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1、淄川中学高2016级第三次阶段性检测英语试卷注意事项:本试题分为第卷和第卷两部分,满分150分,考试时间为120分钟。其中第卷为选择题共100分;第卷为非选择题共50分。第卷(共三部分,满100分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman worry about? A. Their train tickets. B. Traffic jams. C. Drivi

2、ng speed.2. How will the woman go to the hospital? A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By car.3. What is the assignment for next Tuesday?A. Read the textbook. B. Listen to radio programs. C. Write a composition.4. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a hotel. B. In a restaurant. C. In a store.5. What

3、 does the man think of the drums? A. Noisy. B. Wonderful. C. Annoying.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。6. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Workmates. B. Husband and wife. C. Father

4、and daughter.7. Why did the man go to Fortaleza?A. To go on business. B. To do some shopping. C. To enjoy the scenery.8. What is Tommy doing?A. Playing on his computer. B. Watching TV. C. Talking with his friends.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Athlete an

5、d coach. B. Customer and trainer. C. Customer and gym worker.10. How far can the woman run in an hour on the running machine?A. About 7 kilometers. B. About 8 kilometers. C. About 10 kilometers.11. What is the man trying to do?A. Encourage the woman to run faster. B. Persuade the woman to take swimm

6、ing lessons.C. Show the woman how to use a machine.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12.What is the woman doing? A. Checking some information about a job. B. Reading a piece of job advertisement. C. Having an interview.13.What does an office assistant have to do?A. Do the typing. B. Answer telephones.C. Attend meeti

7、ngs.14. What do we know about the woman?A. She doesnt know English well. B. She doesnt have a school certificate.C. She doesnt want to apply for the job.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What is the woman doing?A. Having an interview. B. Having a survey. C. Having a test.16. Where does the woman come from? A. Br

8、ittany. B. Paris. C. Princeton.17. What does the woman like most? A. Reading. B. Swimming. C. Windsurfing.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. When is Harrods open? A. From Monday to Friday. B. From Monday to Saturday. C. From Monday to Sunday.19. What is Harrods famous for? A. Its food halls. B. Its clothes halls

9、. C. Its book halls.20. What is the most interesting thing about Harrods? A. Theres a doctor and a bank in it. B. There are hundreds of lights outside.C. Therere 25 cafes and restaurants in it.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASince the beginni

10、ng of the year, smog (雾霾) has covered parts of North China. In January, Beijing saw only five days without smog. The rising PM2.5 readings terrified many people, and some health experts said that whenever the smog gets serious, hospitals receive more patients suffering acute respiratory (呼吸系统) and h

11、eart diseases.Later, news of polluted underground water in some provinces scared people who wondered whether the water they drink is safe.So the need to emphasize environmental protection while developing the economy is heard everywhere.Smog is especially a common concern. As a popular online post s

12、aid, air may be the only thing that is equal for everyone, despite your income or profession. People with higher incomes are able to drink only bottled spring water and eat only organic food by paying higher prices, but they breathe the same air as everyone else.At a meeting on Monday, many represen

13、tatives have expressed their concerns about the air quality, too. One talked about his experience in Beijing. “After taking a taxi from the capital airport to my hotel, which took about an hour, I washed my nose and found the inside of my nose was black. We should ask ourselves this question:Why do

14、we want to develop? Its for living a better life. Dirty air is definitely not a better life, ” he said.China needs to develop its economy and invest (投资) in hightech. Every Chinese has a dream to make China stronger. But without blue sky, clean water and safe food, the achievements in the economy wi

15、ll become meaningless. Space technologies are not to be developed for building a base on Mars so that one day all human beings can move to the red planet because they have destroyed Earth.What the public wants is a strong and beautiful China. The great efforts must be made to promote ecological prog

16、ress and build a beautiful China. The words have shown the central governments determination to address the environment issue.21The effect of smog doesnt include _.Athe increase of peoples income Bmore people suffering diseasesCthe rising of PM2.5 readings Dpatients increasing in hospital22Why has s

17、mog become a common concern?ABecause people have to pay higher prices. BBecause a popular onlinepost discussed it.CBecause we have to develop industry. DBecause nobody can avoid it.23The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 6 refers to “_”Aspace technologies Bother planetsChuman beings Dindustrial de

