Unit1 Looking forwardsStarting out & Understanding ideas课件-(2022)新外研版高中选择性必修第四册《英语》.pptx

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1、高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwardsUNIT 1Looking forwardsSection AStarting out&Understanding ideas高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards课文预习自测 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案)1.What do we know about Ernest Hemingway according to the passage?A.He once worked as a trainee reporter in a newspaper in Cuba.B.The Old

2、Man and the Sea got him to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953.C.He was fond of writing ever since his early boyhood.D.His novels were based on the Second World War and the Spanish Civil War.2.What do we know about Arthur Conan Doyle?A.He was born in Scotland in 1899.B.He was best known for hi

3、s historical novels.C.His main ambition was to become a writer of detective novels.D.He began to write his detective novels when he worked as a doctor.高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards3.What can we learn from the last but one paragraph?A.Doyle gave up medicine and devoted himself entirely to wri

4、ting once he began to write novels.B.The public thought highly of Doyles detective novels and were fond of Sherlock Holmes.C.Doyles historical novels made him a household name.D.Doyles achieved his ambition of writing historical novels successfully.4.What can we infer from the passage?A.Whatever dif

5、ficulty we meet with in our life,we should be prepared for the unexpected.B.Having plans in place for the future is a guarantee that they will become reality.C.Both Ernest Hemingway and Arthur Conan Doyle were fond of writing detective novels.D.Ernest Hemingway is more successful than Arthur Conan D

6、oyle.高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)As many of us already know,1_(have)plans in place for the future is no guarantee that they will become reality.Take two famous authors for example.Although they shared the same ambitious and 2_(energy)approach to life,their careers unfo

7、lded in contrasting ways.The American author,Ernest Hemingway,born in 1899,had his ambition 3_(write)since early boyhood.He kept writing and wrote novels and short stories 4_(base)on his personal experiences.His short novel The Old Man and the Sea won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953.5_ contra

8、st,the young Arthur Conan Doyle,born in Scotland in 1859,had originally worked as a doctor.Though his main ambition was to become a writer of 6_(history)novels,he was best known for his fictional detective,Sherlock Holmes,which 7_(entertain)readers for well over a century.8_both of these men were ul

9、timately successful,their paths to success were very different,their futures not necessarily 9_(turn)out exactly as they planned.So,whatever twists and turns you might encounter,take 10_ leaf out of the books of these two authors and be prepared for the unexpected.havingenergeticto writebasedByhisto

10、ricalhas been entertaining/has entertainedThough/Althoughturninga高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards 概要写作 阅读课文,根据其内容写一篇60 词左右的内容概要。One possible version:Having plans in place for the future doesnt guarantee that they will become reality.Take Ernest Hemingway and Arthur Conan Doyle for example.Their

11、 careers unfolded in contrasting ways.Their paths to success were very different,and their futures didnt turn out exactly as they planned.So,whatever difficulty you might encounter,be prepared for the unexpected.高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards核心词汇核心词汇教材原句p.2 In the face of such questions,how s

12、hould we approach the future?面对这些问题,我们应该如何走向未来?1 in the face of 面对(问题、困难、危险)In the face of danger,what we should do is keep calm.面对危险,我们应该做的是保持冷静。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】be faced with 面对,面临 lose face 丢脸,失面子 make faces/a face 做鬼脸save face 保全面子look sb.in the face 直视某人 face to face 面对面地We are faced with a very diffi

13、cult choice.我们面临一项很艰难的抉择。There are also unhappy smiles,such as when someone“loses face”and smiles to hide it.还有不愉快的微笑,比如当某人“丢了面子”时就会用微笑来掩饰。题组练领悟方法高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards完成句子完成句子(1)(面对)the difficulty in our learning process,we learned to encourage each other all the time.(2)In order not

14、 to (丢脸),he spent the whole night preparing for the speech.(3)Talking with friends (面对面地)is a good way to reduce the pressure from work and life.(4)When you are chatting with one,please (直视他).In the face of/Faced with lose faceface to face look him in the face高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards教材原

