Unit1 Looking forwards一轮复习课件 -(2022)新外研版高中选择性必修第四册《英语》.pptx

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1、一轮复习一轮复习 Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well!(一一)汉译英汉译英1._n.通讯员,记者2._adv.最后,最终3._n.可供选择的事物4._v.(由.引起5._n.情况,情形6._n.(工厂、医院等轮班制中的)当班时间1.correspondent 2.ultimately 3.alternative 4.arise5.circumstance 6.shift(二二)英译汉英译汉1.boyhood n._2.bullfighting n._3.historical adj._4.dot n._5.backwards adv._6.d

2、iverge v._7.undergrowth n._8.numerous adj._9.thoughtful adj._10.dilemma n._1.(男性的)童年时期,少年时代2.斗牛3.(有关)历史的4.点,小圆点5.往前面;往回6.(两条路)岔开,分开7.(长在大树下或周边的)下木层,下层灌木丛8.许多的,很多的9.认真思考的,深思的10.进退两难的境地;困境2.拓展单词1._n.追求,理想_adj.有野心的;有雄心的2._n.接受工作培训的人;实习生_v.训练;培训;接受训练n.火车_n.训练;培训_n.教员,教练员;驯兽师;运动鞋;3._n.私家侦探_v.发现;查明;侦察出_ad

3、j.可发觉的,可看穿的_n.侦查;探测;察觉;发现4._n.允许进入(加入)_v.承认:招认准.进.人(某处);准.加入(俱乐部、组织);接收(人学);接收入院,收治5._n.参加,参与_v.参加;参与_ n.参与者;参加者1.ambition;ambitious 2.trainee;train;training;trainer3.detective;detect;detectable;detection 4.admission;admit5.participation;participate;participant plex;mercial;commerce 8.mixture;mix;mi

4、xed9.symbol;symbolize;symbolism10.affection;affect;affecting6._adj.复杂的_n.复杂性;难懂7._n.(电视或广播中的)商业广告adj.贸易的;商业的_ n.贸易;商业;商务8._n.混合;混合体_v.(使)混合,掺和,融合;调配,配制;相容,平安相处_adj.混合的;混杂的9._n.象征;符号;代号;记号_v.象征;代表_ n.象征主义10._ n.喜爱,钟爱_ v.影响;侵袭;使感染;(感情上)深深打动_adj.深深打动人的;感动人的;激起怜悯的11._adj.合格的,胜任的_v.取得资格(或学历);使合格,使具备资格:使有

5、权(做某事)_ n.资格:授权:合12._n.熟练,流利_ adj.(尤指外语)流利的_adv.流利地;流畅地13._adv.由衷地,真诚地,真心实意地_adj.真诚的,诚挚的,诚恳的_n.真挚,诚心诚意14._n.茶点,点心和饮料_v.使恢复,使振作;使焕然一新;翻新;使凉爽_adj.令人耳目一新的;别具一格的;使人精力充沛的;使人凉爽的_n.恢复活力;焕发精神11.qualified;qualify;qualification 12.fluency;fluent;fluently 13.sincerely;sincere;sincerity14.refreshments;refresh;r

6、efreshing;refreshment高考与教材1.(2020.天津高考)Galileo was not merely _(ambition)when he dropped objects of varying weights from the Leaning Tower at Pisa and timed their fall to the ground.2.(2019.天津高考)Touched by their enthusiastic expression of_(affect),Mabry thanked them all.Theyre like my children,Mabry

7、 said.3.(2019.全国卷I)I think I am qualified_ this job,because I have learned Chinese painting since childhood.4.(2019.江苏高考)Nowadays the priority for travelling_(shift)from shopping to food and scenery.1.ambitious 2.affection 3.for 4.is shifted 5.(2018.全国卷)This creation attracted a lot of attention tha

8、nks to its_(mix)of modern and traditional Chinese elements.6.(2018.江苏高考)All special exhibitions,as well as films,lectures,guided tours,concerts,gallery talk,and family/childrens programs are free with_(admit).7.(2018.浙江高考)For one thing,I have developed_(fluent)in spoken English,so I have no difficul

