2020年安徽中考英语学复习课件专题一 名词.pptx

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1、A组 安徽中考题组 1.(2019安徽,32)You can see the in our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years. A.doubt B.pride C.regret D.ability,答案 B 句意:当我们谈论过去70年的伟大成就时,你可以看到我们的脸上洋溢着自豪。本题考查名词词 义辨析。A选项意思为“怀疑”;B选项意思为“自豪”;C选项意思为“后悔”;D选项意思为“能力”。 因为谈到过去的伟大成就,所以不自觉地流露出自豪的神情。,2.(2018安徽,32)What is th

2、e of your excellent spoken English? Practice makes perfect! A.result B.influence C.duty D.secret,答案 D 句意:你的英语口语极好的秘诀是什么?熟能生巧!本题考查名词词义辨析。result 结 果;influence影响;duty职责;secret秘诀。回答的是学习方法,故要问英语口语说得好的秘诀。,知识拓展 Practice makes perfect!是英语谚语,表示“熟能生巧!”。考生要多掌握英语谚语,培养语感。 如:No pain,No gain不劳无获。,3.(2017安徽,33)The

3、New Silk Road will offer a good for more nations to communicate. A.chance B.habit C.question D.price,答案 A 句意:新丝绸之路将给更多的国家提供一个交流的好机会。本题考查名词词义辨析。chance机 会;habit习惯;question问题;price价格。根据句意可知答案为A项。,4.(2016安徽,32)Cathy has such a good that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year. A.sleep B.id

4、ea C.voice D.time,答案 C 句意:Cathy有如此好的嗓音以至于她去年在歌唱比赛中得了许多奖。本题考查名词词义辨析。 sleep睡眠;idea想法;voice嗓音;time时间。根据句意可知答案为C项。,解题关键 解题关键在于理解have a good voice指的是拥有好的嗓音,故能在歌唱比赛中获奖。,易错警示 本题易错选B,好主意并不是能在歌唱比赛中获奖的关键因素,故不选。,知识拓展 have a sweet voice有甜润的嗓音。,5.(2015安徽,36)How can I get some about the 2016 Olympic Games? Why no

5、t search the Internet? A.information B.experience C.practice D.success,答案 A 句意:我怎样能得到一些有关2016年奥运会的信息?为什么不网上搜索一下呢?本题考 查名词词义辨析。information信息;experience经验;practice练习;success成功。根据句意可知答案为A项。,解题关键 解题关键在于理解search the Internet for some information about the 2016 Olympic Games。,知识拓展 a piece of information 一条

6、信息。,B组 20152019年全国中考题组 题组一 名词词义辨析 1.(2019天津,23)The of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital. A.silence B.purpose C.culture D.language,答案 B 句意:这个活动的目的是为一所新医院募捐。本题考查名词词义辨析。silence寂静,安静;pur- pose目的;culture 文化;language 语言。由句意可知本题答案为B。,2.(2019河南,33)For his sons birthday, Steven is taking him

7、 to the new movie as a . A.task B.treat C.choice D.visit,答案 B 句意:为了庆祝儿子的生日,Steven打算带他去看新电影作为款待。本题考查名词词义辨析。A. 任务;B.款待;C.选择;D.拜访。as a treat作为款待,故选B项。,3.(2019福建,24)What should we do for the camping trip? Wed better make a of things like foods, drinks, medicine and so on. A.list B.card C.report,答案 A 句意:

8、我们应该为野营旅行做什么?我们最好列一张诸如食物、饮料、药等物品的清 单。本题考查名词。list清单; card卡片;report报道。根据后面的like foods,drinks, medicine and so on可知, 此处是指列出一张清单。故选A。,4.(2019江西,31)My daughter helps me cook, but she isnt old enough to be left alone in the . A.bedroom B.classroom C.lab D.kitchen,答案 D 句意:我女儿帮我做饭,但她还没到可以独自待在厨房里的年龄。本题考查名词词义

