
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3363374 上传时间:2022-08-23 格式:PPT 页数:38 大小:2.62MB
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1、The work on the early people depends on the dates given to the bones that are found.If the dates are wrong,all the data about early people may also be wrong.So Zhou Heping is very interested to find out how archaeologists make sure that their dates are accurate.1.Listen to Part 1 of the tape and fil

2、l in the layers in the“wastepaper basket”diagram below.yogurt potsorange skinwastepaperused envelopesThe waste paper basket2.Listen to Part 2 and complete the passage.It uses radioactivity to measure the amount of _ in living things.The _ in a dead body _ at a _ rate.We know how long that takes,so w

3、e can measure the amount of _ and _ how old a bone is.carboncarbondisappearsfixedcarbonwork out3.Look at this archaeological drawing of a section showing buildings at different times and work out the order in which they were built.The oldest building is B because it has no layers underneath it.The s

4、econd oldest building is C because it has one layer underneath it.That layer is the remains of the building in B.The most recent building is building A.It has two layers underneath.They are the remains of buildings B and C.Can you guess what would be eaten on the feast in 18,000 BC?What kind of food

5、 did Lalas family prepare for the feast?nuts,fruits,fish,the deer and pig meat Please decide whether the statements are true or false.1.Lalas family groups usually lived together.2.Dahu was good at making tools.3.The family groups lived on hunting.4.Dahu went out to sharpen the scrapers to kill an e

6、nemy.FTTF_separately_ scrape the fish Read the passage and find out what the possible work division was between man and woman in primitive societies and fill in the chart below.Mens tasks1 Making and repairing tools2 Fishing3 Hunting animals4 Protecting the group from harm5 Cutting down trees Womens

7、 tasks1 Collecting nuts,fruits and water2 Cutting-up meat and fish for cooking3 Preparing skins to make clothes4 Preparing food5 Looking after childrenAnswer the following questions.1.Which jobs did Dahu do?2.Which jobs did Lala do?Catch fish,collect wood,make the scraper sharpening,make tools.Colle

8、ct fruit and nuts,prepare food.3.Who does the most dangerous tasks?4.Where does the danger come from?Men do the most dangerous tasks.The danger comes from the wild animals.Did men and women have separate responsibilities(分工分工)then?If so,what were the differences between them?Mens tasks:more dangerou

9、s,require more strengthWomens tasks:more carefulMens tasks:patient(tool making),dangerous(hunting),some individual(tool making and repairing)and some co-operative(hunting),skilful(tool making)Womens tasks:co-operative(cooking),caring(providing food),patient(collecting food),skillful(cooking),individ

10、ual(collecting nuts and fruit)In groups discuss whether they were mens(M)tasks or womens(W)tasks at that time.1 Making and repairing tools 2 Collecting nuts,fruit and water 3 Protecting the group from harm 4 Cutting down treesMWMM 5 Cutting up meat and fish for cooking 6 Preparing skins to make clot

11、hes 7 Hunting animals 8 Looking after children WWWM Not having _ and planned better,Lala felt very worried about the preparations for her feast.So she turned for home quickly with her _ of nuts,melons and other fruit.Fill in the blanks according to the text.looked aheadcollectionWhen she was near ho

12、me,a delicious smell _ her progress and she became dizzy with hunger.She saw her mother and aunts _ the deer and pig meat over the fire.Just then Dahu,her _,as well as the best _,came back with several _.arrestedpreparinghusbandtoolmakerfishLater he began his task:he _ his scrapers until they were s

13、harp enough to _ the meat and to scrape the fish.Soon,the first of the guests began to arrive.Lala hoped it was going to be just as wonderful as last year!cut upsharpenedSome people say:“It is women that should stay at home and take care of the family.”Do you agree or not?Please give your reasons.Th

14、e expressions may help you.In my opinion,I(dont)agree because I support because No,I cant agree with because No,thats not reasonable because 1.If only it could be just like last year!要是能像去年那样就好了要是能像去年那样就好了!If only但愿但愿.;要是要是就好了。其就好了。其后一般用虚拟语气。后一般用虚拟语气。e.g.If only she had looked ahead and planned bett

