Module4 Unit2 How much is it- 课件 教案 音频 (共27张PPT).zip

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Module4 Unit2 How much is it?教学设计Module4 Unit2 How much is it?教学设计【教学目标】【教学目标】1.语言目标:(1)学生能了解本课中的重点词汇:flower,dumping,help,buy 及短语 how much。(2)学生能掌握句型:How much is it?Ten yuan./Six yuan for ten.What are you doing?Im making dumplings.2.技能目标:(1)学生能在插图的帮助下理解故事的主要内容,朗读故事人物的对话。(2)学生能利用句型:How much is it?Its_ yuan.询问和回答物品的价格。3.情感目标:培养学生关心、帮助家人的良好品质。【教学重点】【教学重点】1.学生能了解本课中的重点词汇:flower,dumping,help,buy。2.学生能正确利用句型:How much is it?Its _ yuan.询问和回答物品的价格。3.学生能理解并正确朗读故事。【教学难点】【教学难点】学生能在真实的情境下正确运用句型:How much is it?It s_ yuan.询问和回答单个物品的价格。【教学准备】【教学准备】PPT、单词卡片、人物头饰,点读笔等。【教学过程】【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.(师生间进行简单的问候。)1.Greetings.(师生间进行简单的问候。)2.Lets sing.2.Lets sing.教师放歌曲“A food song.”师生一起演唱。让学生在听英语歌曲中复习已学习过的食物单词。3.Ask and answer.3.Ask and answer.教师利用歌曲中出现的食物单词进行提问,帮助学生复习上一单元已学习过的句型:Do you want some?Yes,please./No,thank you.。(设计意图:本节课我用儿歌热身,孩子们拍掌应和,可以自然快速地进入学习氛围,激发课堂英语学习的热情。同时通过儿歌复习了已学的有关食物的知识。学生在感到这种复习方式的新鲜和有趣的同时,既增强了自信心和自豪感,又激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。)Step 2 Leading inStep 2 Leading in1.教师呈现活动一图片。T:Look,a young man is talking with a salesperson.So,what does she want to buy?The flower or the vase?通过图片和录音,教学 flower,师点读,生跟读,全班齐读,个人读进行操练。2.播放活动一动画,让学生看动画,完成选择:Q1:What is the woman going to buy?A.The flower(花).B.The vase(花瓶).3.教师呈现问题 2。Q2:How much is the flower?师教授“how much”,师点读,生跟读,全班齐读,个人读进行操练。教师提问学生,一起核对答案。并出示真正十元,让学生理解 how much 含义。4.教师出示字母“ow”的发音,通过自然拼读 how,now,cow,flower教授学生发音规则。5;Pairwork 练习巩固新授句型“How much is it?Its_ yuan.”。6.听录音,跟读。Step 3 Text learning 1.教师呈现活动二插图 1,提问 T:Daming and Amy want to go shopping too.What do they want to buy?教师播放活动一动画,让学生看动画,完成选择:Question 1:What does Amy and Daming want to buy(买)?A.They want to buy some apples.B.They want to buy some eggs.教师提问学生,一起核对答案,并通过图片和录音教学 buy,师点读,生跟读,全班齐读,个人读进行操练。2.再次播放活动二录音,师呈现问题,生选出正确答案。Question 1:What is Damings Mum doing?A.Shes making noodles.B.Shes making dumplings.师通过图片和录音教学 dumpling,师点读,生跟读,全班齐读,个人读进行操练。并通过出示自己做水饺的图片教授句型“Im making dumplings.”师通过现场教授折纸水饺的做法让学生感受并复习现在进行时的用法。Question2:How much is the egg?师引导生回答 Six yuan for ten.出示钱和鸡蛋,让学生理解该句含义并板书重点句型,师点读,生跟读,全班齐读,两人问答进行操练。3.Listen and repeat.注意语音语调。4.教授“help”并渗透情感教育 Help others can make us happy!5.Read the text.学生自读课文。6.Role play.学生带上头饰分角色表演对话。设计意图;四年级学生善于模仿、乐于表现,他们喜欢在课堂上用英语表演某个片断、场景。创造机会让学生在课堂上表演,以学生为本,激发学生学习英语的热情。同时以教材内容故事顺序为纲,自然引入。让学生在具体的情景中学,设身处地的在情景中运用、表演。凸显了情景任务教学在英语教学中的重要地位。Step 4 Practice Step 4 Practice The best salesperson.我是最棒售货员。四人一组,一人扮演售货员,其他三人扮演顾客,在小组内表演出售物品。教师呈现部分食物图片。师戴上售货员的头套,先找生示范对话后学生小组讨论看图描述食物的名称和价格。Go shoppingS(售):Can I help you?Do you want some/a.?C(顾):Yes,please./No.thank you.How much is it?S:Its yuan.Here you are.C:Thank you.