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1、1.diverse adj.不同的;多种多样 be diverse/different from 和.不同 diversity n.差异(性);不同(点);多样性 a(great/wide)diversity of 各种各样的They are the people from diverse cultures.His character is diverse from his twin brothers.Their way of life is rich,diverse and rooted.他们是有着不同文化背景的人。他的性格与他孪生兄弟的性格不同。他们的生活方式丰富多彩、多种多样、扎根传统。

2、=different adj.不同的不同的即学即练单句语法填空(1)The word is now used in a sense diverse _ the original meaning.(2)Lily has _ great diversity of interests;she likes sports,travel and photography.froma2.(教材P25)The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.lie inlie awake lie downPart of the charm of a

3、 big city lies in the variety of styles that can be seen in the architecture of its buildings.Your happiness lies in your hands.在于醒着躺在那躺下大城市魅力的一部分在于其建筑风格的多样性。你的幸福在你自己手里。原形词性词义过去式过去分词现在分词lievi.撒谎liedliedlyingliev.躺;在于laylainlyinglayvt.放置;下蛋;提出laidlaidlaying易混辨析:lie与lay(1)The attraction of the Cloiste

4、rs museum and gardens lies _ the fact that its collections date from the Middle Ages.(2)However,if others benefit in the process,and I get some reward too,does it really matter where my motivation(动机)_?(lie)(3)躺在草坪上的那个男孩撒谎说他的公鸡下了一个蛋。The boy _ on the grass _ that his cock _ an egg.inlieslyingliedlaid

5、3.admitvi.&vt.承认;准许进入承认;准许进入(或加入或加入);容纳;容纳(1)be admitted as.作为作为被接受被接受 be admitted into/to.被被录取;被录取;被接收接收(2)admit sb./sth.as/to be.承认某人承认某人/某事是某事是 admit doing/having done.承认做了承认做了 admit to sb that 向某人承认向某人承认(3)admission n.允许进入;入场费允许进入;入场费(admitted;admitting)1)Jack admitted breaking the window.2)She

6、admitted having stolen the car.3)You will not be admitted to the theatre after the performance has started.4)I couldnt admit to my parents that I was finding the course difficult.1.学校传来消息说,李璇被北大录取了。News came from the school that Lixuan_ Peking University.was admitted to/into 2.She admitted_(drive)th

7、e car without insurance.driving/having drivenI still remember three years ago when I was admitted _ this school.She can always put other people right,but will never admit_(make)an error herself.Her _(admit)to Beijing University made her parents very happy.to/intomakingbeing admitted4.occurvi.发生;出现发生

8、;出现sth.occurs/occurred to sb.某人突然想起某事某人突然想起某事,浮现在某人的脑海中It occurs/occurred to sb.to do sth.某人想到做某事某人想到做某事It occurs/occurred to sb.that.某人突然想到某人突然想到(occurred;occurring)The idea occurred to him in a dream.It never ccurs to me to ask him for help.It never occurred to me that you could succeed in persuad

9、ing him to change his mind.It strikes/struck sb.thatIt hits/hit sb.that2 20212 2021年年7 7月,月,河南发生了严重的洪灾。河南发生了严重的洪灾。It occurred to me that I could have the book sent to me.1 1我我想到想到可以让人把书寄给我。可以让人把书寄给我。A severe flood occurred in Henan Province in July,2021.5.head to(朝朝)前进;前进;(向向)去去(1)head for/towards(朝

10、朝)前进;前进;(向向)去;前往去;前往(2)名词转化为动词:名词转化为动词:head n头头vi.前往前往nurse n护士护士vt.护理护理face n脸脸vt.面对面对bridge n桥桥vt.沟通沟通eye n眼睛眼睛vt.看,注视看,注视6.seekvt.&vi.寻找;寻求;争取;寻找;寻求;争取;(向人向人)请求请求seek-sought-sought seek ones fortune seek to do sth_ 寻找成功致富之路;闯世界寻找成功致富之路;闯世界_ 试图做某事试图做某事_ 向某人求助或征求建议向某人求助或征求建议_ 寻求庇护;躲避寻求庇护;躲避_ 寻找;探求寻

