四川成都师范大学附属 2022-2023学年八年级上学期入学测试英语试卷.pdf

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1、八年级英语第 1 页(共 6 页)2022-20232022-2023 学年度学年度八八年级年级上上学学期入学期入学测试测试英英语语一、单项选择(计 20 分)。A.选择最佳选项完成句子(共 10 小题,每题 1 分,计 10 分)。1.Look!There is_ onion on the table._onion looks like a ping-pong ball.A.a;AB.an;TheC.a;The2.There is always much_this month.I dont like_ days.A.rain;rainyB.rainy;rainC.rainy;raining3

2、.John enjoys_.Its sunny and hot today.Hed like_in the river.A.to swim;swimmingB.swimming;swimmingC.swimming;to swim4._?Hes of medium height.A.Hows MarkB.What does Mark look likeC.What does Mark like5.Is this book yours or your sisters,Sandy?_.A.Its mineB.Yes,its mineC.No,its my sisters6._ does it ta

3、ke you to get to the subway station?About 20 minutes on foot.A.HowB.How farC.How long7.The two friends just have one apple,so they_ the apple and then eat it together.A.blow outB.put onC.cut up8.Could you stop shouting_the children?_a parent,you must be good withthem.A.to;ForB.at;AsC.for;With9.When

4、did you get the letter?It came a few days _.A.beforeB.agoC.later10.Last weekend,some visitors came to visit our farm.I _ the visitors about thesnakes and their living habits.A.tellB.am tellingC.toldB.根据上下文,从方框中选择句子补全对话(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分)。A:Hi,Jane!Do you have any rules at home?B:Yes.11A:Can you

5、go out with your friends atnight?B:No,I cant.12A:What do you usually do at home?B:13A:What time do you usually go to bed?B:I usually go to bed at 10:00.A:Do you think these family rules are strict?B:14I want to be relaxed like you.A:I think you should have a talk with your parents.B:15A.Yes,I do.B.O

6、K.I will think about it.Thank you.C.I have to stay at home.D.I usually do my homework or watch TV.E.I have many rules at home.八年级英语第 2 页(共 6 页)二、完形填空阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案.(共 15 小题,计 20 分。A 篇每小题 2 分,计 10 分;B篇每小题 1 分,计 10 分。)AYu Mei wanted to eat dumplings.So she went to a house

7、of dumplings16hermother.There were many kinds of dumplings in the restaurant.So she was very17.She saw many nice dumpling pictures on the wall.She looked at the menu.There were two kinds of bowls of dumplings.She was hungry(饿的).So shed like a18bowl.And shed like the one with onions.She wanted her mo

8、ther to19it for her.When she20some drinks,she also asked her mother to buy some.Hermother bought salad,orange juice and green tea.How much were they?Only 4.5dollars.16.A.withB.andC.or17.A.sorryB.happyC.good18.A.largeB.smallC.great19.A.buysB.boughtC.buy20.A.lookedB.sawC.watchedBMy aunt Jenny Lee is a

9、 Canadian.She21in a tall building in the city ofToronto.There are eighteen floors(楼层)in the building and she is on the fifteenth floor.She22a lift(电梯)to go up and down.She works very hard and she begins towork early.Every day she leaves her home and walks to the lift.The lift takes her downto the23f

10、loor.She gets out of the lift.Then she walks to the bus stop.The busstop is about two hundred meters from her home.Usually,she catches the number 11bus to work,but24she goes by subway.She works in a factory about tenkilometers from her home.Her work starts at half past eight,and finishes at a quarte

11、r tofive.My aunt often tells stories about25to her son.Today she wants to takehim to the zoo.In the morning,she gets up early and helps her son26.Theycan take the subway to the zoo27.It only takes them fifteen minutes to getthere.Her son is only five years old,so he doesnt need to pay for the ticket

12、.Its28.At the zoo,they watch the monkeys climbing the trees.After lunch they59drinking juice in the park.They like to spend time in the park.In the evening,they havedinner in a30and then go home.21.A.shopsB.worksC.lives22.A.makesB.usesC.buys23.A.firstB.fifteenthC.eighteenth24.A.sometimesB.oftenC.alw

13、ays25.A.snowmenB.parksC.animals26.A.get dressedB.get onC.get lost27.A.earlyB.easilyC.quietly28.A.interestingB.tallC.free29.A.spendB.enjoyC.like30.A.restaurantB.hotelC.hospital三、阅读短文,判断正误。正确的在答题卡上对应位置涂 A,错误的涂 B。(共 5 小八年级英语第 3 页(共 6 页)题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分)A rich(富的)mans watch is lost in the evening.He can

14、t find it everywhere.It is$3,000.He likes it very much.He needs to wear it every day.He must find it.So hewants to know what the people at his house are doing.He sees his cook(厨师)washingthe vegetables and making soup.His daughter is playing the piano in her room.Hiswife is reading books in the livin

15、g room.His housekeeper(管家)is walking in thegarden and watching the moon.His cleaner is washing clothes of the family.He asksevery one of them about the watch but they just dont see it.He asks his wife,“Wheresour son Jerry?Whats he doing now?”His wife says,“He is eating out with hisfriends.”The rich

16、man talks with his son on the phone but he doesnt see it,either.Then,wheres the watch?31.The rich man is at home now.32.The rich man must find the watch because its very expensive.33.The rich mans daughter is reading books.34.Jerry is eating at his friends home.35.There are six people in the rich ma

17、ns family.四、阅读理解。根据短文选择最佳答案。(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,计 20 分)ADear Mike,How about coming to Susans eleventh birthday party this afternoon?Now Amy,Peter,John and I are at Susans home.We are helping Susan prepare(准备)food for herparty.There are oranges,bananas and hamburgers on the table.Oh,I also see ice-cream

