
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3320922 上传时间:2022-08-19 格式:PPT 页数:40 大小:2MB
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1、Sorry,the number you dialed does not exist!Sorry,the subscriber you dialed is busy now.Please try again later!DiscussionnHow do you send messages to others(friends/parents)?drift bottlenwrite to her/himn call her/himn E-mail her/himnleave her a messagen chat with her/him on line(by surfing the Inter

2、net)nput a piece of paper with your name and address into a bottle,and then throw it into the sea(drift bottle)nMicroblog(微博)(微博)or wechat(微信微信)nBuy some pigeons and use them to send lettersDiscussion Which do you prefer?Why?garage n.pigeon n.message n.cover v.distance n.request n.service n.spare ad

3、j.修理厂修理厂信鸽信鸽信息信息超越超越,覆盖覆盖距离距离要求要求服务服务备用的,空闲的备用的,空闲的时态时态New wordspigeonn.鸽子Its not my pigeon.Its none of my business.n.(口头或书面的)信息 information n.信息,消息,情报leave sb.a message 给留便条take a message for sb.替某人捎口信 messagetake a message to sb.捎口信给某人New wordsI have left my mother a message on the table.Can I tak

4、e a message for you?Ill take a message to you.Short message service cover (1)vt.盖,覆盖:盖,覆盖:Snow covered the whole village.Please cover the table with a cloth.(2)vt.行过(一段距离),走过(行过(一段距离),走过(通常不用被动语态):通常不用被动语态):He covered sixty miles in an hour this morning.(3)n.覆盖物,盖子,罩子,套子:覆盖物,盖子,罩子,套子:Put a cover on

5、the box!cover withbe covered with distancen.距离 keep distance 保持距离distant adj.远距离的importance n.重要 important adj.重要的difference n.不同 different adj.不同的She was warned to keep her distance from Charles.requestn.要求,请求 request for 对有请求,有需求v.要求,请求 request sb.to do sth.You are requested/required/asked not to

6、smoke in the restaurant.e.g.I have a request for the cake.spare(1)vt.抽出(时间等),让给:抽出(时间等),让给:Have you got five minutes to spare?(2)adj.多余的,空闲的,备用的:多余的,空闲的,备用的:You can sleep in the spare bedroom.I have no spare time now.There is an extra wheel in the back of the car.I always go hiking in my free time.“

7、Have you any old clothes that you do not want?”he asked.The guest slept in the room we do not use.“Do not kill me!”begged the prisoner.spare partservice n.业务,服务 Un.表示商店等对顾客服务;Cn.表示帮助他人所做的工作。The service in that hotel is quite good.You have done me a great service.at your service.I am glad to be at yo

8、ur service.我很乐意为您效劳.serve v.服务,接待 serve the people您所拨打的号码不在服务区,请您稍后再拨。Sorry,the number you dial is out of service,please try again later.1.How far is it from Pinhurst to Silbury?Watch and answer the question:New LessonIts five miles from Pinhurst to Silbury.2.Can Mr.Scott get a telephone for new gar

9、age?No,he cant.3.What does“No wrong number”mean?Pigeons can carry the messages,so there are no mistakes of wrong number.Watch the video again and then find the missing wordsl_has a garage in Silbury.(who)lHes just bought _.(what)lHis new garage is in _.(where)lPinhurst is _ from Silbury.(how far)lHe

10、s just bought _ pigeons.(how many)lThey carry _.(what)lA pigeon carried the first _ to Silbury _.(what)(when)lIt took _ minutes.(how long)Mr.James Scottanother garagePinhurst5 miles awaytwelvemessagesmessageyesterday three Intensive reading Intensive reading 精读精读lMr James Scott has a garage in Silbu

11、ry and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury,but Mr Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage,so he has just bought twelve pigeons.Yesterday,a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury.The bird covered the distance in three m

12、inutes.Up to now,Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.In this way,he has begun his own private telephone service.1.Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.one the other 两者之中

13、的另一个两者之中的另一个.another 众多之中的另一个众多之中的另一个 I have two pens,one is red,the other is black.Please bring me another chair.others(不用再加名词不用再加名词)=other+名词复数名词复数Some boys are playing football,and others are going boating.Language points O-O none the other n两个东西中的一个是one,另一个是the other O-O-O O O none another the o

14、thers n多数中的一个,另一个,剩下的全部 O O O-O O O-O O O O nsome others the others n一些 另一些 剩下的全部 Grammar1)这句话由3个部分组成。but引导的句子与前面的句子为并列关系,so引导的句子表示结果。2)介词from在这里表示距离上相隔,作“距”、“离”讲,常与away连用The school is a mile(away)from my house.3)get a telephone 得到电话,安装电话 2.Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury,but Mr.Scott canno

15、t get a telephone for his new garage,so he has just bought twelve pigeons.Language pointscarry v.带着,携带 take v.带着 fromto表示从一个地方到另一个地方。My mother _to Beijing when I was 5 years old.He flew from Beijing to Moscow.He looked at the girl from head to foot.cover the distance 飞过 in 在一段时间内 3.Yesterday,a pigeo

16、n carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury.The bird covered the distance in three minutes.Language pointsUp to now,Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.up to now相当于相当于untiltill now,意思是“迄今”、“到目前为止”,一般与现在完成时连用:Up to no

17、w,he has collected a good number of stamps.Language pointsna great many+可数名词复数,动词用复数na great number of(+可数名词复数)许多nA great many trees were destroyed in the storm.n好多树在这场暴风雨中被毁坏了。nurgent adj.紧急的nsomething urgent 紧急的事情Language pointsIn this way,he has begun his ownprivate telephone service.service的意思是的