18、velopment24From the last two paragraphs we can infer that _.Ahightech can completely solve the problem of pollutionBwe must protect the environment while developing economyCwe can move to Mars after the earth has been destroyedDwe must protect the environment while developing economyBAll my life I h

19、ad wanted a dog. I had two cats that I adored like children, but I still wanted the company of a dog. Then unfortunately I lost my cats. Soon came another shock that my husband left me forever because of lung cancer. I felt I had just lost everything that ever mattered to me.I voiced these feelings

20、to a friend, who took me to a pet store. The store was holding an adoption day with shelters. I looked at and held several puppies (小狗), wondering which to choose. Then I met Maggie. She looked at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen, then laid her head on my shoulder and slept. I immediately de

21、cided to save her!Maggie adjusted well. I, however, was still adjusting. One night, thoughts of losing everything rushed through my head again. So depressed was I that I felt the only solution was to end my life. With a bottle of medicine in one hand and Maggie on my lap, I took the pills. Through m

22、y tearfilled eyes I looked down at Maggie to tell her I was sorry. The look on her face I will never be able to explain. Its as if her eyes said, “Dont leave me; I need you just as you needed me.” It was then that I ran to the bathroom to vomit_up the pills. The rest of the night I sat on the couch

23、holding Maggie and thanking her for saving me.w w w .x k b 1.c o mSince that night I have had a love for her that I never knew possible. She never leaves my side when I am at home. She has taught me to smile and laugh. Together with Maggie, I feel I can get through anything.25The author got Maggie f

24、rom _.Aa friend Bher husbandCa pet store Dan adoption center26The underlined phrase “vomit up” can be replaced by _.Athrow up Btake up Cpick up Dbreak up27Why did the author feel depressed?ABecause her husband had taken her cats away.BBecause she had lost everything important to her.CBecause she cou

25、ldnt adjust to living with Maggie.DBecause she couldnt find any solution to her problem.CMei Xiang, a female panda of 17 years old, gave birth to twins on August 22, 2015, bringing a happy end to an anxious wait that had begun in April. The birth of two pandas has increased the excitement at Washing

26、tons National Zoo, but keeping them both alive will be tricky.Now that Mei Xiang has surprised the world with twin babies, zoo staff are working round the clock to help them through the first fragile weeks of life. Unable to crawl (爬) or see for about two months, the baby depends on the mothers warm

27、th, milk and protection. Even so, misfortunes can happen. Meis second baby, a female, was born in September 2012, but died a week later due to lung damage. Poorly developed lungs likely prevented it from getting enough oxygen.In the wild, if a panda has twins, the nature of the mother is to choose t

28、he stronger of the two pandas and abandon one. But zoos have developed a way to get around that: They will take turns to put the twins between mom and the incubator (恒温箱) every few hours, which means that each baby will get enough time with its mother to be fed by her. If necessary, her milk will be

29、 supplemented (补充) with a mixture of infant formula (婴儿配方), dog food and water.The tiny pandas are especially fragile in the face of the mothers 200pound weight. In July 2006, a panda in China accidentally killed her newborn as it nursed. By watching the zoos panda nests, zoo staff will keep a caref

30、ul eye on the twins to make sure mom doesnt accidentally harm 28How do the public feel about the birth of the pandas?AAnxious. BExcited. CCurious. DCalm.29Why are baby pandas fragile in the first weeks?AThey cant get enough time with their mother.BTheir mother may abandon them.CTheir mother isnt wil

31、ling to feed them.DThey arent able to move or see.30The zoo staff took turns to put the twins between mom and the incubator to _.Aget baby pandas familiar with their motherBprevent mother panda from abandoning the weaker oneCprevent baby pandas from lung damageDget mother panda to rest easy31What ca

32、n be a suitable title for the text?ANewborn Pandas Bring Happiness to USABNewborn Pandas Are Killed in ZooCNewborn Pandas Face Risks to SurvivalDNewborn Pandas Depend on The Mothers CareDOne Room Airconditioner$50 x k b1 . co m Date:2016420, 11:09 PM EDT Reply to: salenkzcp1836592471craigslist.org I

