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1、Project ManagementProject Procurement&Contract AdministrationJiwei MaContento Project procurement concepto Planning of project procuremento Source selection and solicitationo Bid evaluation methodso Contract administrationo Construction project procurementProject Procurement Concepto Definitiono Pro

2、ject procurement and operation procuremento Project procurement categorieso Types of contracto Basic procedure of project procurementProject Procurement Concepto Definitionn Project management tasks to deal with part of the projects scope of work which will be bought from another organization,someti

3、mes the result of company teaming arrangements,but most typically resulting from contracting or subcontracting project scope.Project Procurement Concepto Project procurement and operation procurementnBoth purchase products and services from another organizationnUsually through solicitation and compe

4、tition bid or negotiationnUsually under the format of contract or mutual agreementnSometimes form stable relationships,such as alliance or partneringnThe process needs to be monitored,managed,and finally auditedProject Procurement Concepto Operation procurementnContinuous on-going production environ

5、mentnMature organization with stabilized positionnLong-term cooperationnMostly bulk quantity purchasenMinimized nonstandard producto Project procurementnNon-repetitive,progressive environmentnTemporarily established organizationnShort-term cooperationnMostly low-volume quantitynUsually customized pr

6、oduct or serviceProject Procurement Concepto Project procurement categoriesn Materials or products n Equipment or toolsn Laborsn Professional servicesn Entirely engineered systemProject Procurement Concepto Types of contractn Lump sum contracto Customized product or complicated systemn Unit price co

7、ntracto Commodities or standard services without predefined quantityn Cost+fee contracto Professional services or laborsProject Procurement Concepto Basic procedure of project procurementnDefine the project scope:produce or procurenDraft of project procurement plannSource selection and solicitationn

8、Proposal evaluation and negotiationnSupplier selectionnMutual agreement or signing of contractnContract administrationnClose out of the contractPlanning of Project Procuremento Basic rulesnClearly defined scope is the basis of procurementnDifferent categories of procurement need different types of p

9、rocedures and methodsnProcurement itself costs time and moneynItems on critical path and long-lead items are critical to project implementationnLong-term relation with supplier makes differencenEarly supplier involvement is important to projects successnVariations to contract might contain serious i

10、mpact on projectPlanning of Project Procuremento ProcedurenDefine the scope of procurementnCategorize and list procurement itemsnSelect contract type,accordinglynDetermine principles of source selectionnDetermine solicitation methods,respectivelynDetermine proposal evaluation method,respectivelynDef

11、ine contract administration responsibilities and tasksnDefine contract closeout proceduresPlanning of Project Procuremento Content of project procurement plannScope of procurementnProcurement responsibilities of project team membersnProcedure of procurementnSource selection and solicitationnEvaluati

12、on method or criterianTypes of contracts or agreementsnMonitoring and managing of procurement contractnCloseout of contractSource Selection and Solicitationo Source selectionn Based on selection procedureo Openo Invitedo Exclusiven Based on supplier categoryo Domestic,joint venture or foreign compan

13、yo Company or individualn Based on supplier identificationo Vendor or service providero Distributor or dealer/agentSource Selection and Solicitationo Solicitationn Methodso Public announcement(media)o Selected invitation(with prequalification)o Selected invitation(without prequalification)o Direct n

14、egotiation(long-term partners)n Principleso Selection of the solicitation methods:characteristics of products or serviceso Public funded project:“selective”and“non-discriminative”solicitationBid Evaluation Methodso By evaluation criterianLow pricenCost effectivenessnPerformanceo By procedurenCompeti

15、tive bidnNegotiationnTechnical feasibility evaluation+price selectiono By executive bodynProcurement management personnelnThird party or consulting personnelContract Administrationo Overall responsibilitiesn Preparation and negotiation of contractn Monitoring and managing contractn Managing supplier

16、 communicationn Managing supplier relationshipn Managing procurement changeContract Administrationo Key tasksnSet up contract administration team and working procedurenPlan for strategies and tactics to deal with suppliers based on their contract typesnIdentify and analyze risks associated with vari

17、ous types of contracts and plan for mitigation strategiesnDevelop and enforce key performance indicators nEstablish supplier reporting requirementsContract Administrationo Key tasksnMonitor contract execution progress and find any variations to contract in a timely mannernManage variations to contra

18、cts,including cost,quality,scope,delivery and any breaches of terms and conditionsnMake payment schedule and monitor payment procedurenDeal with claims and find appropriate resolutionnManage contract closeout and final auditingnSelect historical procurement file for documentationConstruction Project

19、 Procuremento Overviewo Scope of procuremento Procurement systemo Procurement methodConstruction Project Process OverviewImplementationDecision MakingDesign PreparationDesignConstructionStartupWarranteeDecision MakingProject ProposalFeasibility StudyDesign SpecificationPreliminary DesignDesign Devel

