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1、2021/7/261(最新整理)数控专业英语2021/7/262Unit 1Part One科技英语的特点(Language features of EST)2021/7/263.简述:数控专业技术英语是一门建立在数控知识基础和英语能力运用的应用类课程。目的是在培养学生对于专业英语听、说、读、写、译的能力。我们在课堂上将会学习数控相关专业词汇、文章以及科技文献的翻译技巧。科技类的文章是我们在以往的英语学习中很少遇见的。但它同样也是我们在走向工作岗位后接触最多的一种应用英语。产品说明书、国外相关专业的资料介绍以及和对外贸易洽谈都离不开专业英语的应用。2021/7/264.科技英语的特点:v任何作

2、品均有其特定的文体;每一文体有其相应的特点。科技问题崇尚严谨周密,概念准确,逻辑性强,行文简练,重点突出,句式严整,少有变化,常用前置性陈述,即在句中将主要信息尽量前置,通过主语传递主要信息。v科技文章文体的特点是:客观(objectivity)、清晰(accuracy)、准确、精练(conciseness)、严密。现在我们就具体介绍几个科技英语的语言特点。2021/7/265v专业词汇多:科技英语是专业性很强的文体,牵涉到很多专业性的概念。因此也会出现很多专业性的词汇。科技英语中的专业词汇我们可以分为两种。一种是纯粹的专业词汇只有在专业性文章中才会出现的,例如:lathe n.车床;diod

3、e n.二极管。另一类是在我们已经学过的普通英语中经常用到的,很多英语词汇在普通英语和科技英语中的含义在表达时差别很大。例如 Talk-show is a TV program.program n.节目2021/7/266 The computer has been programmed.program v.计算机编程 There is a way for the operator to override the rapid rate during program verification.程序调试过程中给操作者提供了修调快进速度的方法。override在普通英语中是“践踏,代理佣金”的意思,

4、而在数控技术中常常指“倍率,修调”的意思。像这样的专业词汇很多,只有通过大量识记和阅读本专业文献,才能很好的掌握。2021/7/267v广泛使用被动语句:v科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动语态。这是应为科技文章侧重叙事推理,强调客观事实。为了强调所论述的客观事物,常把他放在句子的首位。vAfter the programming work is completed,CNC operators perform the necessary machining operations.v编程工作完成以后,数控操作员就进行必须的加工操作。vWe can store electrical energy

5、in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium.We call such a device a capacitor,or a condenser,and its ability to store electrical energy capacitance.We measure capacitance in farads.2021/7/268v我们可将电能储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。我们称这样的装置为电容器,称其储存电能的能力为电容。我们用法拉为单位来测量电容。v不难看出,上面短文中三句的主语均为we。所包含的信息既少,又累

6、赘重复,佶屈聱牙。科技文章很少采用这种写法。vElectrical energy can be stored in two metal plates separated by an insulation medium.Such a device is called a capacitor,or a condenser,and its ability to store electrical energy is termed capacitance.It is measured in farads.v电能可储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。这样的装置称之为电容器,其储存电能的能力称为电容。电

7、容的测量单位是法拉。v这段话,四个主语完全不同,避免了单调重复,前后连贯,自然流畅。2021/7/269v非谓语动词的运用:v科技文章要求行文简练,结构紧凑。为此,往往使用分词短语代替定语从句或状语从句;使用不定式短语代替各种从句;这样可缩短句子,又比较醒目。vA direct current is a current which flows always in the same direction.vA direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction.v直流电是一种总是沿同一方向流动的电流。vThere are

8、 different ways in which we can change energy from one form into another.vThere are different ways of changing energy from one from into another.v将能量从一种形式转变成另一种形式有不同的方法。2021/7/2610v复杂长句多:v为了表述一个复杂概念,使之逻辑严密,结构紧凑,科技文章中往往出现许多长句。有的长句多达七八十个词。vIn addition,growing connectivity between CAD/CAM software and

