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1、Period 1Important words&expressions学习提纲学习提纲:话题话题 Important people,history and methods of agriculture(农业科学家、农业的历史和农业耕作农业科学家、农业的历史和农业耕作)功能功能 Persuasion(说服;劝说说服;劝说)语法语法 The ving form as the Subject and Object(动词的动词的ing形式作主语和宾语的用法形式作主语和宾语的用法)重点单词重点单词struggle,decade,hunger,disturbing,super,output,circula

2、te,expand,battle,freedom,therefore,equip,export,chemical,confuse,regret,mineral,focus,reduce,rid,production,bacteria,summary,nutrition,skim,underline,comment,statisticoccupation,although,重点短语重点短语rid.of,be satisfied with,thanks to,would rather,build up,lead to,focus on,keep.free from/of重点句型重点句型1 If s

3、o,what did you do to grow them?如果这样,你做什么来种植它们?如果这样,你做什么来种植它们?2Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the soil,making it ready for crops such as wheat or corn that need rich and fertile soil.像豌豆和大豆这样的农作物将重要的矿物质带回土壤,像豌豆和大豆这样的农作物将重要的矿物质带回土壤,从而使之适宜于种植要求土壤肥沃的农作物比如玉米从而使之适宜于种植要求土壤肥

4、沃的农作物比如玉米和小麦。和小麦。3He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.他宁愿把时间花在自己的爱好上。他宁愿把时间花在自己的爱好上。4.Using his hybrid rice farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.使用这种杂交水稻,农民们现在的收成是原来的两倍使用这种杂交水稻,农民们现在的收成是原来的两倍了。了。5.This special strain of rice make it possible to produce onethird more of

5、the crop in the same fields.这种特殊的水稻使得在同一块农田里多生产三分之一这种特殊的水稻使得在同一块农田里多生产三分之一的庄稼成为了可能的庄稼成为了可能。6.Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields.袁隆平博士不用扩大土地面积而寻找到一条增长稻米袁隆平博士不用扩大土地面积而寻找到一条增长稻米产量的方法。产量的方法。7Born into a poor farmers family in 1931,Dr Yuan gradua

6、ted from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953.袁隆平博士袁隆平博士1931年出生在一个贫穷的农民家庭,年出生在一个贫穷的农民家庭,1953年毕业于西南农业大学。年毕业于西南农业大学。8.What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?如果明天突然没有米吃了,你认为将会发生什么?如果明天突然没有米吃了,你认为将会发生什么?9.Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.袁隆平博

7、士种植的是被称为袁隆平博士种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻超级杂交水稻”的稻种。的稻种。10Thanks to his research,the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.记忆有方记忆有方sunburnt get sunburnt for sth.to do sth.satisfied with regret doing sth.to do sth.build up 6 导致;造成导致;造成(后果后果)contribute to 导致导致7 .使使免受免受(影响、伤害等影响、伤害等);使使不含不含(有害物有

8、害物)be free from/of免受免受lead to keep free from/of hunger hungry disturbing freedom equipment occupy chemical nutritious discovery reduction.语境填词语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空)1Thanks to his (努力努力)of (数十年数十年),the increased (产量产量)of the crops the world (摆脱摆脱)hunger.2Seeing more goods (出口出口)and the

9、foreign market (扩大扩大),he was (满意的满意的)3 (有机的有机的)farming (集中注意力于集中注意力于)the health of the food,(减少减少)the pollution of the (土壤土壤)and products and (使使免受化学药品和害虫的伤害免受化学药品和害虫的伤害)4His hard work (导致导致)the (发现发现)of underground (矿物矿物)5I (后悔评价后悔评价)on his work and I (宁愿宁愿)I hadnt done that.struggle decades output

10、 rid of exported expanding satisfied Organic focuses on reducing soil keeping free from chemicals pests led to discovery minerals regret commenting would rather.语境记忆语境记忆(背诵语段,记忆单元词汇背诵语段,记忆单元词汇)People struggled against hunger for several decades,but to their regret,they still couldnt increase the out

