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1、1 n部分部分2 n.心情,情绪心情,情绪3 n反应反应 v反应反应4 adj.有责任的,应负责任的有责任的,应负责任的 n责任;责任心;职责责任;责任心;职责5 n允许,许可,批准允许,许可,批准 v允许允许6 n作曲家作曲家 v作曲,组成作曲,组成elementmoodreactionreactresponsibleresponsibilitypermissionpermitcomposercompose1.reaction n反应反应 (一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感 (鲜活例句鲜活例句)The medicine produced a violent reaction.这药反应很

2、强烈。这药反应很强烈。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点归纳拓展全析考点in reaction to 对对做出反应做出反应/回应回应react v.反应,起作用反应,起作用react to sb./sth.对某人对某人/某事作出反应某事作出反应react against sb./sth.反对或反抗某人反对或反抗某人/某事某事A spokesman said the changes were not in A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction to the companyreaction to the companys recent losse

3、s.s recent losses.一位发言人说,这些变动不是针对公司最近的损失而作出一位发言人说,这些变动不是针对公司最近的损失而作出的反应。的反应。How did she How did she the news that the the news that the massive earthquake happened in Japan?massive earthquake happened in Japan?她对日本发生大地震的消息反应如何?她对日本发生大地震的消息反应如何?In his speech,he In his speech,he the price increases.th

4、e price increases.他在演讲中反对物价上涨。他在演讲中反对物价上涨。react toreacted against2.responsible 2.responsible adj.adj.有责任的,应负责任的有责任的,应负责任的 (一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句教材原句)going to safe campsite with)going to safe campsite with responsibleresponsible friends.friends.与有责任感的朋友去安全的野营地与有责任感的朋友去安全的野营地 (鲜活例句鲜活例句)America say

5、s it encourages the)America says it encourages the peaceful rise of peaceful rise of China as a China as a“responsible powerresponsible power”in the world.in the world.美国表示,它支持中国和平崛起,成为世界上一个美国表示,它支持中国和平崛起,成为世界上一个“负负责责 任的大国任的大国”。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点归纳拓展全析考点The bus driver should be responsible for the The bus

6、 driver should be responsible for the passengerspassengers safety.safety.公共汽车司机应对乘客的安全负责。公共汽车司机应对乘客的安全负责。ItIts not clear who s not clear who the accident.the accident.谁为这次事故负责还不清楚。谁为这次事故负责还不清楚。If anything goes wrong,IIf anything goes wrong,Ill ll it.it.出了问题,我负责。出了问题,我负责。is responsible fortake respon

7、sibility for3.permission n允许,许可,批准允许,许可,批准 (一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感 (鲜活例句鲜活例句)He obtained permission from his boss before talking to the press.向新闻界透露之前他获得了老板的批准。向新闻界透露之前他获得了老板的批准。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点归纳拓展全析考点ask for permission 请求许可请求许可give sb.permission 许可某人许可某人with ones permission 在某人许可的情况下在某人许可的情况下without perm

8、ission 未经许可未经许可Who gave you permission to use my car?是谁允许你用我的车?是谁允许你用我的车?She asked for permission to leave work early.她请求许可早点下班。她请求许可早点下班。No one may enter or leave .不经允许,没有人可以进去或出来。不经允许,没有人可以进去或出来。without permissionpermit v 允许,准许允许,准许permit doing sth.允许做某事允许做某事permit sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事允许某人做某事We do

9、nWe dont t in the office.in the office.我们不允许在办公室吸烟。我们不允许在办公室吸烟。permit smoking1 1leave leave 遗漏;省略;不考虑遗漏;省略;不考虑2 2refer refer 指的是;谈到;提到;指的是;谈到;提到;参考参考3 3be related be related 与与有关有关4 4start start 动身,出发动身,出发5 5grow grow of of 产生自,源于产生自,源于outtotooffout1.leave out遗漏;省略;不考虑遗漏;省略;不考虑 (一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感

10、(教材原句教材原句)Leave out the difficult parts.略去困难的部分。略去困难的部分。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)Don)Dont leave out any details when you t leave out any details when you read the passage.read the passage.当你读这篇文章时不要遗漏细节。当你读这篇文章时不要遗漏细节。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)We left out the possibility of his)We left out the possibility of his coming for the in