9、CNC machine tools is raising productivity by automatically translating designs into instructions for the computer controller on the machine tool.v另外,CAD/CAM 软件与数控机床之间的联系日益紧密,CAD/CAM软件能自动将设计结果翻译成机床的计算机控制器能接受的指令,这大大提高了生产率。2021/7/2611 .如何学习科技英语 1.掌握一定的专业基础。2.牢记本专业常用名词词组和专业词汇。machine tools 机床2021/7/2612

10、vIn the 13 years since the founding of the third generation collective leadership with Mr.Jiang Zemin at the core,China has made remarkable achievements in reform and opening up.The Central Party Committee has held high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory,implemented the thought of Three Repres

11、entations,followed the path of building socialism with Chinese characteristics,and taken a host of important decisions on advancing in an all-round manner the reform and opening up program and socialist modernization drive.A series of historic changes have taken place in Chinas economic and social l

12、ife.2021/7/2613 v 以江泽民同志为核心的党的第三代中央领导集体形成以来的13年,党中央高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,坚持走中国特色社会主义道路,对全面推进改革开放和社会主义现代化建设做出了一系列重大决策,我国改革开放和现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。2021/7/2614 3.学会从语法上分析句子结构。4.课前必须预习课文。2021/7/2615Unit 1Part B.Text What Computer-Control Programmers and Operators Do2021/7/2616.Leading-inv CNC special En

13、glish is an important course for CNC students.It helps the students to learn CNC related technical terms and teach them how to read and catch the main idea when they are reading a CNC English articles.Whats more,to teach them some translation skills on translating the CNC English article into Chines

14、e and the Chinese into English.2021/7/2617.New Words1.programmer n.编程员 program n.&v.程序 The computer has been programmed.2.autoloader n.自动装卸装置 auto pref.自动的;load v.装卸3.automobile n.汽车 automobile show 车展 cf.car 常用在口语中2021/7/26184.solid n.固体 Butter is a solid.5.lubricate v.给上润滑油,使润滑 lubricate the wheel

15、s,bearings,hinges lubricant n.润滑油,润滑剂6.inclined adj.倾向与的;喜爱的 I feel inclined to go out for dinner today.I am inclined to believe in you.2021/7/2619.Detail Sputerized numerical control(CNC)计算机数字控制 2.CNC machines include machining tools such as lathes,multiaxis spindles,milling machines,and electrical

16、 discharge machines(EDM),but the functions formerly performed by human operators are performed by a computer-control module.数控(CNC)机床包括车床、多轴机床、铣床和电火花机床(EDM),只不过以前由人工完成的功能现在由计算机控制模块完成。2021/7/26203.a block of(木、石、金属等的)大块 a block of concrete 一块混凝土砌块 CNC machines cut away material from a solid block of

17、metal,plastic,or glass-known as a workpiece-to form a finished part.数控机车从整块的金属、塑料或玻璃实体(实为工件)上切除材料,形成成品件。2021/7/26215.small batches or one-of-a-kind items.6.meet v.满足(要求等);符合 meet sb.s wishes,conditions,needs,etc Can we meet all their conditions?7.They use their knowledge of the working properties of

18、 metals and their skill with CNC programming to design and carry out the operations needed to make machined products that meet precise specifications.2021/7/2622 他们运用其金属材料特性方面的知识和数控编程方面的技能进行设计和加工,制造满足要求的机加工产品。needed 为过去分词,作后置定语,修饰products2021/7/26238.refer to sb./sth.提到、说到或涉及到某人 When I said some peo

19、ple are stupid,I wasnt referring to you.Dont refer to this matter again,please.9.process control programmers 工艺控制编程员10.Before CNC programmers also referred to as numerical tool and process control programmers machine a part,they must carefully plan and prepare the operation.2021/7/2624 在数控编程员(也称作数控刀

20、具和工艺控制编程员)加工零件之前,他们必须对整个加工过程进行仔细的规格和准备。11.three-dimensional 三维的puter aided/automated design(CAD)计算机辅助设计13.select sb./sth.(as sth.)v.选择,挑选,选拔 select a gift,candidate,wine We selected him as the team leader.2021/7/262514.sequence n.先后次序;顺序 Dont make the cards out of sequence.Keep them in sequence.desc