9、辨析。根据 前句中的cook可知,这里应该说的是厨房。故选择D。,5.(2019山东青岛,1)Lucy, how about going to the ? Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure. A.library B.cinema C.museum D.concert,答案 A 句意:露西,去图书馆怎么样?听起来很好!读书能给我们很多乐趣。本题考查名词词义 辨析。答语中提到读书的好处,由此可知是提议去图书馆。故选A。library图书馆;cinema电影院;museum 博物馆;concert音乐会。,6.(2019江苏苏

10、州,3)Keep quiet, son!I need complete when Im working. Sorry, Dad. I wont make any noise again. A.trust B.silence C.control D.strength,答案 B 句意:保持安静,儿子!我工作时需要完全的安静。对不起,爸爸。我不会再制造噪音 了。本题考查名词词义辨析。trust信任;silence沉默,寂静,无声;control控制;strength力气。complete silence 完全没有声音,符合题意。故选B项。,思路分析 由题目中的Keep quiet以及I wont m

11、ake any noise again.可知,爸爸工作需要安静,此处可通过上 下句的逻辑关系来判定,所以考生要注意句子的含义和语境。,7.(2019浙江温州,2)Sir, did you enjoy your stay in our ? Yes, I slept well and I like the breakfast. A.hotel B.school C.factory D.company,答案 A 句意:先生,您在我们酒店过得愉快吗?是的,我睡得很好,我也喜欢你们酒店的早餐。本 题考查名词词义辨析。A选项意为“酒店”;B选项意为“学校”;C选项意为“工厂”;D选项意为“公 司”。由句意

12、可知本题选择A。,解题关键 本题的解题关键是对上下文的理解,由答句中“I slept well and I like the breakfast”可知只有 “酒店”这个词符合逻辑,既可以休息又提供餐饮。,8.(2019广西北部湾经济区,34)In China, the color red is the of good luck. A.dream B.way C.symbol D.reason,答案 C 句意:在中国,红色是好运的象征。本题考查名词词义辨析。dream梦想;way方式,道路;symbol象 征,标志;reason理由。根据句意可知此处应选C。,9.(2019黑龙江齐齐哈尔,3)I

13、 go running every day. Wow! Thats a good . It keeps you healthy. A.task B.exercise C.habit,答案 C 句意:我每天都跑步。哇!那是个好习惯。它能让你保持健康。本题考查名词。每天都 坚持做一件事应该说是一种“习惯”,故选C。,易错警示 本题易误选B。但本题强调的中心是“每天跑步”这件事,而并非强调运动类型是“跑步”。,10.(2018内蒙古包头,23)My teacher has given me useful suggestions and I want to thank him from the of

14、my heart. A.bottom B.condition C.way D.surface,答案 A 句意:我的老师给了我有用的建议,我想衷心地感谢他。本题考查名词。from the bottom of ones heart 衷心地,符合语境,故选A项。condition 条件;way途径;surface表面,均与语境不符。,11.(2018河北,27)Did you hear the ? A scientist will visit our school. A.advice B.news C.praise D.choice,答案 B 句意:你听说那则消息了吗?一位科学家将参观我们的学校。本

15、题考查名词词义辨析。advice建 议;news消息;praise表扬;choice选择。由句意可知本题选择B。,知识拓展 news意为“新闻;消息”,为不可数名词。其常见短语和谚语有:a piece of good news一条好消 息;some bad news一些坏消息;No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。,12.(2018湖北黄冈,26)Im thirsty, Mom. Id like something to drink. We only have some in the fridge. A.oranges B.ice-cream C.juice D.ch

16、eese,答案 C 句意:我渴了,妈妈。我想要一些喝的东西。我们的冰箱里只有一些果汁。本题考查 名词词义辨析。orange橘子;ice-cream冰激凌;juice果汁;cheese奶酪。由句意可知本题选择C。,13.(2018江西,32)I live near a big . It gets very noisy on match days. A.hospital B.store C.bank D.playground,答案 D 句意:我住在一个大操场附近。在比赛的日子里它变得很吵闹。本题考查名词词义辨析。根据 后句中的on match days可知,此处是操场(playground)。ho