15、句p.2 Can we take action to shape it,or should we just accept whatever comes our way?我们能采取行动来塑造它吗?还是我们应该只是接受我们所遇到的一切?2 take action 采取行动In the face of such a serious problem,the government should take action to solve it.面对如此严重的问题,政府应该采取行动来解决它。词汇复现【归纳拓展归纳拓展】take action/steps/measures to do sth.采取措施做某事i

16、n action 在活动,在运转out of action 失灵,发生故障put.into action 将付诸实施 If you can really put the three points into action,you will surely be able to live a happy life.如果你真能把这三点付诸行动,你肯定能过上幸福的生活。高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Action must (take)to deal with the urgency as soon as possible.(2)J

17、ust press the button to see your favourite character action.(3)The new plan for traffic control is being put action on an experimental basis.完成句子完成句子(4)Doing morning exercises is beneficial to your health,so you should _(采取行动)now.(5)I have to have the report typed in a store,for my computer is _(出毛病

18、).be takeninintotake actionout of action高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards3 come ones way 意外地落在某人头上,偶尔发生在某人身上He took whatever came his way.无论什么事落到他头上,他都认了。Luck had come her way at the very last moment.好运在最后时刻降临到她头上。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】(1)lose ones way 迷路 make ones way 行进;逐步取得成功make way for 给让路 give way to

19、被取代;向让步push ones way 挤过去 feel/wind ones way 摸索/蜿蜒前进(2)in a/one way 在某种程度上in some/many ways 在某些/很多方面in no way 决不(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装)in the/ones way 挡路/挡着某人的路on the/ones way to 在去的路上He felt his way in the darkness and found a motorbike was in the way.他在黑暗中摸索着前进,发现一辆摩托车挡住了路。高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forw

20、ards完成句子完成句子(1)Several chances (偶尔发生在我们身上)but we missed them.(2)A blanket of fog made it very difficult for soldiers to (前往)to the earthquake-hit area.(3)The storm (被取代)bright sunshine.(4)This should (决不)be seen as a defeat.(5)They (迷路)in the forest.Whats worse,it began to rain heavily.came our waym

21、ake their waygave way to in no waylost their way高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards教材原句p.2 The American author,Ernest Hemingway,born in 1899,was from early boyhood single-minded in his ambition to write.美国作家欧内斯特海明威出生于1899 年,从早期的少年时代起就一心一意地追求写作。4 ambition n.追求,理想ones ambition is to do sth.某人的理想是做某事

22、an ambition to do sth./of doing sth.想做某事的愿望realise/achieve/fulfil ones ambition 实现某人的理想be full of ambition 满腹雄心His burning ambition was to study medicine.他梦寐以求的是学医。It took her ten years to achieve her ambition.她花了十年时间实现自己的理想。【单词积累单词积累】ambitious adj.有抱负的,有雄心的;野心勃勃的an ambitious young lawyer 雄心勃勃的年轻律师搭

23、配搭配高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)My parents encouraged me in my ambition (become)a statesman.(2)词汇复现His ambition is ultimately (run)his own business.(3)He is as (ambition)a person as his brother.完成句子完成句子(4)Because of his poor eyesight the man didnt (实现他的理想).(5)People commonly b

24、elieve that a good soldier should _ _(有成为的雄心)a general.to becometo runambitiousrealise/achieve/fulfil his ambitionof becominghave the ambition to become/高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards教材原句p.3 By contrast,the young Arthur Conan Doyle,born in Scotland in 1859,had originally worked as a doctor.相比

25、之下,1859 年出生于苏格兰的年轻的阿瑟柯南道尔最初是一名医生。5 by contrast 相比之下He is content with his present life.By contrast,his wife is a person of great ambition.他满足于目前的生活。相比之下,他的妻子是一个雄心勃勃的人。词汇复现【归纳拓展归纳拓展】in contrast to/with 与形成对比contrast with 与形成对照contrast A with/and B 把A 和B 进行对比In contrast to his brother,he is always con

26、siderate towards others.与他的兄弟不同,他总是体贴他人。高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards完成句子完成句子(1)Their old house had been large and spacious,but (相比之下)their new flat seemed small and dark.(2)The company lost 13 million this year (与形成对比)a profit of 15 million last year.单句语法填空单句语法填空(3)The snow was icy and whit

