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1、初三中考复习考点整合冠词一,高频考点梳理I常考考点:冠词定冠词1.表示特指: the answer to the question 2.序数词前: the second longest 3.表一类人: the wounded 4.乐器前: play the violin5.固定搭配: at the same time /go to the movies6.两者中较为怎么样的一个:He is the taller one of the twins.不定冠词. a/ an 元音字母,以辅音音素开头 have a one-day trip 辅音字母,以元音音素开头 F, H, L ,M ,N ,S,

2、 X, R (8个字母)There is an “m” and a “p” in the word “lamp”.MBA, MP3, 等26个母全部中前面加an:M,R,L, I, H, A, S,O, N, E,F,X (Mr.Li has one fox.) 字母U的特殊情况 / ju:/ a useful book a university student A unit a uniform / / an umbrella an uncle An unusual weekend 首字母不发音的情况 a European country an honest boy H的两种情况 an hou

3、r and a half 冠词在词组短语里的使用 at the same time quite a few In a short while for the time beinghave pity on at/on weekends知识点3:在有些词组中,用冠词和不用冠词意思有较大区别。in hospital(在住院);in the hospital(在医院)at table(吃饭,用餐);at the table(在桌旁)go to college(上大学);go to the college(去那所大学)in front of(在某个范围之外的前面);in the front of(在某个

4、范围之外的前面)take place(发生);take the place(代替)二课堂练习三课后练习2019年初三二模冠词题 1、Jackson had simple breakfast and left hotel early in the morning.(2019宝山嘉定二模)A、a B、an C、the D、 / 2、Please take look at the photo and see if you recognize anyone in it. (2019崇明二模)A、a B、an C、by D、in3. Ill take _ close look at my car. So

5、me strange noise comes from the front wheel. (2019奉贤二模)A. a B. an C. the D. /4. We must make up our mind to solve the problem for_ time being. (2019静安二模)A. a B. an C. the D. /5、Walk along the street and you will see the big guitar on _left. (2019闵行二模)A、a B、an C、the D、/6. When you play _ violin, you

6、need to pick it up by your neck with your left hand. (2019普陀二模)A. a B. an C. the D. /7. Sue likes writing very much. She began to keep _ diary five years ago. (2019松江二模)A. a B. an C. the D. /8. Entering the two-storey building feels like walking into _ European palace. (2019徐汇二模)A. a B. an C. the D.

7、 /9. We left in such _ hurry that we forgot our passports. (2019杨浦二模)A. aB. anC. theD. /答案:AAACC CAAA 2016各区二模冠词汇编28. Hans is _ honest. He is often praised by his teachers and friends.(2106宝山、嘉定二模)A) aB) anC) theD) /27. We are going to have a barbecue in the park on _ Sunday.(2016崇明二模)A) aB) anC) th

8、eD) /28. -Excuse me, have you seen an old lady carrying a huge green bag?(2016奉贤二模) -Oh, _ old lady left in a taxi just five minutes ago. A) a B) anC) theD) /27. Spring Festival is wonderful time for people to visit friends and relax.(2016黄埔二模) A) a B) an C) the D) /28. Our parents are always ready

9、to help us and ask for nothing in return.(2016普陀二模)A) a B) an C) / D) the27. It is our tradition to respect _ old and care for young children.(2016松江二模) A) a B) an C) the D) /28.My parents were watching _TV when I got home last night.(2016徐汇二模) A) a B) an C) the D) 28. Growing into adult means havin

10、g the right to do certain things, such as getting a part-time job.(2106杨浦二模) A) a B) an C) the D) / 29.The impression you make at _ beginning of an interview is very important.(2016闸北二模)A) a B) an C) the D) /28. Could you do me favour and pick up Sam from school today?(2016长宁、金山二模) A) a B) an C) the