17、spital医院;store商店;bank银行,均与语境不符。,思路分析 选项要放在语境中来思考,句子的意思要符合逻辑。只有playground与noisy、match相符。,14.(2018江苏苏州,6)The boy has been missing for five days and his parents are worried about his . A.attention B.safety C.action D.growth,答案 B 句意:这个男孩已经失踪五天了,他的父母很担心他的安全。本题考查名词词义辨析。attention 注意力;safety安全;action行动;grow

18、th成长。根据句意可知选B项。,15.(2018重庆,23)I have a bad cold. Sorry to hear that. Youd better go to see a at once. A.doctor B.cook C.writer D.farmer,答案 A 句意:我得了重感冒。听到这则消息(我)很难过。你最好马上去看医生。本题考查名 词词义辨析。因为感冒了,所以要看医生,故选A。cook厨师;writer作家;farmer农民,均与题意不符。,知识拓展 go to see a doctor=go to hospital。,16.(2018湖北武汉,36)Kate, Im

19、 going shopping. Anything to buy for you? Yes, that will save me a . A.hand B.trip C.visit D.bill,答案 B 句意:凯特,我要去购物。需要为你买些东西吗?是的,那将会省去我一趟行程。本题考 查名词词义辨析。hand手;trip旅行;visit参观;bill账单。根据句意可知本题选择B。,17.(2018天津,24)Her smile made me feel warm and lively. It was like a hidden . A.competition B.interview C.tre

20、asure D.tradition,答案 C 句意:她的笑容使我感到温暖并充满活力。它就像一件隐藏的宝物。本题考查名词词义辨析。 competition竞赛;interview面试,采访;treasure宝物,珍宝;tradition传统。根据句意可知选择C项。,18.(2018江苏南京,11)Do you have this T-shirt in a small ? Im afraid not. It only comes in medium. A.size B.colour C.material D.taste,答案 A 句意:这件T恤衫你有小号的吗?恐怕没有。它只有中号。本题考查名词词义

21、辨析。 size尺码,号;colour颜色;material材料;taste味道。根据答语中It only comes in medium.可知,此处询问衣服的 尺码,故选A项。,19.(2017重庆,24)Judy, I will have a meeting in Canada next week. Well, youd better take a with you, or you may easily get lost. A.photo B.stamp C.map D.postcard,答案 C 句意:Judy,下周我要在加拿大开个会。噢,你最好随身带张地图,否则你可能容易迷 路。本题考

22、查名词词义辨析。根据“在加拿大开会”和“迷路”可以判断应该是带“地图”。photo照 片;stamp邮票;map地图;postcard明信片。故选C项。,20.(2017河南,23)If you fight hard, know who you are, and are proud of who you are, youve got a good of winning. A.choice B.chance C.decision D.direction,答案 B 句意:如果你努力拼搏、认识自己,而且为你自己感到骄傲,那么你就很有可能获胜。本题考查 名词词义辨析。choice选择;chance可能

23、性,机会;decision决定;direction方向。故选B项。,21.(2017湖北武汉,36)I wonder if youve made a decision on the project,Eric. Not yet. I cant make it until I have first-hand on prices. A.news B.knowledge C.information D.education,答案 C 句意:我想知道你是否已经决定了这个项目, Eric。还没有。直到我拥有第一手的价格 信息才能作出决定。本题考查名词词义辨析。news新闻; knowledge知识;info

24、rmation信息;education教育。 根据句意可知选C项。,22.(2017辽宁沈阳,6)These light bulbs look the same, but their on the environment are different. A.solutions B.methods C.effects D.secrets,答案 C 句意:这些灯泡看上去一样,但是它们对环境的影响是不同的。本题考查名词词义辨析。solu- tion解决方法;method方法;effect影响;secret秘密。effect与on搭配表示“对的影响”。故选C项。,23.(2017江西,30)Do you