11、g for the party.我们没有考虑到他会来参加聚会。我们没有考虑到他会来参加聚会。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点归纳拓展全析考点be/feel left outbe/feel left out (觉得觉得)被忽视被忽视/冷冷落落leave sb.alone leave sb.alone 让某让某人独自一人人独自一人leave aside leave aside (把把某事某事)搁置一边搁置一边leave behind leave behind 留下,留下,忘带忘带New fathers often feel left out when baby arrives.有了小宝宝以后,初为人父者往

12、往有一种被冷落的感觉。有了小宝宝以后,初为人父者往往有一种被冷落的感觉。This is the diary by the dead.这是死者留下的日记。这是死者留下的日记。left behind2.refer to指的是;提到,谈到;参考指的是;提到,谈到;参考 (一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句教材原句)Specifically,classical music refers to orchestral music of the 18th and early 19th century.具体地说,古典音乐指的是具体地说,古典音乐指的是18世纪和世纪和19世纪初的管弦乐。世纪初的

13、管弦乐。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)Special forces refer to a specially trained group of forces with outstanding skills.特种部队指的是经过特殊训练且具有超群技能的部队。特种部队指的是经过特殊训练且具有超群技能的部队。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)We agreed never to refer to the matter again.我们同意永远不再提这件事。我们同意永远不再提这件事。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)He gave the speech without referring to his notes.他不看讲稿发表了演讲。他不

14、看讲稿发表了演讲。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点归纳拓展全析考点He likes to be referred to He likes to be referred to “Doctor Doctor KheeKhee”他喜欢别人叫他他喜欢别人叫他“基博士基博士”。as1句型展示句型展示Blues started off as the music of African slaves brought to the United States.布鲁斯音乐起源于被带到美国的非洲奴隶的音乐。布鲁斯音乐起源于被带到美国的非洲奴隶的音乐。典例背诵典例背诵The fire destroyed the house

15、built by his father last night.昨晚大火把他父亲建的房屋毁坏了。昨晚大火把他父亲建的房屋毁坏了。2句型展示句型展示As with blues,one of the important elements of jazz is improvisation.和布鲁斯音乐和布鲁斯音乐(蓝调音乐蓝调音乐)一样,即席创作是爵士乐一样,即席创作是爵士乐 的重要特色之一。的重要特色之一。典例背诵典例背诵As with life,art is full of adventures and possibilities.就像生活一样,艺术也充满了冒险与机会。就像生活一样,艺术也充满了冒

16、险与机会。1Blues started off as the music of African slaves brought to the United States.布鲁斯音乐起源于被带到美国的非洲奴隶的音乐。布鲁斯音乐起源于被带到美国的非洲奴隶的音乐。brought to the United States是过去分词短语作定语修是过去分词短语作定语修 饰饰slaves;此时它在意思上相当于一个定语从句。;此时它在意思上相当于一个定语从句。African slaves brought to the United States相当于相当于 African slaves who were bro

17、ught to the United States。(1)(1)过去分词作定语,表示被动或完成,与所修饰的名词过去分词作定语,表示被动或完成,与所修饰的名词 有逻辑上的动宾关系。有逻辑上的动宾关系。Polluted water and air are harmful to Polluted water and air are harmful to peoplepeoples health.s health.污染了的水和空气对人的健康有害。污染了的水和空气对人的健康有害。He is a man He is a man .他是一个人人都喜欢的人。他是一个人人都喜欢的人。liked by all(2

18、)过去分词短语作定语时,要放在名词后面,作后置定过去分词短语作定语时,要放在名词后面,作后置定 语;如果是单个的过去分词一般作前置定语,放在名词语;如果是单个的过去分词一般作前置定语,放在名词 的前面。的前面。Near the window,there is a bookshelf filled with many books.靠近窗户,有一个装满书的书架。靠近窗户,有一个装满书的书架。A burnt boy is afraid of fire.烧伤的男孩怕火。烧伤的男孩怕火。2As with blues,one of the important elements of Jazz is imp

19、rovisation.与布鲁斯音乐与布鲁斯音乐(蓝调音乐蓝调音乐)一样,即席创作是爵士乐一样,即席创作是爵士乐 的重要特色之一。的重要特色之一。As with blues是由是由as引导的状语,省略了一部分成分,引导的状语,省略了一部分成分,完整句式是完整句式是As it is the same with blues。as with相当相当 于于as it is the same with,表示,表示“与与一样;正如;一样;正如;就就来说来说”。As with many other firms,ours are facing great difficulties and challenges.

