2020年广东中考英语复习课件3-专题十九 短文填空.pptx

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1、A组 20152019年广东中考题组,Passage 1(2019广东) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 Last winter holiday, I visited a village with only 11 houses. 1 the village was very small, I spent a whole day in it. The village became popular because 2 Grandpa Huangs hard work. He bought a house there over 30 years 3 , bu

2、t in 2010 the village was to be pulled down. In order to save the old village, Grandpa Huang painted on the walls of 4 own house and other houses. He painted things that he liked. In the village, there were many paintings of 5 , such as cats and birds. The most popular paintings for visitors were of

3、 famous people. One of them was a picture of Andy. He was my 6 singer. I liked him so much that I asked a visitor to 7 a photo,of that painting and me. On the ground of the village, Grandpa Huang has painted 8 lot of well-known Chi- nese sayings. From them, Grandpa Huang learned to live a long and h

4、appy 9 . I really had a good time in the village 10 wished to visit it again. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述作者去年寒假参观一个村庄时的所见所闻。村庄很小,但是因 为村民黄爷爷在房子的墙壁上画了很多漂亮的画而使村庄变得很有特色,很受游客的欢迎。 1.Although/Though 本题考查连词。前半句说村庄很小,而后半句却说“我”在村庄里度过了一整天,前 后存在明显的转折关系,故应用表转折关系的连词Although/Though。 2.of 本

5、题考查介词。句意:由于黄爷爷的辛勤劳动,这个村子变得很受欢迎。固定短语because of意为 “因为,由于”,故本空填of。 知识拓展 because是连词,后边跟句子;because of后边加名词或者动名词(短语)。如:(1)He came to work late because he got up late. (2)He came to work late because of getting up late. 3.ago 本题考查副词。三十多年前,他在那里买了一栋房子。ago以前;over 30 years ago 三十多年前。故 本空填ago。 4.his 本题考查代词。“形容词

6、性物主代词+own+名词”意为“某人自己的”,由此可知本空填his。 5.animals 本题考查名词。由空后所举的例子such as cats and birds可知,这里说的是关于动物的画,故本空,填animals。 6.favourite/favorite 本题考查形容词。根据后一句I liked him so much that.可知,Andy是我最喜欢的歌手, 故本空填favorite/favourite。 7.take 本题考查动词短语。take a photo of 拍一张的照片。空前有不定式符号to, 所以这里的take只 能用原形,故本空填take。 8.a 本题考查不定冠词

7、。a lot of 许多,属于固定搭配,故本空填a。 9.life 本题考查名词。live a/an.life 过着的生活。 10.and 本题考查连词。空前的had a good time和空后的wished to visit it again之间是并列关系,故填and。 重点词汇 pull down 拆除 in order to 为了 such as 比如 well-known Chinese sayings著名的中国谚语,Passage 2(2019深圳) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构和上下文连贯要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词语的正确 形式填空。 Jason and And

8、y are twins. They share a lot of things, including room, food and toys. One Saturday, Jason and Andy went out 1 (play) with a toy car. Both of them wanted to be the owner of the car, so they shouted at each other. 2 (They) mother heard the boys arguing. She came out and told them to take turns to pl

9、ay with the toy car, but the twins wouldnt. A few days later, Mother brought 3 pet home.“Cant we each have our own pet dog?” asked the boys. They were 4 (tire) of sharing everything. “No!The dog must 5 (share).” Mother said.“You will have to feed the dog and make sure it does not get into anything w

10、rong.” Several days later, the dog got into Mothers room 6 (secret) and made a mess there. Jason saw the dog play- ing with Mothers clothes. He quickly went to find Andy and told him 7 the dog had done.,“Oh, no!Its our duty to clean up the mess!” 8 (cry) Andy. The boys picked up the clothes and put

11、them away rapidly. “Just think, Jason,” said Andy.“What a big mess two 9 (dog) would made!” “I agree 10 you,” laughed Jason.“Maybe sharing isnt so bad!” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一对双胞胎兄弟Jason和Andy学会分享的故事。 1.to play 本题考查非谓语动词。动词不定式to play作目的状语。 2.Their 本题考查代词。根据空后的名词mother可

12、知,这里缺少的是形容词性物主代词,故应填Their。 3.a 本题考查冠词。句意:几天后,妈妈带回家一只宠物。设空后面跟的是一个单数可数名词,此处表示泛 指,故用不定冠词a。 4.tired 本题考查形容词。be tired of 厌倦,是一个固定搭配。 5.be shared 本题考查被动语态。主语The dog 和share之间存在被动关系。根据被动语态的基本结构be+ done和空前的情态动词must,可知答案是 be shared。 6.secretly 本题考查副词。副词secretly在本句中作状语,修饰动词短语got into,意思为“悄悄进入”。 7.what 本题考查宾语从句