25、 have any for tonight yet? Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach? A.problems B.news C.plans D.rules,答案 C 句意:你今晚有什么计划吗?还没有。在海滩上野餐怎么样?本题考查名词词义辨析。 problem问题;news新闻;plan计划;rule规则。根据语境可知,两人正在商量晚上的“计划”,故选C项。,点津 What about.?是提建议的句型,故问句应询问计划、安排。,24.(2016浙江温州,4)When an earthquake happens, I think

26、the most important safety is to keep calm. A.rule B.doubt C.condition D.problem 答案 A 句意:当地震发生时,我认为最重要的安全规则就是保持镇静。本题考查名词词义辨析。rule规 则;doubt怀疑;condition状态;problem问题。根据题意可知选A项。,题组二 名词的数、所有格 1.(2019重庆,24)One of the book is missing, so I cant learn the whole story. A.copy B.page C.writer D.reader,答案 B 句意:

27、这本书的其中一页不见了,所以我无法了解整个故事。本题考查名词词义辨析。A:复制 品;B:页;C:作者;D:读者。根据句意可知,其中的一页不见了,故选B。,2.(2019河北,27)I like this song. Its by one of my favorite . A.singers B.dancers C.painters D.writers,答案 A 句意:我喜欢这首歌。它是由我最喜欢的歌手中的一个演唱的。本题考查名词词义辨析。A选 项意为“歌手”; B选项意为“舞者”;C选项意为“画家”;D选项意为“作家”。根据句意可知本题选择 A。,3.(2019江苏南京,13)Tomorrow

28、 is Mums birthday. Lets buy some flowers for her. OK. I know she likes best. A.dresses B.rings C.handbags D.roses,答案 D 句意:明天是妈妈的生日。让我们给她买些花吧。好的。我知道她最喜欢玫瑰。本题 考查名词词义辨析。dress连衣裙;ring戒指;handbag小手提包;rose玫瑰。根据上文的flowers可知,说话人打 算买花,故选D项。,4.(2019湖北武汉,37)Dad,what is the loudspeaker saying? It is to the . The

29、 flight to Wuhan is boarding now. A.customers B.passengers C.members D.tourists,答案 B 句意:爸爸,喇叭里正在说什么?那是对乘客们说的。飞往武汉的航班现在正在登机。 本题考查名词的词义辨析。A:顾客;B:乘客;C:成员;D:游客。根据关键词flight和boarding可知,此处应该是 对乘客们说的话,故本题选择B。,5.(2018四川凉山,29)Many foreigners came to our school last week, including three and four . A.German;Am

30、erican B.Germans;American C.Germans;Americans D.German;Americans,答案 C 句意:上周许多外国人来到我们的学校,包括三个德国人和四个美国人。本题考查名词复数。数 词three 和four 后的名词用复数形式。German 的复数是Germans, American 的复数是 Americans,故选C 项。,知识拓展 Chinese 的复数是Chinese;Japanese的复数是Japanese。,6.(2017上海,32)Did the policeman give much on how to protect persona

31、l information? A.note B.tip C.advice D.book,答案 C 句意:那个警察给出了许多关于怎样保护个人信息的建议吗?本题考查名词的用法。note为可数 名词,意为“笔记,便条”;tip为可数名词,意为“小费,窍门”;advice为不可数名词,意为“建议”;book为可 数名词,意为“书”。由空前的much可知,设空处应用不可数名词,故选C项。,7.(2017内蒙古呼和浩特,2)The boy didnt find much about the topic on that website. A.report B.article C.information D.

