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1、人教版九年级全册英语Unit 3 教案Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?教学目标话题:游览(Getting around)功能:礼貌地询问信息(Ask for information politely)A: Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?B: Sure. Theres a supermarket down the street.A: Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?

2、B: Sorry, Im not sure how to get there.遵照指令(Follow directions)Go to the second floor.Turn right.语法:能正确使用含有wh-问句的宾语从句(Objective clauses with wh-questions)Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?Can you tell me when the band starts playing this evening?I wonder where we should go next.词汇和

3、常用表达:1. 能够正确使用下列词汇(Curriculum words)restroom, stamp, postcard, bathroom, grape, corner, request, direction, speaker, address, course, rush, suggest, mail, central, east, convenient, correct, polite, direct, impolite, underground, politely, pardon, beside, whom2. 能够正确使用下列常用表达(Useful expressions)pass

4、by, pardon me3. 能够认读下列词汇(Non-curriculum words)bookstore, washroom, normally, staff, nearby, fascinating, inexpensive, uncrowded, mall, clerk, parking lot学习策略:1. 在不同场合下礼貌地使用语言2. 结合不同文化背景得体地使用语言文化知识:了解英语中的礼貌用语Section A 1 (1a-2d)Learning Objectives1. To learn to ask for information politely. Excuse me,

5、 do you know where I can.? Excuse me, could you please tell me how to?2. To learn to give directions. Go to the third floor. Turn left / right. .between.and. Go past the bookstore. Step 1 New wordsrestroom n. (美)洗手间;公共厕所 stamp n. 邮票;印章 bookstore n. 书店 beside prep. 在旁边;在附近 postcard n. 明信片 pardon v. 原

6、谅 interj. 请再说一遍normally adv. 通常;正常情况下rush v. & n. 仓促;急促Step 2 Warming up 1. Guessing gameShow pictures to the students and the sentence: Where can we?Learn some new words: bank, post office, bookstore, department store2. Show some pictures to students and present the new sentences: Could you tell me

7、 where I can buy some stamps? Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Do you know where I can get some magazines?Step 3 Consolidation1. Match each thing with a place in the picture in 1a._ get some money_ get some magazines_ have dinner_ get a dictionary_ get some information about th

8、e town_ buy a newspaper_ buy some stamps_ get a pair of shoes2. Read the phrases.get some moneyget some magazineshave dinnerget a dictionaryget some information about the townbuy a newspaperbuy some stamps get a pair of shoesStep 4 Listening1. Play the mp3 for the first time and ask students to list

9、en and complete the conversations in the picture in 1a. Then check the answers with the whole class.2. Play the mp3 for the second time and ask students to fill in the blanks. Conversation 1Girl: Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some (stamps)?Boy: Yes. Theres a post office (on) Center St

10、reet.Girl: Oh, could you tell me (how to) get to Center Street?Boy: Sure. You see that (bank) there?Girl: Hmm. oh, yes.Boy: Just (go past) the bank and then (turn right). The post office is (on the right), (next to) the library.Girl: Thanks a lot!Conversation 2Boy: Excuse me, do you know (where I ca

11、n) get a dictionary?Girl: Sure. Theres a bookstore (on) Main Street.Boy: Oh, could you please tell me how to get there?Girl: Yes. (Go along) Center Street and then (turn left) on Main Street. Then you will see the bookstore (on the other side of) the street.Boy: Thanks! Do you know when the bookstor

12、e closes today?Girl: I think it closes at 7:00 p.m. today.3. Conclusion:问路的常用句型u Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me the way to?u Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me how I can get to?u Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me how to get to?u Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me whereis/are?u Excuse me. Do you know wh

13、ere/how?u Excuse me. Which is the way to, please?u Excuse me. Where is , please?u Excuse me. Is there a/annear here?4. Watch the flash and then role-play the conversations. Step 5 PracticeAsk students to make conversations using the information in 1c and talk about their own town /city. For example:

14、A: Excuse me, _?B: Sure, just Street until you pass. The is on your , beside the . A: Thanks. Do you know when closes today?B: It closes at . today.A: Thank you!B: Youre welcome.Step 6 ListeningWork in pairs. Show the picture and ask: What place does the picture show?What shops can you see in the pi

15、cture?How many floors can we see in the picture?If I want to buy, what shop should I go to? And how can I get there?1. Play the mp3 of 2a and ask students to number the directions in the order that they hear them. _ Go to the third floor._ Turn left._ Go to the second floor. _ Turn right._ The super

16、market is between the flower store and the bookstore._ Go past the bookstore.2. Play the mp3 of 2a again. Ask students to draw a line in the picture in 2a to show how the boy walks to the supermarket. Then get one student draw the line on the blackboard. 3. Play the mp3 the third time and ask studen