18、意思是“业务业务”、“公用事业公用事业”等。等。the mail service(邮政业务)(邮政业务)the telephone service(电话业务)(电话业务)a travel service(旅行社)(旅行社)a news service(通讯社)(通讯社)Language pointsSpecial Difficulties P30 in this way 以这样的方式in a friendly way in the way 挡道 Please move this chair.It is in the way.on the way 在去的途中on the/ones way to

19、schoolby the way 顺便问一句(转移话题)By the way,have you seen Nicol recently?in a way 在某种意义上In a way,it is an important book.Assignment:1、背默lesson 4;2、L5配音+P31.Retell the story with the following hintsYesterday-pigeon-message-Pinhurst Covered-distance-minutesMr.James Scott-garage Silbury-and now-just bought

20、Pinhurst Pinhurst-five miles-Silbury-cant-telephone-garage-bought-pigeonsUp to now-sent-requests-spare parts-messages-garage-the other This way-begun-private-serviceKey structureI have seen this film.He has lived in China for ten years.He lived in China for ten years.I saw this film yesterday.Lesson

21、 5 No wrong numbers1.he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.2.He has just brought twelve pigeons.3.Up to now,Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent message from one garage to the other.4.In this way,he has begun his own private telephone service.连词成句。1.alread

22、y,has,she,come._2.have,I,read,yet,book,the,not._3.met,I before,have him_4.always,Annie,been,has,student,a,good_5.never,they been,Shanghai,have,to._She has already come.I have not read the book yet.I have met him before.Annie has always been a good student.They have never been to Shanghai.翻译下列句子:1.你曾

23、经吃过鱼和薯条吗?_2.我刚刚丢了我的化学书。_3.我以前从来没去过那个农场。_4.他已经吃过午饭 _5.你已经看过这部电影了吗?_6.我哥哥还没回来。_7.这本字典我已买了三年了。_Have you ever eaten fish and chips?I have just lost my chemistry book.I have never been to the farm before.He has already had lunch.Have you seen the film/movie yet?My brother has not come back yet.I have had

24、 this dictionary for three years already.Group 4The movie/begunPattern drill-现在完成时现在完成时/一般过去时一般过去时Student A:Has the train left?Student B:Yes,it has just left.It left a minute ago.Group 1 John/arrivedGroup 5The taxi/comeGroup 3The teacher returnedGroup 2Mary/rung upGroup 6The noise/stoppedGroup 7The

25、letters arrivedPattern drill-现在完成时现在完成时/一般过去时一般过去时Student A:Hes gone abroad.Student B:really?He went abroad last year too,didnt he?Group 4Sell some pigeonsGroup 1 Buy a new carGroup 5Start a new filmGroup 3Paint his houseGroup 2Take the math examGroup 6Write a bookGroup 7Give her a necklace二、单项选择1、B

26、oth his parents look sad.Maybe they _whats happened to him.knew .have known .must know .will know2、He has _ been to Shanghai,has he?.already .never .ever .still3、Have you met Mr Li _?.just .ago .before .a moment ago4、The famous writer _ one new book in the past two year.is writing .was writing .wrot

27、e .has written 5、-Our country _ a lot so far.-Yes.I hope it will be even _.has changed;well .changed;good.has changed;better.changed;better6、Zhao Lan _already _in this school for two years.was;studying .will;study.has;studied .are;studying7、We _ Xiao Li since she was a little girl.know .had known .h

28、ave known .knew 8、Harry Potter is a very nice film.I_ it twice.will see .have seen .saw .see9、-_ you _ your homework yet?-Yes.I _ it a moment ago.Did;do;finished .Have;done;finished.Have;done;have finished .will;do;finish10、My parents _ Shandong for ten years.have been in .have been to.have gone to

29、.have been三、用动词的正确形式填空。1.I_ already _(see)the film.I _(see)it last week.2._ he _(finish)his work today?Not yet.3.My father _ just _(come)back from work.He is tired now.4.Wheres Li Ming?He _(go)to the teachers office.5.I _(work)here since I _(move)here in 1999.6.So far I _(make)quite a few friends he

30、re.7.How long _ the Wangs _(stay)here?For two weeks.8.I _ just _(finish)my homework.9.We have _(learn)English since Grade 3.10._ you _(find)your science book yet?haveseensawHasfinishedhascomehas gonehave workedmovedhave madehavestayedhavefinishedlearntHavefound四.Use“never,ever,already,just,yet,for,s

31、ince”to fill in the blanks.I have _ seen him before,so I have no idea about him.2.Jack has _ finished his homework.3.Mr.Wang has taught in this school _ ten years.4.“Have you _ seen the film?”“No,I have _ seen it.”5.“Has the bus left _?”“Yes,it has _ left.”neveralreadyforeverneveryetalready一般过去时一般过去

32、时常与具体的表示过去的时间状语连用常与具体的表示过去的时间状语连用;现在完成时现在完成时通常与模糊时间状语连用或无时间状语。通常与模糊时间状语连用或无时间状语。一般过去时的时间状语一般过去时的时间状语:yesterday,last week,ago,in1990,in October,just now,-具体的时间状语具体的时间状语现在完成时的时间状语现在完成时的时间状语:for,since,so far,ever,never,just,yet,till/until,up to now,in the past few years,recently,-模糊的时间状语模糊的时间状语Grammar规则动词:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。四点变化规则:下面给大家发放下面给大家发放不规则动词表不规则动词表,要求大家循序渐进地记忆,要求大家循序渐进地记忆不规则动词的过去分词见下表,是需要特殊记忆的。


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