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1、Professional English for Human Professional English for Human Resource ManagementResource ManagementChapter 6 Performance EvaluationChapter 6 Performance Evaluation人力资源管理专业英语人力资源管理专业英语第六章第六章 绩效考核绩效考核Contents目录Key Words Key Words【重点词汇重点词汇】6.1 Purposes of Performance Evaluation6.1 Purposes of Performa

2、nce Evaluation 绩效考核的目的绩效考核的目的6.2 Performance Evaluation and Motivation 6.2 Performance Evaluation and Motivation 绩效考核与激励绩效考核与激励6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation 6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation 绩效考核的方法绩效考核的方法6.4 Potential Problems and Solutions in Performance 6.4 Potential Problems and Solu

3、tions in Performance Evaluation Evaluation 绩效考核中的潜在问题及应对策略绩效考核中的潜在问题及应对策略Key WordsCriterion 标准Ambiguous 含糊的Individual Task Outcome 个人工作成果Trait 个人特质Deficiency 缺点,不足Written Essays Evaluation 书面报告评价法Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale 行为锚定评价量表法Checklists Method 核对表格法Key WordsComparative Approach 比较法 Len

4、iency Error 宽容性或偏松性效应Halo Error 晕轮效应Low Differentiation 低差异评判Forced Distribution 强迫分配法,硬性分步法Graphic Scale 图表评价量表法Management By Objectives(MBO)目标管理法Performance Appraisal 绩效评估Key WordsRating Scales 评定等级360-Degree Feedback System 360度反馈法Work Dimension 工作方面Qualitative Goals 质量目标Central Tendency 趋中效应6.1

5、Purposes of Performance Evaluation绩效考核的目的绩效考核的目的 Performance management is the process by which executives and managers work to align employee performance with the firms goal.An effective performance management process must contain three parts:an accurate and precise definition of good performance,a

6、ppropriate measurements of performance and the reasonable feedback of employees.And among the whole process,performance evaluation is a vital part.6.1 Purposes of Performance Evaluation Performance appraisal refers to the activity that evaluates an employees current or past performance relative to t

7、he persons performance standards.Why to appraise performance?It serves three main purposes in organization.6.1 Purposes of Performance Evaluation One of the most common uses of performance appraisal is to provide information upon which you can make decisions about human resources,such as promotion,p

8、ay raises and layoffs.Performance appraisal can also provide a chance for managers and the subordinates to review his or her performance.6.1 Purposes of Performance Evaluation Another important use of performance appraisals is one part of performance management,and it provides an opportunity to revi

9、ew the incumbents career planning in light of his or her positive and negative points.6.1 Purposes of Performance Evaluation6.2 Performance Evaluation and Motivation 绩效考核与激励绩效考核与激励 6.2 Performance Evaluation and Motivation Mangers and HR specialists are concerned about the effectiveness of performan

10、ce evaluation and the expectancy model of motivation.They also argue over to what extent that the amount of effort an individual will exert on his or her job.6.2 Performance Evaluation and Motivation Aspects of what we will evaluate我我们将要评价的方面们将要评价的方面 With regard to criteria supervisors choose having

11、 a major influence on ratees behavior,the question that which aspect will be evaluated is of huge importance.Three most popular aspects include:personal work outcomes,behaviors and traits.6.2 Performance Evaluation and Motivation Personal work outcomes If outcomes of an employee can be calculated,th

12、en the criteria can be focused on outcomes.Behaviors Unlike the salesperson,in many cases the outcomes of an employee can not be counted exactly.In such instances,it is not unusual for management to evaluate the employees behavior.6.2 Performance Evaluation and Motivation Traits Although there is la

13、rge part of recruitment paper emphasizing on personal traits like“confident”,“responsible”,“intelligent”and so on,appraisal over personal traits are still the weakest set of criteria.However,till then many supervisors use it as criteria to assess an employees performance.6.3 Methods of Performance E

14、valuation 6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation 绩效考核的方法绩效考核的方法 6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation Supervisors usually start the appraisal by using a predetermined and formal method.There are many ways to evaluate employees,and some of the most common will be d

15、escribed here.6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation1.Essay evaluation 文章评价文章评价 Probably,the simplest individual evaluation method is to write a narrative describing an employees strong and weak aspects of the employees behavior.2.Forced distribution method 强制分配法强

16、制分配法 Forced distribution method is similar to grading on a curve.The raters are asked to rate employees on the basis of some organizationally predetermined percentage.6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation3.Checklists Method 核对列表法核对列表法 One type of individual evalu

17、ation method is the checklist.In this method,for its simplest form,the checklist is a set of objectives or descriptive statements.The rater only makes yes-or-no response to a series of questions concerning the employees behavior.4.Comparative approach 比较法比较法 This method asks the rater to compare eac

