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1、实 用 物 流 专 业 英 语An Introduction to Business LogisticsPart IDefinition of Business LogisticsPart IISample CommunicationsPart IIIPractical ReadingsPart IDefinition of Business Logistics对许多人来说,当“七个正确(Seven Rights)”提供了物流的一个良好的功能定义时,往往会涉及到哪些内容呢?其实,“七个正确(Seven Rights)”表明:一名物流师的工作就是要确保将正确数量的正确产品在正确的时间内和正确的条

2、件下以正确的价格在正确的地点送到正确的客户手中。物流还可以简练地表述为:“物流的意意思是在正确的地点、正确的时间得到正确的东西。”For many people,what is often referred to as the“Seven Rights”provides a good working definition of logistics.The“Seven Rights”states that the logisticians job is to ensure the availability of the right product at the right time in the

3、 right quantity in the right condition at the right place for the right customer at the right cost.Logistics can also be briefly described like this:Logistics means having the right thing,at the right place,at the right time.Part IDefinition of Business LogisticsBusiness logistics refers to a group

4、of related activities all involved in the movement and storage of products and information-from the sources of raw materials through to final consumers and beyond recycling and disposal.Business logistics is a relatively new term and concept in modern business vocabulary;its origins can be traced ba

5、ck to World War II when the ability to mobilize personnel and material was critical to the outcome of the war.商业物流设计一些列有关的活动,所有这些活动都发生在产品的搬移、仓储以及通过最终客户来自于原料资源的信息,而且远远超过了回收和废品处理的概念。相对来说,商业物流在现代商业词汇里是一个新术语、新概念,其源头可追溯到第二次世界大战,那时人员和补给的转移能力对战争的结果起着至关重要的作用。Part IDefinition of Business LogisticsIn the 1960

6、s and 1970s the terms physical distribution,distribution,materials management,and physical supply were common.Physical distribution and distribution refer to the outbound flow of goods from the end of the production process to the consumer;physical supply and materials management refer to the inboun

7、d flow of material to the production process.As the importance of coordinating the entire flow of material from the raw materials to the end consumer became recognized,the term business logistics became widely used to reflect the broadening of the concept.Today,the term supply chain management is co

8、ming into use to reflect the importance of forming alliances and partnerships to streamline the flow of materials.Business logistics remains the dominant,all-encompassing term for this important concept at this time.二十世纪六十至其实年代,像物流、配送、物料管理和物资供应之类的术语很普遍了。物流和配送涉及到产品从生产流程末端到用户手里的向外运输过程;物资供应和物料管理涉及到物料由内

9、向生产流程方向的流动。当协调从原材料向产品的最终用户整个物流过程的重要性被人们所公认,商业物流这个术语被广泛使用,来反映物流概念的拓展。当今,供应链管理这个术语正付储使用,以反映组建联盟和合作伙伴关系,使物流称为流水线的重要性。在这个时代,商业物流仍然占有统治地位,这一重要概念已成为包罗万象的术语。Part IDefinition of Business LogisticsAlthough these definitions refer primarily to managing the flow of goods,businesslogistics is also important in

10、service organizations.It is important to recognize that all firms produce both goods and services,some more of one than the other,that all firms purchase supplies and that all must meet or exceed customer expectations.虽然这些基本概念涉及到物流管理,但是商业物流在服务性组织里仍然很重要。重要的是认识到,所有企业都提供商品和服务,而有些企业比其他企业能提供更多的商品和服务;所有的企

11、业都购买供应品和必须满足或超越顾客的期望。Part IDefinition of Business LogisticsTo the organization,business logistics is important in several ways.First,business logistics provides an opportunity for the firm to create a sustainable competitive advantage for itself by designing a system which fulfills customersneeds be

12、tter than the competition.For example,the firm could offer faster,more accurate,and more consistent order filling and delivery than competitors are capable of providing.Secondly,due to its complexity,a superior logistics system is a proprietary asset that cannot be easily duplicated.Many firms have

13、begun to view business logistics as an effective competitive weapon.(Source:)对于组织而言,在一些方面商业物流很重要。首先,商业物流给贸易公司本身创造了一个稳定的竞争优势,这一优势是由公司自己设计的管理系统最大限度地满足用户需要,而不是要加剧竞争来实现。例如,公司能比那些有能力提供的竞争对手更快地、更精确地、更具持续性地提供订单和配送服务。其次,由于物流本身的复杂性,一个高级的物流系统就是资产所有权的实体,是不可能被轻易复制的。许多公司已经开始考虑将商业物流作为一件有效的竞争武器。(来源于:)Part IDefinit

