Unit 1 Discover useful structures ppt课件-(2022)高中英语新人教版(新教材)必修第三册.pptx

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1、In particular,his paintings _(set)apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact.(para2)In subject matter,the _(emphasize)increasingly shifted from religious themes to people and the world around us.(para5)_(like)the cold,black-and-white photographs of that time

2、period,Renoirs paintings are full of light,shadow,colour,and life.(para7)He _(seek)to show not just the outer image of his subjects,but their inner warmth and humanity as well.(para8)新人教版选择性必修三Unit1Discover useful structuresInfinitives as the predicativePerhaps the best way to understand Western art

3、 is to look at the development of Western painting over the centuries.During the Middle Ages,the purpose of Western art was to teach people about Christianity.In this work,Monets aim was to convey the light and movement in the scene.Still others turned to abstract art.What they attempted to do was n

4、o longer to show reality,but instead to ask the question,“What is art?”以way,purpose,aim,ambition,dream,hope,intention,goal等抽象名词时,常用不定式作表语不定式的定义、形式、功能不定式做表语不定式做表语易错点巩固练习1234ContentsPart 1不定式的定义、形式、功能不定式,又称为动词不定式,是指动词中的一种不带词形变化,也不指示人称、数量、时态的一种形式。不定式属于非谓语动词形式。定义动词不定式有一般式、进行式和完成式三种时态;有主动和被动两种语态。形式主动形式被动

5、形式一般式to do/not(never)to do(not)to be done进行式to be doing完成式to have doneto have been done不 定 式 动词不定式在句中可以作句子除谓语之外的任何句子成分。动词不定式及其短语还可以有自己的宾语、状语。不定式可充当 主语表语宾语定语状语宾补功能Part 2不定式做表语(1)Perhaps the best way to understand Western art is to look at the development of Western painting over the centuries.(2)Duri

6、ng the Middle Ages,the purpose of Western art was to teach people about Christianity.(3)In this work,Monets aim was to convey the light and movement in the scene.在以上句子中,动词不定式都是作 。感知以下课文原句表语动词不定式做表语,一般接在be,become,sound,taste等系动词后面,它和主语处在同等地位,用来说明主语的身份、性质、特征和状态,或表示主语产生的结果。动词不定式(短语)作表语的用法1.主语是以aim,sugg

7、estion,duty,hope,idea,intention,plan,the way 等名词或词组时,或者以what引导的名词性从句,一般用动词不定式作表语说明主语的内容。1)My idea is to climb the mountain from the north.我的想法是从北面爬这座山。2)Our plan is to make better use of these materials.我们的计划是更好地利用这些材料。3)What I would suggest is to ask your father for his opinion.我的建议是征求你父亲的意见。2.表示目的

8、。1)The next step is to figure out what you really want.下一步是要弄清楚你真正需要什么。3.表示事态发展的结果,或者对事情预期的结果。1)You must speak out,if we are to remain friends.如果我们还想继续做朋友的话,你就必须把话都说出来。2)We believe man is to live a better life in the future.我们相信人类在将来过一个更好的生活。2)The main purpose of his speech is to raise peoples aware

9、ness about pollution.他演讲的主要目的就是在污染方面提高人们的意识。4.表示同意、安排、命令、决定、劝告、愿望、意愿、禁止等。1)They are to marry next week.他们将在下周结婚。2)You must be patient and persistent if you are to succeed.要想成功,就必须有耐心,有毅力。3)You are to have a talk with them.你应该和他们谈一谈。4)Children are not to smoke.儿童不准吸烟。(安排)(愿望)(劝告)(禁止)5.用于被动语态,具有情态动词意义

10、。1)You are to be rewarded.你应该受到奖励。2)Its nowhere to be found.哪儿也找不到它。6.不定式作表语,可用主动形式表示被动意义。1)She is to blame.她应该受到责备。2)A great deal is yet to do.还有许多事要做。(should be)(cant be)Part 3不定式做表语易错点1.动词不定式和v-ing作表语的区别不定式做表语表示具体的、一次性的或将来的动作;v-ing做表语表示一般的、泛指的或习惯性的行为。1)Marys task is to set/lay the table.玛丽的任务是要去摆

11、桌子。2)His job is looking after sheep.他的任务是照看羊。3)My favorite sport is swimming.我最喜欢的运动是游泳。4)What he is thinking about now is to swim this afternoon.他现在正在想的事情是今天下午去游泳。动词不定式和v-ing作表语时,要注意与句子的主语在形式上保持一致。To see is to believe.=Seeing is believing.眼见为实。2.动词不定式作表语省略to的情况1)All we need to do is live each day w

12、ith hope.我们需要做的就是带着希望过好每一天。2)What I want to do is take a holiday right away.我想马上就去度假。3)The only thing he did last night was read the newspaper.昨晚他唯一做的就是看报纸。前有do,后无to巩固练习Part 4.用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.I think it is the car driver who is _(blame)for the traffic accident.2.What I want to do is _(tell)you the tr

13、uth.3.What he hoped was _(admit)into the university.4.If we are _(succeed),we must rely on the masses.5.A use of the computer network is _(send)e-mails.6.Living is _(do)something worthwhile.7.His aim is _(find)out a cure for the deadly disease.8.Tom seemed _(learn)the good news.to blametellto be adm

14、ittedto succeedto senddoingto findto have learnedII.用不定式完成句子。1.The young singers intention of performing the song was _.(和他的歌迷们分享他对摇滚音乐的热爱)2.The best way to do business is _.(建立你和客户之间的信任)3.What the survivors attempted to do was _.(为英雄们建造一座纪念碑)4.The main purpose of art education in schools is _.(启发学生

15、有创造力)to share his love for rock music with his fansto build trust between you and your clientto build a memorial for the heroesto inspire students to be creative5.The aim of the two leaders at the conference was _.(在两国之间建立和平)6.For a humble person,one of the hardest things might be _.(批评其他人)7.When you are faced with a serious decision,my suggestion is _.(聆听你自己内心的声音)8.The mother believes her duty is _.(抚养儿子成为一个高尚的人)to create/build peace between two countriesto criticize other peopleto listen to your inner voiceto raise her son to be a noble manHomework:


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