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1、医学英语翻译与写作医学英语翻译与写作Medical English Translation and writingMedical English Translation and writing张晶山东大学大外部Chapter 2Translation,English Grammar and Translation,English Grammar and Chinese AttainmentChinese Attainment Translation and English Grammar1.The patient is not so sick but he should be hospital

2、ized.2.When you exercise vigorously,waste products which act as mild poisons to the nervous system are formed.3.From this you can find out the ratio of oxygen reacting to water formed.Translation and English Grammar4.The medical workers cannot be too detailed in questioning in order to learn the nat

3、ure of the disorder the patient speaks of.5.The side-effect of these new drugs is none serious.6.The complaints of the patient did not answer to the proper manifestations of the disease.English Translation and the Chinese AttainmentTo decrease English-style expressions Illness prevented him from goi

4、ng there.v原译:疾病妨碍他去那里。(此译文不符合汉语的表达习惯,主要是因为这种译法硬按原文的语法结构来翻译。此句的关键是将原文中的宾语him译成汉语中的主语“他”)v改译:他因病未去那里。English Translation and the Chinese AttainmentTo decrease English-style expressions 1.Amino acids are,as the name suggests,compounds with the properties of both acids and amines.2.Essential hypertensio

5、n is the name given to the type of hypertension for which no cause can be found.If rise of blood pressure occurs with some other disease,it is called secondary hypertension.English Translation and the Chinese AttainmentTo avoid a lack of subjects Next morning,when the doctor was making his daily rou

6、nd he saw that a new attack was beginning.v原译:次日早晨,当医生查房时,发现病人的病又发作了。v改译:次日早晨查房时,医生发现病人又开始发病了。English Translation and the Chinese AttainmentTo avoid a lack of subjects1.In regard to the operation tomorrow,it is postponed.2.Only with large numbers of patients can we be confident that a small differen

7、ce between two forms of treatment will be detected.3.As it is digested slowly,milk sugar remains in the intestinal tract for a longer period than do other sugars.English Translation and the Chinese AttainmentTo keep the consistency of the subject and the predicate The drug is well tolerated and gene

8、rally does not give rise to serious side-effects.v原译:病人对此药耐受良好,而且一般不会产生严重的副作用。v改译:(1)此药能被病人良好耐受,而且一般不会产生严重的副作用。(2)病人对此药耐受良好,而且它一般不会产生严重的副作用。English Translation and the Chinese AttainmentTo keep the consistency of the subject and the predicate1.The appetite generally remains good,but fear of the pain

9、 may prevent adequate intake with loss of weight.2.The disease may be contracted from a healthy carrier of the germ who by coughing and sneezing discharges the germs into the air.3.Every patient with sugar in the urine should be regarded as a diabetic until proved otherwise.English Translation and t

10、he Chinese Attainmentrational rhetoric,logic,commendatory terms and derogatory terms Continuous fever is one in which the fever remains high for many days and show no great fluctuations.v原译:稽留热是一种热,体温数天保持很高,且不显示很大的波动。v改译:稽留热是一种高热持续多天且无显著波动的的发热。v说明:这是一个定义性的句子,翻译时要注意文体和修辞,力求简洁、精炼和明确。rational rhetoric,

11、logic,commendatory terms and derogatory terms The amount of sleep required depends upon age of the individual.v原译:睡眠的需要量取决于一个人的年龄。v改译:所需的睡眠量取决于一个人的年龄。v说明:句中的过去分词required是指“被人所需要的”,而非指“被睡眠所需要的”。English Translation and the Chinese Attainment English Translation and the Chinese Attainmentrational rheto

12、ric,logic,commendatory terms and derogatory terms1.If you want to know what our blood consist of,you must examine it under the microscope.2.As already discussed,bacteremia,if present at all,is usually a rather steady and continuous process.3.Obesity and inactivity accentuate each other.English Trans

13、lation and the Chinese Attainment To make proper use of idiomsvWith mild symptoms,oxygen therapy may be more trouble than it is worth.v原译:伴有轻微症状时,氧疗可能是麻烦多于值得。v改译:症状轻微时,氧疗可能弊多利少。Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth but is good for a disease.v原译:好的药味道是苦的,但对疾病是有益的。v改译:良药苦口利于病。English Translation and the Chinese Attainment To make proper use of idiomsv1.A doctors duty is to make every effort to save the dying and help the wounded.v2.The patient was no more than skin and bone and was partly paralyzed.v3.By necrosis is meant,as the word implies,the local death of cells.


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