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1、Unit 1Meeting PeopleIn this unit we will talk about greeting people introducing oneself introducing others finding topics for small talks1.Starting-up2.Greeting3.Introducing people4.Small talks5.Role play6.Leisure time1 Starting-up Talk with your partner in what situations peopledo the following to

2、greet each other.Greetingmay come along with body language inaddition to speaking.2 Greeting It is common for people to greet and introduce each other in business world.Therefore,it is the first step to communicate with people by learning to greet and make introductions.Greeting is a way of being fr

3、iendly and polite to someone.People may use different ways of greeting in different situations.2.1Formal and informal greetingsA Listen to the conversations and decide which are formal and which are informal by putting a tick()in the correct box.B Listen to the conversations again and fill in the bl

4、anks.C Pair work.Make dialogues according to the given situations with your partner in proper ways.2.2Questions and replies during greetings Questions can keep a conversation going on,which may help you to know more about someone.After people meet each other,they always ask questions.A You are going

5、 to hear six questions.However,the questions are not in the same order with the replies on the right.Please match them by writing down the numbers of the questions in the proper places.B Listen to the six questions again and write down each of them.3Introducing People Greeting can also be seen as a

6、way of starting a conversation.After greetings,it is very common for people to make introductions to those they meet for the first time.3.1Introducing oneself In some situations,people may introduce themselves in public before a presentation or during an interview.It would be very helpful to make a

7、good impression by introducing oneself successfully.A Listen to the self-introduction of Connie during an interview and fill in the blanks.B Pair work.Choose one business card and play his or her role.Introduce yourself to others.Give as many details as you can.In addition to the information on the

8、card,you may invent more information as you wish.3.2Introducing others A Listen to the introductions to the three CEOS and write down their names in the proper places.B Listen to the introductions again and fill in their personal information card as follows.3.3Meeting a client at the airport Bob Nel

9、son is a client from the Great Britain.Tom Clinton and Anna Anderson,sent by his Chinese partners,greet him at the airport.A Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information in the following sentences.B Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions.C Group work.Pl

10、ay roles of the three and practice the dialogue.You may use the answers in Exercise A and B for your reference.3.4Introducing a senior executive in the office Sarah Salice,a senior executive(高级行政主管)from the head office of Simens(西门子公司),is on a business trip to the companys division(分公司)office in Sha

11、nghai.Peter Wang,president in charge of the Shanghai division office,greets her in the office.A Listen to the conversation and decide whether the statements are true or false by putting a tick()in the correct box.B Listen to the conversation again and complete the following sentences:3.5Attending an

12、 international conference An international business conference is held in New York.Businessmen from different countries are introducing themselves and talking.A Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information in the table.B Pair work.Play roles of the three and practice the dialogue.Y

13、ou may use the table in Exercise A for your reference.4Small Talks When people first meet in business,they may greet and introduce each other.Moreover,before the business discussion begins,there are often“small talks”.Anyway,people from different countries would probably ask improper questions due t

14、o different cultural background.A Listen to the conversation between an American client Mr.Harry Smith and a Chinese manager Wang Lin.Write down the questions in the proper places.B Pair work.Find some topics you can talk about during small talks when you meet people in business.Make dialogues accor

15、ding to each topic.5Role Play Make a group of three and role play the three famous people mentioned in 3.2 in this unit.Read all of their personal information cards carefully.Suppose three of you meet at an international business conference.Please greet each other,introduce yourselves and then have

16、a small talk.After the first round,exchange roles.The following language focus may be helpful.6Leisure Time:A Song Welcome To My Party.This is John and this is Sue.Hello,how are you?How do you do?Sues from England,and John is,too.Were very pleased to meet you.Welcome to my party.Come in and sit down

17、Welcome to my party,and Welcome to my town,welcome to my town.Hello,John.Hello,Sue.My names Tom.How do you do?This is my house,and my party,too.Im very pleased to meet you.(chorus)Come in and sit down.Close the door.Take a seat or sit on the floor.You and your friends are welcome here.Have a glass o