13、。what the dog had done作动词told 的宾语补足语。 8.cried 本题考查动词。结合全文时态可知此处应用一般过去时。本句是一个倒装句。正常的语序应该 是Andy cried,倒装是为了强调。,9.dogs 本题考查名词。根据空前的数词two可知,应用复数形式。 10.with 本题考查固定搭配。agree with sb. 同意某人的意见。 重点词汇 1.shout at each other 对彼此大吼大叫 2.take turns 轮流 3.be tired of 厌倦 4.make sure 确保 5.make a mess弄得一团糟 6.clean up把收拾

14、干净 7.pick up 捡起来 8.put away收拾好,整理好 9.agree with 同意,Passage 3(2018广东) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 Will Johnson has worked his way up the list of most popular stars in his country. In fact, it is not surprising that Will is so successful if we know about his early life. Some valuable lessons

15、he learnt as a child have strongly in- fluenced him 1 his later life. One of them was from his father 2 was strict with him and his brother. Once, Will and his brother Harry 3 given a job to rebuild a broken brick(砖)wall in the yard. The wall was fifty feet 4 and around sixteen feet high. The boys h

16、ad to mix concrete(水泥) and place only one brick at a time. They didnt know why their father gave them 5 a huge job. 6 , with the attitude(态度)of“one brick more”, both Will and Harry rebuilt the wall in 7 period of six months. Each time they were about to give up, their father 8 them up patiently. Bot

17、h brothers were so sad about the job at 9 , but after com- pleting the task, they felt a sense of pride, and so did their father. Even today when Will thinks that he wont be able to do something, he will look back to this experience and keep telling 10 ,“one brick at a time”. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,6. 7. 8.

18、 9. 10.,答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个非常受欢迎的明星Will Johnson小时候的一段经历:爸爸 让他和哥哥砌墙,从而让他认识到坚持的重要性。 1.in 句意:小时候他吸取的一些宝贵的教训对他以后的生活有很大的影响。 in ones life 在某人的生活中, 固定搭配。 2.who/that 句意:其中一个(教训)来自对他和他哥哥要求严格的爸爸。根据句子结构可知此处考查定语从 句的关系代词。此处要用关系代词who/that指代表示人的先行词his father,在从句中作主语。 3.were 句意:有一次,Will和他哥哥Harry被给予了一份工作,要重建院子里

19、的一堵破砖墙。根据句意可知 Will和Harry两人与give 存在被动关系,并根据时间状语once可知此处要用一般过去时,故答案为were。 4.long/wide 句意:这堵墙有五十英尺长/宽,大概十六英尺高。根据下文的high“高度”,并结合句意可知 此处表示这堵墙的长度/宽度。 5.such 句意:他们不知道为什么他们的爸爸会给他们这么艰巨的一份工作。根据句意可知此处要用 “such a/an+形容词+单数可数名词”结构强调爸爸给了他们如此艰巨的一份工作。,6.However 句意:然而,抱着“再加一块砖”的态度,Will和Harry两人在六个月的时间内重修了这堵墙。由 语境可知此处表

20、转折关系,根据设空后的逗号可知此处要用副词,因此排除连词but,故答案为However。 7.a a period of.一段的时间,表示“期间”。 8.cheered/backed 句意:每次当他们要放弃时,他们的爸爸都会耐心地鼓励/支持他们。cheer sb. up使某人 振奋,固定短语;back sb. up支持某人,固定短语。 9.first 两兄弟最初对这份工作都感到很难过,但完成了任务以后,他们和爸爸都感到自豪。at first最初,首 先,固定短语。 10.himself 句意:甚至到了今天当Will认为他不能做某事时,他会回顾这次经历并不断告诉自己“一次加 一块砖”。根据句意可

21、知此处要用反身代词himself指代他自己。,Passage 4(2018深圳) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构和上下文连贯要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词语的 正确形式填空。 Recently, a foreign student in China gave a very touching answer to the question: What should China be proud of? It was 1 (wide) spread online. Emma is from Canada. She came to China four years ago. Now she

22、 is 2 university student in Ningbo. The following is China in her eyes. “ 3 (find) a job in China can be really simple. There are more job 4 (chance) here than in any other country in the world.” “Its public security(安全) is great. I 5 (travel) to many countries so far, and I think China is really sa

23、fe.” “About 400 million Chinese are studying English. China will become the country 6 has the greatest num- ber of English speakers in non-English speaking countries.” “The speed of Chinese trains is high. On my 7 (three) visit to my friend in Beijing, I took a train there.,From Ningbo 8 Beijing, th