11、 D) /【答案】ABDCA AADCB DDADD CACCD BCA 2017年二模语法选择之冠词考点汇编28. If you want to lose weight, you should go on diet and have more exercise. (17年崇明二模)A, aB. anC, theD, /27. The UK is _ European country and China is _ Asian country. (17年奉贤二模)A. an ;anB. a; aC. a; anD. an; a27. The doctor suggested to the fat

12、 boy that he should go on _diet to keep healthy. (17年虹口二模)A. aB.anC. theD. /27. After a long journey, the old man sat down and had _ short rest. (17年黄埔二模)A. aB.anC. theD. /27. More and more young people are trying to do something for _old at weekends.(17年静安二模)A. aB.anC. theD. / 27. Kitty is _honest

13、girl . She never tells lies and we like her very much . (17年闵行二模)A. aB.an C. theD. /27. Do you think AI(人工智能)will take _ place of humans some day in the future? (17年浦东新区二模)A. theB.anC. aD. / 27.All of us opened our mouths in _ surprise at the unexpected news. (17年松江二模)A. aB.anC. theD. /27. Brooklyn

14、Beckham, _ eldest child of the Beckhams, will sell his photo book in May, 2017.(17年徐汇二模)A. aB.anC. theD. /30. Can you suggest some places where I can make _ one-day trip from Shanghai? (17年杨浦二模)A. aB.anC. theD. /28. Could you do me _ favor and pick up Sam from school today? (17年长宁二模)A. aB.anC. theD.

15、 /【答案】ACAAC BADCA A 2018年二模语法选择之冠词考点汇编26.Peter spent exciting day in MOCA Shanghai(上海当代艺术馆) last week .(18年崇明二模)A. theB. aC.anD. / 27.The doctor suggested that he should go on _ diet and do more exercise.(18年虹口二模)A. AB. anC. /D. the27.As a fan of sports, Carl always takes_ active part in ball games

16、after school.(18年黄埔二模)A. aB.anC. theD. /26.Kobe Bryant made _ exciting short film called “ Dear Basketball”.(18年金山二模)A. aB.anC. theD. /27.Take a look at _booklet on the shelf. It tells you how to use the new cooker. (18年闵行二模)A. aB.anC. theD. /26.Many schools provide free lessons for students to play

17、 _ football in afternoon.(18年普陀二模)A. theB. /C. aD. Don27.The guests are told that the furniture in the flat is designed by _owner himself.(18年青浦二模)A. theB.anC. a D. /27. Many children start to practice playing _ piano at an early age. (18年松江二模)A. aB.anC. theD. /28.American violinist Lindsey doesnt p

18、lay _ violin in the traditional way.(18年徐汇二模)A. aB.anC. theD. /30. Could you do me _ favour- would you feed my dog this weekend? (18年杨浦二模)A. aB.anC. the D. / 27. His health condition got so bad recently that he decided to go on_ diet right now. (18年长宁二模)A. aB.anC. the D. /【答案】CABBC BACCA A2015年一模汇编-

19、冠词1. We should give our seats to _old when they get on the bus.A) a B)an C),the D)/2. Tony is so helpful that he always does me favor.A. a B. an C. the D. /3. Be quite and go to _ sleep. Weve got a long day tomorrow. Good night.A) a B) an C) the D) /4. This is _useful dictionary. I always look up ne

20、w words in it.A. / B. the C. a D. an5. He had such _ unusual day with the famous writer that he would remember it forever.A. an B. a C. / D. the6. Farmers plant the seeds of hope in _ spring and wait for their growing.A) / B) a C) an D) the7. Guide dogs help_ blind walk free in the street.A. a B. an

21、 C. the D. /8. Are you in _ favor of using an iPad in class?A. a B. anC. /D. the9. The first thing to do when creating a comic strip is to think of _ plot.A. anB) the C) /D) a10. All the visitors are asked to line up quietly and go into the exhibition hall one at _ time.A) theB) /C) aD) an11. He sig

22、n says we can park our ear here. Its information signA) a B)an C)the D)/12. Cormorant fishing is_ important traditional skill in ancient China.A) aB) anC) theD) /13. The boy asked his mother whether France is _ European country.A. an B. / C. a D. the CADCA ACCDC BBC2015年二模汇编-冠词1. Lucy often plays _