32、story,答案 C 句意:这个男孩在那个网站上没有找到关于这个话题的许多信息。本题考查名词的用法。report 报告;article文章;information信息,消息;story故事。much修饰不可数名词,选项A、B、D均为可数名词,应排 除,故选C项。,8.(2017云南昆明,26)Many are playing an active part in making Kunming a civilized city (文明城市). A.man B.woman C.volunteer D.volunteers,答案 D 句意:很多志愿者在使昆明成为一个文明城市中发挥着积极作用。本题考查名

33、词复数。根据题 干中的Many可知设空处应用复数名词。故选D项。,9.(2017甘肃兰州,28)There are a lot of on the grassland. sheep-dog is sitting next to them. A.sheep.The B.sheep.A C.sheeps.The D.sheeps.A,答案 B 句意:在草地上有大量的羊。一只牧羊犬正坐在它们身旁。本题考查sheep的复数形式与冠词的 用法。sheep的单复数相同,第二空表示泛指,用不定冠词a。故选B项。,10.(2017黑龙江哈尔滨,13)How time flies! It is two sinc

34、e we met last. So it is. I miss you so much. A.months B.monthes C.months,答案 A 句意:时间过得真快!自从我们上次见面已经有两个月了。的确如此。我十分想念你。 本题考查名词复数。two为基数词,后跟可数名词复数,month变复数直接加-s,故选A项。,11.(2016新疆乌鲁木齐,27)Its easy to travel from Urumqi to Lanzhou by taking the high-speed railway. Yes. Its only an . A.eight hours ride B.eig

35、ht hours ride C.eight-hours ride D.eight hours ride,答案 D 句意:乘坐高铁从乌鲁木齐到兰州旅行是容易的。是的,仅仅8个小时的旅程。本题考 查名词所有格。an eight hours ride=an eight-hour ride。,12.(2015山东青岛,3)Yesterday Lucy told us such good that we were all amazed at it. A.news B.ideas C.suggestion D.answer,答案 A 句意:昨天露西告诉我们如此好的消息以至于我们都对它感到惊讶。本题考查名词

36、的数。news 消息,为不可数名词;idea想法,为可数名词;suggestion建议,为可数名词;answer答案,为可数名词。根据句意 和设空处前的such good以及设空处后的it可知,设空处应用不可数名词,故答案为A项。,1.(2017贵州贵阳,39)“Cindy, how far is it from your home to school?”“About 20 walk.” A.minutes B.minutes C.minutes,C组 教师专用题组,答案 C 句意:“辛迪,从你家到学校有多远?”“大约步行20分钟的路程。”本题考查名词所有格的用 法。由设空处前面的20可知,m

37、inute用复数形式,其所有格形式是在minutes后加-,故选C项。,2.(2017云南,33)My father has made a that he will buy a camera for me. A.suggestion B.secret C.problem D.decision,答案 D 句意:我的父亲已经决定给我买一台照相机。本题考查名词词义辨析。suggestion建议;secret秘 密;problem问题;decision决定。make a decision作出决定,故选D项。,3.(2017贵州贵阳,31)There is a in my neighborhood an

38、d I often go there to see tigers. A.zoo B.bank C.school,答案 A 句意:我家附近有一个动物园,我经常去那儿看老虎。本题考查名词词义辨析。根据句中的 tigers可知zoo(动物园)符合句意,故选A项。bank 银行;school学校,不符合句意。,4.(2017新疆乌鲁木齐,25)If you can speak English well, you will have a great over others when looking for a job. A.activity B.article C.attention D.advanta

39、ge,答案 D 句意:如果你英语讲得好,找工作时你就比别人有很大优势。本题考查名词。have a great advan- tage over sb.比某人有很大的优势。故选D项。,5.(2017内蒙古包头,25)If you need further about our products, please surf theInternet. A.information B.experience C.practice D.expression,答案 A 句意:如果你需要我们产品的更多信息,请上网搜索。本题考查名词词义辨析。information 信 息;experience 经验;practic

40、e 实践;expression 表达。根据句意可知选A项。,6.(2017山西,22)You should look into his eyes when you talk to somebody. It shows your . A.shyness B.politeness C.quietness,答案 B 句意:当你和某人交谈的时候,你应该注视着他的眼睛。这体现出你的礼貌。本题考查名词词义 辨析。根据常识可知,在与人交谈时,看着对方的眼睛是有礼貌的行为。shyness害羞,羞涩;politeness礼貌; quietness安静。故选B项。,7.(2017福建,29)Nowadays mo