27、e,(contrast)with the brilliant blue sky.(4)Johns friendliness was in marked contrast his brothers rude behaviour.by contrastin contrast to/withcontrastingto/with 高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards教材原句p.3 But Doyles main ambition was to become a writer of historical novels.但道尔的主要理想是成为一名历史小说家。6 his

28、torical adj.(有关)历史的;历史上的The book was written based on facts,including a series of major historical data.这本书以事实为基础写成,包括一系列重要的历史资料。Was Robin Hood a historical figure?罗宾汉是历史人物吗?【词语辨析词语辨析】historical与与historic 易混词易混词辨析辨析举例举例historical 有关历史的,在历史上发生过的a historical event 历史上的事件historic 有历史意义的,历史上重要的a histori

29、c event 有历史意义的事件高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Welcome to the famous place of (history)interest.(2)The great change is a (history)miracle in the development of the Chinese nation.完成句子完成句子(3)Our history teacher asked us to (描述一次历史事件)last class.(4)词汇复现“It is (历史性的一刻),”he told the

30、correspondent.historicalhistoricdescribe a historical event a historic moment高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards教材原句p.3 After Sherlock Holmes made him a household name,Doyle gave up medicine and devoted himself entirely to writing.夏洛克福尔摩斯使他家喻户晓后,道尔就放弃了医学,全身心投入写作。7 devote oneself to(doing)sth.致力于(做

31、)某事,献身于(做)某事At present,he is devoting himself to achieving his ambition to become a lawyer.前,他正致力于实现自己当律师的抱负。词汇复现【归纳拓展归纳拓展】devote ones life/time/energy/attention to.把某人的生命/时间/精力/注意力奉献于be devoted to(doing)sth.致力于(做)某事,献身于(做)某事He is devoted to teaching for more than 30 years.他献身教学30 多年了。【误区警示误区警示】devo

32、te.to.和be devoted to 中的to 均是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to (set)up some schools for poor children.(2)We devoted a lot of time to (persuade)the old man to change his mind.(3)I (devote)to this cause for many years.

33、(4)Qian Xuesen devoted (he)entirely to science.完成句子完成句子(5)词汇复现You will never achieve your ambition unless you _ _(致力于)your work.settingpersuadinghave been devotedhimselfdevote yourself to/are devoted to高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards教材原句p.3 However,fans of Holmes were so angry that Doyle,under

34、 immense pressure,was forced to bring Holmes back from the dead.然而,福尔摩斯的粉丝们非常愤怒,道尔在巨大的压力下,被迫让福尔摩斯起死回生。8 be forced to do sth.被迫做某事He was forced to quit his ambition to become an actor.他不得不放弃他成为演员的理想。词汇复现【归纳拓展归纳拓展】force sb.to do sth.=force sb.into doing sth.强迫某人做某事force ones way through/into sth.强行通过/

35、进入某处by force 用暴力,强行地come into force 开始生效,开始实施bring.into force 使开始生效/开始实施When do the new regulations come into force?新规章什么时候开始执行?They are hoping to bring the new legislation into force before the end of the year.他们希望在年底前实施新法。高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)I (force)to take a taxi

36、because the last bus had left.(2)He got his things packed and went to Iceland,(force)his nephew Axel to go with him.(3)In the end he had to be thrown out of the house force.(4)So badly was he injured in the accident that he was forced (stay)in hospital for several weeks.完成句子完成句子(5)Dont (强迫你的孩子做)what

37、 he doesnt like.(6)Parking restrictions in the town centre (开始实施)last month.was forcedforcingbyto stayforce your child to do/into doingcame into force高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards教材原句p.3 Though both of these men were ultimately successful,their paths to success were very different.虽然这两个人最终都获

38、得了成功,但他们的成功之路却大不相同9 ultimately adv.最后,最终;根本上Ultimately,youll have to make the decision yourself.最终你还是得自己拿主意。All life depends ultimately on oxygen.一切生命归根到底都要依赖氧气。【单词积累单词积累】ultimate adj.最终的;根本的;(同类中)最出色的,最大的,最糟糕的 This race will be the ultimate test of your skill.这次竞赛将是对你的技能的最大考验。高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 L