17、ts to answer the questions.1) What does the boy want to buy?2) Where can he buy it?3) When does the shopping center close?4) Does the other boy know when it closes?5) What does he suggest?Step 7 PracticeAsk students to make conversations about the other places in the picture in 2a.A: Excuse me. Can

18、you tell me where I can buy some flowers?B: Yes, theres a flower shop in this shopping center.A: Do you know how to go there?B: Yes. Go to the second floor and turn left. Then go past the bookstore. The flower shop is between public phones and the supermarket. A: OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. D

19、o you know ?B: Im not sure, but you A: OK, thanks a lot. B: Youre welcome.Step 8 Role play1. Ask students to read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions. 1) Where are He Wei and Alice?2) What different parts does Fun Times Park have?3) Alice used a word that He Wei didnt fully understand at

20、 the beginning. What was that word?4) How did Alice help He Wei to understand her?Note: 英语中常见表示“厕所”的委婉表达有:restroom, washroom, bathroom, Men, Mens, Mens room, Gents, Women, Womens, Ladies, comfort room等。委婉表达“上厕所”的说法有:May I go to the restroom?或May I wash my hands?2. Play the flash.3. Ask students to r

21、ole play the conversation with their partner.Step 9 Language points1. Could you please .?Could you (please) .?请求对方做某事,其答语比较灵活。 肯定回答:Yes, sure. / Sure. / Yes, I can. 否定回答:Sorry, I cant. I have to . / No, I cant.e.g. 1) Could you (please) help to repair the bicycle? Yes, sure. 2) Could you (please) go

22、 to the movie with me this evening? Sorry, I cant. I have to prepare for my English exam.Could you (please) .?的否定形式是在please后面加not。e.g. Could you please not open the window? 【拓展】Could I / We .? 表示请求得到对方的许可, “我 / 我们可以吗?” ,其答语比较灵活。肯定回答:Yes, you can. / Of course. / Sure. 否定回答:Sorry. / No, you cant.e.g.

23、1) Could we go for a picnic this weekend? Yes, you can. But you have to finish your homework first. 2) Could I borrow your pen? No, you cant. 【语境应用】根据汉语意思完成英语句子或对话,每空一词。1) 请你清扫一下地板好吗? _ _ _ _ the floor?2) 请你不要在楼道里跑好吗? _ _ _ _ _ in the hallways?3) 我现在可以看电视吗? 是的,你可以。 _ _ _ TV now? Yes, _ _.2. The book

24、store is on your right, beside the bank. 书店在你的右边,银行旁边。 beside prep. 在旁边;在附近 e.g. Come and sit beside your sister. 常见的方位介词: betweenand 在和之间 on the right/ left 在右/左边 at the top of . 在顶端 next to/ by/ close to 靠近;紧挨着 in the middle of在中间 across from/ opposite 在对面 behind/ at the back of在后面 in front of 在前面

25、3. Go past the bookstore. past prep. “经过”,常和walk, run, go等表示位移的动词连用。 e.g. The boys walked past Toms house. 【语境应用】根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。一个小女孩刚才从我身边跑过去了。A little girl _ _ me just now.【链接】past还可作副词、名词和形容词。请看下表: 4. Im excited to try the rides!辨析 excited和 exciting 1) excited “激动的;兴奋的”,作表语时,主语通常是人;作定语时,常用来修饰人

26、,说明激动的表情。 e.g. Steve will fly home tomorrow. Were all excited when hearing the news. The excited fans are waiting (等待) for the singer to arrive. 2) exciting“激动人心的”,作表语时,主语通常是物;作定语时,常用来修饰物。e.g. Melanie finds her work exciting. I have some very exciting news for you.英语名词ride有多种用法和意思。涉及游乐园主题时,往往笼统地指园中各

27、种各样的“供玩乐的乘骑装置”,如:旋转木马、疯狂老鼠、过山车等。其具体的汉语译文要视情境而定。例如:a roller coaster ride 过山车How about that new ride over there?My favourite ride is the Ferris Wheel?5. Pardon? Restroom? You already want to rest? But we havent even started yet! pardon v. “原谅”,短语 pardon sb. for doing sth. 原谅某人做某事 pardon me常用于以下场合,且与ex

28、cuse me同义: 请别人重复此前所说的话,意为“什么;请再说一遍”;表示歉意(如:在公共场合打喷嚏、打嗝、发生轻微的身体接触或碰撞等),意为“抱歉;对不起”;打扰他人或咨询信息时的礼貌套话,意为“劳驾”。【语境应用】选出划线部分的恰当释义。A. Get someones attention to ask her or him a questionB. Say sorry C. Ask someone to repeat sth.( ) 1) A: Pardon me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is, please? B: Oh! Its

29、 across from the post office, next to a big market.( ) 2) A: Hurry up, Jonathan! B: Pardon me? A: I said hurry up!( ) 3) A: Whats up? B: Pardon me, sir, but theres a phone call for you.6. No problem. You dont need to rush! v. 仓促;急促 常用表达 Dont rush. 别急 rush to do sth. 急忙做某事 rush out of . 冲出 rush into