24、e train runs 1,365 kilometers for only seven hours.” “There 9 (be) many more things China should be proud of. I believe China must be much 10 (good) than other countries.” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。介绍了Emma眼中的中国是什么样子的。 1.widely 句意:它在网络上广为传播。此处要用副词修饰动词spread。 2.a 句意:现在她是宁波的一名大学生。

25、此处要用不定冠词泛指一名学生,且university是辅音音素开头的 单词,故答案为a。 3.Finding 句意:在中国找工作真的很简单。此处要用动名词作句子的主语。 4.chances 句意:这里有比世界上其他任何国家都多的工作机会。根据本句的谓语动词are可知此处要填 名词的复数形式。 5.have travelled/have traveled 句意:到目前为止,我到过很多国家旅游,我觉得中国真的很安全。根据时间 状语so far可知此处要用现在完成时。 6.that/which 此处要用关系代词which/that指代表物的先行词the country在从句中充当主语。 7.thir

26、d 句意:在我第三次去北京看望朋友时,我坐火车去的那儿。此处要用序数词表示顺序。 8.to 句意:从宁波到北京全程1,365公里,火车只开了7小时。from.to.从到,固定短语。,9.will be 句意:将来会有更多中国应该引以为豪的事情。根据下文的should并结合句意可知此处要用一 般将来时。 10.better 句意:我相信中国一定会比其他国家要好得多。根据下文的than可知此处要用比较级。,Passage 5(2017广东) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、 意义相符的单词。 What will happen if a fam

27、ily is without the Internet for a month?One American family decides to find out. They have sent an invitation to a leading US television station, expecting that it will send a film group to record their day-to-day life 1 technology for a month. When the film group meet 2 Smiths, they find that Mr. S

28、mith, Mrs. Smith and their two sons are so crazy about technology that 3 hardly do things together. At mealtimes, no one 4 at the dining table for their food.“Everyone just runs into the kitchen, takes their food and then goes back to their screen,”Mrs. Smith ex- plains.“ 5 we dont make a change, ou

29、r family will become strangers to each other!” Getting back to the normal life without the Internet is not 6 , especially when the Smiths lose themselves in it. They have to make many 7 . For example, the two brothers have to go to the school 8 to borrow books for their scientific projects, and Mr.

30、and Mrs. Smith need to go out shopping because they cannot buy things 9,. As the family have picked up the new lifestyle, they find that they can spend more time talking over meals, playing sports and doing all 10 of activities together. Would they be able to go for long without using the Internet a

31、fter the challenge? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,答案 语篇解读 一个美国家庭邀请电视台记录他们一个月没有技术性机器的生活,从而纠正家庭成员沉迷网 络的坏习惯。 1.without 考查上下文语境。由第一句中的without the Internet可知,此处应填without。 2.the 考查冠词的用法。“the+姓氏复数”表示“一家人”。 3.they 此处为so.that.结构,that后面跟了一个结果状语从句,从句缺少主语,指代Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their two sons,因此此处填they。 4

32、.sits 考查动词短语。sit at the table表示“坐在桌子旁边”。此处表示“到了饭点,没人到餐桌前坐下一 起吃饭”,no one作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,此处应填sits。 5.If 考查if引导条件状语从句的用法。if引导条件状语从句时,遵循“主将从现”的原则。结合上文Smith 太太担心如果他们不做出改变,他们以后将会变成陌生人。因此填If。 6.easy 考查上下文语境。根据第一、二段可知,Smith全家人沉迷于网络科技,突然没有了网络,他们肯定 会不适应,由此推断此处说要回归正常的无网络生活是不容易的,应填easy。,7.changes 考查上下文语境和细节理

33、解。上文“we dont make a change”与“They have to make many” 前后呼应。结合后面举的例子可知,此处表示“他们要做出很多改变”。 8.library 考查词汇推断。由空后的to borrow books可知,应填library。 9.online 考查上下文理解和词语推断。根据前文说Smith先生和太太需要外出购物可知,没有网络无法在 网上购物,因此应填online。 10.kinds 考查固定搭配。all kinds of 为固定搭配,意为“各种各样的”,因此应填kinds。 长难句 As the family have picked up the

34、new lifestyle, they find that they can spend more time talking over meals, play- ing sports and doing all kinds of activities together.由于全家已经养成了新的生活方式,他们发现他们可以花 更多的时间吃饭时交谈,运动,并且一起做各种各样的活动。 本句是复合句,as引导原因状语从句,主句中that引导宾语从句作find的宾语。,Passage 6(2017深圳) 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完 整、正确。

35、In a small house outside London lives an old man. People often see him look 1 his flowers in his garden all the time. One day, a young painter 2 (go)by the old mans house. He looked at the nice garden and the special room, picturing how happy he would be if he lived in such a 3 (beauty)place. Sudden