20、opmentConstruction DocumentConstructionAcceptanceTIMEBusiness AnalysisTechnical DescriptionTechnical and implementation planningInput of labor,materials,equipment,services,etc.Accounting,resolution of claims,etc.Testing,inspection,evaluation,etc.Construction Project Procuremento Scope of procurement

21、nProfessional serviceso Financial,technical feasibility analysis,project management,technical consulting,geological survey,design,inspection,testing,legal services,etc.nEngineered systemo Entire system,part of a system,etc.nMaterialo Bulk materials,special products,etcnEquipment leasingo Equipment,t

22、ools,etc.nLabor supplyo Skilled,non-skilled,etc.Construction Project Procuremento Procurement systemn Designer led competitive tendern Designer led construction works managed for feen Package dealn Project manager/clients representative-ledConstruction Procurement SystemConstruction ProjectProcureme

23、nt SystemDesigner LedCompetition TenderDesigner Led Construction Managed for a FeePackageDealProject Manager/Owners Representative LedSeparate ContractsGeneral ContractManagement ContractingConstruction ManagementTurnkeyDesign-BuildOwnerDesigner Led Competitive Tender-Separate ContractsDesignerContr

24、actor 1Contractor 2Contractor mSupplier 1Supplier 2Supplier nDesigner Led Competitive Tender-General ContractorOwner*Owner outsourced tasksGeneral ContractorDesignerSupplierSubcontractor*SubcontractorSubcontractorSubcontractorTIMEDesignConstructionBiddingConstruction Project ProcedureOwnerMC/CMDesig

25、nerSubcontractorSubcontractor 1Subcontractor 2Subcontractor mSupplier 1Supplier 2Supplier nSupplier*Owner outsourced tasks*Designer Led Construction Management for a Fee-Managing Contractor/Construction ManagementTIMEMC/CM Bidding。Construction DocumentConceptual DesignPreliminary DesignConstruction

26、Project ProcedureSubcontractor BiddingPackage Deal Turnkey/Design-buildOwnerDesignerSupplierSubcontractorTurnkey/Design-build ContractorTIMETurnkey/D-B Bidding。Construction DocumentConceptual DesignPreliminary DesignConstruction Project ProcedureSubcontractor BiddingConstruction Project Procuremento

27、 Procurement methodn Competitive bidn Performance based procurementConstruction Project Procuremento Competitive bidnThe contractor is selected on the basis of competitionnDetailed design has to be finishednLow bidder preferred,in most casesnUsually adopted for the selection of contractor,subcontrac

28、tor,material supplier,equipment vendor and special service providernNot applicable for professional services,such as design,engineering,consulting,etc.nNot applicable for laborsnMandatory for public funded project in some countriesScenario of Competitive BidOwnerDesignerSubcontractor 1Subcontractor

29、2Subcontractor iService Pvd 1Service Pvd 2Service Pvd jSupplier 1Supplier 2Supplier mVendor 1Vendor 2Vendor nGeneral Contractor mGeneral Contractor 1General Contractor 2General Contractor 3Competitive BidoAdvantagesnLowest bid price selectednSimplified bid evaluation methodnOpen and justified contra

30、ct award procedureoDisadvantagesnPossible mistakes and missed items due to hasty bid preparationnContradictory view on quality standard between owner and contractornQuality of the work controlled only by project design and specificationnPotential risks of project not identifiednQualification of the

31、contractor not evaluatednProject experiences not used for future referenceConstruction Project Procuremento Performance based procurementnThe contractor is selected on the combined basis of contractors performance and owners expectationnContractors overall performance level has been evaluated based

32、on the past performance and ability to minimize the project risksnOwners priority of objectives or perception of risks has been taken into account of contractor selectionnFinal output of contractors performance and owners satisfaction will be rated and utilized for future referencePerformance Based

33、Procuremento Proceduren Collection of the contractors past performance informationn Request for and rating of risk assessment plan with a final shortlistn Interview with project team and the key personnel with prioritized listn Pre-award negotiation and contractor selectionn Reporting and rating of

34、contractors performance in the projectPastPerformanceInformationRisk Assessment Plan&Short ListInterview&PrioritizationPre-AwardPeriodConstruction Reporting&FinalRatingPerformance Based Procurement ProcedureTimeNumber of Competitive FirmsPastPerformanceInformationRisk Assessment Plan&Short ListInter

35、view&PrioritizationPre-AwardPeriodConstruction Reporting&FinalRatingTimePerformance Based Procurement ProcedureNumber of Competitive FirmsPast Performance Informationo Past Performance Information will be collected on all critical team components,which may include:1.The Contractor2.Critical Individu

36、als(Project Manager,Site Superintendent)3.Critical Subcontractors(Mechanical,Electrical,Roofing,etc)o The performance of ALL components will impact the overall value of the performance level.o The team components cannot be changed/modified after the proposal is submitted.PastPerformanceInformationRi