20、像许多其他公司一样,我们的公司正面临着困难和挑战。像许多其他公司一样,我们的公司正面临着困难和挑战。any oral language,everything begins with listening.对于任何一种口语来说,一切都是从听开始的。对于任何一种口语来说,一切都是从听开始的。As with请根据下表提示,以请根据下表提示,以A Concert Review为题,写一篇为题,写一篇关于音乐会的短文,词数:关于音乐会的短文,词数:100左右。左右。时间时间昨天晚上昨天晚上主演主演Justine地点地点Centre 表演表演棒极了棒极了乐团乐团Elastica,a pop rock gro

21、up观众观众座无虚席,门票抢购一空座无虚席,门票抢购一空随歌起舞随歌起舞等待歌手签名等待歌手签名A Concert ReviewA Concert Review Last night,1,500 young people went to the Last night,1,500 young people went to the Bournemouth Centre to see Elastica,a pop rock group Bournemouth Centre to see Elastica,a pop rock group with a growing number of fans.w

22、ith a growing number of fans.All the tickets were All the tickets were sold out and there was not an empty seat anywhere.sold out and there was not an empty seat anywhere.Elastica played short,3minute Elastica played short,3minute songs.songs.Justine,the lead singer and guitarist in Justine,the lead

23、 singer and guitarist in the group,proved that shethe group,proved that shes a true s a true performer.performer.Although they are a traditional pop Although they are a traditional pop group,itgroup,its nice to see the three girl guitarists at s nice to see the three girl guitarists at the front of

24、the stage.the front of the stage.From the start,the fans were jumping up and down to the rhythm and they did not stop until the very end.Everyone left the hall feeling excited.Although it was very cold in Bournemouth,a small crowd of fans were waiting outside.The group happily signed autographs befo

25、re they got on to their tour bus and left.第一段点明时间、地点、人物及第一段点明时间、地点、人物及Elastica的受欢迎的受欢迎程度。程度。第二、三段描写音乐会的热烈场面,重点描写第二、三段描写音乐会的热烈场面,重点描写Justine及观众的反应。及观众的反应。第四段写音乐会结束后,歌迷等待签名。第四段写音乐会结束后,歌迷等待签名。1 1句中介词短语作定语、句句中介词短语作定语、句sell outsell out、句、句itits s nice to do sth.nice to do sth.句型、句句型、句up and downup and do

26、wn和和not.not.untiluntil短语、句中现在分词短语作伴随状语的运用等短语、句中现在分词短语作伴随状语的运用等均显示出作者语言的扎实的基本功。均显示出作者语言的扎实的基本功。2 2句中状语从句的恰当运用彰显出作者的语句中状语从句的恰当运用彰显出作者的语言表达能力。言表达能力。下面我们就以听一场音乐会为例,来学习一下写音乐评下面我们就以听一场音乐会为例,来学习一下写音乐评论的方法。论的方法。第一步:我们要列一列这次音乐会的信息,例如:音乐第一步:我们要列一列这次音乐会的信息,例如:音乐会的类型会的类型(是摇滚还是爵士乐是摇滚还是爵士乐)、歌手、乐队、时间、地点;表、歌手、乐队、时间

27、、地点;表演者的演技;音乐、声音及灯光效果;听众的反应等。演者的演技;音乐、声音及灯光效果;听众的反应等。第二步:把列举的内容用适当的句型连缀成句,然后再第二步:把列举的内容用适当的句型连缀成句,然后再用适当的连接词连句成篇即可。用适当的连接词连句成篇即可。1 1表示并列表示并列whatwhats more,in addition,too,as well,s more,in addition,too,as well,besides,furthermore,moreover,what besides,furthermore,moreover,whats worses worse2 2表示因果表示

28、因果therefore,for this reason,thus,therefore,for this reason,thus,consequentlyconsequently3 3表示转折表示转折but,however,on the contrary,instead,but,however,on the contrary,instead,on one hand.on the other handon one hand.on the other hand4表示时间顺序表示时间顺序later,afterwards,from then on,eventually,in the meantime,then,at the same time,after a while,at present,after that,finally5表示列举表示列举first,to begin with,secondly,first of all,then


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