21、ribe the sequence of events deal with events in historical sequence 15.They then select tools and materials for the job and plan the sequence of cutting and finishing operations.然后他们选择合适的刀具和材料,制定粗加工和精加工操作的顺序。16.a set of 一套,一组,一副 a set of tools,a set of regulations They are facing a set of problems.2

22、021/7/262617.function v.work 起作用,运转 His brain seems to be functioning normally.18.costly adj.costing much 昂贵的,造价高的 She bought a costly fur coat yesterday.19.cutting tools 刀具 20.trial run 试运行 In addition,growing connectivity between CAD/CAM software and CNC machine tools is raising productivity by au

23、tomatically translating designs into instructions for the computer controller on the machine tool.2021/7/2627 另外,CAD/CAM软件能自动将设计结果翻译成机床的计算机控制器能接受的指令,这大大提高了生产率。2021/7/262821.enable v.使(某人)能做某事 This pass enables me to travel half-price on trains.我用这张通行证坐火车半价。22.server n.服务器23.problematic adj.难处理的;难了解的

24、;疑难的 (尤指结果)难以预料的;有疑问的;令人不解的24.account for sth.作某物的解释;解释某事物的原因 His illness accounts for his absence.他因病缺席。Please account for your disgraceful conduct.对你的可耻行为请作解释。2021/7/262925.generate v.使(某物)存在或发生;产生;generate heat,electricity,power26.nature n.性质 Chemists study the nature of gases.He knows nothing of

25、 the nature of my work.27.apprenticeship n.学徒身份 serve an/ones apprenticeship with a carpenter 跟木匠当学徒 apprentice n.学徒,徒弟 an apprentice plumber 见习铅管工人2021/7/263028.Person interested in becoming computer-control programmers or operators should be mechanically inclined and able to work independently and

26、 do highly accurate work.有意成为数控编程员或操作员者必须主修机械专业,并且能独立工作,完成非常精细的工作。29.prior to 在 之前 We received no notification prior to todays date.我们在今日之前未获通知。30.advance v.促进(某事物);推动(某人、计划等)Such condition is unlikely to advance your interests.2021/7/263131.promote sb.(to sth.)提升、晋级或擢升某人 He was promoted to manager.

27、The football team was promoted to the first division.32.supervisory n.监察员;监督人;指导者;指导者33.administrative adj.行政的;管理公共事物的 an administrative position34.due to sth./sb.由某人(某事物)引起来的;由于某人(某事物)The teams success was largely due to her efforts.2021/7/263235.to be expected 可能发生;相当正常 A little tiredness after ta

28、king these drugs is to be expected.It is only to be expected your son will leave home eventually.36.expect v.料想为(某事物);认为;猜想 “Who has eaten the cake?”“Tom,I expected it was Tom.2021/7/263337.boost v.增加(某事物)的力量;提高(某事物)的价值;促进(某人/某事物)boost an electric current 增加电流 boost imports,share prices etc.增加进口、提高股

29、票价格 The unexpected win boosted the teams morale.2021/7/263438.The demand for computer-control programmers will be negatively affected by the increasing use of software that automatically translates part and product designs into CNC machine tool instructions.能将零件和产品的设计自动转换成数控机床指令的软件的日益应用,将对计算机编程员的需求产

30、生负面影响。2021/7/2635.ExercisePage 6 Four Part A Know Your Machine 2021/7/2637.New Words:1.machine tools 机床机床2.utilize v.利用,使用利用,使用 We utilize solar power as a source of energy.我们利用太阳能作为能源。我们利用太阳能作为能源。3.construct v.建造,构造;建造,构造;construct a bridge/a railway 建造桥梁,铁路建造桥梁,铁路 construct a

31、 theory 建立理论建立理论 construct a budget编制预算编制预算 制造,编造制造,编造 construct a lie 编造谎言编造谎言2021/7/26384.regarding prep.关于 I have to speak to him regarding this matter.关于这件事,我得和他谈谈。5.manual a.&n.手动的;手册;说明书 manual skills 手艺 a teachers manual 教师手册 activate v.激活,开启 activated by self motives 在自私动机的驱动下2021/7/26396.sy

