
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3533921 上传时间:2022-09-13 格式:PPTX 页数:31 大小:894.50KB
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1、Getting news from the InternetvSkills building 1:reading charts and graphs The bar chart shows the weight in kilograms of some fruit sold one day by a market.We can see that 52 kg of apples were sold,40 kg of oranges were sold,and 8 kg of star fruit were sold.vLets practice!vAnswers to Part A:Discus

2、sion Why 50 per cent of people trust the news sources from national TV and local TV,while only 7 per cent of people trust the news on the Internet.Answers to part BAnswers to part CSkills building 2:forming more detailed questions Read the guidelines.1 Start with information that you know and build

3、on it.For example:When you know or have just learned that 60%of people prefer football to table tennis,you can then ask:Does a persons age affect their answer?Do men and women answer differently?Is football becoming more popular,or is table tennis becoming less popular?Read the guidelines.2 Ask posi

4、tive and negative questions.dont just ask about what people like,prefer or choose to do.Also ask what they do not like or do not prefer.For example:Other than table tennis,what sport do people not like to play?What sport do people prefer table tennis to?Read the guidelines.3 Find out why.Once you ha

5、ve the facts,you can try to find out why they are true.This kind of information will be helpful if you need to support or explain the fact you have learned,e.g.Why is football more popular?Step 2:asking more detailed questions Skills building 3:reporting on facts and figures Language points高考链接高考链接

6、With no one to _ in such a frightening situation,she felt very helpless.(2006全国全国)A.turn to B.turn on C.turn off D.turn over 高考链接高考链接I got the story from Tom and _ people who had worked with him.(2004天津天津)A.every other B.many others C.some other D.other than I prefer a flat in Inverness to _in Perth

7、,because I want to live near my Mom s.(2005天津)天津)A.one B.that C.it D.this Homework for you:Review what we learned today.Parts A and B in writing on page 125.v严禁隐瞒、虚报生产安全事故。22.7.2222.7.22Friday,July 22,2022v推行ISO9000不走样,企业生存发展有希望。9:22:209:22:209:227/22/2022 9:22:20 AMv质量出效益,点滴成江河。22.7.229:22:209:22Ju

8、l-2222-Jul-22v厕所卫生要注意,干净清洁常保持。9:22:209:22:209:22Friday,July 22,2022v人人讲安全,安全为人人。22.7.2222.7.229:22:209:22:20July 22,2022v今日的质量,明日的市场。2022年7月22日上午9时22分22.7.2222.7.22v树立自我信心,把握各工段流程;消灭疵点起因,管理操作是关键。2022年7月22日星期五上午9时22分20秒9:22:2022.7.22v安全是增产的细胞,隐患是事故的胚胎。2022年7月上午9时22分22.7.229:22July 22,2022v我们极度鄙视一切乱丢乱吐等不文明行为。2022年7月22日星期五9时22分20秒9:22:2022 July 2022v清洁拥有清爽明亮的工作环境。上午9时22分20秒上午9时22分9:22:2022.7.22v贯彻ISO系列标准,树立企业新形象。22.7.2222.7.229:229:22:209:22:20Jul-22v老兄!品管不是空想,而是起而行的工作。2022年7月22日星期五9时22分20秒Friday,July 22,2022v幸福是棵树,安全是沃土。22.7.222022年7月22日星期五9时22分20秒22.7.22谢谢大家!谢谢大家!


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