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1、US vs.Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsDemocracy vs.CommunismCapitalism vs.Socialism1.What is Cold War?2.why did USA exert the policy of Cold War?The essence of Cold War3.The performance of USA and USSR in politic,economy,military science4.Which event marked the begin and Which event marked the en

2、d of Cold War?5.The process of Soviet hegemony6.The efforts of the Cold Waroutline何谓何谓“冷战冷战”(What is Cold War)冷战是指:冷战是指:1947年1991年间美国为首的西方资本主义国家和苏联为首社会主义国家两个阵营除直接交战以外,在经济、政治、军事、外交、文化、意识形态等各方面都处于对抗状态的时期。Cold War refers to:1947-1991 years the United States led western capitalist countries and the Sovi

3、et Union socialist countries two camps in addition to the direct engagement,in economic,political,military,diplomatic,cultural,ideological and other aspects are in a state of confrontation period.The u.s.-led campaign of capitalism Soviet union socialist camp PolicyTruman socialist杜鲁门主义European comm

4、unist partyEconomyMarshall plan 马歇尔计划Help each other经互会German problem Piecing together the federal republic of Germany Bolster democracy Germany Military Established NATO 两大军事集团对立形成Plan Warsaw Treaty Organization华沙条约组织 两大阵营与军事集团社会主义阵营:苏联为首华沙条约组织(华约1955)The socialist camp 资本主义阵营:美国为首北大西洋公约组织(北约1949)T

5、he capitalist camp美苏争霸的过程美苏争霸的过程阶段划分阶段划分第一阶段第一阶段第二阶段第二阶段第三阶段第三阶段时间苏联领导人美国领导人重大事件争霸特点实力对比5050年代中期至年代中期至6060年代中期年代中期赫鲁晓夫赫鲁晓夫肯尼迪肯尼迪第二次柏林危机第二次柏林危机 古巴导弹危机古巴导弹危机缓和紧张缓和紧张优势在美优势在美8080年代年代戈尔巴乔夫戈尔巴乔夫里根里根美转强硬美转强硬苏联收缩苏联收缩6060年代中期至年代中期至7070年代末年代末勃列日涅夫勃列日涅夫尼克松尼克松阿富汗战争阿富汗战争苏攻美守苏攻美守Beginning of war:The historians h

6、ave so far not reached any agreement on the time in which the Cold War began.It is,however,quite safe to say that since 1947 when President Truman of the United States declared an anti-communist policy,the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union has begun.Truman Doctrine 杜鲁门主义Causes

7、of Cold War There were deep-rooted ideological,economic and political differences between the United States and the Soviet Union before the Second World War.These differences were intensified as a result of their mutual suspicions immediately after the Second World War.Causes of Cold War(1)Underlyin

8、g causes (i)Ideological(意识形态的)(ii)Economic (iii)Power rivalry(竞争)(2)Immediate Causes Leading to the Cold War (i)Extension of Russian influence in Europe (ii)The reactions of the United States (iii)Poor relations between the United States and the Soviet Union Goals of the 2 countriesThe United States

9、,greatly expanded and enhanced in its strength in W.W.II,felt it had the power to establish American leadership in the world and open the world market to American goods and capital.So it wanted to break down the Soviet sphere of influence前苏联的势力范围 in Eastern Europe.The Soviet Union,out of its own sec

10、urity concern and fear of capitalist encirclement,资本主义的包围was determined to keep its hold on the Eastern European countries and to defend its sphere of influence at all costs.&The Full Cold War The local hot wars The Western GroupNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)(北大西洋公约组织)The Eastern GroupThe

11、Warsaw Treaty Organization(华沙条约组织)The Signing of NATOApril 4,1949,12 foreign ministers of the United States,Canada,Britain,France,Belgium,the Netherlands,Luxemburg,Iceland,Denmark,Norway,Portugal and Italy held the North Atlantic Treaty signing ceremony in Washington.August 24,the North Atlantic Tre

12、aty entered into force.The Signing of the Warsaw Treaty Organization Soviet representative Marshal Zhukov signed the treaty.May 14,1955,the Warsaw Treaty Organization was established.Cold War tensions increased in the US when the USSR exploded its first atomic bomb in 1949.Cold War tensions increase

13、d in the USSR when the US exploded its first hydrogen bomb in 1952.It was 1000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb.Arms RaceSpace RaceCold War tensions increased in the US when the USSR launched Sputnik I,the first artificial satellite into geocentric orbit on October 4,1957.The race

14、to control space was on.April 12,1961:Yuri Gagarin became first human in space and first to orbit Earth.US felt a loss of prestige and increased funding for space programs and science education.On May 25,1961,Kennedy gave a speech challenging America to land a man on the moon and return him safely b

15、y the end of the decade.Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 16,1969.Built in1961Demolished in 1989Berlin WallThe Cuban Missile Crisis(1962)The crisis began on October 15,1962 whenreconnaissance revealed Soviet missiles under construction in Cuba.After seven days of intense debate within the White H

16、ouse,Kennedy imposed a blockade around Cuba to stop the arrival of more Soviet missiles.On October 22,Kennedy announced the discovery of the missiles and his decision to blockade Cuba and that any attack launched from Cuba would be regarded as an attack on the US by the USSR and demanded that the So

17、viets remove all of their offensive weapons from Cuba.October 27 was the worst day of the crisis.A U-2 spy plane was shot down over Cuba.Tensions finally began to ease on October 28 when Khrushchev announced that he would dismantle the installations and remove the missiles,expressing his trust that

18、the US would not invade Cuba.Further negotiations were held to implement the October 28 agreement,including a US demand that Soviet bombers be removed from Cuba,and specifying the exact form and conditions of US assurances not to invade Cuba.左边漫画表示的是古巴导弹危机中赫鲁晓夫和美国总统肯尼迪的较量。The local hot wars 局域武装冲突 W

19、hats the local hot wars?the Korean War the Vietnam War the Afghanistan IssueThe Korean War(19501953)On 25 June 1950,the young Cold War(1945-1990)suddenly turned hot,bloody and expensive.Within a few days,North Koreas invasion to South Korea brought about a United Nations“police action”.That immediat

20、ely produced heavy military involvement by the United States.So the Korean War began.This was the rough battle plan to the Communist NorthKorea.The operational tools wantonly invaded the Communist North Korea from all directions.Although the U.S.A didnt fail in battle,it was a fatal mistake during t

21、he Cold War.This event turned the U.S.A from a wonderful position to the opposite,and it was also Americans Waterloo.The Vietnam War(19551975)The Afghanistan Issue(19791989)Soviet Union wanted to control the Indian Ocean through holding Afghanistan for reaching the goal of taking over the world.The

22、End of the Cold WarThe economic collapse destorys the fragile political system of USSRIn 1991,the disintegration of the Soviet Union means the end of the Cold War.1991年,苏联解体,美苏年,苏联解体,美苏“两两极格局极格局”随之结束。两极格局随随之结束。两极格局随之结束之结束形成一超多强局面 世界格局向多极化发展Effects of Cold War First,Cold War has been so far the large

23、st and the most affected,the longest,the most widely spread war,which has far-reaching impacts on the human world.Second,under the influence and inspiration of cold war,Eastern Europe and Asia witnessed a series foundation of peoples democratic countries.Third,it promoted depth development of the national liberation movements.Fourth,it promoted the awakening of peace-loving people.Fifth,it objectively promoted the development of technology.Peace is the theme of the time.All the nations in the world should make a contribution to the world peace.


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