程度上)更远地;进一步地:(距离、时间、程度上)更远地;进一步地:I would be delighted to have the opportunity to discuss my application further with you.外研新选必 1改I can lend you 50 dollars,but I cant go any further than that.vt

27、 促进;增进:促进;增进:Education neednt only be about furthering your career.further,farther两者都为两者都为far的比较级,但是的比较级,但是farther只用于本义只用于本义“(空间距离上的空间距离上的)更远更远”。Africa is further/farther from England than France.辨辨析析形容词动词化本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总1.If winter comes,can spring be far behind?2.They read the newspapers every day

28、to keep track of current events.3.I have to say in her defence that she knew nothing about it beforehand.4.Do you want to fly first or economy class?5.Visit our website for further details/information.随堂检随堂检测测将下列汉语译成英语。将下列汉语译成英语。1.填写申请表 _ 2.申请信 _ 3.接受某人的申请 _ 4.拒绝某人的申请 _ 5.求职信 _6.运用最新技术在教学上 _7.用途广泛 _

29、fill in/out an application(form)a letter of applicationaccept sbs applicationreject/turn down/refuse sbs applicationa job applicationapplicationthe application of new technology to teachinghave a wide range of applications一、一、将下列将下列英语英语译成译成汉语汉语。1.Spring Festival _ 2.the spring semester _ 3.Spring fo

30、llows winter._ 二、二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.As a consequence,reading clubs and neighborhood groups sprang up around the city.(2011 天津改)_2.Funny thing,whenever I look up a dictionary,the word“abandon”springs to my mind immediately._spring春节春节春季学期春季学期冬去春来。冬去春来。涌现涌现一下子冒出来一下子冒出来一一、写出下列句子中画线部分

31、的汉语释义。、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.The research project includes tracking the careers of 400 graduates._2.Dozens of miles of railway track have been destroyed._3.After my graduation,Dads business was getting back on track.(2015 陕西)_步入正轨步入正轨 track追踪追踪铁轨铁轨1.We _(跟着熊留下的足迹)in the snow.2.As a journalist,he has to

32、 _(了解)events all over the Middle East.3.Celebrities(名人)worry constantly about their public appearance.Eventually,they start to _(忘记)who they really are,seeing themselves the way their fans imagine them.(2013 北京)4.The longest _(田径项目)at the Summer Olympics is the 50-kilometer race walk.(2020 全国)二、根据所给

33、提示,完成下列句子。二、根据所给提示,完成下列句子。followed the bears tracks keep track of lose track of track and field eventdefence/defense根据句意写出画线部分的汉语意思。根据句意写出画线部分的汉语意思。1.The lawyer produced a clever defence of his client(客户)._2.A good diet helps build the bodys natural defences._3.The town walls were built as a defence

34、 against enemy attacks._4.What was especially important for Tims successful defense in the football game?(2015 天津)_5.Mr Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy,saying that he was not the one to blame._防守防守防御防御辩护辩护天然抵抗力天然抵抗力为为辩护辩护/辩解辩解写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.The late twentieth century witnessed t

35、he rapid development of Chinas economy.(2016 上海)_2.No doubt the theater has contributed to the areas development and economic growth.(2018 江苏)_3.They sell good-quality clothes at economical prices._4.Mr Green is a Harvard professor(教授)of economics.He is an economist._经济经济的价廉物美的衣服经济学;经济学家写出下列句子中画线部分的

36、汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.We invited Dr Smith to share with us effective strategies for learning English._2.The coach called a time-out(暂停)to discuss strategy._3.The president held a meeting to discuss military strategy with the general yesterday._4.The company must first solve questions of strategy._

37、策略策略战略战略战术战术strategy规划规划根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。1.He broke the law,and now he must _(承担带来的后果)his actions.2.The money was _(无足轻重)to Tony.3.My father coughs frequently _ (由于的缘故)smoking.4.His death was totally unexpected and,_(因此)no plans had been made for his replacement.face the consequence of co

38、nsequence of little consequence/importance as a consequence/result as a consequence of/in consequence of/as a result of further一、在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。一、在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。I can lend you 50 dollars,but I cant go any (far).二、写出下列句子中画线部分精准的汉语释义。二、写出下列句子中画线部分精准的汉语释义。1.My cousin left home to Australia for his further study last year.(2010 山东)_2.As you go further south,you will notice a gradual change of climate._3.He spent his life in furthering the cause of world peace._深造深造更远更远further促进促进谢谢观赏


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