18、f beer.(chorus)Unit 2InterviewsIn this unit we will talk about interview preparation interview process interview technique interview practice 1.Starting-up2.Interview Preparation3.Interview Process4.Interview Technique5.Interview Practice6.Speaking Task:Role Play1 Starting-up“Interview is a game in

19、which I deal the cards,butyou hold the aces.Its up to you to play them.”Thisstatement is made by an interviewer.How couldyou understand the sentence?Exchange your ideawith your partner.2Interview Preparation 2.1Interviewers questions and interviewees questions During an interview,the interviewer may

20、 ask questions to keep the conversation going.However,the interviewee may also ask questions.A Listen to 10 questions and try to find out which ones are the interviewers questions and which ones are the interviewees questions.B Listen to the conversations again and fill in the blanks.C Pair work.Dis

21、cuss with each other on more questions asked by interviewers and interviewees during an interview.2.2Useful tips Now you may have some ideas about what kind of questions the interviewers might ask during an interview.Anyway,that is not the whole story.As a successful interviewee,youre supposed to ha

22、ve some beliefs in your mind before you are standing in front of an interviewer.There are some useful tips to help you with your preparations before an interview.A Listen to the recording once and fill in the missing words in each statement.B Read the eight sentences again and discuss in small group

23、s on other important factors necessary for a successful interview.2.3 Trick Questions “What is your biggest weakness?”This question is so typical of interviews,you must be well-prepared before that.Now,are you ready for these interview trick questions?Here are some tips to answer them.A Listen to th

24、e recording once and write down four trick questions.B Listen again and then choose the right answers to the questions.C Pair work.Play roles of an interviewer and an interviewee.Please ask each other these four questions and get your own answers.3Interview Process 3.1A Secretary vacancy After you k

25、now most of the important factors for a successful interview,it is a good idea to learn some situations of interviewing.Suppose the Apple Computer Trading(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd is looking for a secretary recently,and two girls are coming for the interview.A A brief resume with missing information for eac

26、h candidate has been given as follows.Listen to the two dialogues and fill in the missing information in the following resumes.Each dialogue will be spoken twice.B Suppose you are the manager of the HR Department,Richard Lee.According to the information of these two candidates,which one do you think

27、 is more suitable for the position of a secretary?Discuss in small groups.3.2Interviewees benefits Edward Smith,the HR department manager with the IBM,is meeting a candidate Joe in his office.The dialogue you are going to hear is the last part of the interview.Listen to the dialogue twice and fill i

28、n the missing information.4Interview Technique A successful interview is not only a process of language communication but also a nonverbal one.What you say during an interview is just as important as how you say it.The following passage is about“eye contact”,which is one of the most important techni

29、ques to help you during an interview.Listen to the passage twice and decide whether the statements are true or false by putting a tick()in the correct box.5Interview Practice The candidates always pay more attention to the question-and-answer part during an interview.Look at the following long dialo

30、gue.The questions of the interviewer have been given as follows.Suppose you are the interviewee during this interview,what would you say to answer each question?A Read the following questions carefully and try to give answers to them according to your own expectations.B Listen to the dialogue twice.

31、Write down the answer to each question.C Pair work.Play roles of an interviewer and an interviewee according to your own experience.You may use the dialogue above for your reference.The following Language Focus may also be helpful.6Speaking Task:Role Play There are two advertisements from four compa

32、nies,including Nestle and DHL.Work in groups of three and play the roles of two interviewers and one interviewee.During the interview,use the following interview evaluation form to record the interviewees performance.One of the interviewers is responsible for asking questions,the other one for compl

33、eting the evaluation form.Each group may choose one ad for your reference.After the first round,exchange the roles.7Leisure Time:A JokeAn engineer,a physicist,and a lawyer were being interviewed for a position as chief executive officer of a large corporation.The engineer was interviewed first,and w

34、as asked a long list of questions,ending with How much is two plus two?The engineer excused himself,and made a series of measurements and calculations before returning to the board room and announcing,Four.The physicist was next interviewed,and was asked the same questions.Before answering the last

35、question,he excused himself,made for the library,and did a great deal of research.After a consultation with the United States Bureau of Standards and many calculations,he also announced Four.The lawyer was interviewed last,and was asked the same questions.At the end of his interview,before answering