18、.Its your favorite.The party is at three oclock in the afternoon.When you come,pleasetake my guitar with you.Its in the bookcase in my room.If you cant find it,just callme.Yours,Sonia36.Now,there are _people in Susans home.A.threeB.fourC.five37.Mike likes_.A.orangesB.bananasC.ice-cream38.The party i

19、s at_.A.3:00 pmB.4:00 pmC.5:00 pm39.划线单词 it 所指代的是“_”.A.the roomB.the bookcaseC.the guitar40.About Susan,we know she_.A.can play the guitarB.is 11 years oldC.has no friendsBWe had a terrible school trip last week.Some students were late.Then we waitedhalf an hour for the school bus,but it didnt arriv

20、e.Finally,our teacher took us to takethe subway.It took over an hour.八年级英语第 4 页(共 6 页)When we arrived at the zoo,we were all tired and hungry.We wanted to seedolphins,but there werent any.There were some really smart seals(海豹),but wedidnt see the show because we arrived too late.We forgot our camera

21、s,so we didnttake any photos.Then it started to rain,and no one had an umbrella.We didnt seemany animals because of the rain.Then we went for lunch.And we ate hamburgers.My friends also had some icecream.But I didnt have any,because I dont like it.I wanted French fries,but therewerent any in the sho

22、p.Finally we went back to school.We were wet and tired.I didnt enjoy my schooltrip at all.41.The teacher took the students to take the subway because _.A.some students were lateB.the school bus didnt arriveC.the students didnt want to have the trip42.The students werewhen they arrived at the zoo.A.t

23、iredB.luckyC.happy43.What animal show was there at the zoo?A.Dolphin show.B.Seal show.C.Panda show.44.How was the weather after they arrived at the zoo?A.Sunny.B.SnowyC.Rainy45.What did the writer think of his school trip?A.It was not bad.B.It was great.C.It was terrible.五、根据句意和所给首字母填单词。(共 5 小题,每小题

24、1 分;计 5 分)1.Its nin this room.Lets find a quiet room to read books.2.China,the United States and Australia are all big c.3.Her hair is not black.Its blike gold(金子).4.We have two stoday.Its only 5 yuan for 15 dumplings and 4 yuan for a largebowl of noodles.5.L,we got back home before the heavy rain c

25、ame.六、完成对话,一空一词。答案写在答题卡上对应位置(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)。A:Hi,Jenny,How was your weekend?B:Fantastic but kind of1.A:Why do you say so?B:I took the train to Beijing for a wedding(婚礼)with my parents.We2ourtrip on Friday night and got home on Sunday evening.But in such(如此的)a3time,I really had a great time

26、visiting many places of interest.A:So what did you do in Beijing?八年级英语第 5 页(共 6 页)B:We got there at ten on Saturday morning and the wedding was at twelve.So we4took a taxi to the hotel.After the wedding I went to Tiananmen with myparents.Then we visited the Palace Museum.After that I was a little hu

27、ngry,so wewent to arestaurant to have dinner.In the evening,I went to Wangfujing Streetand I bought asmall5for my little sister.A:How was the food there?B:It was really6,especially Beijing Roast Duck.A:What did you do on Sunday?B:I visited Beijing Wildlife Zoo.It was crowded because there were many

28、visitors.I saw many animals7koalas and tigers.After that I went to PekingUniversity.In the evening,I took the train to go home.A:Sounds like you really had a great time there.But why8you go thereby plane?You could have more time to have fun there.B:I dont like taking the plane.The airport is far fro

29、m my home.I have to get there9and wait for hours for the plane to take off(起飞)and it is often late.It is kind of10to take the train but its always cheap.And I can seethe beautiful sights from the window along the way.七、用所给词的适当形式填空,每词只能用一次,有两个多余词。答案写在答题卡上对应位置(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)。again,excited,aft

30、er,interesting,at,turn,another,play,wake,scary,foot,frontI dont know of any other cat that loves to watch TV shows,but my Yo-yo is1in it.She will run up to the TV if she hears a baby crying or little children2.She doesnt like ads(广告)!Anytime an ad starts,she will3her head away and not watch it.When

31、all the ads are over and the show is back she willstart watching the show4.One day a show about the lion was on.Yo-yo sat in5of the TV andstarted to watch it.The show was about lions,hunting(狩猎)and killing6animals.Later,after the show was over,she got to sleep.I sat down next to her.Thensuddenly(突然间

32、)Yo-yos four7started to move.She was still running inher dream.Then she8up hissing(嘶吼).She stopped and looked9me,and knew it was a dream.But she really made me very10.After that I had to keep her away from any shows about dangerous animals.八、阅读补全短文。从下列方框中的 AF 选项中,选出 5 个适当的选项补全短文,将其字母番号填入答题卡上对应位置(共 5

33、 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)。English people started having tea about 400 years ago.1.Only rich people had八年级英语第 6 页(共 6 页)enough money to buy it.2.At first,they thought it was just a vegetable and triedcooking it for meals.Then they ate it with butter(黄油)and salt.3.They put tealeaves(叶子)on bread and ate the b

34、read for breakfast.After that,drinking tea got more and more popular in Europe.One day a famousyoung French(法国的)woman named Madame de Sevigne wanted to see what teatasted like with milk.4.Because she was a very great woman,her friendsthought they must follow her.So they also drank tea with milk.5.Th

35、ats why mostpeople in England drink milk tea today.A.They soon found that they were wrong and found a new way to eat tea.B.Later,that great idea arrived in England.C.Aboy first came into the store and then a girl came after him.D.At that time,tea was very expensive.E.She found it was great and she would like to drink it always with milk.F.But those people didnt know how to eat tea in fact.


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