15、er.她要是早有预见她要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了计划得更好些就好了!2.She had felt so proud as the group shouted loudly to applaud his choice.当族人为大胡的选择欢呼鼓掌的时候,当族人为大胡的选择欢呼鼓掌的时候,拉拉觉得非常自豪。拉拉觉得非常自豪。applaud v.赞赏赞赏,鼓掌鼓掌 e.g.Everyone applauded when the play ended.演出结束时演出结束时,大家都热烈鼓掌。大家都热烈鼓掌。I applaud your decision.我赞成你的决定。我赞成你的决定。根据汉语意思完

16、成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。今天我们不能不为他这个决定而欢呼。今天我们不能不为他这个决定而欢呼。Today we can only _.applaud his decision3.Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves 拉拉加快了回洞穴的步伐拉拉加快了回洞穴的步伐 accelerate a.加速加速,加快加快.的速度的速度 e.g.What can be done to accelerate the process?可以做什么来加速这个过程呢?可以做什么来加速这个过程呢?b.(正式正式)催促催促 e.g.He decided to

17、 accelerate his courses.他决定加快他的课程进度。他决定加快他的课程进度。4.when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped.一阵香气扑鼻,她不往前走了,停了下来。一阵香气扑鼻,她不往前走了,停了下来。arrest v.引起注意,吸引引起注意,吸引;逮捕逮捕 n.逮捕;拘留逮捕;拘留 e.g.The bright colors of the flowers arrested Susans attention.花的艳丽色彩引起苏珊的注意。花的艳丽色彩引起苏珊的注意。Police arrested fi

18、ve young men in connection with one of the attacks.警方逮捕了与其中一次袭击有关的警方逮捕了与其中一次袭击有关的5名名 青年男子。青年男子。根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。1)一幅异乎寻常的画吸引了他的注意。一幅异乎寻常的画吸引了他的注意。An unusual painting _.2)警察破门而入,逮捕了杀人犯。警察破门而入,逮捕了杀人犯。The police broke into the room and _.3)罪犯已被捕。罪犯已被捕。The criminal is _.arrested his attentionarrest

19、ed the murdererunder arrest5.,her senses became dizzy with hunger.她因饥饿觉得头晕眼花。她因饥饿觉得头晕眼花。dizzy adj.眩晕的眩晕的,眼花的眼花的(感到眩晕并要感到眩晕并要摔倒的摔倒的)e.g.a dizzy height 令人晕眩的高度令人晕眩的高度 The old woman was dizzied by the strong wind.那位老太太被风吹得头昏眼花。那位老太太被风吹得头昏眼花。The disaster dizzied his brain.那场灾难弄得他头脑昏乱。那场灾难弄得他头脑昏乱。6.Abrup

20、tly she sat down,only to bescooped up by her laughing,shouting sister,Luna.突然间她坐了下去,但又被她那又笑又突然间她坐了下去,但又被她那又笑又叫的妹妹卢娜一把搂了起来。叫的妹妹卢娜一把搂了起来。only to do 是不定式作结果状语是不定式作结果状语,表示意表示意料之外的结果。料之外的结果。I.选用方框内合适的单词并用其正确形式填选用方框内合适的单词并用其正确形式填空(每个单词限用一次)。空(每个单词限用一次)。accelerate,applaud,arrest,howl,pulse 1.I could feel t

21、he blood _ through my veins.2.They use special chemicals to _ the growth of crops.pulsing accelerate 3.The baby was _ all the time I was there.4.The decision to save the company has been warmly _.5.Yesterday,police _ five young men in connection with one of the attacks.accelerate,applaud,arrest,howl

22、,pulse howling applauded arrested II.用所给单词的正确形式填空。用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.divide One of the three sons was not pleased with the _ of the fathers money.I think there is no reason for _ the company into smaller units at present.division dividing 2.skill After a few years,he became very _ at drawing.He was valued for his _ in earning money for the company.skilful/skilled skill(s)Remember the new words and expressions.Preview the next lesson.


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