中考英语语法专项复习讲解及训练 名词(含答案).docx

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1、 中考英语专项复习-名词 中考考纲中主要考查名词做主语、定语及宾语的用法,考查名词主要围绕同、近义词(voice ,noise, sound; home, family, house; ground, floor, earth ), 多义词exercise(练习;锻炼) room(空间;房间),兼类词(mind ),名词,动词 ,高频词(advice,information,experience, expression)以及名词做定语和名词所有格的用法上。卷面中名词所占分值约为 3-7分左右,一般分布在单选、完形填空、短文填空、翻译、任务型阅读及写作中。1、 名词的分类思维导图记知识点 类别意

2、义例词专有名词表示人,地方,组织机构或事物等的专有名词China,WTO,the Great Wall,Lucy普通名词可数名词个体名词表示一类人或物的个体dictionary,window,dog集体名词表示一群人或一类物的集合体family,police,class,group,team不可数名词物质名词表示无法分为个体的实物rice,glass,water,porridge,paper,air抽象名词表示动作,状态,品质,感情等抽象概念knowledge,danger,health,life,love二.名词的数名词分为可数名词和不可数名词.物质名词和抽象名词一般属于不可数名词,它们只有


4、veswife-wives/knife-knives2.不规则复数形式构成方法例词a变为eman-men/woman-menoo变为eetooth-teeth/foot-feetouse变为icemouse-mice词尾加renchild-children单复数同形deer/sheep3.某国人的复数形式:中瑞日不变,英法变,其余s加后边国家名国籍单数复数China中国人a Chinesetwo ChineseJapan日本人a Japanesetwo JapaneseSwitzerland瑞士人a Swisstwo SwissEngland英国人an Englishmantwo Englis

5、hmenFrance法国人a Frenchmantwo FrenchmenAustralia澳大利亚人an Australiantwo AustraliansRussia俄国人a Russiantwo RussiansItaly意大利人an Italiantwo ItaliansGreece希腊人a Greektwo GreeksAmerica美国人a Americatwo AmericansIndia印度人an Indiantwo IndiansCanada加拿大人a Canadiantwo CanadiansGermany德国人a Germantwo GermansSweden瑞典人a S

6、wedetwo Swedes4.复合名词复数形式将主体变为复数boy classmate-boy classmatesapple tree-apple tress由 man,woman 构成的合成名词,变复数时将名词及 man,woman 都变成复数man doctor-men doctorsWoman teacher-women teachers5.有些名词只有复数形式clothes,shorts,pants,scissors(剪刀),goods(商品),glasses(眼镜) 6.有些物质名词或抽象名词的单,复数形式表示不同的含义名词 用作可数 用作不可数 名词 用作可数 用作不可数 pa

7、per 试卷,报纸 纸 light 灯 光 glass 玻璃杯 玻璃 room 房间 空间 chicken 小鸡 鸡肉 orange 橘子 橘子汁 7.不可数名词不可数名词分为物质名词和抽象名词,它们一般没有复数形式.常见的不可数名词如下:抽象名词:love,work,knowledge.一些食品类物质名词:rice,meat,bread.流体类名词:water,juice,milk.8.不可数名词的表示方法不可数名词需要计量时,用数词或冠词+表示计量单位的词+of+不可数名词的结构来表示.a piece of paper一张纸a drop of water一滴水a piece of news

8、一则新闻a piece of advice一条建议a piece/slice of bread一块/片面包a piece of work一份工作a bottle of ink一瓶墨水a basket of food一篮子食物a block of ice一块冰two cups of tea两杯茶三.名词所有格名词在句中表示所属关系的语法形式叫做名词所有格1. s所有格的构成:单数名词在末尾加sthe boys father, Jacks book, her son-in-laws photo, Jims bed , the mans wife, the foxs tail复数名词一般在末尾加th

9、e teachers room, the twins mother, Childrens Day, 不规则复数名词后加sthe childrens toys, womens rights, 以s结尾的人名所有格加s或者Dickens novels, Charless job, the Smiths house, the students books, Teachers Day, my boss office, a girls dormitory表示各自的所有关系时,各名词末尾均须加sJapans and Americas problems, Janes and Marys bikes表示共有的