23、guitar after she has _ supper.A. the, the B. /, / C. the, / D. /, the 2. -What_ horrible day it was yesterday!-Yes. But I love_ air after it rains because it smells fresh.A) a, theB) a, /C) the, theD) the, a3. Do you know _ lady with long black hair?A) theB) /C) aD) an4. Middle school students usual

24、ly have _one-day outing in the countryside in spring.A. a B. an C. the D. /5. It is good to have some free talks with our family at _supper.A) / B) a C) an D) the 6. Our monitor is_ Italian girl. She is good at cooking spaghetti,A. aB) theC) /D) an7. The smart phone makes it easier for us to keep in

25、_ touch with each other. A. aB. anC. /D. the8. Kitty is such _ honest student that she never tells a lie at any time.A. aB. anC. theD. /9. I received _ invitation to Alex and Kellys wedding party on the night of May 20th.A. theB. / C. aD. an 10. Carlos wants to play _ trick on his classmates, so he

26、hides in the back of the fire truck.A) a B) an C) the D) CAAAA DCBDA 2014一模冠词汇编-教师版1. Cathy was lucky to get _new job at a childrens hospital.A. / B. an C. a D. the2. A comic strip is usually about _interesting story with an unforgettable end.A) / B) an C) the D) a3. Shanghai Disneyland will cover _

27、 area of 1.5 square kilometers. A. aB. anC. theD. /4. I have just watched a good film about _ elderly fisherman in Guilin. A) aB) anC) theD) /5. My mother doesnt go to _church often these days.A)a B)an C)the D)/CBBBD2014二模冠词汇编-教师版1. Hurry up! If we miss last bus, well have to get home by taxi.(奉贤区)A

28、)a; /B)the; aC)the; /D)a; a2. Monet(莫奈)is famous French painter. He has painted a lot of nice pictures.(浦东新区)A)a B)an C)the D)/3. man with black glasses is my host father in Britain.(宝山区)A)An B) A C)The D)/4. New Years Eve is always noisiest night throughout China.(黄浦区)A. a B. the C. an D. 5. There

29、is “r” in the word “surface”, but you missed it.(静安、青浦、崇明)A) a B) an C) the D) /KEYS:CACBB2013一模冠词汇编-教师版1. Frank is now on a diet because he wants to lose weight.A) aB) anC) theD) /2. Jane is going to _ movies with her parents this weekend.A) aB) anC) theD) /3. Barak Obama, first African-American pr

30、esident of the USA, was always laughed at by others when he was a kid. A) aB) anC) theD) /4. Lisa is _ exchange student from Britain, but she knows a lot about China.A) a B) an C) the D) /5. As we all know, cormorant fishing is more than_thousand years old.A) an B)a C)/ D) the6. Paul told me that he

31、 had bought a new flat on _ phone.A) aB) anC) theD) /7. _ only key to the safe is kept in Mrs. Whites room. Nobody knows where it is. A) AB) AnC) The D) /8. Do not be in _ hurry to succeed.A) aB) anC) theD) / DCCBBCCA2013二模冠词汇编-教师版1. There is _ “u” in the word “university”.(浦东新区)A. the B. an C. a D.

32、 /2. Learning from successful people is _ good way to gain wealth and success. (徐汇区)A) aB) anC) the D) /3. Australia is a great country with _ amazing places and lovely animals. (闸北区)A) aB) anC) theD) /4. Your manager is absent. Who will take _ place of him? (虹口)A) aB) anC) theD) /5. A: Which girl is your cousin, Jessica? (宝山、嘉定)B: Oh, look, that little girl in _ green.A) aB)anC)/D) the6. I have _ pity on you, but I really cannot help you this time. (金山)A) /B) a C) an D) the7. Terry loves drawing and expects to be _ artist when he grows up. (静安、青浦)A) theB) aC) anD) /CADCC AC


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