11、put of grain production.Therefore hunger was a disturbing problem then.学习有道学习有道Dina,_for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency.(2010湖南,湖南,26)Astruggling BstruggledChaving struggled Dto struggle完成句子完成句子那两个领导人正在争夺权力。那两个领导人正在争夺权力。The two leaders_ _ _ _

12、.她靠着非常微薄的收入艰难地供养一家人。她靠着非常微薄的收入艰难地供养一家人。_ _ _ _a family on a very low income.are struggling for powerShes struggling to bring up 词汇短语过关词汇短语过关【助记【助记】Farmers always have to struggle _ a living.They often struggle _ the bad weather for a better harvest.Some of them even have to leave their hometown and

13、go to work in cities,struggling _ increase their income.农民一直都得为了生存而努力,他们经常与恶劣的天气斗农民一直都得为了生存而努力,他们经常与恶劣的天气斗争来争取好一点的收成,他们中的一些人甚至不得不离开争来争取好一点的收成,他们中的一些人甚至不得不离开家乡到大城市打工,努力地增加他们的收入。家乡到大城市打工,努力地增加他们的收入。2.regret n遗憾,懊悔遗憾,懊悔 vt.遗憾;惋惜遗憾;惋惜(教材原句教材原句)His father says that he has never regretted sending his son

14、to study abroad.他的父他的父亲说,他从不后悔把儿子送到国外学习。亲说,他从不后悔把儿子送到国外学习。联想拓展联想拓展regret to do sth 遗憾遗憾/抱歉要去做某事抱歉要去做某事.(常和常和tell,say,inform等动词连用等动词连用)对将要做某事表示遗憾对将要做某事表示遗憾regret doing/having done sth 后悔曾经做过某事后悔曾经做过某事regret not to have done sth 后悔没做过某事后悔没做过某事regretthatclause遗憾遗憾Its to be regretted that.令人遗憾的是令人遗憾的是ha

15、ve no regrets about doing sth 没有遗憾做过某事没有遗憾做过某事feel regret for对对感到后悔感到后悔to ones regret令某人感到遗憾的是令某人感到遗憾的是with great/deep regret很遗憾很遗憾I regret_ you that John has been fired.I can hardly believe my ears.He is such a fine worker.(2013济南外国语学校质检济南外国语学校质检)A.telling B.having told C.to tell D.to have told“Tom

16、my,run!Be quick!The house is on fire!”the mother shouted,with_ clearly in her voice.(2011湖北,湖北,21)Aanger Brudeness Cregret Dpanic完成句子完成句子Only recently,when she began to write Growing Up Again,_ _ _(她才后悔忽略了她妈妈她才后悔忽略了她妈妈),“I dont know how to use a computer,”she admits.(2012湖南湖南阅读理阅读理解解B)学以致用学以致用did sh

17、e regret ignoring her mom十分抱歉,那工作已经有人做了。十分抱歉,那工作已经有人做了。I_ _ _the job has been filled.她为自己发了脾气而深感后悔。她为自己发了脾气而深感后悔。She deeply _ _ _ _.用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空I regret (break)your glass;I will buy a new one for you.I regret (tell)you that you cant pass the examination.I regret (disturb)you so long.regr

18、et to sayregretted losing her temperhaving brokento tell disturbing You were brave enough to raise objections(反对反对)at the meeting.Well,now I regret _ that.Ato do Bto be doingCto have done Dhaving done3.focus vt.集中注意力;聚集集中注意力;聚集,n.焦点;关注点;中心点焦点;关注点;中心点(教材原句教材原句)They focus on keeping their soil rich an

19、d free of disease.他们主要是想保持土壤肥沃且免受病害。他们主要是想保持土壤肥沃且免受病害。联想拓展联想拓展focus ones attention/eyes/energy/mind on.集中注意力集中注意力/目光目光/精力精力/思想思想于于focus on/upon sth.(某人某人)把注意力集中于某物把注意力集中于某物the focus of attention/concern注意力注意力/关注的重点关注的重点out of focus模糊不清模糊不清/焦点没有对准的焦点没有对准的in focus清晰的清晰的/焦点对准的焦点对准的bring sth.into focus使