9、ty communicating with them.8.(2015.湖北高考)She_(ultimate)purchased a small piece of land with her husband and began growing their own foods.5.mixture 6.admission 7.fluency 8.ultimately 9.(2014.广东高考)You help organize sports activities and other outdoor pursuits and you could end up with a_(qualify)as an

10、 instructor.10.(2013.江苏高考)Things will turn for the better if we can work out some_(participate)rules for people to obey.11.(2013.江苏高考)Recent criticism of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn arose partly _ its frequent use of nigger.12.(2011.湖南高考)On these sites,a student can view_(number)photos and art pi

11、eces from different mediums or create an account with the website to upload their art pieces for people to see.9.qualification 10.participation 11.from 12.numerous3短语巧练短语巧练1._采取行动2._做出决定,拿定主意3._推迟.延期4._权衡:仔细考虑5._ 产生于,起因于6._拒绝;调小,关小7._放过,放弃,错过(机会)8._(对原先的决定)犹豫,产生怀疑9._每天10._谨上,敬上,谨启l.take action2.make

12、 up ones mind 3.put off 4.weigh up5.arise from 6.turn down 7.pass up 8.have second thought 9.on a daily basis 10.yours sincerely高考与教材1.(2020.天津高考)We cant_(推迟)buying a newprinter for our company.The one we have doesnt work.2.(2017.浙江高考)Williams two books helped Benjamin to_(下定决心)to be a painter.3.(20

13、14.陕西高考)For this reason,tourist organizations need to _(产生怀疑)about what exactly they are trying to sell.1.put off 2.make up his mind 3.have second thoughts4句式仿写句式仿写1.将来进行时What_ in ten years time?十年后我们会在做什么?2.“sth.be+形容词+to do句型His poetry generally has a regular rhythm and thyme,and_.他的诗歌般有着规律的节奏并且押韵

14、,易于大声朗读和记忆。3.whether.or.句型_,what all our choices have in common is that they lead to specific consequences.无论大还是小,我们所有的选择都有一个共同点,,那就是它们会导致特定的后果。1.will we be doing 2.is easy to read aloud and remember 3.Whether big or small高考与教材高考与教材1.(2019.浙江高考)不管他的队是赢是输,你都应该表扬他的努力。You should praise his effort regar

15、dless of _.2.(2015.天津高考)简不能参加今天下午三点的会议了,因为她那个时间正在授课。Jane cant attend the meeting at 3 oclock this afternoon because she_ at that time.3.(2012.全国卷)给孩子们讲的故事很容易记住。Stories for children_.1.whether his team wins or loses 2.will be teaching a class 3.are easy to remember1.单词拼写单词拼写1.My first job was as a _(

16、实习生)in a big bank and I received professional training every day.2.The boy lost his balance and fell_(向后),falling into the river.3.TV_(商业广告)play an important in promoting the companys products among consumers.4.Sherlock Holmes,a famous_(侦探)in Doyles story,is always with a pipe in his hand or mouth.5

17、.Moon cakes are shaped like the full moon to_(象征)family reunion and perfection.1.trainee 2.backwards mercials 4.detective 5.symbolize6.My maths teacher has an amazing ability to explain the_(复杂的)questions in a simple way.7.Im afraid I cant go to the party tonight because I have towork night_(当班时间).8

18、.A_(通讯员,记者)is a person who reports news from a particular country or on a particular subject for a newspaper or a television or radio station.9.Under no_(情况)should you give away the secrets of the company to the rivals.10.Great knowledge,rich experience and strong will help a man achieve his _(追求)to

19、 the plex 7.shift 8.correspondent9.circumstance 10.ambition2.单句语法填空单句语法填空1.It is not your talents or abilities but your choices that_(ultimate)decide your fate.2.He lacks relevant experience in this field so l dont think he is qualified _the job.3.Most of car accidents often arise_ carelessness.4.I

20、invited him to attend my birthday party,but he turned _ my invitation.5.What a pity!How could you pass_ such a good chance to get promoted?l.ultimately 2.for 3.from 4.down 5.up 6.She has a_(think)expression on her face when she heard the news.7.Youd better weigh_ the advantages and disadvantages bef

21、ore you make the final decision.8.If it rains hard,we will have to put_ the match until next month.9._ contrast,Tom is much more hardworking than his brother so he is very likely to win.10.I can not make_ my mind whether I should leave or stay where I am.6.thoughtful 7.up 8.off 9.By 10.up3语段填词语段填词1.

