Unit 4 P44-49单词详解ppt课件--(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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1、1.republic n.共和国,共和政体 C 独立的共和国2.deadly adj.致命的;十足的,彻底的 致命的武器疾病 致命毒药 dead adj.死的,去世的;无生气的,死气沉沉的 The cobra(眼镜蛇)is one of the worlds deadliest snakes.眼镜蛇是世界上毒性最剧烈的蛇类之一。3.survival n.生存,存活U;C survivor n.幸存者C 为生存而斗争/战斗/拼搏 survival rate 存活率 chance of survival 存活的希望 If cancers are spotted early theres a hig

2、h chance of a patients survival.如果癌症早被发现,病人存活的机率就高。survive vi.&vt.生存 survive sth 从.存活下来 survive on.=live on.依靠.生活 动词去e加-al变成名词的还有:survive survival 幸存 remove removal 移动refuse refusal 拒绝 propose proposal 建议,提议arrive arrival 到达 approve approval 赞成4.province n.省份 C central/coastal provinces 中部/沿海省份 5.br

3、oad adj.广泛的;宽阔的,广阔的;概括的;开阔的 广泛的.知识 广义上讲 光天化日;公开地 broadly adv.明显地;宽广地 broaden v.扩大;变阔;变宽There is broad support for the governments policies.政府的政策得到了广泛的支持。【形近词】abroad adv.到国外;在国外 board n.木板;甲板 aboard adv.在船上;在飞机上6.intend vt.&vi.想要,计划;意指 intend to do sth 打算做.intend sb to do sth 打算让某人做某事 sth be intended

4、 to do sth 目的是为了做.sth be intended for 专门为.准备/打算(表示目的)intention n 目的,意图C,U have the intention of.有.的意图/目的 have no intention of(doing)sth 无意.with the intention of.带着.的意图 This money the development of the tourist industry.这笔钱是准备用于发展旅游业的。He stayed up late,_ to finish his task ahead of time.他熬夜到很晚,打算提前完成

5、任务。7.extract n.提取物U,C;选录C vt.提取;选录;取出 the extract from sth .的选录/提取物 extract.from.从.提取8.herb n.药草,香草;草本C 中草药 herbal adj.药草的;香草的 9.refer to 查阅,参考;提到,谈及 refer to.as.称.为.reference n 参考;参考书;提及 in/with reference to 关于 refer referring,referred,referred。In his speech,the professor referred to a recent trip

6、to Canada.在他的演讲中,教授提到了最近的加拿大之行。Marcia refers to Tom as a dear friend.玛西娅把汤姆称为好朋友。The trend,then,was toward the penny papera term referring to papers made widely available to the public.当时的趋势是“便士报”指的是公众可以广泛获得的报纸。10.experiment n.实验,试验;尝试,实践C,U vi.做试验,进行实验;尝试(45)on sth 做关于.的实验 进行实验;试用 experimental adj.

7、实验性的,试验性的 experimentally adv.实验上;用实验方法;实验式地11.trial n.试用,试验C,U;审讯,审判;vi.&vt.测试,试验 be on trial 试用/受审 a clinical trial 临床试验 trial and error 反复试验;尝试错误法12.limited adj.有限的 limit vt&n.限制,限定,限量 limit.to.把.限制在.;把.局限于.be limited to sth beyond the limit 超过限度 set a limit to sth 设.的限度 limitless adj.无限制的;无界限的The

8、y may only have a limited amount of time to get their points across.他们可能只有有限的时间来阐述清楚他们的观点。这门课程限招12人。This course is limited to 12 people.13.container n.容器C;集装箱,货柜C 集装箱船 contain vt.包含,包括;克制 contain oneself 克制自己 Food will last longer if kept in an airtight container.食物如果贮藏在密封的容器里,就能长久保持。14.postpone vt.

9、延迟,延期(=put off/delay)将某物推迟到.推迟做某事The game has already been postponed three times.这场比赛已经三度延期了。15.sufficient adj.足够的,充足的 insufficient 绰绰有余 adv 足够地;充足地 n.足量,充足;自满16.data n.数据,资料,材料 单数形式是datum 数据库 数据收集 数据分析【17.speed up (使)加速 New technology could speed up the task.新的技术将会加速这项任务的进程。at a speed of.以.的速度 at h

10、igh/low/full/top speed 以高低全最高速 speed limit/restriction 限速 gain speed 加速 pick up speed 加速 slow down the speed 减速 18.pay off vi 成功,奏效,达到目的 pay sb off vt 付清;偿清;付清工资后解雇;遣散 Long-term stock investments can pay off.长期的股票投资能有所回报。Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off.桑德拉决心成为一名