36、 the last question,he drew all the shades in the room,looked outside the door to see if anyone was there,checked the telephone for listening devices,and asked How much do you want it to be?Unit 3Day-to-Day WorkIn this unit we will talk about a secretarys work a managers work Staffs work1.Starting-up

37、2.A Secretarys Work3.A Managers Work4.Staffs Work1 Starting-up Read this news extract:Utah goes to 4-day work week to save energyStarting from next month,thousands of governmentemployees will only work 4 days per week and each day forten hours,in an effort aimed at reducing energy costs andCommuters

38、 gasoline expenses July 3,2011;3 02 PM EDT A This new work-hour policy has aroused an instant worldwide argument the moment its carried out.If you are involved,which would you prefer,10 hours everyday for 4 days a week or 8 hours everyday for 5 days a week?Exchange your ideas with your partner.B Lis

39、ten to five persons opinions on this policy.Tick()the opinions which are for it.2 A Secretarys Work 2.1 A Susan has just taken up a job as a secretary in Sheraton Hotel.Listen to the dialogue between Bob and her and then pick out from the box the expressions you hear in the dialogue.B Listen to the

40、dialogue again and answer the questions.2.2 Its nine oclock in the morning.Susan andManager Mr.Chen are talking about todayswork.Listen to the dialogue and then choose the right answers to the questions.2.3Susan is busy dealing with phone calls thewhole morning.Listen to two calls and note down the

41、messages.2.4Its 2 20 in the afternoon.Mr.Brown arrives at the office.Susan receives him.Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with the missing information.2.5Susan isnt feeling well today.She has taken asick leave.And she is calling a colleague in theoffice to help her out with the following

42、 work.Work in pairs and make a dialogue on the phonebetween them.The three business letters on her desk should be mailed out before noon.Tell Mr.Zhang that Mr.Zhou Wei from Tsingtao Brewery Co.,Ltd.will come to visit him at 2:20 p.m.The catalogue and price list of the new products have to be sent to

43、 their branch office today.3A Managers Work 3.1 A Work in pairs and discuss about your understanding about the saying“A manager is a manger is a manger”.Then tick()the things you think a manager usually does.3.3Meeting a client at the airportB Mr.Chen is a sales manager in Sheraton Hotel.Listen to M

44、r.Chens talk about his work.Tick()the things he does in work.C Listen again.And then choose the right answers to the questions.3.2Mr.Chen is talking with a clerk.Listen to the dialogue and then choose the right answers to the questions.3.3Mr.Chen is going to have a meeting.Listen to the dialogue and

45、 fill in the blanks with the missing information.4Staffs Work 4.1A Guess what office scenes cartoons portray.Discuss your results with your partner.B Listen to five dialogues about the scenes in A.Match the dialogues with their corresponding scenes.4.2 Listen to two dialogues.Note down what thepeopl

46、e in each dialogue are talking about andmark the expressions above that you hear thespeakers using in each dialogue.3.5Attending an international conference4.3A Work in pairs.You make requests and your partner responds to you.Try to be polite and indirect when making requests.Requests:Ask your colle

47、ague to help dealing with the copier.Ask your colleague to send some e-mails for you.Ask your manager for a day off on Monday.Ask your colleague to stay late to finish the report.B Listen to four model dialogues about the same requests in A.Compare them with your work.C Listen again.Mark“Yes”or“No”o

48、f each response the colleague makes to the request by putting a tick()in the corresponding box.Unit 4Working EnvironmentIn this unit we will talk about giving directions in an office building departments work conditions work stress1.Starting-up2.Giving Directions in an Office Building3.Talking about

49、 Departments4.Work Conditions5.Talking about Work Stress1 Starting-up A Hot Desk is something new in work places.Listen to a short dialogue about it and answer the two questions.1)What does“hot desk”mean?2)Why does Zoe think hot-desking a good idea?B Work in pairs.Whats your idea about hot-desking?E

50、xchange it with your partners.2Giving Directions in an Office BuildingBAE SYSTEMS is a British group engaged in the development,delivery and support of advanced defense and aerospace systems in the air,on land and at sea globally.2.2Questions and replies during greetings2.1 Make sentences with the e


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