39、ooking forwards单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)A poor diet will (ultimate)lead to illness.(2)(ultimate),the success of the product depends on the good marketing.完成句子完成句子(3)(最后的决定权)lies with the parents.(4)It is not your talents or abilities,but your choices that _(最终决定你的命运).ultimatelyUltimatelyThe ultimate decision

40、ultimately decide your fate高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards教材原句p.3.their futures not necessarily turning out exactly as they planned.他们的未来并不一定完全如他们所计划的那样。10 turn out 结果是,证明是It turned out that his ambition of becoming a doctor came true at last.结果他当医生的愿望最终实现了。词汇复现 The job turned out to be harder

41、 than we thought.这项工作结果比我们想象的要难。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】turn to 求助于;致力于;翻到;转向(to 是介词)turn on/off 打开/关掉(水、煤气、电灯等)turn down 调低;拒绝turn up 调高;出现turn in 上交;交还turn into(使)变成When I am in trouble,I always turn to my friends for help.当我遇到困难时,我总是向朋友们求助。高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The road conditions

42、 there turned to be very good,which was more than we could expect.(2)With no one to turn in such a frightening situation,the girl felt helpless.(3)When the sports hero turned at our party,he was welcomed with open arms.(4)Tom had to turn the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too bu

43、sy.完成句子完成句子(5)He got his first book published.It (结果是)a best-seller.outtoupdownturned out to be高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards重点句式 教材原句p.2.we nd ourselves wondering or even worrying about possibly the most important issue of our livesthe future.我们发现自己在思考,甚至可能是担心我们生活中最重要的问题未来。1 find+宾语+宾补“find+

44、宾语+宾补”表示“发现处于某种状态/在做某事”,充当宾补的可以是现在分词、过去分词、形容词、副词、介词短语等。I found him watching TV in his room secretly.我发现他在房间偷偷看电视。When he returned from business,he found his house broken into.当他出差回来时,他发现他家被人闯入了。高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards【学法点拨学法点拨】(1)不定式作find 的宾语时,常用it 作形式宾语,而把不定式放在宾补之后,构成“find+it(形式宾语)+宾补

45、+不定式(真正的宾语)”结构,该结构可转换为“find+宾语从句”。The trainee found it hard to adapt to the new environment.=The trainee found that it is hard to adapt to the new environment.这个实习生觉得很难适应新环境。词汇复现(2)若“find+宾语+宾补”结构变为被动形式,则原来的宾语变成主语,宾补变成主补。He was found seated in front of the TV set.他被发现坐在电视机前面。高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Loo

46、king forwards单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)I find the life in the countryside (peace).(2)He returned to the airport only to find his car alarm (go)off.(3)The little boy was very pleased to find the bottle (fill)with water.(4)I find it hard not (suffer)from pressure at work.(5)He was found (cheat)in the final exami

47、nation.完成句子完成句子(6)His husband rushed home,only to (发现门锁着).(7)When he came to,he (发现自己躺在医院里).(8)The boy (发现很难早起)in the morning in winter.peacefulgoingfilledto suffer cheatingfind the door lockedfound himself lying in hospitalfinds it hard to get up early高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards教材原句p.2 On

48、 leaving high school,he joined a local Kansas newspaper as a trainee reporter.高中一毕业,他就加入了堪萨斯当地一家报社,成为一名实习记者。2 on/upon+doing 一就On hearing the bad news,he burst out crying.一听到那个坏消息,他就哭了起来。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】表示“一就”的结构还有:(1)on/upon+名词(2)as soon as,hardly/scarcely.when.,no sooner.than.(3)at+名词+of:at the sight of(

49、一看见),at the thought of(一想到)(4)用作连词的名词词组:the moment/the minute/the second/the instant(5)用作连词的副词:immediately/directly/instantly She cut out the article from the newspaper as soon as/immediately/the moment she saw it.她在报纸上一看到这篇文章就剪了下来。高中英语 选择性必修第四册 UNIT 1 Looking forwards一句多译(每空一词)一句多译(每空一词)词汇复现他大学一毕业就

50、投入到教育事业。(1)from college,he devoted himself to the cause of education.(2)He devoted himself to the cause of education he graduated from college.(3)He devoted himself to the cause of education _ _/_ _/_ _ /_ _ he graduated from college.(4)He devoted himself to the cause of education he graduated from


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