20、使成为关注的焦点成为关注的焦点We should focus our mind on work.我们应集中精力工作。我们应集中精力工作。I quickly focused the camera on the person in the middle of the group.我迅速把照相机的镜头对准人群中央的那个人。我迅速把照相机的镜头对准人群中央的那个人。The issue of traffic safety has been brought sharply into focus this week.交通安全问题本周突然成为人们关注的焦点。交通安全问题本周突然成为人们关注的焦点。This p

21、hoto of John isnt in focus;I cant see his face clearly.约翰的这张照片不清晰,我不能看清他的脸。约翰的这张照片不清晰,我不能看清他的脸。The action of the play is _ the struggle between the two women.Acentred on Bsituated onClocated in Dfocused onHe had a strange hairstyle and he instantly became the _of attention the moment he stepped into

22、 the classroom.Aaim Bfocus Cdirection Dpoint完成句子完成句子But the differences between the place wed left behind and the one we returned to were_ _ _ _(尖锐地成为焦点尖锐地成为焦点)as soon as we landed.(2012湖北湖北阅读理解阅读理解A)For a typical mother,coping with a bad day at work meant_ _ _ _ _ _(把她的关注集中在她孩子的身上把她的关注集中在她孩子的身上)and

23、 their needs.(2012上海上海阅读理解阅读理解C)学以致用学以致用brought sharplyinto focusfocusing her attention on her children最近一连串的爆炸案把公众的注意力集中到了该地最近一连串的爆炸案把公众的注意力集中到了该地区。区。The recent wave of bombings _ _ _ _ _the region.用用focus短语的适当形式填空短语的适当形式填空The childrens faces are badly in the photograph.When a photograph isnt ,it i

24、snt clear.The discussion three main problems.Because of her strange clothes,she immediately became when she entered the hall.has focused publicattention onout of focus in focus focused on the focus of attention 4expand vt.&vi.扩大,增加;使变大;使增强;扩大,增加;使变大;使增强;使膨胀;阐述;细谈使膨胀;阐述;细谈expansive adj.易扩张的;易膨胀的;广阔的易

25、扩张的;易膨胀的;广阔的expansion n.扩张;膨胀;扩大;发展扩张;膨胀;扩大;发展归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)expand into/in.使扩大,变大;把使扩大,变大;把扩展扩展expand on/upon 阐述,详谈阐述,详谈(2)expand.into.把把扩展扩展/发展成发展成Metals expand when they are heated.金属受热则膨胀。金属受热则膨胀。A childs vocabulary expands through reading.孩子的词汇量通过阅读得到扩大。孩子的词汇量通过阅读得到扩大。The small pocket dictionary wa

26、s expanded into a larger volume.该袖珍词典被扩展为较大的词典。该袖珍词典被扩展为较大的词典。He expanded on/upon his new plan.他详述了他的新计划。他详述了他的新计划。同类辨析同类辨析expand,extend,spread,stretch与与enlarge(1)expand展开,扩大,使膨胀;不仅指尺寸的增加,展开,扩大,使膨胀;不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。还可指范围和体积的扩大。(2)extend伸长,延伸,指空间范围等的扩大,以及长伸长,延伸,指空间范围等的扩大,以及长度、宽度的向外延伸,也可指时间的延长。度、宽

27、度的向外延伸,也可指时间的延长。(3)spread伸开,传播,一般指向四面八方扩大传播伸开,传播,一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播的范围,如传播(疾病疾病)、散布、散布(信息信息)等。等。(4)stretch伸展,拉长,一般指由曲变直、由短变长伸展,拉长,一般指由曲变直、由短变长的伸展,不是加长。的伸展,不是加长。(5)enlarge指面积、体积和范围的扩大以及能力的增指面积、体积和范围的扩大以及能力的增长,不能用来指重量、速度、时间等。长,不能用来指重量、速度、时间等。【链接训练【链接训练】用用 expand 的适当形式填空的适当形式填空A tyre _ when it is pump

