Unit 4 Using language 课件-(2022)新外研版高中选择性必修第四册《英语》.pptx

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1、Using language Unit 4 Everyday economics目录contentsGrammar:Reviewattributive clausesListening&speakingHomeworkVocabulary buildingIIIIIIGrammarGrammar:Reviewattributive clausesLook at the sentences from the reading passage andanswer the questions.a.This is a place where roses grow wild.b.The biggest c

2、hallenge at the initial phase was to persuade people to work for me,which was totally outside my experience.1.What does“where”refer to in sentence(a)?2.What does“which”refer to in sentence(b)?Look at the sentences from the reading passage andanswer the questions.3.Which sentence contains a clause wi

3、th essential information about the subject?a.This is a place where roses grow wild.b.The biggest challenge at the initial phase was to persuade people to work for me,which was totally outside my experience.Grammar:Reviewattributive clausesLook at the sentences from the reading passage andanswer the

4、questions.4.Which sentence contains a clause with extra information about the subject?Grammar:Reviewattributive clausesa.This is a place where roses grow wild.b.The biggest challenge at the initial phase was to persuade people to work for me,which was totally outside my experience.1.What does“where”

5、refer to in sentence(a)?“Where”in sentence(a)refers to“a place”.2.What does“which”refer to in sentence(b)?“Which”in sentence(b)refers to“to persuade people to work for me”.Look at the sentences from the reading passage andanswer the questions.Grammar:Reviewattributive clauses3.Which sentence contain

6、s a clause with essential information about the subject?Sentence(a).4.Which sentence contains a clause with extra information about the subject?Sentence(b).Look at the sentences from the reading passage andanswer the questions.Grammar:Reviewattributive clausesNow look for more sentences with attribu

7、tive clauses in the reading passage.The place where this happens is a valley.She couldnt,however,hide the line of sweat running down her forehead,which was caused partly by the heat of the television studio,but more by fear of the four people seated in front of her.Grammar:Reviewattributive clauses定

8、语从句在复合句中作定语,修饰名词、代词等的从句叫定语从句。在复合句中,被定语从句修饰的名词、代词等,叫做先行词。引导定语从句的词被称为关系词。Grammar:Reviewattributive clauses定语从句先行词先行词被定语从句修饰的名词、代词等称为先行词。例:This is the museum which was built last year.先行词一般出现在定语从句之前。有时先行词是整个句子。例:They sent my child to the school every morning,which I considered a great help to me.Gramma

9、r:Reviewattributive clauses分类 关系词 指代对象在从句中的作用关系代词who 指人作主语、宾语、表语whom指人作宾语whose指人或物作定语that指人或物作主语、表语或宾语which 指物作主语、宾语、表语、定语as指人或物作主语、宾语、表语关系副词when指时间作时间状语where 指地点作地点状语why指原因作原因状语定语从句中的关系词Grammar:Reviewattributive clauses定语从句关系词关系词的作用的作用引导定语从句引导定语从句代替先行词在定语从句中担当一个成分在定语从句中担当一个成分注意关系词指代先行词在定语从句中充当成关系词指

10、代先行词在定语从句中充当成分,因此在定语从句中不能再重复先行分,因此在定语从句中不能再重复先行词或指先行词的代词。词或指先行词的代词。Grammar:Reviewattributive clauses定语从句的分类定语从句的分类限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句作宾语时,可用 who或that替代whom只可修饰先行词,不可以修饰主句或主句的一部分翻译成“的”和先行词的关系密切,不用逗号分开可用关系词 that 引导可以省略关系词(关系词作宾语时)不可用 who 替代 whom修饰整个主句或主句的一部分往往不译为“的”和先行词的关系不密切(是补充说明)不可用关系词 that 来引导关系词作宾语不可

11、省略一般使用逗号分开Grammar:Reviewattributive clauses例如:People who take physical exercise live longer.(限制性)进行锻炼的人活得长些。(定语从句修饰 people,若把从句去掉,句子就失去意义)His daughter,who is in Boston now,is coming here.(非限制性)他女儿现在在波士顿,她就要来这儿了。(若把从句去掉句子完整)Grammar:Reviewattributive clausesthat引导定语从句引导定语从句引导名词性从句引导名词性从句起引导作用指代先行词(人或物

12、),有意义在定语从句中充当主语、宾语或表语起引导作用在名词性从句中不充当任何成分没有意义Grammar:Reviewattributive clausesthat引导定语从句引导名词性从句例如:I showed him the nice car that I rented yesterday.我向他展示了我昨天租的那辆不错的车。例如:Its said that he rented a nice car yesterday.据说他昨天租了一辆不错的车。Grammar:Reviewattributive clauses定语从句I visited Mr and Mrs Smith in New Yo

13、rk in 2014,when their first child was born.我在2014年拜访了住在纽约的 Smith 夫妇,那年他们的第一个孩子出生了。注意 when、where、why 引导的定语从句与它们引导的状语从句、名词性从句在表意和功能上的区别。该句中,when 引导定语从句,指代 in 2014,在定语从句中作时间状语。Grammar:Reviewattributive clauses定语从句I visited Mr and Mrs Smith in New York when their first child was born.在 Smith 夫妇第一个孩子出生那年

14、,我在纽约拜访了他们。该句中,when 引导时间状语从句,整个从句充当时间状语。Grammar:Reviewattributive clauses定语从句I visited Mr and Mrs Smith in New York.It was when their first child was born.我拜访了住在纽约的 Smith夫妇。那年他们的第一个孩子出生了。该句中,when 为连接副词,引导表语从句。你能举出 where、why 引导定语从句、状语从句和名词性从句的例子吗?Grammar:Reviewattributive clauses定语从句In the museum I s

15、aw an old book that was published in the 17th century.注意定语从句与非谓语动词结构在表意和功能上的异同,以及两者之间的转换。=In the museum I saw an old book published in the 17th century.我在博物馆里看见了一本17世纪出版的旧书。(定语从句修饰先行词 book)非谓语动词结构修饰名词 book,两者为被动关系Grammar:Reviewattributive clauses练习:把下列定语从句转换为非谓语动词结构。The meeting which is being held n

16、ow is of great importance.The meeting _ is of great importance.Do you know the man who is sitting in the middle of the first row?Do you know the man _?being held now sitting in the middle of the first rowGrammar:Reviewattributive clausesRead the passage and rewrite the underlined sentences using att

17、ributive clauses.Good Deal is a local movement in some countries.It works to help farmers and workers in less developed areas receive a better deal for their produce.Good Deal products may be a little more expensive than regular products,but up to one-third of the sale price will be given back to th

18、e producers.This is more than they could get under the conventional trading system.Good Deal is a local movement in some countries(,)which works to help farmers and workers in less developed areas receive a better deal for their produce.Grammar:Reviewattributive clausesThe movement has proven popula

19、r among young people,and they want to help producers get the payment they deserve.They have no problem spending a bit more on Good Deal products,believing that their purchasing of these products will help improve local peoples welfare.The movement has proven popular among young people who want to he

20、lp producers get the payment they deserve.Grammar:Reviewattributive clausesRead the passage and rewrite the underlined sentences using attributive clauses.However,some people are less optimistic,and argue that it discriminates against producers not part of the Good Deal movement.However,some people

21、who are less optimistic argue that it discriminates against producers who are not part of the Good Deal movement.Grammar:Reviewattributive clausesRead the passage and rewrite the underlined sentences using attributive clauses.HomeworkHomework1.Summarize the usage of attributive clauses and do the relevant exercises.2.Think about other words and expressions associated with managing personal finances and write them down.Thank you


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