14、ion of Business LogisticsGlobal operations increase logistics cost and complexity.Estimated 1997 logistics cost for industrialized nations exceeded$5 trillion,or 13.4 percent of estimated global Gross Domestic Product(GDP).In terms of complexity,global operations,in contrast to domestic,are characte

15、rized by increased uncertainty and decreased ability to control.Uncertainty results from greater distances,longer lead times,and decreased market knowledge.Decreased ability to control results from the extensive use of international service firms coupled with potential government intervention in suc

16、h areas as customs requirements and trade restrictions.These unique complicate development of an efficient and effective global supply chain strategy.Fortunately,there are forces that both drive and facilitate globalization and necessitate borderless logistics operations.(Source:Donald J.Bowersox,Da

17、vid J.Closs,M.Bixby Cooper.Supply Chain Logistics Management Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.)Part IDefinition of Business LogisticsPart IISample CommunicationsA:Hello,Mr.Smith.B:Hi,Ellen.Whats up?A:Mr.Smith,could you tell me what biz logistics means?B:Oh,yes,you know what the word b

18、iz means?It is a short form of business.And the phrase biz logistics means business logistics.A:What is the difference between logistics and biz Logistics?B:You know these two concepts have the same meanings,but logistics is general.And then biz logistics stresses specific term on a trade or busines

19、s.The former includes a few of definitions,such as military definition,business definition.The latter includes several components,including the procurement,maintenance,distribution and replacement of personnel and material.Part IISample CommunicationsA:Wow,it is very complicated,isnt it?B:Not so!Let

20、 us put emphasis on the Biz Definition.It is defined as a business-planning framework for the management of material,service,information and capital flows.A:Is that all?B:It includes the increasingly complex information,communication and control systems required in today s business environment.Do yo

21、u think it is important or not?A:Yes,it is!Part IISample CommunicationsWhat does logistics mean?1How many components of logistics does the dialogue include?2In a few words,what is the difference between logistics and biz logistics?3Logistics means to supply the right product at the right time in the

22、 right quantity in the right condition at the right place for the right customer at the right price.It includes the procurement,maintainance,distribution and replacement of personnel and material.These two concepts are the same meanings.Logistics is general meaning and includes military definition a

23、nd business definition.Business logistics stresses special term on a trade or business.Part IISample CommunicationsA:Hello,Jimmy.B:Hi,John.A:Why are you in such a hurry?B:Going to the library to search for some information.Oh,by the way,could you give me some advice on logistics,please?A:No problem!

24、Logistics is responsible for the movement of products from your vendors right through to the delivery at your customers door,including movement through manufacturing facilities,warehouses,third-parties,such as repackage or distributor.Its more than shipping,receiving,traffic or warehousing.Part IISa

25、mple CommunicationsB:Would you explain what the key issues for logistics effectiveness are?A:OK,there are five key issues actually.They are movement of products,movement of information,time/service,cost and integration.B:Can you describe their contents in general?A:Well,they are more than I tell you

26、.You can search in the library or on Internet for the five key issues for logistics effectiveness.B:Thank you indeed.I have learned a lot from you.See you later.A:See you!Part IISample Communications1.Oral Practice:2.Team work:Practice the above dialogue with your partner until you can learn the lin

27、es by heart.Make up a dialogue according to the following situation and practice it withpartner.Situation:Mary is a clerk in a logistics company.Now she is talking with her customer,Mr.Smith,about the“Seven Rights”f the logistics definition.Part IISample CommunicationsOffice furniture maker Herman M

28、iller has created a new unit,Miller SQA,that provides an excellent example of value net design.Miller SQA,like its parent,makes office furniture,but with a twist.Its product and the entire furniture buying experienceare designed to be simple,quick,and affordable(hence SQA).The clarity of Miller SQAs

29、 vision,the value net design just described,and itsexemplary execution have been hugely successful.Orders are being shipped 99.6 percent on time and complete.Profitability is excellent,and sales are growing at 25 percent a year.Part IISample CommunicationsOffice furniture maker Herman Miller has cre

30、ated a new unit,Miller SQA,that provides an excellent example of value net design.Miller SQA,like its parent,makes office furniture,but with a twist.Its product and the entire furniture buying experienceare designed to be simple,quick,and affordable(hence SQA).The clarity of Miller SQAs vision,the v

31、alue net design just described,and itsexemplary execution have been hugely successful.Orders are being shipped 99.6 percent on time and complete.Profitability is excellent,and sales are growing at 25 percent a year.SQA is not alone.Our interviews with more than 30 companies confirm that the value ne

32、t concept is spreading.Some of the best examples we see are new,often Internet-based,companies that enjoy the luxury of creating their business designs on a clean slate.Others,like SQA,introduce the new concepts into a single division of a large corporation.But even entire enterprises with establish