32、nc n.同步 The films sound-track is out of sync/not in sync with the picture.这部影片的声迹与图像不同步。2021/7/2640.Detail Study 1.conventional adj.约定俗成的,因循守旧的,传统的;2.The first goal of any CNC beginner should be to understand the basic machining practice that goes into using the CNC machine tool.The more the beginni

33、ng CNC user knows about basic machining practice,the easier it will be to adapt to CNC.the more the easier 越越 2021/7/2641 数控初学者的第一个目标是理解数控机床使用过程中所需要的基本的机械加工实践,初学者对基本的机械加工实践懂得越多,则越容易适应数控加工。2021/7/26423.adaptto 使适应 She adapted quickly to the new climate.她很快就适应了新的气候。4.think of sth.考虑某物5.It will be a re

34、latively simple matter of learning how to tell the CNC machine what it is you want it to do.学习如何告诉数控机床你要做的事(学习编程)是一件相对简单的事情。2021/7/26436.overstressed 7.RPM=Revolution Per Minute8.cut-off point 截止点9.house power 马力10.linear axes 直线轴2021/7/264411.CNC controls that utilize a reference point for each axi

35、s require that the machine be manually sent it its reference point in each axis as part of the power up procedure.各轴采用参考点的数控系统需要手动将机床的各轴返回参考点,这是上电过程的必不可少的部分。这里require后跟的从句为虚拟语气,以suggest,insist,demand,recommend,command,require,desire,propose等动词为主句时,从句需要用虚拟语气,使用动词原形或should+动词原形。2021/7/264512.power up

36、上电13.zero return position 回零位置14.the grid zero position 栅格位置15.home position 原点位置16.probing systems 探头测量系统2021/7/264617.tool length measuring devices 刀具长度测量系统18.post process gaging systems 后处理测量系统19.automatic pallet changers 自动托盘交换装置20.adaptive control system 自适应控制系统21.bar feeders 棒料2021/7/264722.Wi

37、th low cost CNC equipment,often times many machine functions must be manually activated.很多机床多数时候必须用手动的方式激活。23.With this type of machine functions,the spindle speed and direction,coolant and tool changes may have to be activated manually by the operator.有这种功能的机床,它的主轴运动速度和运动方向,冷却液和刀具的更换就不得不由操作员手工激活。20

38、21/7/264824.The third area a beginning CNC user should address is related to other possible additions to the basic machine tool itself.CNC初学者应该关注的第三个方面是与机床的附件有关的内容。25.The actual programming commands needed will also vary from builder to builder.实际所需的编程指令也随制造厂家的不同而不同。这里needed是过去分词作后置定语。2021/7/2649Uni

39、t 4 Part B 科技英语翻译小技巧 2021/7/2650Lead-in 译文应忠于原文,准确地、完整地表达原文的内容。译文语言必须符合规格、符合译文民族语言的习惯;要用民族的、科学的、大众的语言来表达原文的思想内容,以求“通顺、准确、易懂”。尤其是准确,他是科技翻译的灵魂。这就要求翻译者应具备相关行业的专业知识、熟悉行业术语,运用逻辑判断,才能获得准确的译文。2021/7/2651 翻译步骤1.快速通读全文,获得大意2.确定关键词在本专业中的含义。3.副词、介词、定语成分先不急翻译,写下各分句主干成分的中文意思4.根据其他成分含义,添加文章中的补充说明部分。5.读几编,看是否通顺、易于

40、理解,并符合汉语表达习惯。6.修改,定稿2021/7/2652 注意事项 1.翻译专业英语,一定要结合自己的专业知识(选词),提炼其中的含义,翻译成即符合汉语的习惯,同时又符合本行业术语习惯的文字。Common uses for rapid motion include positioning the tool to and from cutting positions,moving to clear clamps and other obstructions,and in general,any non-cutting motion during the program.2021/7/265

41、3 快速运动的应该包括进刀于退刀,跳过夹具和其他障碍物,以及程序中任何非切削运动。2.对并列内容的翻译,注意文中排比。rough machining and semi-finishing of the material in its soft condition heat treatment to achieve the final required hardness=63HRC2021/7/2654 在软(退火)工况下材料的粗加工和半精加工 达到最终硬度要求为HRC63的热处理3.常用译法结构注意。4.掌握常用专业词汇的中文表达法。如:backlash(反向间隙),ball screw(滚珠