41、re and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. Thats true. Its an important part of Chinese . A.culture B.invention C.custom,答案 A 句意:如今越来越多的外国人变得对京剧感兴趣。对,它是中国文化的一个重要部分。 本题考查名词词义辨析。culture文化;invention发明;custom风俗。根据题意可知选A项。,8.(2017黑龙江哈尔滨,15)During the Spring Festival, people in North

42、ern China usually eat as a tradi- tional Chinese food. A.pizza B.dumplings C.hamburgers,答案 B 句意:在春节期间,中国北方的人们通常吃饺子,作为一种传统的中国食物。本题考查名词词义 辨析。pizza比萨饼;dumpling饺子;hamburger汉堡包。故选B项。,9.(2017江苏宿迁,3)Could you give me a few on how to spend the coming summer holiday? OK. Let me see. A.hobbies B.knowledge C.s

43、uggestions D.information,答案 C 句意:你能给我一些关于如何度过即将来临的暑假的建议吗?好的,让我想想。本题考 查名词的用法。hobby业余爱好,是可数名词;knowledge知识,是不可数名词;suggestion建议,是可数名词;in- formation信息,是不可数名词。a few后跟可数名词复数,give sb. suggestions给某人建议,符合语境。故选C 项。,10.(2017江苏苏州,9)Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? Either day is OK. It makes no to me. A.choice

44、 B.change C.difference D.decision,答案 C 句意:我们周五去还是周六去?哪天都可以,我无所谓。本题考查名词词义辨析。choice 选择;change改变;difference差别;decision决定。make no difference to.对没有差别,符合语境。故选C 项。,11.(2016山西,16)During the next few days, I decide to have a good by taking a walk or seeing a movie. I really need to relax. A.meal B.sleep C.r

45、est,答案 C 句意:接下来的几天,我决定通过散步或看电影好好休息一下。我真的需要放松。本题考查名词 词义辨析。meal一顿饭;sleep睡眠;rest休息。have a good rest好好休息。根据句意可知答案为C项。,12.(2016福建福州,29)Who is the person you admire the most? Qian Xuesen, the Father of Chinas Missiles. He is the of China. A.leader B.pride C.voice,答案 B 句意:你最钦佩的人是谁?钱学森,中国导弹之父。他是中国的骄傲。本题考查名词

46、词 义辨析。leader领导;pride骄傲;voice声音。根据句意可知选B项。,13.(2016吉林,33)The pollution is becoming more and more serious.We havent seen blue skies for sever- al days. A.noise B.water C.air,答案 C 句意:空气污染正变得越来越严重。我们好几天没有看到蓝天了。本题考查名词词义辨析。由 后句句意可知本题选择C项。,14.(2016湖北武汉,36)Look, the boss is angry with Alex. Well, he came la

47、te again. But thats no to shout at him. A.problem B.lesson C.excuse D.reason,答案 D 句意:看,老板对Alex生气了。唉,他又迟到了。但是没有理由朝他大喊大叫。本题考 查名词词义辨析。problem问题,难题;lesson课程,教训;excuse借口;reason理由。There is no reason to do sth. 没有理由做某事。故选D项。,15.(2016福建厦门,17)The milk shake tastes good. How do you make it? Its easy; just fol

48、low the . A.discussions B.instructions C.resolutions,答案 B 句意:奶昔尝起来不错,你怎么做的? 容易,只要按照说明就可以。本题考查名词词义辨 析。discussion讨论;instruction用法说明;resolution决议。follow the instructions按照说明。故选B项。,16.(2016湖南永州,17)I think eating is good for health. A.tomatoes B.bananaes C.egges,答案 A 句意:我认为吃西红柿对健康有益。banana和egg变复数时加-s,tomato变复数时加-es。故选A 项。,17.(2016广东,27)The broken may cut into your hand if you touch it. You should be careful. A.glass B.glasses C.candle D.candles,答案 A 句意:如果你触摸这块破碎的玻璃的话,它也许会扎到你的手。


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