33、ed supply chains can adopt a value net design to good effect.(Source:David Bovet and Joseph Martha,Value Nets(New York:John Wiley&Sons,Inc.,2000),pp.8-9)Part IISample CommunicationsPart IIIPractical ReadingsAlthough there are various definitions of different types of Business Logistics Management,su

34、ch as,Logistics is the science of planning and implementing the acquisition and use of the resources necessary to sustain the operation of a system(Quote from ECRC University of Scranton/Defense Logistics Agency).The procurement,maintenance,distribution,and replacement of personnel and material.”(Qu

35、ote from Websters Dictionary);Logistics for business concept is bound to be a business-planning framework for the management of material,service,information and capital flows.It includes the increasingly,complex information,communication and control systems required in todays business environment.Pa

36、rt IIIPractical ReadingsThe management of the goods flow and storage process between the point of origin of raw materials and the point where the materials are converted into finished goods is known as materials management(also called inbound logistics).The management of the flow and storage of fini

37、shed goods between the final point of manufacture and the point of consumption is known as physical distribution management (also called outbound logistics).Return goods handling and waste disposal together form reverse logistics.Inbound logistics,outbound logistics and reverse logistics are collect

38、ively known as business logistics,or logistics management.The two terms are often used interchangeably.Part IIIPractical Readings Business logistics involves the following activities:selection and design,procurement,materials handling,forecasting,packaging,facility site warehouse management,inventor

39、y management,order processing,logistics communications,transport,reverse logistics(including return goods handling and waste disposal),and customer service.Let us now have a look at how logistics works.Of importance is a dynamic balancebetween the minute details and the main elements involved in a p

40、roduct.The role of logistics is to maintain that balance.Once the firm realizes the importance of logistics,it is necessary that the firm make full and efficient use of logistics.The first step is to create a buyer value for the customer and a strategic value for the firm.Part IIIPractical ReadingsT

41、he customer is the most important asset of a company.It drives the entire supply chain including manufacturing,marketing and logistics.Hence it is important for a firm to have a clear understanding of what the customer demands and to keep up with the customers expectations.Once a company has a clear

42、 understanding of its customers requirements,it must devise a strategy on how to use logistics to achieve it.This means that the company has to have a clear understanding or assessment of companys strategicdirection.(Source:JJ Vogt,WJ Pienaar,PWC de Wit.Business Logistics Management.University Press

43、)Part IIIPractical ReadingsPart IIIPractical ReadingsPart IIIPractical Readings1.business-planning framework商业规划结构2.business environment经营环境3.physical distribution(PD)产品配送;物资配送4.reverse logistics逆向物流;反向物流5.return goods handling退货处理6.waste disposal(环境)废物处理;废料处理7.a dynamic balance动态平衡Part IIIPractical

44、 ReadingsPart IIIPractical Readings1.What is business logistics?2.What are the activities included in business logistics?I.Answer the following questions:Business logistics means to be defined as a business-planning framework for the management of material,service,information and capital flows.Busin

45、ess logistics involves the following activities:demand forecasting,procurement,materials handling,packaging,warehouse and inventory management,ordering processing,logistics communications,transport,customer service and so on.Part IIIPractical Readings3.How does business logistics work?I.Answer the f

46、ollowing questions:The role of logistics is to maintain the balance between the minute details and the main elements involved in a product.Part IIIPractical Readings1.various definitions of different types for business logistics management2.use of the resources necessaryII.Translate the following En

47、glish expressions into Chinese:商务物流管理有不同版本的不同定义必要资源的利用Part IIIPractical Readings3.return goods handling4.replacement of personnel and materialII.Translate the following English expressions into Chinese:逆向货物的搬运人员和材料的补充Part IIIPractical Rplex information6.todays business environmentII.Translate the fo

48、llowing English expressions into Chinese:复杂信息现代的商业环境Part IIIPractical Readings7.demand forecasting8.facility site selectionII.Translate the following English expressions into Chinese:需求预测设施场地选择Part IIIPractical Readings9.the most important fortune for a company10.assessment of companys strategic dir

49、ectionII.Translate the following English expressions into Chinese:公司最重要的财富公司战略抉择走势评定Part IIIPractical ReadingsIII.Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions given below.Change the forms where necessary.Nearly all the _ of logistic can be briefly described like this:“Logistics means having t

50、he right thing,at the right place,at the right time.”At its _,logistics deals with satisfying the customer.This implies that management must first understand what those requirements are before a logistics _ can be developed and implemented to meet them.As will be discussed in more detail later,custo


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