28、ed air.The _ of gases usually depends on the temperature.Now the _ land is becoming smaller and smaller.用用expand,extend,spread或或stretch的适当形式的适当形式填空填空The hot weather to October.Water when it freezes.He his body full.The fire soon to the nearby building.expandsexpansionexpansiveextendedexpandsstretche

29、dspread5equip vt.装备;配备装备;配备 equipment nU装备;设备装备;设备(不可数名词)(不可数名词)归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)equip.for sth./to do sth.为了为了(做做)而装备而装备equip.with.用用装备装备,使装,使装(具具)备备equip oneself 整装,预备行装整装,预备行装(2)be equipped for准备好,对准备好,对有准备有准备be equipped with装装(配配)备;安装备;安装be fully/specially/poorly/well equipped装备齐全装备齐全/独独特特/简陋简陋/完好完好a p

30、iece of equipment(不可用不可用 an equipment)be equipped with.=equip.with.用用装备装备equip sth.on.在在上装备某物上装备某物equip sb.for.使某人具有使某人具有A good education should equip you for life.良好的教育能使你受用终生。良好的教育能使你受用终生。Its time to equip yourself for the journey abroad.你该准备出国的行装了。你该准备出国的行装了。Our classroom is equipped with a TV se

31、t and a tape recorder.我们的教室里装有一台电视机和一台录音机。我们的教室里装有一台电视机和一台录音机。Our school has been given some new equipment.我们学校接收了一些赠送的新设备。我们学校接收了一些赠送的新设备。The explorers were told to _ themselves with everything they would need for the voyage.Aassociate Bequip Crelate Dfeed6reduce vt.缩减,减少;使缩减,减少;使处于处于状态状态(表示表示此种意义时

32、,常用于被动语态此种意义时,常用于被动语态);使变弱;使降职;使变弱;使降职(级级)归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)reduce sth.(from sth.)to.把把减少到减少到reduce sth.(from sth.)by.把把减少了减少了be reduced to.沦落为沦落为be reduced to despair 陷入绝望陷入绝望reduce sb.(from sth.)to.把某人把某人(从某级别或职位从某级别或职位)降降至至(2)reduction n减少,缩减;折扣;减价减少,缩减;折扣;减价make a reduction减价减价(3)(反反)increase v增加,增长,增大

33、增加,增长,增大reduce sb./sth.(from sth.)to sth.=be reduced to.使某人使某人/某物陷入某种(通常指更坏的)状态或状况中某物陷入某种(通常指更坏的)状态或状况中(常用于被动语态中)(常用于被动语态中)Thanks to the diet,he reduced his weight from 98 to 92 kilos/by 6 kilos.由于节食,他的体重从由于节食,他的体重从98千克减轻到千克减轻到92千克千克/减轻了减轻了6千克。千克。He was reduced to despair at the sight.他看到那情景便陷入了绝望。他

34、看到那情景便陷入了绝望。The reform has reduced us to servants of the State.这一改革把我们都降为公务员了。这一改革把我们都降为公务员了。The government calls on the public to go to work by bicycle instead of by car in order to_ air pollution.Awarn BendangerCstop Dreduce【熟词生义【熟词生义】根据语境选择最佳汉语意思根据语境选择最佳汉语意思The rich man was reduced to a beggar.A.