11、医生,她的坚持不懈终于带来了成功。The firm will be able to pay off its debts and still turn a modest profit.该公司将能够还清其债务,而且还会稍有赢利。pay for 付钱 pay back偿还,报复 pay in cash用现金支付 pay a visit to 参观;拜访 19.wisdom n.智慧,知识,学问;才智;a woman of great wisdom 才女 wise adj.明智的;聪明的;博学的 wisely adv.明智地;聪明地;精明地 集体智慧20.beneficial adj.有益的,有用的

12、A be beneficial to B 对.有益 n.好处,利益 vt 有益于,有助于 vi 获益,受益 A be of benefit to B=be beneficial to 有好处 为.的利益 A benefits B A对B有益 B benefits from A B从A中受益A good diet is beneficial to health.良好的饮食有益于健康。21 conduct vt.&vi.组织,实施;指挥;引导;举止 进行调查/实验/咨询 (行为)表现好/差 conduct electricity 导电 conductor n.(乐队)指挥;售票员;列车长;导体 c

13、onductive adj.能传导的The team decided to conduct an experiment.团队决定做一项实验。22.illustrate vt.说明,解释;加插图于 illustrate sbs point 为了阐述某人的观点 illustration n.说明C,U;插图C;例证C,U;图解U illustrator n.插图画家;说明这;图解者C The incident illustrates the need for better security measures.这次事件说明了加强安全措施的必要。23.surround vt.围绕,环绕;包围;与.紧密

14、相关 surround.with.用.包围.be surrounded by/with.被.围绕(常省去be,在句中做状语或后置定语)surrounding adj.周围的,附近的 surroundings n.环境pl.(=environment)Tall trees surround the lake.环湖都是大树。The lake is surrounded with/by trees.湖被树木环绕。As a child I was surrounded by love and kindness.幼年时我备受关爱。Steve arrived and sat in the front ro

15、w,surrounded by his family.史蒂夫来了,坐在前排,家人围着他。24.indicate vt.表明;暗示;提及;指出 indicate sth to sb 向某人提及某事 indication n.暗示C,U indicator n.标志,迹象;方向灯,转向指示灯;指示器 indicative adj.指示的,表明的,象征的 Research indicates that eating habits among teenagers are changing fast.研究显示,青少年的饮食习惯正迅速改变。In his letter the manager indicat

16、ed to us(that)he was willing to cooperate.经理在信中向我们透露他愿意合作。25.accident n.意外,偶然的事;事故,意外遭遇 a car/road/traffic accident 车祸;公路事故;交通事故 accidentally adv.意外地;偶然地 by accident 偶然,意外地(同义词组:by chance)26.intelligent adj.有才智的,聪明的;有智力的 a search for intelligent life on other planets 在其他行星上探索智能生命 intelligence n 智力;智

17、能U artificial intelligence 人工智能(AI)Susans a very bright and intelligent woman who knows her own mind.苏珊是一个非常聪明伶俐而且有自己想法的人。27.favour vt.较喜欢;偏袒;n.帮助,好事;赞同;偏袒 do sb a favour=do a favour for sb 帮某人的忙 ask a favour of sb 请求某人帮忙 支持 对某人有利 favourable adj.赞同的;有利的 Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from

18、school today?今天你能帮我个忙去学校接萨姆吗?He abandoned teaching in favour of a career as a musician.他弃教从事音乐。28.politician n.政治家,从政者;politics n.政治;政见 political adj.政治的;政党的He was a natural politician,a gifted orator who knew how to work a crowd.他曾是位天生的政治家,是位有天赋且知道如何凝集民众的演说家。29.electricity n.电,电能 U electricity supp

19、ly 电力供应 produce/generate electricity 发电 adj.电的,发电的,电动的 adj.有关电的;电气科学的adj.电子的30.theory n.学说,论C,U;原理U;看法,意见C According to the theory of relativity,nothing can travel faster than light.根据相对论,任何东西都无法超越光速 in theory 理论上;按理说 theory and practice 理论与实践 theoretical adj.理论的;理论上的 Achieving these goals is relati

20、vely easy in theory,yet quite difficult in practice.实现这些目标从理论上说比较容易,但在实践上却相当困难。31.charge vt.&vi.充电;收费;控告;谴责;使.承担责任;使充满 因某事而向某人收费 charge sb with(doing)sth 指控/指责某人(做了)某事 Before use,the battery must be charged.电池使用前必须充电 charge n.收费C,U;控告C,U;谴责C;掌管U 负责,接管 be in charge of 主管,掌管;负责 be in the charge of=in ones charge 被掌管,由.负责 free of charge 免费chargeable adj.应支付的;可以控诉的;可充电的;应课税的charger n.充电器;袭击者;委托者;控诉者Cdischarge vt.&vi.放电;释放;解雇;撤销(法院命令等)


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