1、2000 Prentice Hall2000 Prentice HallObjectives2000 Prentice HallA consists of people,equipment,and procedures to gather,sort,analyze,evaluate,and distribute needed,timely,and accurate information to marketing decision makers.A is a set of procedures and sources used by managers to obtain everyday in
2、formation about developments in the marketing environment.2000 Prentice HallDefining the Problem&Research ObjectivesExploratoryResearchDescriptiveResearchCausalResearchTest cause-and-effect relationships.Tests hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships.Sheds light on problem-suggest solutions o
3、rnew ideas.Ascertain magnitudes.2000 Prentice HallResearch ApproachesBehavioralFocus-groupSurveyExperimentalObservational2000 Prentice HallSecondary-Data Sources2000 Prentice HallThe Marketing Research Process2000 Prentice HallGood Marketing Research:2000 Prentice HallNinety Types of Demand Measurement(6 x 5 x 3)Short runMedium runLong run2000 Prentice HallDemandMarketDemandCompanyDemand2000 Prentice HallEstimating Current Demand2000 Prentice HallEstimating Future Demand2000 Prentice HallReview