35、减轻减轻B.减少减少C.沦落沦落reduce用来指人为地减少、降低,不仅指量的变化,还用来指人为地减少、降低,不仅指量的变化,还指质的转变。指物体在大小、外观上的减少,也指质的转变。指物体在大小、外观上的减少,也常指价格的降低。常指价格的降低。decrease指速度、体积、数量、价值等渐渐地、不断地减指速度、体积、数量、价值等渐渐地、不断地减少。反义词为少。反义词为increase。cut down意为意为“减少;压缩减少;压缩”等,相当于及物或不及物动等,相当于及物或不及物动词。词。完成句子完成句子她的体重减轻了五公斤。她的体重减轻了五公斤。She her weight 5 kilogram

36、s.他沦为盗贼。他沦为盗贼。He stealing.据说那里的吸烟人数已减少了据说那里的吸烟人数已减少了30%。The number of smokers there is said 30%.reducedbywas reduced toto have been reduced by7comment n&vi.评论,注释,意见评论,注释,意见归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)make a comment/comments on/upon sth.评论某事评论某事without comment不必多说不必多说 no comment无可奉告无可奉告(2)comment on/upon评论,谈论,对评论,谈论,

37、对提意见提意见comment that.评论评论He made several comments on the film.他对这部电影作出了许多评论。他对这部电影作出了许多评论。Before you make an offer,you should comment on the object.在你出价以前,应先对物品进行评论。在你出价以前,应先对物品进行评论。Tom commented that it was a better play than usual.汤汤姆评论说这场比赛比以往打得要好。姆评论说这场比赛比以往打得要好。He made several critical _ on his

38、new book.Apunishments Bcomments Copinions Dideas【学情诊断【学情诊断】完成句子完成句子He made helpful our work.他对我们的工作提出了有益的意见。他对我们的工作提出了有益的意见。She didnt what I said.她对我的话未作评论。她对我的话未作评论。Many people it was an excellent film.许多人评论这部电影很精彩。许多人评论这部电影很精彩。comments on/about comment on/upon commented that 8.confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难;使

39、混乱使迷惑;使为难;使混乱confusing adj.令人迷惑的令人迷惑的联想拓展联想拓展sth.confuse sb.某事使某人困惑某事使某人困惑confuse A with B把把A和和B混淆混淆be confused in mind心烦意乱心烦意乱be/become/get confused困惑;不知所措困惑;不知所措be a confusion of是一片混乱的是一片混乱的in confusion处于混乱状态处于混乱状态(in a mess)cause confusion造成困惑造成困惑/混乱混乱They confused me by their conflicting advice.

40、他们的建议相互矛盾,把我弄糊涂了。他们的建议相互矛盾,把我弄糊涂了。The difficult question confused him.这个难题使他这个难题使他困惑。困惑。You confused Australia with Austria.你把澳大利亚和奥地利搞混了。你把澳大利亚和奥地利搞混了。His granddaughter confused the papers on his desk.他的孙女把他书桌上的书信文件弄乱了。他的孙女把他书桌上的书信文件弄乱了。(1)I was_ (昏头昏脑)(昏头昏脑)by all the noise.(2)Im a bit_ (糊涂了)(糊涂了)

41、.Could you explain that again?(3)I was so _in todays history lesson.I didnt understand a thing.A.amazed B.neglected C.confused D.amusedHis words are quite (令人困惑令人困惑)confusedconfusedconfusing 9.disturb vt.&vi.妨碍;打扰;扰乱;搞乱;使心神不宁联想拓展联想拓展disturb sth.打扰了打扰了sb.be disturbed to do干干使感到不安使感到不安The noise in the

42、 street disturbed my study.街上的噪音干扰我学习。街上的噪音干扰我学习。A light wind disturbed the smooth surface of the lake.一阵微风使平静的湖面泛起波纹。一阵微风使平静的湖面泛起波纹。She was disturbed to hear about her mothers sudden illness.她获悉母亲得急病后感到心神不安。她获悉母亲得急病后感到心神不安。disturb着重指着重指“打扰打扰(睡眠,工作睡眠,工作)”;“使使人心神不安人心神不安”。interrupt着重指着重指“打断打断(某人的某人的)话