18、h employee to the other employees.It was designed to make the ranking process easier for the supervisor and perhaps more reliable.6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation5.Graphic rating scale 图表评价量表法图表评价量表法 The major advantage of graphic rating scale is that the sa

19、me scales can nearly be used in all jobs.Using this technique,it lists a set of traits such as quality and reliability and asks to rate employees on each of the characteristics listed.The number of characteristics rated from a few to several dozen.The rating then can be assigned points.Total scores

20、are then computed.6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation6.Critical incident method 关键事件法关键事件法 The critical incident technique requires raters to keep a log of the employees behavioral incident that represents positive or negative performance for each employee bein

21、g rated.The critical incidents must be well defined.If the critical incidents that are recorded are used properly,the logs will be useful to avoid common rating errors and improve the subordinates performance after discussion.6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation

22、7.Behaviorally anchored rating scale 行为锚定评价量表法行为锚定评价量表法 Behaviorally anchored rating scale(BARS),by anchoring a rating scale with specific behavioral examples of good or bad performance,are developed as a response to the shortcomings of the graphic scale approach described above.The focus of BARS is

23、 to provide a set of scales that is defined in a precise and behavioral fashion.6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation8.Management by Objectives(MBO)目标管理法目标管理法 Management by Objectives is more than just an evaluation program and process.It requires the supervisor

24、to set specific and measurable goals together with each individual employee and then check out and discuss the latters progress.By setting definite objectives through participation or by assignment from a supervisor,the subordinate is provided with a course to follow and a target to shoot for when p

25、erforming a task.6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation6.3 Methods of Performance Evaluation9.360-degree feedback system 360度反馈法度反馈法 One currently prevalent method of performance evaluation is called multi-rater assessment,or 360-degree feedback.It is a performance management process that gathers per

26、formance information from multiple parties,including ones subordinates,peers,supervisors and internal or external customers.This feedback is generally used for development,rather than for pay increase.6.4.Potential problems and solutions in performance evaluation 绩效考核中的潜在问题及应对策略绩效考核中的潜在问题及应对策略 6.4.P

27、otential problems and solutions in performance evaluation Perhaps the most common fear is of subjectivity on the part of the rater which will cast doubts on just how fair the whole process is.Then the whole organizations may seek to make the performance evaluation process free from personal biases,p

28、rejudices and the like.6.4.Potential problems and solutions in performance evaluation1.Poor system design and operating problems 系统设计和操作的问题系统设计和操作的问题 The evaluation system will break down when they are poorly designed.And the design can never be considered as effective or qualified when the criteria

29、 are poor or the technique used is boredom.In a whole,top managements support for performance evaluation can remedy this problem.6.4.Potential problems and solutions in performance evaluation2.Unclear standards 模糊的标准模糊的标准 The reason of unclear standards is that perceptual differences in the meaning

30、of the words are used to evaluate employees.The traits and degrees of merits are ambiguous for different raters.This problem almost appears in graphic rating scales.There are several ways to fix this problem.Perhaps the best way is to develop and include descriptive phrases that define each trait.6.

31、4.Potential problems and solutions in performance evaluation3.Rater problems 评价者的问题评价者的问题 No matter how well the system is designed,problems can always arise in its use when the supervisors are not well-trained or not cooperative.Inadequate training will lead to a serial of questions in the process

32、of employee evaluation.6.4.Potential problems and solutions in performance evaluationThe halo effect Halo effect occurs when the raters assign ratings of specific ratee qualities on the basis of an overall general impression of the rate.Halo effect can be either positive or negative,meaning that the

33、 initial impression can cause the ratings to be either too low or too high.6.4.Potential problems and solutions in performance evaluationLeniency or harshness error Performance evaluations require the raters to judge the subordinates objectively.However,being objective is so hard for each rater for

34、everyone has their own rose-colored glasses with which they will“objectively”view subordinates.Thus,leniency or harshness error may occur in raters evaluations of their subordinates.6.4.Potential problems and solutions in performance evaluationPersonal bias error Appraisers personal characteristics

35、may influence the evaluation of ratees,such as age,sex,race and so on.Contrast effects When supervisors conducted the individual evaluation,each employee should not be influenced by other employees performance rating.However,in some cases it really does.Central tendency error When supervisors are ra

36、ting subordinates with average scores,avoiding using high or low ratings,the central tendency happens.6.4.Potential problems and solutions in performance evaluation4.How to avoid appraisal problems 如何避免评价中的问题如何避免评价中的问题uFor one thing,it will be a good idea for rater to understand these potential prob

37、lems and the solution for each.uFor another thing,find a right appraisal tool.uThirdly,a popular way to improve managers ability to conduct effective performance appraisals is to train supervisors.6.4.Potential problems and solutions in performance evaluationuA fourth solution-try to attain the understanding of employees-is worthwhile for raters to conduct the evaluation effectively.uA fifth way is to use multiple evaluators.uLastly,a qualified and good rater will be the central part of the evaluation process.THANK YOU!


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