设计意图:设置真实生活情景,让学生在现实生活中找到运用所学的英语知识,带着对顾客的期待,完成任务。该活动的设计充分体现了英语在真实情景中的运用,体现了语言的时效性,让学生能真正做到学以致用,体现了语言的最基本功能。Step 5 Emotional educationMoney is not everything.We should cherish time,life and everyone who appears in our life!金钱不是万能的,我们应该珍惜时间,珍惜生活,珍惜生命中的每一个人!Step 6.Summary 1.总结今天所学的内容:单词:flower,dumping,help,buy句型:How much is it?Six yuan for ten.2.Chant.通过 chant 再次练习所学重点句型。Can I help you?Can I help you?We want some eggs.We want some eggs.How much is it?How much is it?Six yuan for ten.Six yuan for ten.Step 7 HomeworkMake a survey:Ask your parents what did they buy at the supermarket yesterday.And write a dialogue.(调查你父母昨天在超市买了什么东西,并运用 How much is it?Its.yuan.询问价格写一段对话。)ricenoodlesmilkfishfather5mother10板书设计:Module 4 Unit2 How much is it?flower,dumping,help,buy How much is it?Six yuan for ten.MILKModule 4 Unit 2How much is it?Lets sing together.Come on here,follow me.Sing a food song with me.Eat the noodles,eat the rice.Eat the chicken,eat the beef.Come on here,follow me.Sing a food song with me.Eat the carrots,eat the beans.Eat the tomatoes.What does the woman want to buy?(她要买什么?)The flower or the vase?花 还是 花瓶?Lets watch.What does the woman want to buy?A.The flower(花)(花).B.The vase(花瓶花瓶).How much is it?Ten yuan.The flower is ten yuan.10.00auau flowerhnow 2.00 5.00 10.00Pairwork:A:How much is it?B:Its yuan.每人选择一样物品,通过互问互答来操练对话。Listen and repeat.(跟读课文跟读课文)Daming and Amy want to go shopping too.What do they want to buy?他们想买什么?Lets ask and answer.What does Amy and Daming want to buy(买买)?Question 1:A.They want to buy some apples.B.They want to buy some eggs.Question 1:Whats Damings mum doing?B.Shes making dumplings.A.Shes making noodles.Lets ask and answer.Im making dumplings.Lets ask and answer.Question2:How much is the egg?Six yuan for ten.Listen and repeat.(跟读课文跟读课文)help 帮助,帮忙帮助,帮忙Help others can make us happy!帮助他人,快乐自己!帮助他人,快乐自己!Read the text.(大声大声自自读课文读课文)Role play.(分角色表演分角色表演)Group work.我是最棒售货员我是最棒售货员 四人一组,一人扮演售货员,其他三人扮演顾客,在小组内表演出售物品。Go shoppingS(售售):Can I help you?Do you want some.?C(顾顾):Yes,please./No.thank you.How much is it?S:Its yuan.Here you are.C:Thank you.Items for sale!25436We should cherish time,life and everyone who appears in our life!珍惜时间,珍惜生活,珍惜生命中的每一个人!SummaryCan I help you?Can I help you?We want some eggs.We want some eggs.How much is it?How much is it?Six yuan for ten.Six yuan for ten.Make a survey:Ask your parents what did they buy at the supermarket yesterday.And write a dialogue.(调查你父母昨天在超市买了什么东西,并运用调查你父母昨天在超市买了什么东西,并运用How much is it?Its.yuan.询问价格询问价格写一段对话。写一段对话。)ricenoodlesmilkfish.father5mother10Thank you!MILK
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