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1、Learning ObjectivesBy the end of this lesson,you will be able to:By the end of this lesson,you will be able to:1.Get to know the three basic factors of English.2.Discover some English learning tips.GreetingsHello everyone!My Chinese name is Haiyan li.My English name is Cheryl.You can call me Cheryl.

2、Nice to meet you!Glad to meet you!Whats your name?课堂指令训练 老师:老师:Class begins!值日生:值日生:Stand up,please!老师:老师:Good morning/afternoon/evening,class/boys and girls!学生:学生:Good morning/afternoon/evening,Cheryl!老师:老师:How are you today?学生:学生:Im fine.How are you?老师:老师:Im OK.Sit down,please!学生:学生:Thank you,Cher

3、yl!上课下课 老师:老师:Class is over.值日生:值日生:Stand up,please!老师:老师:Thank you,class.Goodbye!学生:学生:Thank you,Cheryl.Goodbye!1.1.Do you understand?(Do you understand?(你们懂了吗?你们懂了吗?)2.2.Are you readyAre you ready?(?(你们准备好了吗?你们准备好了吗?)Go.Go.准备好了。准备好了。3.3.Follow me!(Follow me!(跟我读跟我读/跟我做!跟我做!)/Read after me)/Read af

4、ter me!4.4.May I come in?(May I come in?(报告!报告!)5.5.Pardon?(Pardon?(没明白,示意别人再说一次。没明白,示意别人再说一次。)6.6.Im sorry.(Im sorry.(回答不出问题。)回答不出问题。)7.7.Louder,please!Louder,please!(请大声一点儿!)(请大声一点儿!)Some class words(Some class words(课堂用语课堂用语):Questions about youQuestions about youWhat is your favorite subject?Why

5、 do you like it?How do you learn this subject?If we want to learn English well,-what should we do?-what factors(因素)are important?THE FORMUALTHE FORMUALSteady and significant progress over time equals Master English level.SpeakingListeningWritingReadingGrammar PronuciationFLOW STATEvocabulary词汇语法语音Fa

6、ctor 1.pronunciation(Factor 1.pronunciation(语音)语音)Task 1:Read the words aloud.How many syllables(音节)are there in each word?clockaboutmorningRead the words again.Which syllables are stressed(重读)?Factor 1.pronunciation(Factor 1.pronunciation(语音)语音)clockaboutmorningTask 2:Read the words,phrases and sen

7、tences aloud.Feel the change in rhythm and stress.Words:Phrases:Sentences:motherfound itDo it.Pay them.attendget upI did.It hurts.Factor 1.pronunciation(Factor 1.pronunciation(语音)语音)Task 3:Read the sentences aloud.Where do you pause(停顿)?I go to bed at about 9 oclock.I get up at about 7 oclock in the

8、 morning.Factor 1.pronunciation(Factor 1.pronunciation(语音)语音)Task 4:Read the sentences aloud.Pay attention to the stress and rhythm.I want a soda.I think hes got it.We took a vacation.I went to the station.Factor 1.pronunciation(Factor 1.pronunciation(语音)语音)Learning tip 1Listening is the first step.

9、Listening is the first step.1.Listen to English for twenty minutes everyday.2.As you listen,follow and repeat what you hear.Factor 2.vocabularyFactor 2.vocabulary词汇词汇Task 1:write down as many words as you know.The words must be an action(动作).examples:Factor 2.vocabularyFactor 2.vocabulary词汇词汇Task 1:

10、look for action words in the word cloud.goodgoodhellomy morningthanksfineHBwhatis tell spellsee sayamred nowblueyellowreadLearning Tip 2Learning Tip 2Read a lot.Read more.Read a lot.Read more.1.Read after you have listened to something.2.You can use pictures to guess,make notes,re-read3.Read anythin

11、g that interests you:stories,news,classicsFactor 3.GrammerFactor 3.Grammer语法语法What do we call action words?1.Lets playplay.(动词原形)2.Who cookscooks in you family.(动词第三人称单数)3.We like readingreading.(动名词)4.She is swimmingis swimming.(现在进行时)5.Please read(a book)to me.(及物动词,不及物动词V.)Rule:Every sentence mus

12、t have one verb(动词v.).动词动词 verbverb(v.v.)There are other types of words,too.名词名词 NounNoun(n.n.)形容词形容词 AdjectiveAdjective(adj.adj.)副词副词 AdverbAdverb(adv.adv.)代词 Pronoun(pron.)数词 Numeral(num.)冠词 Article(art.)连词 Conjunction(conj.)介词 Preposition(prep.)感叹词 Interjection(interj.)动词动词 verbverb(v.v.)实词实词虚词虚词

13、I help you.I help you.Who does the action?Action Who receives the action?Is Chinese sentence structure the same?Factor 3.GrammerFactor 3.Grammer语法语法Learning Tip 3Learning Tip 3Rules are the bridge between input and output.Rules are the bridge between input and output.1.Discover the rules by thinking

14、 and comparing.2.Remember the rules by lots of examples.3.Keep practicing when speaking and writing.More tips More tips 1.Use correct capitalization(大写)、spacing(空格)、punctuation(标点)、idents(缩进),etc.2.Write as clearly as you can.Learn from mistakesLearn from mistakes1.Its OK to make mistakes.2.Correct

15、them on time.3.Try not to make the same mistakes again.The secrets of learning a language.The secrets of learning a language.1.Passion:find something you love.2.Methods:use effective methods.3.System:make it a daily habit.4.Pactience:keep working on it for years.SummarySummary总结总结 1.1.PronunciationP

16、ronunciation、vocabulary and grammervocabulary and grammer are the basic factors in are the basic factors in English.English.2.2.Listen and read as Listen and read as much as possible to much as possible to imitate pronunciationimitate pronunciation,pick,pick up vocabulary,and see how rules are appli

17、ed.up vocabulary,and see how rules are applied.Speak and write Speak and write to practive.to practive.3.Pay attention to your 3.Pay attention to your handwritinghandwriting and and correct mistakes correct mistakes on time.on time.1.1.一预(一预(课前准备课前准备).课前预习课前预习.预备铃响后进教室,科代表领读英语预备铃响后进教室,科代表领读英语3 3分钟;分

18、钟;2.2.二大(二大(课堂要求课堂要求):大声、大胆大声、大胆3.3.三本(三本(作业本作业本):):听写本听写本1 1个;作业本个;作业本1 1个;错例研析本个;错例研析本 DoesDoes要求要求 Homework Homework(作业)(作业)1、查资料,给自己选一个英俊、漂亮、迷人的英文名字。查资料,给自己选一个英俊、漂亮、迷人的英文名字。2 2、准备、准备牛津中阶英汉双解词典牛津中阶英汉双解词典!Thank you!Thank you!Hope you enjoy middle school English.Hope you enjoy middle school English.


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