43、;中断话;中断(工工作作);打岔;打岔”。用disturb,interrupt的适当形式填空Dont me while Im working.Tell me whether I you.interruptam disturbing10.supply n补给补给;供给供给;供应品供应品vt.补给补给;供给供给;提供提供联想拓展联想拓展supply sth.供应某物供应某物supply sb.with sth.supply sth.to sb.(不可说不可说supply sb.sth.)供给某人某物供给某人某物sb.be supplied with sth.某人被提供某物某人被提供某物sth.be

44、 supplied to sb.某物被提供给某人某物被提供给某人provide sb.with sth.provide sth.for sb.供给某人某物供给某人某物offer sb.sth.offer sth.to sb.对某人提供某物对某人提供某物温馨提示:温馨提示:supply 和和provide不可跟双宾语;不可跟双宾语;offer则可跟双宾语。则可跟双宾语。Equipment for the research will be supplied by the university.研究用的设备将由本大学供应。研究用的设备将由本大学供应。The media supplies lots o

45、f information to us every day.The media supplies us with lots of information every day.大众传播媒体每天把很多信息提供给我们。大众传播媒体每天把很多信息提供给我们。They have a good supply of food in the house.他们家备有大量食品。他们家备有大量食品。完成句子完成句子那些孩子们学习用的书籍没有得到充分供应。那些孩子们学习用的书籍没有得到充分供应。Those children books for studying.他们得到足够的食物供应了吗?他们得到足够的食物供应了吗?

46、Do they get food?are not well supplied withan adequate supply of11.exchange vt.换;交流;交换;兑换换;交流;交换;兑换vi.交换;兑换交换;兑换 n交换;交流;交谈;兑换交换;交流;交谈;兑换联想拓展联想拓展exchange sth.with sb.同某人交换同某人交换/交流某事物交流某事物exchange sth.for sth.用某物换取某物用某物换取某物in exchange(for)作为作为(对对的的)交换交换make an exchange进行交换进行交换Hes giving her French les

47、sons in exchange for her teaching him English.他教她法语,她教他英语,互教互学他教她法语,她教他英语,互教互学(作为交换条件作为交换条件)。完成句子完成句子我经常和他交换信息。我经常和他交换信息。I often him.我可以在这里把英镑兑换成美元吗?我可以在这里把英镑兑换成美元吗?Can I here?exchange information withexchange pounds for dollars12.饥饿,欲望饥饿,欲望 n.使饥饿使饥饿 vt.&vi.渴望,渴求渴望,渴求 死于饥饿死于饥饿 渴望渴望冒险冒险 我们渴望自由。我们渴望自由

48、。渴望做某事渴望做某事 渴望得到某物渴望得到某物 饿死饿死 饿的饿的 挨饿挨饿hungerhunger for=be hungry fordie of hungerhave a hunger for adventureWe hunger for freedom.hunger to do sth.hunger for sth.hunger to deathhungry adj.go hungryShe was fainting with hunger.她因她因饥饿饥饿逐渐衰弱。逐渐衰弱。Hunger drove her to steal.饥饿饥饿逼得她行窃。逼得她行窃。The little bo

49、y who ran away from home soon felt hungry.从家里出走的那个小男孩不久便感到饿了。从家里出走的那个小男孩不久便感到饿了。He has a hunger for/after knowledge.他有强烈的求知欲。渴望(+for/after)The whole world hungers for/after peace.全世界的人都渴望和平。He hungered for friends.他渴望得到朋友。13.battle英音:btl 名词名词 n.战斗战斗;战役战役C交战交战;争斗争斗U The ringleader was shot to death i

50、n a gun battle.主犯在枪战中被击毙。主犯在枪战中被击毙。The battle lasted three days.战斗战斗连续了三天。连续了三天。His younger brother died in battle during World War II.他弟弟在第二次世界大战中阵亡。他弟弟在第二次世界大战中阵亡。vt.与与.作战作战;与与.斗争斗争vi.作战作战;战斗战斗(+with/against);搏斗搏斗;奋奋The sailors battled with the winds and waves.水手们与风浪搏斗。水手们与风浪搏斗。The policeman used


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