30、doing sth. 仓促行事 n. 常用表达 in a rush 忙着 Whats the rush? 干吗这么急匆匆的? There is no rush. 不用着急 at / in the rush hour 在交通高峰期间【语境应用】用由rush构成的表达完成对话。A: Linda, Linda, where are you going? (1)_?B: I cant stop Im (2)_. I have an important meeting at 8:00.A: But I advise you to change your way. Its 7:30. This road

31、is often crowded (3)_.B: Oh, youre right. I will go another way Jianshe Road.A: OK. (4)_. There are few cars on that road. Bye!Step 10 Summary 问路的常用句型:1. Could you please tell me where I can?2. Do you know where I can?3. Is there near here ?4. Could you please tell me how I can get to the?5. Can you

32、 tell me how to get to the?6. Could you tell me the way to the, please?7. Do you know the way to?指路的常用句型:1. Go past the bank and then turn right on. Street.2. Go down this street. 3. Walk/Go along this road/bridge.4. Go/Walk straight on, and youll see/find the5. Just cross the road. Walk past theand

33、 turn left at the first crossing.6. at the corner of the street.7. Its on your right/left. Its on road/street/next to8. To the north of, youll find9. Northeast of the theres a10. Cross/Go across, and youll see.11. Take the second turning on the right.12. Turn right at the second turning/at the traff

34、ic lights.13. Its far from my school.14. Its in the north/south/west/east ofStep 11 Exercises. 根据所给提示,用合适的单词填空。1. Boys and girls, please go to the b_ to wash your hands.2. All the children r_ out of the classroom after the bell rang.3. This is the biggest amusement park in Asia. P_? I didnt follow w

35、hat you said.4. Can you see a post office _ (在旁边) the school?5. I often send p_ to my teachers on Teachers Day. 根据所给提示完成句子。1. Can you tell me _ _ _ (Linda)? She is in the computer lab. 2. Can you tell me _ you are going to do next week? 3. The workers will build a park _ _ _ _ _ _ (在电影院和博物馆之间). 根据对话

36、内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。A: Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me the way to the nearest bookstore? B: Im sorry Im new here. You can ask that woman over there.A: (1)_. (a moment later)A: Excuse me. (2)_? C: No, there isnt. There is one near No.1 Middle School. A: (3)_?C: Its about ten minutes by b

37、us.A: (4)_?C: The No. 6 bus. A: By the way, (5)_? C: Its over there, across from the hotel. A: Thanks a lot. C: Not at all.Step 12 Homework1. Draw a map of your district. Use the words and expressions in this lesson and make conversations about it.2. Preview the article on page 19.Section A 2 (3a-3b

38、)Learning objectives1. To learn about Alice and He Weis experiences in Fun Times Park.2. To learn the sentence patterns to ask for information. I wonder where. Could you tell me where.?3. To understand paraphrase(语句释义转述)Step 1 Revision 1. Translate the sentences into English. 请你告诉我怎样去书店好吗? 打扰了,你知道我在

39、哪能买到一些邮票吗? 我想知道公园今天什么时候关门。 银行和超市之间有一个餐馆。2. Role-play the conversation in 2d.Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Show some pictures of Fun Times Park and two questions: What can people do at Fun Times Park?Do people always enjoy themselves there? What word would you think of to describe that ride shown in the pict

40、ure?Do you want to be on that ride? Why or why not?Step 3 Reading 1. Fast reading Let students read the conversation quickly and answer the following questions.1) What is this conversation about?2) How many places were mentioned in this article? What are they?Ask students to read the conversation ag

41、ain and answer the questions in 3a.1) Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the ride?2) What is special about Uncle Bobs restaurant?3) Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why?2. Careful reading 1) Ask students to read the first part and fill in the blan

42、ks. He Wei suggested a _ to Alice. But it _ Alice. “Itll be exciting. If youre scared, just _ or _. ” He Wei said. 2) Ask students to read the second part and answer the questions.Did Alice try the ride? How do you know?What plan did He Wei suggest after the ride? Did Alice agree? Why? Whats He Weis

43、 suggestion? 3) Ask students to read the last two parts and fill in the chart. 3. Role-play the conversation.Step 4 Language learning Ask students to find the questions or statements in the conversation that ask for information and rewrite them in a different way.e.g. I wonder where we should go nex

44、t.Could you tell me where we could go next?Check the answers with the whole class.语句释义转述是用另一句话进行转述解释,表达相同或相似的意思。两个用词不同、结构有别的句子表达的意思可以是相似的。又如:1. You never know until you try something. = You should try first before you give up.2. Im getting hungry. = I want to eat something.3. Come on! = You dont have to worry too much.4. The restaurant is always busy. = There are always lots of people. Step 5 Language p


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