11、找;探求 seek help/advice from seek shelter seek forseek_ catch_ teach_ buy_ fight_ bring_ think_soughtsoughtcaughtcaughttaughttaughtboughtboughtfoughtfoughtbroughtbroughtthoughtthought即学活用即学活用(1)The shopkeeper is trying to _(寻找寻找)a better way to win his customers back,perhaps with a discount.(2)【2020山东

12、新高考】The solution,of course,was to plant trees so the animals could _(寻求庇护寻求庇护)during the daytime.(3)翻译句子:当遇到麻烦时,汤姆总是会向他的朋友们求助。翻译句子:当遇到麻烦时,汤姆总是会向他的朋友们求助。_seek for Tom always seeks help from his friends when he is in trouble.seek shelter 7.earnvt.&vi.挣得;赚得;赢得;博得挣得;赚得;赢得;博得(1)earn moneymake money挣钱挣钱ea

13、rn a livingmake a living 谋生谋生earn sb sth 为某人赢得为某人赢得earn ones respect/reputation 赢得尊重赢得尊重/荣誉荣誉(2)earnings n.利润;收入,工资利润;收入,工资1)She earned a living as a part-time secretary.2)He wants very much to earn some money,but I dont see what he can do.3)Dr Zhong Nanshan earned a reputation as the backbone(脊梁)脊梁

14、)of China.4)As a teacher,she had earned the respect of her students.8.selectvt.选择;挑选;选拔选择;挑选;选拔(1)select.as.挑选挑选作为作为select sb.to do sth.挑选某人做某事挑选某人做某事select.from.从从中挑选中挑选(2)selection n.挑选;被挑选的人挑选;被挑选的人/物物(3)selective adj.选择性的;认真挑选的选择性的;认真挑选的1.He had hopes of being selected for the national team.2.In

15、 2019,Tu Youyou was selected by the BBC as one of the most influential figures of science in the 20th century.3.We select him to take part in the English contest.9.claimvt.&n 夺取夺取(生命生命);宣称;断言;索赔;宣称;断言;索赔P 29 Over 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and series of fires that

16、occurred after it.在在1906年旧金山地震和随后发生的一连串的火灾中,有年旧金山地震和随后发生的一连串的火灾中,有3000多人丧生。多人丧生。(disaster,an accident,etc,灾难、事故等)灾难、事故等)to cause sbs death 夺走,夺去(生命)夺走,夺去(生命)新闻里经常报道某个国家的某个城市发生了炸弹袭击,而某个人或某个组织“声称”对该起恐袭事件负责,其中的“声称;宣称声称;宣称”就用claim表示。(1)make a claim to/on 索赔;对索赔;对(赔偿等赔偿等)提出要求提出要求(2)claim to do sth./that.

17、声称做某事声称做某事claim to have done sth.声称已做某事声称已做某事claim sth.from sb.for sth.因为因为 向某人索要向某人索要 赔偿金赔偿金claim sth back 要回某物要回某物It is claimed that.有人主张有人主张;据称据称当认为自己有合法权利提出某项要求时可以用当认为自己有合法权利提出某项要求时可以用claim。网购的物品有损坏而要求退款网购的物品有损坏而要求退款(claim the money back for damages);汽车汽车因因刮蹭向投保的保险公司索赔刮蹭向投保的保险公司索赔(claim on the i

18、nsurance);认领丢失的财物认领丢失的财物(claim lost property).You can claim money back if the goods are damaged.You can claim on the insurance if you have an accident while on holiday.【即学活用】语法填空(1)So far nobody _(claim)the wallet discovered in the classroom.(2)The scientist claimed _(discover)a new kind of medicine