36、ly he found the old gardener 4 (terrible)blind. Shocked, he walked to the old man and asked,“Why are you taking care of the flowers every day which you cant see in fact?”The old man smiled,“I can tell you four reasons. First, I was 5 gardener when I was young and I really love this job. Second, alth

37、ough I cant see these flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last, its you.” “Me? But you dont know me,”answered the painter, still puzzled. “Yeah, its true that I dont know you. 6 I know flowers are gifts which everyone loves. And the beauty of,my garden will

38、 get many people into a good mood,”answered the old man. The words of the gardener warm me with 7 (please). He looked after the flowers 8 (make)others enjoy the warm sunshine in spring. He cant see the beautiful flowers he planted, just like Beethoven who cant hear his wonderful music 9 . The old ma

39、n is alone but not lonely. All of his flowers are his friends and neighbors. They 10 (grow)in his heart. I believe that he can hear the voice of them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述的是一位盲人老爷爷精心照料花园里的花的故事。 1.after look after 照顾;照料。 2.went 由下文looked可判断用一般过去时态。 3.beautiful place为名词,故

40、名词前用形容词beautiful来修饰。 4.terribly blind为形容词,故用副词terribly来修饰。 5.a 考查不定冠词。gardener为可数名词,此处意为“我是一位园丁”。 6.But 由语境可知,此句与前一句是转折关系,故用but表转折,注意首字母大写。 7.pleasure with pleasure为固定搭配,意为“愉快地”。 8.to make 考查动词不定式。由题意可知to make在此处表目的。 9.himself 考查反身代词。此处意为贝多芬自己听不到音乐。 10.are grown 考查被动语态。由题意可知这些花被种植在老人心中,故用 are grown。

41、,Passage 7(2016广东) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、 意义相符的单词。,Like most Chinese, Mr. Zhang has a traditional family. 1 he and his wife are middle school teachers while their 6-year-old son is a pupil. Mr. Zhangs mother lives with them and helps look 2 the kid. They love one another and li

42、ve 3 happy life. Yesterday was Mr. Zhangs mothers birthday. The couple wanted to do something to 4 their love for her. Af- ter a big dinner, Mr. Zhang brought a basin(盆)of warm water and asked his mother to sit in front of the basin. He took off her shoes and put her 5 into the water. After that he

43、began to wash them carefully. His wife helped to comb(梳)his mothers hair slowly. Seeing this, the boy 6 his mothers example. He tried to comb his mothers hair, too. But he was not tall 7 to do that. So he brought a chair and stood on it. Everyone could feel the warmth and love in thefamily.,8 we all

44、 know, respecting the old and taking care of the young is a good Chinese tradition. We should try 9 best to care for our family. We must visit our parents as often as possible and 10 time with them even though we may work far away. Indeed, family is a place for happiness. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

45、10.,答案 语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了中国的一个传统的家庭,展示了中国的传统美德:尊老爱幼。特别 是通过一件具体的事告诉我们教育孩子要从父母自身的行为做起,言传身教就是最好的教育方式。 1.Both both.and.两者都。根据句意可知是指他和他的妻子都是中学教师。 2.after look after照顾。 3.a live a happy life过着快乐的生活。 4.show show sth. for sb. 表达对某人的。动词不定式符号to后用动词原形。 5.feet 句意:他脱下她的鞋然后把她的脚放入水中。由下文中的them可知应用foot的复数形式feet。 6.fo

46、llowed 句意:看到这,这个男孩仿效他妈妈的做法。follow仿效。根据前后文时态可知应用一般过去 时,follow的过去式形式为followed。 7.enough 由设空处后的内容可知他不够高而不能给妈妈梳头。not+adj.+enough to do sth.不足够而 不能做某事。 8.As as we all know众所周知。,9.our try ones best to do sth.尽某人最大努力去做某事。由主语We可知答案为our。 10.spend spend time with sb.和某人一起度过时光。由设空处前的并列谓语visit可知答案为spend。 长难句 As

47、 we all know, respecting the old and taking care of the young is a good Chinese tradition.众所周知,尊老爱幼 是中国的一个好传统。 本句中respecting the old and taking care of the young是动名词短语作主语。,Passage 8(2016广东茂名) 根据短文内容,用括号内动词的正确时态填空。 One day when the famous American scientist Edison was on his way home, a young man sto

48、pped him and asked to have a word with him. Edison (1) (accept) his request. The young man asked,“Mr Edison, we all know that you(2) (invent)many things so far. Can you tell me how you can do it and become so famous?” The scientist said,“It seems that you(3) (think) of becoming famous these days.”The young man replied,“Yes. Every minute I am dreaming of being a person as you. I dont know when I can become fa- mous.” Edison told him,“Dont worry, young man. If you (4) (want)to be a famous man this way, you will have to wait until you die! People (5)


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