22、Our chemistry teacher_ some salt and vinegar with water and the tasted very terrible.(mix)2.They encouraged the students to_ in the singing performance after the contest and the_ gave all the_ much delight.(participate)3.Finally,the boy_ that he failed to gain_ to the university that he had chosen.(

23、admit)1.mixed;mixture 2.participate;participation;participants 3.admitted;admission 4.He has the_ that the job requires,so I believe he is_ for the job.(qualify)5.The applicant speaks English_,and her_ in English made her stand out among other applicants.Apart from that,she is_ in French.(fluent)6.H

24、e is a_ person and I _ believe his_ will help him in his career.(sincere)7.I find it_ to take a walk in the countryside,where I can_ myself with a cup of tea and eat some_.(refresh)4.qualification;qualified5.fluently,fluency,fluent6.sincere;sincerely,sincerity7.refreshing;refresh;refreshments4.完成句子完

25、成句子1.I _ with Tom at 9 oclock tomorrow morning.明天上午9点我会正在和汤姆踢足球。2._,he doesnt care.这则消息真实与否,他并不关心。3._,you can always come to me for help.无论你有什么样的困难都可以向我来求助。4.1 dont think the passage_.我认为这个文章不容易理解。1.will be playing football 2.Whether the news is true or not3.Whatever difficulties you have4.is easy t

26、o understand5.微写作假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展览。请写一封信申请做志愿者,要点如下:1.我写这封信是为了申请成为在你们美术馆举办的中国画展览的志愿者。2.我想我能胜任这份工作,因为我从小就学会了中国画。3.此外,我的中英文都很流利,这有助于我介绍中国画。4.如果我有幸被选为志愿者,我可以带游客参观美术馆,让他们更多地了解中国画。5.如果你能给我这个机会,我将不胜感激。我期待着你的答复。注意:1.词数80左右;2.尽量使用本单元的知识点;3.可适当增加细节。Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to apply to be a v

27、olunteer for the Chinese Painting Exhibition to be held in your art gallery.I think I am qualified for this job,because I have learned Chinese painting since boyhood.Besides,I am fluent in both Chinese and English,which helps me introduce Chinese paintings.If I am lucky enough to be chosen as a volu

28、nteer,I can show visitors around the gallery and get them to know more about Chinese painting.I would be very grateful if you could offer me the opportunity.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours Li Hua6.课文语法填空 Facing the FutureHaving plans in place for the future is no guarantee that they will be

29、come 1_(really).In this respect,some people are 2_(fortunate)than others.The American author,Ernest Hemingway,was from early boyhood single-minded in his ambition to write.On 3_(leave)high school,he joined a local Kansas newspaper as a trainee reporter.In his words,I decided that I would write one s

30、tory about each thing that I knew about.4 _(set)himself this goal,he wrote novels and short stories based on his personal experiences.His short novel The Old Man and the Sea 5 _(win)the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953.1.reality 2.2ore fortunate3.leaving 4.Having set 5.wonThe young Arthur Conan Do

31、yle,born in Scotland in 1859,had 6_(original)worked as a doctor.After Sherlock Holmes made him famous,Doyle gave up medicine and devoted himself entirely 7_ writing.He still wanted to become known for his historical novels,so he killed off the famous detective in a novel 8 _(publish)in 1893.However,

32、fans of Holmes were so angry that Doyle was forced 9_(bring)Holmes back from the dead.Though both of these men were successful at last,their paths to success were very different.So,10 _twists and turns you might encounter,take a leaf out of the books of these two authors and be prepared for the unexpected.6.originally 7.to 8.published 9.to bring 10.whatever Thank you!


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