33、 have a one room airconditioner now. I used a central air conditioning system and I dont need it any more. I only used it for a month and it works great. Brand New Nike shoes$25 Date: 2016420, 11:04 PM EDT Reply to: salevyuvv1836588920 craigslist.org I have a new pair of kids Nike Tennis shoes. They

34、 have never been worn. They are just sitting out in my garage for someone in need of new tennis shoes. They are in excellent condition. I bought them for my daughter a few years ago but they didnt fit her. Wooden Boat$1,000 Date: 2016420, 11:36 PM EDT Reply to: salefndfx1836614645 craigslist.org I h

35、ave a wooden boat with a 350 hp Chevy engine. Boat hull(船身) and floors have been redone. The motor works. The boat is not in the water, but has been standing on blocks for a year and the inside will need to be put back together as it was taken apart to redo the floors. Everything taken off is still

36、there. Please call 4409422763 if you are interested. 8piece Kids Bedroom Set$600 Date: 2016420, 11:29 PM EDT Reply to:sale473ny1836608704 craigslist. org This is an 8piece bedroom set. It includes five different dressers, one mirror and two beds with bed boards. My girls are older and have their own

37、 rooms and wanted a change. Cash and carry only. I cannot deliver, but I can assist in the setup of the beds. 32What do the four goods have in common? AThey all cost a little. BThey are all for the poor. CThey are all secondhand goods. DThey are all completely new. 33The owner of the airconditioner

38、wants to sell his airconditioner because _. Ait doesnt work very well Bhe needs some money badly Che has a new airconditioner now Dhis house doesnt need an airconditioner now 34What do we know about the wooden boat? AIt needs to be put together. BIt has been used for only a year. CThe motor should b

39、e replaced. DBoat floors need some more pieces of wood. 35If you want to buy the 8piece kids bedroom set, you can reply to _. Asale473ny1836608704 craigslist.org Bsalefndfx1836614645 craigslist.org Csalevyuvv1836588920 craigslist.org Dsalenkzcp1836592471 craigslist.org 第2节 (共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短

40、文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项.(注意:答案E 涂AB;F涂AC; G涂AD)The key to losing weight is to understand what really motivates you. Have you ever been excited about losing a few pounds? _36_ And to help you keep your weight under control, you need some coping strategies.Ask questions. When youre researching

41、 different dieting products and plans or even talking to a doctor about diets, ask as many questions as you can. _37_ Ask questions like: Do I have to purchase special meals or supplements? Does the program include a part to help me maintain my weight loss?Get real. _38_ Dont burden yourself with un

42、realistic expectations. Remember, large amounts of weight loss are not realistic and are most likely not safe or healthy. Talk with your health care professional to determine a healthy weight goal._39_ To maintain your weight, you must balance your intake of calories with the energy you burn. Just 3

43、0 minutes of fast walking in most days can take about 10 pounds off your weight each year.Weigh yourself weekly. Its important to track your weight on any diet or weight loss plan, but dont get on the scale every day. Weighing daily wont show you the big picture. _40_AStay balanced.BOnce a week is f

44、ine.CStick with your healthy eating plan.DLosing one to two pounds a week is a realistic goal.EBeing well informed will help you choose the best diet for you.FRegular weight checkins will show you your progress over time.GIf so, you must find a way to turn that excitement into determination.第三部分 英语知

45、识运用 (共两节,满分45)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Ill never forget May 12, 2008, we were having classes at Beichuan Middle School , Sichuan Province, when a huge 41 hit the area. At about 2:28 p.m, our 42 , Mr.Wang, was teaching us singing on the fo

46、urth floor on the teaching building. 43 we felt the building shaking violently. It was an earthquake! Our building starting to44.It was too late to rush out to the 45 . We were told to hide under the desks. 46 later, the whole building fell down. We were 47 in ruins. We couldnt move at all. No one c

47、ould really imagine at that split second, how much pain we had 48or how desperate(绝望的) we felt as we waited to be 49. I heard Mr. Wang calling our names again and again . Hours later, some people came to rescue and 50of us were saved. Later, I 51this huge earthquake scaled 8.0 magnitude. It hit several provinces, including Sichuan, Gansu and Shanxi. So far it has 52more than 80,000


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