10、所有关系时在最后一词末加sJapan and Americas problems, Jane and Marys father, Lucy and Lilys bedroom表示某人家店铺,所有格后名词省略the barbers, the tailors, my uncles my aunts(我阿姨家), the doctors(诊所)2. s所有格的用法:有些表示时间、距离、度量衡、价值、自然现象、国家、城镇等无生命东西的名词,也可以加s构成所有格。表示时间表示自然现象表示国家城市等地方的名词表示工作群体表示度量衡及价值todays newspaper, five weeks holida

11、y the earths atmosphere, the trees branchesthe countrys plan, the worlds population, Chinas industrythe ships crew, majoritys view, the teams victorya miles journey, five dollars worth of apples2与人类活动有特殊关系的名词the lifes time, the plays plot3某些固定词组a birds eye view, a stones throw, at ones wits end(不知所措

12、)名词所有格所修饰的词,如果前面已经提到过,往往可以省略,以免重复。Whose pen is this? Its Toms.这是谁的钢笔?是汤姆的。The bike is not mine, but Toms.这辆自行车不是我的,是Tom的。3. of所有格的用法:用于无生命的东西:the legs of the chair, the cover of the book, a map of the world , the story of a hero , the windows of the room , the title of the film用于有生命的东西,尤其是有较长定语时:the

13、 classrooms of the first-year students某些of所有格和s所有格可以互换。the son of a poor peasanta poor peasants son一个贫农的儿子但有时含义却不相同,请比较下面的例子:an old womans story(一个老妇人讲自己的身世) the story of an old woman(别人讲一个老妇人的身世)4. 双重所有格在意义上与one of.相似:1of+名词所有格/名词性物主代词”a friend of my fathers(我父亲的一位朋友) =one of my fathers friends,a f

14、riend of mine(我的一位朋友)=one of my friends5. s所有格、of所有格和双重所有格三者之间的细微区别请仔细比较下面三句话:1.She is Marys brothers friend. 2.She is a friend of Marys brother. 3.She is a friend of Marys brothers. 1句用的是s所有格,侧重说明她和Mary的哥哥是朋友关系,突出friend一词。2句用的是of所有格,侧重说明她和Mary的哥哥是朋友关系,强调突出了Marys brother。3句用的是双重所有格,侧重说明Mary哥哥的朋友不止是一

15、个,她只是其中的一个。【中考链接】1.Its sports time.Most (boy)students in Class 1 are playing football on the playground.(2016重庆)2.I live near the station.Its only about five (minute)walk.(2015山东临沂)3.The students of Grade 7 visited Mikes farm and saw many (sheep)there.(2012广东)4.Bob has got good exam results.His pare

16、nts are proud of his (succeed).(2015辽宁沈阳)5.On September 3 there will be some (activity)in China to celebrate the 70-year victory of the Anti-Japanese War.(2015山东潍坊)6.Though it rained heavily,it didnt make much (different)to the game.(2014杭州)7.After two (hour)talk,they decided to buy a new flat with

17、a large sitting room.(2014绍兴)8.Dear,you need to make a (decide)by next week,to go to university at home or to go abroad.(2015杭州拱墅)9.Look at my stamps.They are beautiful!Youve got a wonderful (collect).(2013天津)10.What a good (suggest)youve given me!Thanks a lot.-My pleasure.(2014扬州)Key:boys,minutes,s

18、heep,success,activities,difference,hours,decision,collection,suggestion【能力提升】1.There is some on the plate.A.cakes B.meat C.potato D.pears2.Could you move over a little and make some for me?A.place B.seat C.room D.ground3.They have many friends here.Tony is .A.them friend B.a friend of them C.one of

19、their D.a friend of theirs4.My grandparents like very much,so they grow in their garden every year.A.vegetable,vegetable B.vegetable,vegetables C.vegetables,vegetables D.vegetables,vegetable5.We can see some at the foot of the mountain,but we cant see any there.A.sheeps,deers B.sheeps,deer C.sheep,d

20、eers D.sheep,deer6.Does she have in understanding the novel?A.some difficulty B.some difficulties C.any difficulties D.any difficulty7.What do you often have for breakfast? I often have or .A.breads,noodles B.bread,noodles C.breads,noodle D.bread,noodle8.Could you move over a little and make some for me?Sure.Please.A.place B.seat C.room D.ground9.The student of lives in the country.A.my brother B.my brothers C.my brothers D.my brothers10. are going to England for a holiday.A.The Wang B.Wangs C.The Wangs D.The WangsKey:1-5:B,C,D,D,D 6-10:C,B,C,C,D


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