37、sk Assessment Plan&Short ListInterview&PrioritizationPre-AwardPeriodConstruction Reporting&FinalRatingTimePerformance Based Procurement ProcedureNumber of Competitive FirmsRisk Assessment Plan Contentso The RA Plan should clearly address the following items:nList and prioritize major risk items(area

38、s that may cause the project to not be completed on time,not finished within budget,generate any change orders,or may be a source of dissatisfaction for the owner).nExplain how the builder will avoid/minimize the risk.nProvide a general project schedule documenting general milestones.nPropose any op

39、tions that could increase the value(expectation or quality)of their work.Short Listo All of the information collected will be inputted into a evaluation modelnPast performance information(all components)nRA Plan ratingo The model will prioritize the bidders based on the information and predetermined

40、 weightso The Owner will use the information to identify the firms to be shortlistedPastPerformanceInformationRisk Assessment Plan&Short ListInterview&PrioritizationPre-AwardPeriodConstruction Reporting&FinalRatingTimePerformance Based Procurement ProcedureNumber of Competitive FirmsInterviewso The

41、Owner will interview all key personnel.o They will be interviewed separately and then as a group.o No substitutions will be allowed after proposals are submittedo Interview period is used to identify how well the personnel understand the project and potential risks.Selecting the Best-Valueo The inte

42、rview score(along with the RA Plan Score and Past Performance Information),will be inputted into a final evaluation modelo The owner will review and analyze the prioritization in the modelo The owner may select the highest-ranked proposal,or another option based on perceived risko The best-valued fi

43、rm will be invited to the pre-award meetingPastPerformanceInformationRisk Assessment Plan&Short ListInterview&PrioritizationPre-AwardPeriodConstruction Reporting&FinalRatingTimePerformance Based Procurement ProcedureNumber of Competitive FirmsObjective of Pre-Award Periodo Review all identified risk

44、s and develop a plan to minimize all risks.o Provide a detailed project schedule.o Coordinate the requirements in detail with all critical elements and client.o Work out any conflicts.o Answer any questions by client.o Provide their QC/QA procedures(quality measurements,housekeeping,etc).o Identify

45、what they will do if any problems arise.Pre Award Meetingo The firm will be responsible for identifying how they will minimize all riskso The firm will provide the QA/QC documento If the best-valued firm cannot minimize all of the identified risks(without modifying their time proposal or exceeding t

46、he budget),the bidder may withdrawal without penaltyPastPerformanceInformationRisk Assessment Plan&Short ListInterview&PrioritizationPre-AwardPeriodConstruction Reporting&FinalRatingTimePerformance Based Procurement ProcedureNumber of Competitive FirmsWeekly Reporting&Post Construction RatingoContra

47、ctor will document relative information on a weekly basisoAccuracy and timeliness of contractors performance will be factored into the final close out rating of the firmoThe owner will evaluate the performance of the project upon completionoThe rating will be based on completing the project with no

48、change orders($and time),and overall qualityoAll team components will receive the same ratingoThe rating will be incorporated into the system and used as reference for future projectsThank YouJiwei M 个人道德素养个人道德素养 做好個人道德素養;不要因為貪小便宜,貪一時方便而不顧道德品行丟失把人格尊嚴都降低了。因為一個人把道德品質丟失了,再想建立起來將是萬分的困難。所以每個人都應該尊首道德底線,不應

49、敗壞基本道德品質。以下是公司裡面出現的不好的現象:1、厕所紙巾偷到宿舍去用2、車間應急藥箱裡面的藥偷走(偷盜行為可恥)以下是公司裡面出現的不好的現象:1、公共场所随意扔垃圾2、電視房垃圾亂丟以下是公司裡面出現的不好的現象:恶意损坏公共财物以下是公司裡面出現的不好的現象:吃饭不要浪废食物道德與生活道德與生活從字義看兩者的意義與差別:1、倫理的意義倫理的意義:倫類別、關係;理紋理、道理。倫理人類社會裡種種身分間合理的關係,行為分際(做人要守本分做人要守本分)。(哪些人際關係、身分)2、道德的意義道德的意義:道道路、道理;德獲得。道德走人走的道路,便可獲得人的待遇。(不走捷徑、不誤入歧途尊嚴、榮譽)人道人道 (ps.如何批評一個人罔顧為人?)道德與生活道德與生活1、利己利己:理性認識到遵守規範有利於己。(奸商/信譽商人)2、利人利人:追求人性中的真、善、美。(崇高的可能性)。(愛人者人恆愛之,敬人者人恆敬之;德不孤必有鄰。)(典範在夙昔-林靖娟、鐵達尼號的樂師、德雷莎修女、史懷德.)3、利己利人利己利人:兼顧自我理想與社會進步。Bill Gates?不做”損人利己”之事。Ps.回想郭爾堡的道德認知理論、馬斯洛的需求層次理論。o-THE END-


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