42、丝杠)5.在理解英文意思的基础上适当进行润色。2021/7/2655 HomeworkReview the lesson2021/7/2656Unit 10 Part B 用户说明书的阅读 2021/7/2657Lead-in 在使用外国生产的新设备之前,应当仔细阅读说明书。以便能正确操作机床。2021/7/2658 用户说明书的特点1.文句简短、扼要。2.内容严格按照使用和维修时的先后顺序编排章节,并给出醒目的标题及不同的序号。3.作参考用的附图和附表比较多4.常用到很多组合词,翻译时注意与实际结合。2021/7/2659 用户说明书特点1.序2.目录3.正文4.附录2021/7/2660U

43、nit 11 Part AMaintenance and Troubleshooting2021/7/2661.Leading-in The required specifications must be followed in order to keep the machine in good working order and protect the warranty.A pattern for servicing the CNC should be followed in,first,determining the problems source and second,solving t

44、he problem.Maintenance and troubleshooting is an important part of an operators daily work.As in most of the machine builders manual,there are certain parts on machines maintenance and troubleshooting.So it is important for us to know the basis words and terms about it.2021/7/2662.New words1.fluid n

45、.切削液2.gearbox n.变速箱 gear 齿轮3.moral n.是非原则4.troubleshouting 解决问题5.way lube 导轨润滑油6.lubrication tank 润滑油箱2021/7/2663 Detail Study 1.horizontal MC=horizontal machining center horizontal adj.水平的,与地平线平行的 2.warranty n.保证书,担保 Your warranty is expired.保修期已经过了。2021/7/26643.way cover 导轨防护罩4.tool changer 换刀装置5.

46、spindle taper 主轴轴孔6.rag 布毯7.filter regulator 过滤调节器8.chip basker2021/7/26659.These required specifications must be followed in order to keep your machine in good working order and protect your warranty.为了使机床工作正常,保护保修权利,必须遵守这些必要的规范。10.Be careful to disconnect the coolant pump from the controller and p

47、ower off the control before working on the coolant tank.2021/7/2666 注意要关闭冷却液泵,处理冷却箱前要切断数控系统电源。11.Place a dab of grease on the outside edge of the fingers of the tool changer and run through all tool.涂少量油脂于换刀装置机械手的外边沿,并对全部刀具都用机械手换一遍。2021/7/266712.There is a good chance that if you change something,yo

48、u will incorrectly install it or break something else in the process.如果在维修过程中修改参数,线路等,很可能引起安装错误或破坏其他元件。13.Check all hoses and lubrication lines for cracking.检查所有软管和润滑管路是否破裂2021/7/266814.Solutions given are intended to give the individual servicing the CNC a pattern to follow in,first,determining the

49、 problems source and,second,solving the problem.以下提出的解决方法用于给数控机床维修人员提供了一个可遵循的模式:首先,确定问题的根源,其次,解决问题。solution given中given是过去分词作后置定语:servicing the CNC修饰the individual.2021/7/2669 HomeworkReview the terms of this text.2021/7/2670Unit 11Part BRsum2021/7/2671Lead-in 现在许多单位都希望应聘者有比较扎实的英文基础,特别是外企和涉外交往比较多的单位

50、,一份漂亮的英文简历会帮助你给用人单位留下很好的印象。刚刚走出校园的学生由于工作经验很少,写不出太多的东西。2021/7/2672 那么如何把英文简历写得丰满一些呢?在里给同学们提出了一些小技巧:如在教育背景中写相关课程(但也不要刻意凑字数);把社会工作放在工作经历中;突出自己的社会实践经历等;另外还要避免一些不必要的错误和不利的因素。并不能因为你的工作经历和学历都很硬就不在简历上下功夫,世界很大,不乏工作经历和学历都很好的应聘者,除了靠背景竞争外,就要看谁的简历写得更专业了。因此,不能对简历仓促而就。下面我们就如何书写英文的求职信及个人简历进行讲授。2021/7/2673 写法1.求职信:A


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