19、.(3)She said that she had a rightful claim _ the property.(4)It _(claim)that humour can help patients recover faster.has claimedto have discoveredto/onis claimed10.(a)series of 一系列或一连串一系列或一连串(事件事件);连续连续a series of lectures/events 一系列讲座一系列讲座/一连串事件一连串事件a television/comedy series 电视连续剧电视连续剧/喜剧系列片喜剧系列片t

20、he World Series世界系列赛世界系列赛(1)series名词单复数形式一致名词单复数形式一致,常见的常见的deer(鹿鹿),sheep(绵羊绵羊),means(手段手段,方法方法),Swiss(瑞士人瑞士人),Chinese(中国人中国人)。(2)series单复数形式相同。单复数形式相同。“a series of复数名词复数名词”作主语时作主语时,谓谓语动词用单数形式。语动词用单数形式。(1)She gave _ series of lectures at Warwick University last year on contemporary British writers.(

21、2)Every means _(try)to solve the problem so far.(3)The star is to star in _(一部电视连续剧)on extreme sports.ais trieda televison seriesl l apart from 除了除了.之外之外(还还)l l :besides;in addition(to);additionally;moreover;furthermore;except;except for;aside from;other than;whats more;除了良好的服务,这家饭店还提供各种传统除了良好的服务,这家

22、饭店还提供各种传统客家客家菜肴。菜肴。_ ,the restaurant offers traditional Hakka dishes.联想类似的表达联想类似的表达Apart from good service(1)Apart _ English,we study Russian and Spanish.(2)In addition _ his salary,he has a bonus of 25 yuan per month.(3)除了一些拼写错误,这篇文章写得很不错。_ fromtoApart from some spelling mistakes,this article is we

23、ll written.escapevi.&vt.逃走;逃脱;避开;被遗逃走;逃脱;避开;被遗忘;被忽视忘;被忽视n逃跑;逃脱;解脱逃跑;逃脱;解脱(1)escape from.从从中逃脱中逃脱escape doing sth.逃避做某事逃避做某事(2)escape ones attention/notice 逃过某人的注意逃过某人的注意,被某人遗忘被某人遗忘(3)have a narrow escape 九死一生九死一生【熟词生义】*It was an actor whose name escapes me for the moment.那是个我一时想不起名字的演员。()vt.被忘掉;被忽视【

24、即学活用】(1)The driver narrowly _in the traffic accident.这名司机在车祸中差一点被撞死。(2)I remember seeing him somewhere before,but his name _.我记得以前在某个地方见过他,但一时想不起他的名字。escaped being killedescapes me for the moment【教材原句】【教材原句】There are so many beautiful old buildings一一many sitting on top of big hills,offering great vi

25、ews of the city,the ocean,and the Golden Gate Bridge.这里有众多美丽的古建筑这里有众多美丽的古建筑不少坐落于大山之巔,城市、大海和金门不少坐落于大山之巔,城市、大海和金门大桥美景尽收眼底大桥美景尽收眼底.【句式解构】此句中此句中many sittingmany sitting为独立主格结构为独立主格结构.sitting.sitting的逻辑的逻辑主语是主语是many,many,它们之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词它们之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词sitting.sitting.牛刀小试:牛刀小试:The day_(be)hot,we went

26、swimming.He lay on his back,his hands (cross)under his head.Much work _(do),they had to work for extra hours.He walked in,cane(手杖手杖)_ hand.beingcrossedto doin【教材原句】【教材原句】There were so many good cafes and restaurants to choose from.句式句式:There be+n,/pron.to do sth.有有.可以做可以做(to do结构表尚未发生的动作结构表尚未发生的动作)比较比较:There be n,/pron.doing/done Theres a note _(attach)to the door _(say)the shop will move.attachedsayingLast night,there were millions of people _(watch)the opening ceremony of Tokyo Olympics live on TV.watchingThere is always something exciting _(do)while you are getting around Hangzhou.to do


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